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Old 10-12-2012, 07:03 PM   #111
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Is this true Othello?

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Old 10-12-2012, 08:08 PM   #112
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Old 10-13-2012, 05:03 AM   #113
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Not trying to start problems for Mr. 408, but simply reposting Dan Druff's statement so that Scooter knows he wasn't insulted by the man.

Originally Posted by Dan Druff
If you are going to repeat things I told you privately, at least get them right.

I never said that Scooter is a midstakes grinder from Thailand. I actually know very little about Scooter, other than he's from Australia, used to play high limit NL online, and owns skatz. I never had a problem with the guy, either.

I know you are obsessed with Scooter, but please don't misquote me when interacting with him.

Thank you.

- Daniel D. Druff

I hate my Self for playing poker and I've never been all that comfortable with the game itself, the industry that promotes it, the players that prey on the 95% of victims of their mother's brainwashing them into thinking that being lucky > being competitive, the victims that literally scream and demand to be preyed upon or the way I became dependent on the slave chains suffocating me yet again...which I couldn't very well give up when they were all I had. That's some dabbling in Mike-Logic right there.

I literally couldn't get insulted in regards to poker but I'd really rather not dwell on it if at all possible. You can't move forward looking back.

But that fucking filthy creepy Christian whore-sheboy though; he does this misquotation abortion bullshit under the 'guise' of feigning 'confusion' and 'genuinely' requesting clarification ALL THE TIME and I've let him have it every time I catch him doing it because he's being perfectly horrifying. He's like a viral communicable disease-ridden whore who spits and shits and drips her infections into the communal cooking pot with a cackle because, once everyone is infected, she'll be on top. It makes my skin crawl cause I get flashbacks to like being 11 years old and frozen in horror and existential trauma and trying to stare at something positive like a wall until the insanity subsides. He's fucking a spitting image of my mother and my older sister. He's fucking traumatic with his filthy insanity, it's like nothing I've seen in years.

He's a sniveling little filthy rat and don't think for a second this nauseating shit is accidental; on the contrary. These are his go-to 'weapons', his best and finest 'tricks'. In his Norman Bates-like 'mind' this is him being just about as crafty and manipulative as he imagines anyone in the world can be. He's Winning when he does this. This is his idea of Winning. He's high and rushing on his own 'brilliant' imagined shrewd.

God help him if he meets a stubborn 8 year old girl. They could battle for decades without either or gaining much of an advantage.

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Old 10-14-2012, 01:04 AM   #114
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At first I thought this thread title was a little harsh, but still kind of in the joking spirit. Until I saw this on a different forum.

Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post
I am not high firstly, my mother knows me really well and actually knows of scooter rather well as she reads skatz

I can now see why the thread title might be a little tough to handle, as his mom actually reads the site (and maybe has an account?)

  dude who do you think MADE him into the THING he is?
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Old 10-14-2012, 01:06 AM   #115
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his mom reads the site so she can log posts to build the case for a restraining order against him

i hope she found the ones where he threatens to kill her
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Old 10-14-2012, 01:08 AM   #116
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Originally Posted by Michael View Post
At first I thought this thread title was a little harsh, but still kind of in the joking spirit. Until I saw this on a different forum.

I can now see why the thread title might be a little tough to handle, as his mom actually reads the site (and maybe has an account?)

and is a whore.

  genuine rofl
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Old 10-14-2012, 01:52 AM   #117
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scooter, we're going to need you to comment on what's going on here.

just pages and pages of ape talking you up, pretty hilarious
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Old 10-14-2012, 01:55 AM   #118
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Originally Posted by 408Mike
My goal- take the magic between Scooter and myself and implement it so that it helps people,


  jesus fucking christ I grew up in the CoG and I've never seen anything like this.
  time to change apes sn to "magic mike"
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Old 10-16-2012, 12:59 AM   #119
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I respect the fact that you have no desire to go back and play, it is not my place to try and motivate you back,which is what I was doing. Why?

The evidence as I interpreted it said you were happier when you were playing and doing well than now, that's it.

I might be wrong, but I distinctly correlate that time period (when you were doing very well in poker) as being a high point in your life and the stories of girls and what not that you retold always seem much more positive and full of zeal and energy. The stories after seem hollow and somewhat melancholy in tone overall, like something is missing from your life. I realize who it might be, and if it's the loss of your girlfriend (I want to say Aun but I really don't want to guess and get it wrong, forgive me) that's made the difference I have this completely wrong and do owe you an apology for attempting to motivate you back into the game and moving past the setbacks that ended your time playing.

I just want to add that there is a lot of bullshit and negativity associated with poker and it's community, but underneath all the rubbish is a convenient way for you to make considerable amounts of money which has the capacity to benefit a lot of people. I thought and still think losses and squandering finances really killed your spirit, and I can understand that to an extent, but even if you lost 1mil usd either tilting or playing tired or just plain up against better players, yes that is 1mil that could have done a LOT of good but really, if you stopped playing altogether, those same people who might benefit are really losing 30-40 times as much, because you would have bounced back at some point and made up the losses.

