Lies are harmless. Your whores rape children. Their sons do this to children. I could tell you why but you can't read. Here's someone saying it a different way but saying exactly the same thing (it's just more polite and that means, you can ignore it if you want to rape and be raped in peace).
Here are some noble but utterly moronic beautiful emotional lies from the genius of Aaron Sorkin who is trying to stoop down to the level of you sociopathic lying horror shows and speak in harmless lies to connect with you but he was stupid...stupid...
He just makes you sub-humane beasts worse. You just want to rape children too badly. So the lies just get more and more harmless.
It's not how people communicate with you. It's how you were 'communicated' with by a whore who wanted to make men suffer to please her and it's all so harmless until everyone gets exploited and enslaved and raped because women's lies? Harmless. Just moderate insanity. Don't piss them off! Not with Truth. That could make the insanity worse you know...
Women's lying is the problem. It's the Rock on which the Church is built. Women lying has been the only disturbance of the peace.
Tolerate it. It's harmless when Toddlers want to fuck the deceit-powered diseased blow-up doll. But then it's not really harmless. It's insane.