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Old 08-06-2012, 06:12 PM   #71
Statutory Ape
The Ape of Nanking
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Originally Posted by gay sex View Post
rofl can we get more videos of u naked playing with ur phone

to the top!
follow me on twitter @SweetBabyGrapes

Originally Posted by Mista Cobalina
Nat Sherman's are better than Dunhill's in every conceivable way

Quoted for Scooter. Give Nat's a try, just two packs, and I swear the next Dunhill you light up you will reflexively spit onto the ground. I literally did exactly that, as I walked back into my local head shop and exchanged the disgusting things for another pack of my beloved Nat Naturals.
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Old 08-07-2012, 03:23 AM   #72
waaaaaaaay less gay than 408mike
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Originally Posted by Statutory Ape View Post
to the top!

I skimmed this thread once realizing this was a reality and was truly disappointed.

I saw your feet though and I thought I had big feet. I wear a size 13, what about you Scooter?

Also I saw a glimpse of your calves, but I suspect implants. If you gonna tell me otherwise, I ain't buying it bro.

  You should see me in heels & an evening gown. I turn heads. Haters gonna hate.
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Old 08-09-2012, 12:28 PM   #73
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by onestep View Post
I saw your feet though and I thought I had big feet. I wear a size 13, what about you Scooter?


Or in American units of confusion, 11.5.

Also I saw a glimpse of your calves, but I suspect implants. If you gonna tell me otherwise, I ain't buying it bro.

It is the bane of my existence that Society gets JEALOUS when I wear heels. It's such an ugly emotion. You should see the claws come out when I FLAUNT IT.

But in the words of Jerry Sandusky, echoed by your friendly & pure parish priest called by God to swear off women for life and minister to choirboys (NO CHOIRGIRLS GODDAMMIT)

"What momma doesn't know...can't hurt her."

So I steal her shoes. Well I would, if she had some heels. But then she smears makeup on her face to hide her filthy horror. She would not show off her varicose veins (aka "legs") in heels. She's a very private person.

She's not exactly a miracle of genetics, you know what I mean? That's why she had 12 children. If my siblings weren't all attractive as well, I would swear I was stolen at birth. But alas, I was forced to concede I was the biological product of the heinous Whore; some of my little siblings look just like me. Well, not my dark-skinned little sister (one of my favourites) so much; but then she just rocked up as a Toddler with my Whore Mother one day. The Whore had simply got up and left for two years (of relative bliss) without informing us she was going or without us really even noticing she was gone; at least, until she came back to exploit us. That's what children are for, by the way.

It's why people make their own when 21,000 children owned by Humanity die every - single - day.

I was blessed by her absence but I only counted my blessings when they no longer existed. She returned with a new lease on 'life'; determined to make full use of her children (whom she had never really mothered).

Our quality of 'life' evaporated when the Monster returned to be the mother she had never been. Someone had explained to her why she was having children in the first place. She had no interest in children, she joined a religious sex cult to have sex; the religion is a pretext. My parents know literally nothing about the Bible because they don't even read it. My mother was only having children to please the creeps who wanted her to. This was a very fortunate thing for (some of) us. She didn't want anything to do with us.

Then she realised, we could be used to please her.


You know what's funny? I mean, like hilarious funny.

It's the way Christians traumatise their children, intentionally. I used to believe it was merely unfathomable ignorance and insane stupidity to prep children for Reality with a decade of Disney Fantasy. I used to believe in lots of stupid things like that.

I was more or less correct, of course; but it would be an imbecile who failed to understand the motive of parents who do this is a great deal more malicious than people like to imagine.

You're doing this exploitation, by the way; even if you don't have children. You cringe when you hear an especially sappy love song. You smirk at children who embarrass themselves in their 'puppy' love. That's your doing it. It's called exploitation. You know it's fucked up but you cringe whilst smirking, because...

"Dear Diary, hah! The shoe is on the other foot now. I wear the pants now, and it's my turn to rape children. Why hello 'ello, (young) Ladies.* You should love me. I love you." *teehee*

* nb. Or boys. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay but there's a lot wrong with continually asserting there's nothing wrong with people having fun without hurting anybody.

It's the Christian thing to do.

Hey, actually I've been meaning to ask about this because everything I find on Google suggests what happened here was impossible. I posted that comment about Christians loving murder and rape and hating gays, and in 6 minutes it had 27 likes. You can go to that YouTube video page and you will see the "Top Comments" have like 9 or 13 likes. How the fuck?

After 6 minutes, my comment was moved from the "Top Comment" and replaced with a comment that was so moronic, I don't even want to repeat it but I suppose I have to. The video was a BANNED commercial which depicted Adam as being gay, and it was very well done and very innocuous / non-controversial. And my brilliant comment was replaced as "Top Comment" by a comment that said:

"It's Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve."

It had 9 likes. But ignoring the fact that it's a ripoff comment you hear a million times from the Religious Right, it was a batshit insane comment because the commercial had two actors (one male, one female) playing Adam and Eve. It was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve in the commercial. But then the commenter was too stupid to realise that.