Also you squander, you learn. You're a lot different than the person who played a while back, older, more experienced, and more planted emotionally. That's all I have to say on you playing cards, I really want you happy/successful and probably saw something that wasn't there and should never have had an opinion about it in the first place.

I renounced/abandoned christianity so long ago it's literally not funny anymore. Shut the fuck up, respectfully.

Also you and this faggot imprinting of people you hate or who wronged you onto me, it's annoying and rude. I can't imagine you aren't smart enough to figure out what you're doing, and quite frankly I've had enough of it. The amount I absorbed to this point was to let you vent, hopefully you feel better, having had MONTHS of venting onto me. Now move the fuck on, or would you like to attempt to prove, with logical evidence, I somehow am a manifestation of all that you hate- I am your mother, your sister, a pedophile, a christian, a leech (thanks shipdachips, lovely work you've done here) and what else, oh yes a he-she most recently (bad experience on a night out?) all rolled into a package that looks up to you and has spent and spends a lot of time listening to you in the hopes of emulating many of your positive attributes in his own life.

If I didn't know better I might wonder if you aren't abusing the situation a bit. I did it to you, and fairs fair, and by now we are surely even.

Please let the past lie and if you are still seething with anger, report to the toddler forum and have at it! You're obv free to call me whatever the fuck you want whenever you want, but when you do it seems appropriate in the toddler forum moreso than the main forum unless I have that backwards. Presuming I have it right It would be ideal to use the toddler forum to toddler, I hope you agree.

I don't do it often and scroll up, to where I already admitted my idiotic behavior.

No, it's really not something I ever do, but then you aren't just anyone and it was repulsive overall.

I am not a sociopath nor do I consider myself crafty. I said something both honest and dishonest- you were never good enough to play nose bleeds but Druff did not say as much.

Yes I thought you might read it and become competitive, not with Druff per se but I distinctly forgot who you are and that such tricks do not work on you. At any rate I thought it might be an angle which fired up the engine and got you back wanting to play.

Before you insinuate, which I think you will, and I believe you have in the past, I will never nor would I ever ask you for money or entertain the idea of doing so unless it's for a cause unrelated to me directly. Something like please buy me a plane ticket to africa to help starving kids that sort of thing, while improbable, is actually plausible. My asking for money to play poker, pay my rent, buy food, impress girls, or literally anything that falls under the category of MY BENEFIT would NEVER have happened. Not wanting to debate this further I have a good half dozen relatives and friends worth millions, if I woke up one day and thought borrowing money from people I know was OK I would start with them. As for now the fact that I NEVER ask for nor accept financial help from people I know is definitely hurting me, but I hate the feeling of owing money, it's one of the worst.

After reading the above, please think about all the times you called me a leech and refrain from doing so in the future. Shipdachips is your leech, though you may have others, I have never borrowed from you nor would I. I work for my money, and being in between jobs, I have literally NO money, whereas a guy like ship never has no money because he rotates the people he scams./borrows from.

He is a leech, I am not a leech. I am not a smart man by any means, but I'm smart enough to grasp the importance of contributing to society, and leeching is just that, not contributing but leeching off others. It's despicable.

Astonishingly accurate read for the time to within 10 minutes that I wrote it.

I have been suffering some odd and very bad changes to my moods mania and bpd over the last couple months. You could help, if only to offer insight, but I am desperate right now for answers that might offer hope. Right now, I have no hope.

Wait I am not lusting after this woman child for once? I'll take stubborn for sure, if ever the day comes I see the words "woman children" consecutively in a sentence after my last day at skatz I'll literally scream.

Druff I do not have an unhealthy obsession for Scooter, though it's quite possible I did at one time. It took me by surprise that I could push him too far, at the time and going months back i truly believed nothing I did or said affected him emotionally, he was a rock. He would love for you to believe that, but I am living proof that that man has a breaking point, and I stupidly pushed past it.

This fucking screaming beast zomg. This is such a spray of vomit where would you even start.

He respects a fact but cannot respect the wishes of anyone who tells him to fuck off with his leeching stalking. He's all about R.E.S.P.E.C.T. 3 days to think about sociopathic Christian 'respect'.

He informs me it is not his place to try and motivate me with his insanity, because I need to know? I was not confused prior. 3 days.

He interpreted evidence and made a decision about my happiness and then proceeded to act upon it. A capital crime of insanity. Have 3 days.

He might be wrong. You fucking imbecile you've never been right about a damn thing in your decency-forsaken existence, including your decision to get out of bed this morning when there was a perfectly good reason never to wake up.

He informs me something is missing from my life. Perhaps it is him? 3 days.

