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Old 04-21-2012, 07:34 AM   #21
Bobby Wong
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im pretty sure that calling yourself humble isnt
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Old 04-21-2012, 07:56 AM   #22
Statutory Ape
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Originally Posted by Bobby Wong View Post
im pretty sure that calling yourself humble isnt

He said I was full of myself bro, what else can I do given the medium? I could care less, I guess, I mean we are just random people after all, it shouldn't bother me...

  Leapin' Leroy mental image still crackin me up... tyty
  you're not a person. you're not even an insect.
follow me on twitter @SweetBabyGrapes

Originally Posted by Mista Cobalina
Nat Sherman's are better than Dunhill's in every conceivable way

Quoted for Scooter. Give Nat's a try, just two packs, and I swear the next Dunhill you light up you will reflexively spit onto the ground. I literally did exactly that, as I walked back into my local head shop and exchanged the disgusting things for another pack of my beloved Nat Naturals.
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Old 04-21-2012, 09:15 AM   #23
Bobby Wong
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alexa rankings on swoll yall
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Old 04-22-2012, 01:26 AM   #24
Statutory Ape
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Originally Posted by Reppat View Post
I am not taking sides just concerned that 40OhhGreat has changed from being a quirky much loved poster on donkdown to a manic and egocentric individual who is an expert on every topic. I am concerned in that you have mentioned your previous problems and I would not want to encourage a relapse in those areas.

In regards to the posts, I am not sure if you are trying too hard to dance and keep up with scooter's long and detailed posts or what has exactly occurred, your posts are now 3 or 4x longer but have perhaps 15% of the comedic element that i and many others previously enjoyed.

Additionally there is an air of superiority and rightouesness muddled in with contradictions and oft-thought out examples.

I did however like your Leroy story and kind of picture him like end of usual suspects, a fat black slow footed guy like limping off to the backyard only to slowly stand up tall and straight and then just hurdle fences cackling and howling as you and your pals are squashed in four to the back seat of that volkswagon with two different colored panels and the bunny ears antenna, listening to creed tribute bands going ham on the local radio station.


In summary, there is a little too much chaff in your wheat however still feel free to continue to post whatever you like, skatz is hecka liberal like that

(for more information pls contact

Well, here's the thing- I can't really constrain myself much these days. If I had a word to say I say that word, sometimes I have a lot to say, and that's how it goes. My happiness (or lack thereof) and my stress levels and, of course, my levels of alcohol and such tend to combine in whacky ways.

Keep in mind though, my first goal of posting is normally to bring something of value to the table. I might make you laugh, or teach you something, or perhaps play devils advocate at a time when no one else will, just for the sake of discussion, and so- at times- yes I can be guilty of trying too damn hard.

I don't do it on purpose and usually I can't tell whether I am or not until after the fact. You see, I have a weak sense of willpower, normally I am indecisive as hell and unless someone else tells me, say, a pair of jeans looks good on me, I won't buy anything. I won't like ANYTHING I pick myself, I never like any posts I make, I never felt like a bodybuilder until other people said to me "DUde are you fucking serious?? YOU'RE HUGE WHATS THE MATTER WITH YOU???' Yeah, ok, the mirror says I'm a buck fifty, scale says 230, so that's how it goes for me.

Thus the only way I can express myself and then figure out how others perceive what I wrote is just to post and submit, only editing after the fact, ltitle things here and there. If you knew how many posts I've deleted over the years, emails I wrote to girls and friends- all deleted, it numbers in the thousands I am sure. I spent countless hours writing form the heart and then getting scared "people won't like it" and deleting everything and I've had it. At least here, on the internet, where I can fuck up and not get fired or a bad grade and push away a girl that, until that point, liked me- not here.

If I am too much no worries, I'll be gone with little fuss. I have a solid 7-8 sites to post at, I happen to enjoy this eclectic group the most and for now I am staying, but I hate to overstay a welcome you know. I hardly post/browse PFA now because I KNOW for a fact I don't fit in with that group, even though Druff was very kind and respectful toward me, I'm just not really of the same cut. Donkdown has it's ups and downs but I respect loyalty and honesty above all else and watching micon treat his friend and business parter with so little of both- I just lost all respect for the man. if not for weiss wrench bob etc I wouldn't ever post there. In fact, if you notice, I hardly ever poke around unless some of the old crew have already.

On lengthy posts-I can type like the fucking wind and english is my 2nd strongest talent. I dropped out of school in about the 8th grade and at 28 when I went back to college tested directly into english 1a and aced the class without ever writing a paper with more than 30 minutes to spare before it was actually due. English comes rather easy and I can type roughly 105wpm on a good keyboard and some "coffee" thus you might think "aw geez, another long fucking post from mike" and picture me sitting around for hours constructing the thing, formulating ideas and proofreading and such, but really, for me, it's like a form of relaxation. Have you ever known a painter who just gets carried away, totally relaxing, while painting and the final work is so many levels beyond what you could do regardless of time or effort? That's how I type. Normally my mind is really vegetating and I am actually pretty relaxed.