My question is: What the fuck is YouTube doing with this creepy fucking shit?

This isn't normal. I know this because I quoted a Sickipedia joke in response to a Ricky Gervais father-daughter joke, and it took 3 days to get 27 likes.

3 days to get 27 likes and now it has this many.

I don't care about that comment. I care about the brilliant comment that got 27 likes in 6 fucking minutes before it was replaced with an insane Adam and Steve imbecilic joke that was intended to be funny in a different kind of way.

4320 minutes to get 27 likes and now the naughty Sickipedia joke has 308 in 6 months where it has remained as "Top Comment" (for six months).

6 minutes to get 27 likes and simple maths says my comment about Christians hating gays and loving murder and rape would have ~220,000 Likes in 6 months.

Morons cannot understand statistics but if they think they have a clue, they'll sneer something about "sample size". They don't know shit. They've been made to be stupid. Yes, the Confidence Interval for my comment having 220,000 Likes is very low. It's a sample size issue.

That's a low Confidence Interval in the accuracy of the extrapolated number; i.e. it could have 2000 Likes or it could have 940,000 Likes.

We'll never know because Facebook bumped it after 6 minutes. I know why. Do you?

It's the sort of comment that can literally change the way people think; as in, it makes people think rather than feel. You think I'm being melodramatic about what I've just proved; I understand. You're stupid. You need to understand why you are stupid. I've just shown you why, with irrefutable proof.

Your stupidity is protected by Power. I'm dangerous but not really, or I would be dead. They don't need to kill me though; so why would they?

They can grind me down as they grind you ever more stupid with endless shit like this. It's called Democracy; but only when imbeciles are stupid enough to be controlled via emotive appeals to their insane fears.

It's called Free Speech, but only if you say stupid shit.

It's called Slavery, but I know. I know. Hah. They 'pay' you.

You can quit your 'job' whenever you want to; right? The job which 'pays' you with IOU promissory notes worth as much as the government (which lies to you non-stop) can be Trusted to honour (whilst they simultaneously dabble with 'complex' monetary policy which, like all illusionary bubbles, is literally guaranteed to...pop). But hey, maybe it will happen to your kids and not to you; if you're lucky amirite?

Why do you have children of your own again?

Why do you work so hard to hoard promissory notes that are being devalued every single day by inflationary fiscal measures? Is it to bequeath to those children of your own?

You're a demented slave if you have children. That's how they enslave you. I know you tell yourself they mean the world to you. I believe you because, unless you're as FREE as the parents in the CoG are permitted by the governments of the world to be, you're telling the Truth. But then you're a sociopath or a narcissist who only feels for what you own.

You can work your life as a slave to hand over a big stack of IOUs to your offspring, if that's what you're into. I'm not going to force you to be sane. But you should know you're a slave and you should know that you're stupid. We're all stupid. That's my entire point.

It's stupid to take advantage of humans. You only take advantage of you when you do that moronic Toddler shit. But nothing is as moronic as your ignoring the irrefutable evidence I go to great lengths to produce, in order to illuminate Truth. I produce that evidence under duress you hear only 5% of, because what happens to me isn't plausible. That means, it's a distraction from what is more important to you. And more important to me. But then, I repeat myself.

You must understand, I don't really give a fuck about you. I'm a moron too (partly 'thanks' to you), but then I am not as moronic as you.

We're all dreamers, but I have always had better dreams than you.

What happened with that comment that maths suggests should have ~220,000 Likes by now? It wasn't censored. They didn't need to. It remains, uncensored and unedited, somewhere on page 39.

I tried to find it but I couldn't be fucked. The last time I tried to find it, was a month after I it gained 27 Likes in 6 minutes. Wanna make a wager that you will lose? Go find it. It's going to have ~27 Likes, give or take a few.

Do you understand? I make it long and niggers cannot read cause thinking hurts their conditioned insanity. I make it short and niggers cannot read it cause they have people who protect them from Understanding.

So...fuck it. Enjoy your stupid slavery and misery. It's literally what you were born and bred for. And you know, you kind of deserve it as well.

You're apathetic and stupid, so good luck with that. You can't expect anyone else to give a fuck about you if you don't give a fuck about you.

I literally couldn't care less if yall lived or died, and that's the fucking Truth.

But then of course I would like to...
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Old 08-09-2012, 01:09 PM   #74
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i figured out a while ago that money is just numbers on a screen. they go up and down if you work all the time watch then you can watch them rise weeeeeeeeeeeeee

i dont have children that need feeding and i dont have a mortgare that needs to be paid. i agree that these things can tie you down and you sacrifice most of your freedom if they are what you want.

are you permanently retired now, will you ever work again ? if you did go back to work what would you do ? i am a fan of taking a couple of month off here and there but eventually i get bored. work can be a good laugh if you are doing something you like and working with good people.
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Old 08-09-2012, 04:15 PM   #75
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rofl you guys are going to rue the day you crossed blankdaniels
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