Doesn't want to get something wrong, begs forgiveness. Won't fuck off when told to take his unsolicited leaching horror away. Insanity warranting termination of screaming. 3 days.

Owes me emotional currency if he's guessed wrong about something involving me. Mike where's my 'apology' for your refusing to dig a shallow grave and lie face down in it? WHERE'S MY WORDS THAT MAKE YOUR INSANITY AND SCREAMING DISTURBANCE OF THE PEACE OKAY MIKE? 3 days.

Informs me that poker can be used to make money. I mean...Really? 3 days fuckwit.

He cannot understand why he's even doing what he's doing but he doesn't have the decency to exit the game. What a fucking beast. Way to nail "humane", Humanity!

He tells me how much I've changed. I'm a lot different now (assumedly from the time he never knew me to now, when he doesn't know me). But thanks for telling me! 3 days.


Tells me to shut the fuck up, ordering me to do what he has no power or dementia to imagine he could be in the position to compel. 3 days.

But he does it with respect? 3 days.

I'm annoying and rude. The sociopath stalker says I'm annoying and rude. 3 days.

I cannot be fucked continuing. 39 days. When he comes back he'll cop the rest. This fucking insanity is like nothing I've ever seen and I grew up in one of the most notorious religious sex cults of the 20th century!!

WHY IS HE STILL BREATHING? If I were him, I'd be killing everyone who stood between me and Peace. Jesus FUCKING Christ. He's a screaming monster that will never stop screaming until someone puts him out of her misery.

Originally Posted by blake View Post
scooter, we're going to need you to comment on what's going on here.

just pages and pages of ape talking you up, pretty hilarious

I literally cannot read that horrifying vomit. It's like he thinks he's a super shrewd weasel dodging and ducking his impossibly hilarious and incorrigible way through the x-examination of people that don't fucking care. It's horrifying to watch.

A trainwreck that has been wrecked but just won't stop screeching and burning and twisting metal grinding up track, never coming to a Rest. There'll be no Peace. He feels this is Life. He's on top of his Game! Omg.

  it really is hilarious how much he thinks he would be the king of the world but for the bad beats inflicted upon him by ...
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Old 10-16-2012, 01:39 AM   #120
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Take his advice. Your hero Scuter is smart guy but the reason I never bother with his posts is because they are 95% narcasistic drivel and I'm not willing to wade through that to find the good stuff. Part of being a good poster is learning how to communicate effectively.


Ideas are hard for me to come by but no one notices when hidden behind a wall of text.

Had an english teacher who wanted to flunk me because I cannot change or refuse to take constructive criticism on my writing to heart and make any appreciable changes etc. SINCE WHEN IS BEING THE BEST WRITER OUT OF THE ENTIRE CLASS EASILY NOT ENOUGH DAMNIT

It's probably an ego thing, but how can I have an ego yet no self esteem? sounds impossible, but I don't need to sit on magazines to drive a modern car either.

(how many is that? on my own ^-- is prob best case scenario with any chance of consistency.)

my narcissism and bpd directly caused my writing style to match scooters, it was the most impressive thing I had ever seen when I first was talking to him o rreading his posts on skatz. I can hardly remember anything but these huge long logical amazing posts full of new ideas and catchy words like vassal used left and right. YOu know psychology well enough to figure out NLP and what happened so I won't explain here but there is definitely a fair amount of scooter in me now, the posting style being radically altered being one and the topics of things I find interesting and want to talk about read about or think about is also very different.


I'm a terrible communicator but imagining my posts contain narcissistic drivel is ENTIRELY the insane fault of screamers like Mike.

All my posts are talking about errors I made, lessons I learned way too late, I'm the only non-narcissist I know. I cannot very well talk about the errors Mike has learned from can I? No one who has actually read my shitty rants could actually be that confused into thinking I'm self-promoting.

It's screamers like this fucking animal here that make the most important topics and discussions in the world seem unwadable through because people cannot distinguish between screaming and lessons that you could not buy because no one is selling insightful Truth learned over traumatic periods - Mike is just screaming incoherent ME ME ME - that is narcissism.

I'm doing the exact opposite. The fact that I'm not a good communicator could be easily addressed. I'm not compelled to do anything. I communicate with those who have the capacity to be communicated with; if you think the things I write about are Self-promotion...

Good lord. I would have paid 6 figures to someone to do what I was doing when I needed it done but no one had answers like this. No one had answers at all. There are answers to problems faced by hundreds of millions of peoples' misery and suffering in the rants I do not remotely edit or package to suit the miserable. If they want it, it's there. If they want to scream, it's there. If they want to imagine there's no value, it's there. But don't degrade and cheapen what is invaluable Truth as rare as intelligent Truth has ever been by imagining that it's narcissistic. That's ridiculous.

  still haven't learned that you're unable to see "truth" because you're looking at the world through a prism th...
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