Do I type a lot to challenge Scuter- no, never have or would. His mind is on a different level, he has much more passion and emotion in what he writes, he's normally got a specific purpose if he's on the keyboard. I write more for reasons already mentioned, and sometimes they are long sometimes not. I will say the few lengthy posts I directed toward Scuter were actually long out of respect and for no other reason. If I come to your house and you make dinner, I wouldn't think of bringing some fried chicken with me and hope it works, I'd ask you what you are having and bring something to compliment it. He makes huge long posts, if I want to converse on something I should bring something equal to the table no? Otherwise, at least to me, it looks like I'm not willing to match the effort.

I do have to work harder in "considering the audience" like you told me though, it's something to keep in mind. Maybe when I'm posting more for others than for myself it will work out. We'll see, but don't think I forgot what you said.

As for the "air of superiority" now THAT is something I will take a look into. I blame....a certain something for it. I can't tell you why it does this, and most definitely it happens more the less sleep I've gotten. I appreciate the feedback, in all fairness I am the literal definition of the word "Obtuse" and without people I can trust to tell me like it is, I won't realize how bad I look most of the time.

  ok / dont take this too seriously big dawwwg
  Seriously you are superior to the level above ground where you belong. 6-12 feet. Remedy that.
follow me on twitter @SweetBabyGrapes

Originally Posted by Mista Cobalina
Nat Sherman's are better than Dunhill's in every conceivable way

Quoted for Scooter. Give Nat's a try, just two packs, and I swear the next Dunhill you light up you will reflexively spit onto the ground. I literally did exactly that, as I walked back into my local head shop and exchanged the disgusting things for another pack of my beloved Nat Naturals.
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Old 04-22-2012, 01:30 AM   #25
Yeah Rear Admiral
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Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath View Post
I have spent years living and surviving amongst the worst of the worst Cob, for example when you survive 8-9 months living literally on the living room floor of a crack and meth dealers flop house (try waking up on your 18th birthday and to your surprise your parents are not smiling or handing you a card but rather GRABBING YOUR DRESSER DRAWERS AND EMPTYING THEM OUT ON THE LAWN- oh fun times fun times) as I have, you learn a few important survival skills, one of which is discernment. Every person around you is either friend or foe but in truth, none of them were my friends, some were more open about it because ironically they were the more honest ones. Being stabbed in the back by someone you thought was your friend, now that's a very special kind of feeling right there. You don't forget it, ever, and you grow up quick believe me.

I will say being able to calmly nuke a cup of ramen noodles you just stole to live in a microwave encrusted with the remains of maggots some crackhead thought was too much a pain to clean out so he just cooked them into a hard crust, that's probably not applicable here, but it's a memory just the same from the time period. I was actually one of the first 15 employees of netflix, in fact 1998-1999 were some of the crazeist years I have lived through. Wait- I had a point, which I think is that I can read people fairly well, and I have a keen read of my gut. Remember, I was the lunatic who bet $220 I didn't have that both the NIners would beat the Saints and that the Giants would upset the Packers, NO ONE I KNEW thought I had a screaming chance in hell, but I had to prove a point- my gut is never wrong, and I had to "put up or shut up" so I cleared out my savings accunt (don't laugh) and fucking did exactly that.

My gut says Scuter is a good dude, and that he's important (idk why) so I don't have a problem taking things in stride. Differing opinions are what they are, without them we'd have fucking nothing to talk about if you think about it. I am thin skinned when it comes to certain things, or rather certain people, normally it's a trust thing and I am almost never wrong. Take that fwiw.

Scuter I'll get to your post, but for the moment, I will say I did read the copy and pastes looking for your comments. I didn't think I saw very many and after a while began skimming more or less disheartened that I wasn't worth your time to actually type things out. I hate feeling like I'm not worth a damn to someone, my bad, I'll give it a second look.

hey mike that photo of you in your avatar....i mean i know its photoshopped.....but what do your real arms look like?
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Old 04-22-2012, 09:28 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Reppat View Post
its not photoshopped gaggle, goggle the gook who arms exploded, mike will tell u the rest

what does that have to do with the picture of Mike?
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Old 04-22-2012, 11:10 AM   #27
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by Reppat View Post
Well my take is that Ape is just a little confused, he hasnt been kicking too many goals of late is recovering from substance abuse problems and is exactly the kind of person perfect to be brainwashed by a friendly church cult and receptive to any feelings of belonging or acceptance by a born again christians.

Yes but then he thinks he's a bright guy, so he needs to get sharp.

