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Old 02-10-2012, 06:44 PM   #1
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Default Niggers hate FREEDOM. You're all going to die. lol

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Old 02-10-2012, 06:48 PM   #2
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I couldn't care less about Iran.

What's more relevant, is that Iran treats women better than Saudi Arabia. Your allies in Peace and Freedom.

You're all going to die. And what's more, you actually really deserve it.
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Old 02-10-2012, 07:46 PM   #3
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I have no difficulty believing this shit happened but couldn't it just as well be CIA funded propaganda ? I'm not black helicopter crowd ... but.. seriously

or maybe she really deserved it for fuckin around.
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Old 02-11-2012, 09:42 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by nextlevelshit View Post
I have no difficulty believing this shit happened but couldn't it just as well be CIA funded propaganda ? I'm not black helicopter crowd ... but.. seriously

or maybe she really deserved it for fuckin around.

Everything is CIA propaganda because CIA control the DEA because they control that all-important power which in the political game of "Rock Paper Scissors" beats all 3. "National security - Classified - Not For Your Eyes" - they pull this out all the time, and court cases all around the world just drop out of court. National security. As if another nation even has a motive to attack you. They're all getting exploited by their own.

America is exceptionally ambitious, of course. But it's still all about exploiting Americans. The CIA came to prominence by taking control of all the illicit shit. National Secrecy. The rules don't apply.

So everything you see and hear and know to be true is effectively a lie. But that doesn't mean it's not true. It means it's not Truth. Because the Truth is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

You can lie with truth very easily, you just leave out the pertinent bits. Aun was so fucking talented at doing this, it was mind-blowing. She almost never lied. She just omitted brilliantly. So everything she said was effectively a lie. I could give you examples, but they're not as interesting as this example - which is the most common lie that is true, in the world.

"Money Cannot Buy You Happiness."

Truth. But they smirk, and tell this to people who they've intentionally kept starving, destitute or otherwise certain that money will make their pain go away. They're wrong. The suffering idiots. They're confusing happiness with pain relief.

They say money can't buy you happiness, and kids hear this shit and think "bullshit, it will buy me freedom, and cars, and girls, and jetskis and (insert spam here)". And most morons struggle their entire lives chasing their moronic dreams, deluding themselves into thinking they're happy - getting ever closer to that bobbing light across the bay.

That's a truth that is a lie. Because they've left out 2/3rds of the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the truth. The Truth is:

Money Cannot Buy You Happiness.

Money Can Buy You Pain Relief. Temporarily. Relieved of pain, you will discover the reality.

Money Cannot Buy You Happiness. But Money Will Buy You Misery.


Oh obviously everyone who has money is in denial, because they all think there is something wrong with them (or they thought that, when they hit the finish line of their dream/s and found no prize - just vomiting and nausea and memories of the pain and all the sacrifice and the existential terror is indescribable - so they just set new goals - 1 mil, 10 mil, 100 mil, 1 me someone who's won. Show me someone who's happy. And I'll destroy your little illusions with logic, and prove to you how they're lying and why it's obvious.)

But I cannot do this with any moron/s confused by "bling". If you're confused about what "bling" says, you're too stupid to be alive. You should go kill the guy for taunting you with his bling, or you should kill yourself. Because if you're that stupid, you're doing to do neither. You're just going to hurt people around you trying to - earn - your bling. And you'll put that bling on, you moron. When you've earned it. And then you will see the reality of games of "inducing envy". Idiots.

Everything is propaganda. But that doesn't mean it's not true. You have to be able to determine the lies from the truth. And sure, this shit is obviously propaganda, as I fucking pointed out quite succinctly when I referenced Saudi Arabia.
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Old 02-11-2012, 09:45 PM   #5
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But these videos are still the reality. How do I know? Because I don't fucking watch a video and form an opinion. I watch hundreds. I read hundreds of articles. I read between the lines, because even though - EVERY - media corporation in the world is corrupt, people - by nature, by their DNA - are inherently good. Only the sickest, the people most in pain, imagine they have a motive to create suffering. They live, and they die, and in between they kill and rape and create a world of horror. And never - not once - are they happy. But they are junkies, and they get rushes, which makes them keep paddling their filth way through their own sludge.

This is the reality in Iran, and in every state where Sharia law is allowed (which is literally anywhere where Islam is allowed, but then you would be making a big mistake to assert the moral authority of Sharia law in Kuala Lumpur, for example. Petronas Oil aren't going to allow that shit. They'll allow it across the country. Just not in KL.). But this is the reality of Sharia law, in this BBC article below. And the BBC is as corrupt as any corporation in the world. But journalists who convince their editors that they have a motive to spread fear about Sharia law manage to get some truth through the sub-editors (censors). I'll highlight the genuine reality - the Truth the BBC doesn't actually want you to know about - that was allowed to slip through in this entire article of truth (which the BBC would have thought to serve some purpose at the time of writing) - nothing has changed of course. Nothing ever changes. And in Saudi Arabia, it's worse.

But the facts of Sharia are facts. Irrefutable.

Execution of a teenage girl
Thursday, 27 July 2006

A television documentary team has pieced together details surrounding the case of a 16-year-old girl, executed two years ago in Iran.

Atefah Sahaaleh: wrongly described as being 22 years old

On 15 August, 2004, Atefah Sahaaleh was hanged in a public square in the Iranian city of Neka.

Her death sentence was imposed for "crimes against chastity".

The state-run newspaper accused her of adultery and described her as 22 years old.

But she was not married - and she was just 16.

Sharia Law

In terms of the number of people executed by the state in 2004, Iran is estimated to be second only to China.

In the year of Atefah's death, at least 159 people were executed in accordance with the Islamic law of the country, based on the Sharia code.

Since the revolution, Sharia law has been Iran's highest legal authority.

