I've fucking had it up to here with that fucking cunt.
Fuck you God. Die nigger.
Unfuckingbelievable. First time I've ever seen the jackpot on Loaded in tens of thousands of spins. FML
lolz the Tombraider 2 Adventure Bonus Game which is $$$. Well, it's $$$ for everyone else. Trap Trap GG. $0.00 thanks for playing. FML
lolz after 800 or so spins at $100 / spin. FML
My arch-nemisis cuntlicker enemy who fluke passed me with 0 skill in the dying seconds to cost me $10,000 and start this horrible rot. FML
Whilst using a 6k max cashout bonus code. FML
Using a 8k max cashout bonus code. GTFO. FML
Before dumping 80k one day, my first deposit of the day threw up this Turing Test for Moneybookers. Should have realised the Rigg was in. I'm a donk. FML