Originally Posted by
what a fucking knob you must be in real life
Originally Posted by
the common theme for all Sky Nigger posts is how 'smart' he is and how stupid everyone else is
That's not the common theme; but you're giving your illiteracy away.
as I said earlier in this thread, true intellectuals don't go out of their way to flaunt their intellectual prowess
Why would they? Who would even recognise it?
legitimate great minds don't spend excessive amounts of time boasting, they let their thoughts and ideas do the talking for them and let the masses decide
The masses decide what is genius? Oh you are a bag of unintentional comedy when you apply your mind to serious 'thought'.
congrats on your massive audience here on Skatz
You've just repeated my counter back at me when you accused me earlier of seeking attention. You're just a filthy little desperado July ole' gal. No one wants to treat you Right, or ever has; uncles and in-laws kind of
have to love you, they don't get a choice. But do try a little harder Ma-ma, or they'll turn you into soap with the rest of the ones like you.
i actually made an attempt to slog through one of your vomit bags tonight. Couldn't make it past the first paragraph because it was unreadable
It is unreadable for the illiterate. I'm not targeting anything to your age group or reading proficiency level. But the humanitarian in me went and found you something appropriate to whet your beady eyes so hungry for knowledge. Behold, ONE THOUSAND WORDS catered to your exact limitations.
The funny thing is that capitalism has failed because where does Marty fit on this hierarchy?
Originally Posted by
Nothing you post is insightful in the least. Its condescending and dismissive and tired
That is a bold-faced lie. I couldn't possibly have motive to be condescending towards you. Why would I dismiss you? You're neither in the conversation nor are you able to join in the discussion. You're neither subject to condescension nor should you fear early dismissal. You'll never be the position to be concerned with either.
You're just inherently forgettable.