Alongside murder and drug smuggling, sex outside marriage is also a capital crime.

As a signatory of the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, Iran has promised not to execute anyone under the age of 18.

But the clerical courts do not answer to parliament. They abide by their religious supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, making it virtually impossible for human rights campaigners to call them to account.

Code of behaviour

At the time of Atefah's execution in Neka, journalist Asieh Amini heard rumours the girl was just 16 years old and so began to ask questions.

To teach others a lesson, Atefah's execution was held in public.

"When I met with the family," says Asieh, "they showed me a copy of her birth certificate, and a copy of her death certificate. Both of them show she was born in 1988. This gave me legitimate grounds to investigate the case."

So why was such a young girl executed? And how could she have been accused of adultery when she was not even married?

Disturbed by the death of her mother when she was only four or five years old, and her distraught father's subsequent drug addiction, Atefah had a difficult childhood.

She was also left to care for her elderly grandparents, but they are said to have shown her no affection.

In a town like Neka, heavily under the control of religious authorities, Atefah - often seen wandering around on her own - was conspicuous.

It was just a matter of time before she came to the attention of the "moral police", a branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, whose job it is to enforce the Islamic code of behaviour on Iran's streets.

Secret relationship

Being stopped or arrested by the moral police is a fact of life for many Iranian teenagers.

Previously arrested for attending a party and being alone in a car with a boy, Atefah received her first sentence for "crimes against chastity" when she was just 13.

Although the exact nature of the crime is unknown, she spent a short time in prison and received 100 lashes.

When she returned to her home town, she told those close to her that lashes were not the only things she had to endure in prison. She described abuse by the moral police guards.

Soon after her release, Atefah became involved in an abusive relationship with a man three times her age.

Former revolutionary guard, 51-year-old Ali Darabi - a married man with children - raped her several times.

She kept the relationship a secret from both her family and the authorities.

Atefah was soon caught in a downward spiral of arrest and abuse.

Local petition

Circumstances surrounding Atefah's fourth and final arrest were unusual.

The moral police said the locals had submitted a petition, describing her as a "source of immorality" and a "terrible influence on local schoolgirls".

But there were no signatures on the petition - only those of the arresting guards.

Three days after her arrest, Atefah was in a court and tried under Sharia law.

The judge was the powerful Haji Rezai, head of the judiciary in Neka.

No court transcript is available from Atefah's trial, but it is known that for the first time, Atefah confessed to the secret of her sexual abuse by Ali Darabi.

However, the age of sexual consent for girls under Sharia law - within the confines of marriage - is nine, and furthermore, rape is very hard to prove in an Iranian court.

"Men's word is accepted much more clearly and much more easily than women," according to Iranian lawyer and exile Mohammad Hoshi.

"They can say: 'You know she encouraged me' or 'She didn't wear proper dress'."

Court of appeal

When Atefah realised her case was hopeless, she shouted back at the judge and threw off her veil in protest.

It was a fatal outburst.

She was sentenced to execution by hanging, while Darabi got just 95 lashes.

Shortly before the execution, but unbeknown to her family, documents that went to the Supreme Court of Appeal described Atefah as 22.

"Neither the judge nor even Atefah's court appointed lawyer did anything to find out her true age," says her father.

And a witness claims: "The judge just looked at her body, because of the developed physique... and declared her as 22."

Judge Haji Rezai took Atefah's documents to the Supreme Court himself.

And at six o'clock on the morning of her execution he put the noose around her neck, before she was hoisted on a crane to her death.

To teach others a lesson, Atefah's execution was held in public

Pain and death

During the making of the documentary about Atefah's death the production team telephoned Judge Haji Rezai to ask him about the case, but he refused to comment.

The human rights organisation Amnesty International says it is concerned that executions are becoming more common again under President Mahmoud Ahmedinajad, who advocates a return to the pure values of the revolution.

The judiciary have never admitted there was any mishandling of Atefah's case.

For Atefah's father the pain of her death remains raw. "She was my love, my heart... I did everything for her, everything I could," he says.

He did not get the chance to say goodbye.

9 years old is the legal age for marriage under Sharia law, which will override any other law in a 'moral' tussle because Sharia is based on the Qur'an. The only moderate Islamics are going to Hell, according to the Qur'an. Of course, they can be shown the light. And suddenly, giving Pakistan nuclear weapons to avoid MAD-ness v India is the stupid idea it always was. But then I could have told you that at 7. I - understood - what religion was all about. It's fucking brilliant. But you're all going to die for your vile.

9 years old is the legal age for marriage - 9 years old is the age of consent for girls - sex outside marriage is illegal. Rape an 8 year old and you might get hanged, but not really. Just don't rape her in public, for goodness sake. Rape a child and she'll risk getting hanged or - worse. And there is worse, much worse, for a girl imprisoned by Islam, who is sent to prison.

As the rapist, you'll get lashed for forcing the court to convene, and to teach you not to be so sloppy with your shit, and shit.

I bolded a comment about Amnesty International's - grave - concerns, which is probably the most insightful hidden Truth printed in that article. That - I guarantee you - was slipped through by a journalist who, if he was caught doing this often, would find himself out of a job. That's heroism, right there. But you're probably too dumb to even see what he did....
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Old 11-01-2012, 02:31 AM   #6
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Old 11-01-2012, 01:25 PM   #7
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That's a great speech I listened to in horror last year for the first time. It's truly ridiculous how fast humans were turned into...well, the Toddler narcissists / wannabe sociopaths we all know and love.
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Old 11-01-2012, 01:26 PM   #8
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Notch one up for technology. 10,000,000,000 notches.
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Old 11-01-2012, 11:57 PM   #9
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Dude fucked so much skirt
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Old 11-02-2012, 12:01 AM   #10
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