If he cannot see that Religion creates the misery in order to harvest the miserable, he isn't bright - he's a moron.

The only thing he has to be ashamed of is every day he kills children imagining that Evil is Good when he's too lazy to read the Bible or he'd see the entire joke is on Decency.

I don't believe every Christian wants to fuck children like CJ Lewis. But if they cannot defend themselves from their association with everyone who wants to fuck children and degrade women and destroy choirboys and shit all over everything that is pure and decent and intelligently selfish and sane; then they need to go down as child molesters because this Society is so stupid with all its creepy idiocy.

"All that is required for Evil to flourish is for Good men to do nothing."


All that is required for Evil to flourish is for HUMANS to imagine that they're good or bad when all they are is Sane or Insane. If you get 2 billion insane Christians who imagine they're good because they're too lazy / stupid to read, you're going to get a lot of insanity and evil because you know "Do unto you are insane enough to do unto you."

Logically, Jesus was a stupid nigger. If Mike cannot see this or counter the points he doesn't want to accept, then he either wants to fuck children or he is happy for his friends to fuck them. What does it matter?

EVERY CHILD IS GETTING FUCKED BY INSANITY. And I'm over being polite to imbeciles. They are the ones who KILLED my sister and my other siblings because if they were not supporting evil in all their insanity, my mother and her cults would be out in the fucking WHOA where they belong instead of getting Australian Cabinet Ministers intervening in police and welfare action, to mediate the exclusion of sanity and send children back to those who rape them and kill them.

They are the evil. The fucking morons who have a responsibility to NOT support child killers and child rapists. They support them. They are the evil that is destroying everyone's chance of having fun.

Hopefully this can be an education for Mike and he wont defer his future life decisions and goals to the verses of a fairy tale used to control the weak minded, dishelved, unloved and unwashed masses.

Hopefully, but then Mike is dead as well. Which is why I'm not being polite. When he comes back to life and I've never seen a dead Christian carcass be reanimated, I will treat him like a human.

WHEN - and not before - HE IS HUMANE.

Everyone that treats carcasses as if they were human, is as guilty as those who made them carcasses in the first place. Tough but sane. I don't give a fuck about fair. This isn't a FAIR world. No one is fair to themselves. They all want to be miserable and insane. And POLITE. But then I repeat myself.

Originally Posted by MistaCobalina View Post
I just hope Ape takes Scooters posts in the genocidal spirit that they were intended.

Every single supporter of child killing and raping, who cannot respond to logic or counter logical points, and simultaneously refuses to accept sanity, must DIE. Period.

Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath View Post
I have spent years living and surviving amongst the worst of the worst Cob, for example when you survive 8-9 months living literally on the living room floor of a crack and meth dealers flop house (try waking up on your 18th birthday and to your surprise your parents are not smiling or handing you a card but rather GRABBING YOUR DRESSER DRAWERS AND EMPTYING THEM OUT ON THE LAWN- oh fun times fun times) as I have, you learn a few important survival skills, one of which is discernment. Every person around you is either friend or foe but in truth, none of them were my friends, some were more open about it because ironically they were the more honest ones. Being stabbed in the back by someone you thought was your friend, now that's a very special kind of feeling right there. You don't forget it, ever, and you grow up quick believe me.

You moron. All of that is insanity. All of that is your religion's work. If people could act in their own best interests they wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot. Religion is the definition of people - not - acting in their own best interests, and that's why you live in a world of horror and vile and filthy creeps.

My gut says Scuter is a good dude, and that he's important

I'm not important. The only person that is important is YOU. When you understand that and start thinking for yourself, instead of letting Evil think for you, you will stop being the Evil that has covered the world.

One humanity. One species. One sanity. One. You. You are the one who needs to wrestle back control of your mind. I have no interest in doing it for you. I'm not going to imprint you to be my vassal. They did. You are not free until you think for yourself and think "hmm God did seem to be a little bit into child rape here, say guys I'm not into child rape so can we get a consensus and get rid of this child rape bit? otherwise people will think we rape children. You know? We don't right? So we can get rid of these 4000 verses of hatred. Right?"

You fucking moron. Why don't you do this?

Because you want to rape children. Or you want your friends to have the option to.

Differing opinions are what they are

Say one more stupid fucking thing like this and you'll risk my sharing my opinion with you. The one where I'm not telling you to die, I'm killing you.


Scuter I'll get to your post, but for the moment, I will say I did read the copy and pastes looking for your comments. I didn't think I saw very many and after a while began skimming more or less disheartened that I wasn't worth your time to actually type things out. I hate feeling like I'm not worth a damn to someone, my bad, I'll give it a second look.

