I believe you to a certain extent Pike, but when I am sitting there getting lied to my face by gaysex, the biggest reason I came here in the first place, I mean...For what reason might he or anyone really have but to laugh at me behind the scenes for being so gullible to actually believe I was every liked here?
It's clear tine hates me (and jogging my memory, I know exactly why, and no I'm not fucking sorry either)
So I lean on Cob and he shoots it real, and I know he is, and that restores my confidence.
And then gaysex just lies to my face, telling me tine was "demodded" and what not, but "too controversial to boot him from IST" and some story about why (which i was hearing none of). I already knew gary, that tine programmed the site. You're not demoding him, ever. It's not possible and I might be ok with that except coming to the site and seeing tine and a variety of people (you included) piling on like he was officially de-modded and what not.
Why? To keep me posting.....because I am liked?
Hmmmm I'll have to think about that. At times I think I am, but others I can hear the snickering from here, and I don't mind telling about a time some black guy made a strong pass at me because it's openly given to you for the purpose of laughing AT me, not with me, but at least I can see you all laughing. Not feel like ya'll have open arms and warm thoughts and yet, in the background, you are all lauging at how gullible and dim I am.
Yes so dim I sat here and bought into tine getting demodded. Just like I must have believed marty was really an admin and a variety of other things.
You have some nerve tine, you are damned funny/clever but your justification for hating me is stupid and happened a long time ago. Get over it. I trashed your gay articles when you put them up constantly and told a bunch of newbs not to fall for the copy and paste jobs, AND I RUINED YOUR FUN. SO SUE ME! Obviously I have sung your praises in earnest for years since, you hold one hell of a grudge.
And your stupid gay stories werent' that good either.
I don't know how I feel right now pike. You I think are at least fair and haven't decided if you like me or not, but you also do not pretend to. Cob I know likes me and he also respects me enough not to lie to me, that counts for a lot. Tine well at least he doesn't pretend to like me, he openly despises me, I the one who ruined his fun. TWO YEARS AGO. No energy for this.
Mike I de-modded sonatine myself however I think he has another account that has the same level of clearance as mine so he could have re-modded himself, he probably left some sort of back-door when he programmed the site.
That is interesting Pike. I like you as I like Cob, he gave me some great advice and I am debating what to do really. I have some trust issues to work out obviously.