Originally Posted by
Bobby Wong
why then when you ridicule catholic toddlers do you pull out some bullshit old commandment from leviticus to illustrate your point? someone who has read the KJV 3.5 times should know that Christ rejected the old covenant and mosaic law, making the old testament nothing but a history lesson about the antiquated beliefs held by jews.
Because Christians are lying to you?
If Christ rejected the old laws, they would not be included in the Book of LAW. The reason I keep quoting the OT is not because there isn't enough evil in the NT (JC was batshit insane), but because the OT exists.
They included it rather than redacted it. They redacted a lot of the Dead Sea scrolls. They included the ones they needed to include to give Christians the idiotic delusion that they were ahead of the game.
Christianity is the dumbest
Confidence Trick in history.
A confidence trick is an attempt to defraud a person or group by gaining their confidence. A confidence artist is an individual operating alone or in concert with others who exploits characteristics of the human psyche such as dishonesty and honesty, vanity, compassion, credulity, irresponsibility, naivety and greed.
"We're good and sweet. Trust us. *teehee* But really we're naughty. They'll never see it coming..! Because we said we were sweet now that a timeless God changed his mind."
The reason it's hilarious is that, just like with every con, those who are tricked into believing they can take advantage of others are the ones taken advantage of. Christians don't realise they're the marks. But then they're not Christian. It's all fucking insulting lies.
"Do what I tell you to do. I will do the opposite. If you don't do what I tell you, it's a Draw. If you do, it's a Freeroll. I can't lose!"
Christians literally think like this. They're too stupid to be plausible. They think Prisoner's dilemma is crafty. I could free their faces but they will just agree, in order to stab you in the back because LOL SUCKER. YOU LOSE!
So no one will ever win.
But I smash the OT because it's included. There's a reason it was included. It's the same reason they don't redact the evil. They need the evil to make the sane to be....insane.
Originally Posted by
Bobby Wong
and really you should try the NIV. KJV may be number one on the cult charts and with the papists, but NIV is the choice of protestant toddlers worldwide.
Everyone generally is forced to defer to the KJV. But then I'm not reading it for fun yeah? 3.5 times is 3.5 times too many times to read the most emotionally-damaging book ever written in all of propaganda's history.