Originally Posted by
I think so. By threading you mean like this stacking?
Cause the Expand All button I annotated with my hof screenshot extension blasts them all open.
But I'm not sure if that was in normal Gmail. So f if I know....
There was no real need for caps there. Or for more than one exclamation point.
By "threading" I mean the annoying way that Gmail groups all the emails together that are parts of the same conversation. Or at least
appear to be - in reality they could just as easily be two people hitting reply back and forth with each other but talking about completely unrelated topics each time. Basically, it is a pain in the ass and the only way I have found to get around it is to use Outlook instead of logging in online.
I don't think "blasting them all open" does anything useful - I don't want them all open, I want them separated into distinct solo emails the way they would be in any other program.