You're worthless. It's up to you if you want to have value. Right now, you're worthless. Only the sane have value.
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Old 04-22-2012, 11:26 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Bobby Wong View Post
really ape your being just terribly insensitive toward scooter, i'm pretty sure that kid had to participate in grueling farm labor and ritualized incestuous abuse for his entire childhood and adolescence and would have had to win the ceremonial sunday morning pit fight just to get his hands on a cup of maggot noodles so he doesnt give a fuck what you were doing when you were 18 and just needed to get off the fucking crack and get a job

Well girlfriends used to tell me about the time/s they were raped (and what the fuck is this shit, anyway; because when I say girlfriends I mean every single girlfriend I've ever had has been raped) the temptation to sneer at their pathetic whining (because, invariably, they really liked him and thought he was sweet) could be overwhelming at times.

But that's what religion wants. They create the world of insanity, and then their victims are fighting amongst themselves. Or worse, steering clear of victims who don't have the 'decency' to keep their misery to themselves.

I dumped all of them. Every time a girl didn't have the decency to keep her misery to herself, I dumped her. Well I took back a lot and sometimes I forgot to tell them after I had made the decision to steer clear of them so they never really cleared out until much later, but my point is that their victimisation creeped me out and I wanted nothing to do with their inability to move on and try to be happy. They just wanted to hold onto their misery.

But then I was in a position to do that, I thought.

I thought, incorrectly. No one is in a position to be able to lose that many options out of the pool. Only the Jews, maybe. They're so amazing, they can get by on excluding all but 0.002% of options. I need more than that. I would like 100% of options, frankly.

And anyone who cannot see the brilliant sanity of that, is insane. I want it all. Because I am sane. It's not polite to tolerate the vicitimsation of Jewish children. It's not polite to tolerate insanity's filthy hatred. It's not polite - and it's not fair to yourself - to tolerate Religion taking 70% of the field out of play.

100% of the field burns. When one child is taken out of play, 100% of the field should rise up in outrage. How dare someone take your options away?

But of course, if you're too polite to be can make do with the damaged proceeds of proprietary hatred, confusion, insanity and rape. I deserve better. But only because I know that. If you don't know that, you don't deserve anything but a bullet to get you out of the way.
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Old 04-22-2012, 11:01 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by GAMBLE-BOT View Post
hey mike that photo of you in your avatar....i mean i know its photoshopped.....but what do your real arms look like?

No, not shopped, Greg Valentino is the guys name. He pioneered a process by which you inject a type of thick fatty sterile oil into a given muscle known as "synthol" and, over time, the oil reaches insane volumes as the fats it contains are very hard for your body to break down. While the muscle is stretched by the oil, a connective tissue surrounding your muscles called a fascia is stretched out, like a full stomach for example. Think of your muscles like balloons for a second, essentially you have your muscle fibers and what not and surrounding them like a balloon essentially, holding everything in. You can stretch this fascia forcefully by injecting oil over and over and over again as each time you add in more oil, the fascia stretches a little bit more.

My arms are maybe 15 inches right now not having seen the gym since november. With a month back they'd hit close to 17 (muscle memory is insane) and back on cycle i could hit 20's in less than a year. A lot less.

I have bodybuilding figured out, it's brain and self confidence building i flunk out on. You fix what's going wrong upstairs and I can change the world gamble, but until then I'm completely derelict.
follow me on twitter @SweetBabyGrapes

Originally Posted by Mista Cobalina
Nat Sherman's are better than Dunhill's in every conceivable way

Quoted for Scooter. Give Nat's a try, just two packs, and I swear the next Dunhill you light up you will reflexively spit onto the ground. I literally did exactly that, as I walked back into my local head shop and exchanged the disgusting things for another pack of my beloved Nat Naturals.
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Old 04-23-2012, 03:16 AM   #30
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Unfortunately, until further notice I am retired.

I tried to come back after the sonatine hacking of my social group (THE FIRST FUCKING DAY IT WAS UP) as well as my account and now, here he is again, finding little ways to annoy me in the hopes of.....pissing me off?

This isn't 6th grade when it was fun to piss people off because they'd get more and more mad. I simply leave, and you lose me and keep your lovable sonatine and back to 2-3 posts a week steady march of death.

I had a belief this forum was a close knit group of people who support each other and all, but it's definitely not that. I get love from half and cynical childish crap from the other half. Surely ten people that make the userbase can all agree on something

I must have been the only one too slow to see that obviously skatz has been dead for years for a reason. Shame on me.

I tried, twice.


  You can say Goodbye dozens of times. YOU JUST NEVER LEAVE.
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apes brain hurts, blue jeans and turtleneck, exorcise nextlevelshit, grape a bangkok missionary, grape flirty flashes street urchins, scooter 3:16, scooter is a false idol, sprinkling salvation over apes face, what hasn't been inside tim's wife!!!

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