So 18 months ago, on the ThaiVisa forum (the largest English-speaking forum in Thailand) I report that there is a mammoth scandal occurring with Thai computers systems, OEMs and Microsoft where the OEMs are putting corrupted Windows images with advanced malware locked into the geometrically corrupted hard drives - with all security defaults changed to WTF! - and that this scandal literally included every OEM, Microsoft and every Thai reseller I could find in Bangkok.
Needless to say, I supplied a lot of evidence because it would be crazy to imagine anyone to verify things for themselves.
Needless to say, everyone was too stupid to understand my evidence (even though I made it literally as simple as I could for the morons) and in this world, when you are the product of 5000 years of misogyny, you will be curious combination of insanity, omniscience, Knowing Best which has to be like a form of superior omniscience, cheesy cringe-worthy passive-aggressive sneering and 'comebacks' and of course, you'll be very concerned for the mental health of anyone who says something you can't understand or which your tiny mind is too broken to cope with.
So everyone was sneering which was insane because I was providing evidence AND saying "Go look at the defaults for yourselves. Here are the Microsoft official default security Firewall and Root CA settings. Compare and contrast." I mean, it's just ridiculous.
The thread ended when I couldn't handle the insanity anymore and there were numerous expressed concerns for my mental health *teehee*
18 months later, Microsoft comes out and says everything I said 18 months ago in the thread.
Unfathomably, the imbeciles still want to believe the OEMs and Microsoft and no one is to blame. It's just "one of those things". I slap that bullshit away because this is literally Microsoft corruption in partnership with OEM corruption and it's the resellers who don't have a choice. If they only sold clean systems they'd have an empty store.
The reason I know this for a fact is because I reported all this to Microsoft and have all the evidence of my doing so. They just abused me and told me to call "the INTERNET POLICE" and charged my card $600 for experts to remote in and watch me give a two-hour display on all the corruption after which point they logged off. ROFL.
So effectively complete and total vindication of my alerting the public to a colossal scandal where every major IT company is participating in aggressively malicious criminal behaviour.
And this happens.
His head hurt. Maybe he should join Willie's Support Group. Corruption and evidence made his head hurt. He is astounded that I would reopen the old thread when everything I said was confirmed by Microsoft 18 months later. He is astounded at this.
You're all so fucking petty and tiny and horrifying, I'm fucking embarrassed to be associated with your species.