Official Talking TeeVee with the Tine Thursdays Thread
Today on Talking TeeVee with the Tine, we have some hard hitting questions for Sonatine. We'll clear up some misconceptions, get to the bottom of his stances on some important television viewing issues, and have a little friendly debate, then hoser will be banned.
Apparently the beard has been out badmouthing the Sopranos all over town, a transparent ploy to generate controversy and draw precious traffic to Whether the Sopranos was actually only barely passable is irrelevant do our discussion here. What's important is why the fuck would he want more traffic on Dagniel Druff's Defraudulation Nation? .net? Like so many denizens of that cesspool, it's likely that Tine is cultivating some victims for a scam of his own. Let us know what kind of projects you have in the pipeline!
Our other topic this week is Vikings. A Canadian/Irish production on the History channel that's wrapping up its nine episode first season on Sunday? Are you for real? Is this a legitimate viewing option, or is it merely something that you're using to wean yourself off the historical drama after that kickass Bible miniseries with the devil that looked like Obama? Should we all be staying in tomorrow and Saturday to get ourselves caught up in time for the season finale and if so what is the beverage of choice for extended Vikings viewing? I seriously hope that you are quaffing some artisanal mead from Williamsburg, bearding the fuck out, and bludgeoning some wench with a leg of lamb while you are in the throes of a Vikings marathon.
So welcome everybody to this week's edition of Talking TeeVee with the Tine and let's have a big hand for the man himself!