Yea I'm in Australia at the moment. Also, only poor / stupid people get surprised by events forecasted 50 yrs in advance. Also, my life expectancy over/under is set at 40 with heavy wagering on, < 15 yrs.
But yes, most people don't realise Bangkok floats on water and was the Venice of Asia [until the canals turned to thick sludges of refuse]. The whole sinking thing will be a non-event except for a lot of displaced slums. This is because they know which areas are going donkdown and no one is buying / building there apart from slum lords and speculative types. The speculators may suck out if the government decides the Holland Ring or Louisiana levees are preferable to water slowly cleaning up Bangkok Compton. Personally, I think the speculators are on the money - though I imagine some large cities would give the ocean the keys to the city in gratitude.
The Thai's [unlike most - or the rest - of their SE Asian neighbours] are not morans. Things might go donkdown if succession gets ugly when the King passes, but if they get through that, they will tower over the rest [bar Singapore]. If you look down at Bkk from a tall building, the first thing that hits you is the huge pattern of canals - currently too horrifying to even urinate in; but cleaning the entire network can't be *that* hard once the pollution issue is addressed, with value added surely > cost of project. I vote dykes and lochs and levees win out 83% of the time over resignation.
We're all dying in 2012 anyway, so this has just been a theoretical ramble as I'm hella bored. If you buy property or invest < 2013, you are moran. I strongly suggest spending $ on Slots and / or hard drugs as optimal line. 2012 will suck for PhD grads, medical interns and juris doctors < 35. morans.