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Old 02-14-2013, 01:36 AM   #1
Things could be worse...
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Default If you're dumb, here's your excuse.

But of course, excuses are for especially dumb niggers cause one gives a fuck.

So much of my early teenage / young adult identity and pride was tied up in the fairly reasonable assumption that I was an especially gifted genius for never being educated and walking into Year 10 and topping the year before finishing 3rd or 4th at graduation of my three-year state school education.

When things weren't going well, I'd occasionally find myself sulking about "what could have been"; I imagined had I had a normal education, I'd have been some kind of Einstein. It made sense but it was wrong.

If I'd had a normal education, I'd be as dumb as Marty or someone (well...I'd have been a lot more popular and slutty, and social status forces one to develop a certain degree of cunning I daresay our Martin doesn't display very often - like ever - but the crux of my argument is that Martin and I are the same).

Were the same. Different ends of the totem pole heading back to Dust II, the great equalizer. But it wasn't my genius that afforded my mind a degree of crystal clarity almost no children in Miami High or ADFA possessed; I don't believe I ever had any. I simply wasn't retarded by emotional conditioning until much later in the game, when I raced to catch 'up'. I simply never got to watch any TV, read any books, or go to school.

I was given a monumental 'head-start' over everyone handicapped by the 'educational' system. You see the same thing in Thailand all the time, actually; these little village boys and girls who left shitty schools when they were 11 or whatever and they'll run circles around your shrewd.

School turns you into a nigger. Just like prison. What a coincidence!

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Old 02-14-2013, 01:40 AM   #2
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Say Martin, in the interests of Sociology, how much TV did you watch as a child?

You know what I mean. You'll never grow up but then that's kinda my point. But how much TV did you watch until you couldn't grow up anymore (age of 13?)
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Old 02-14-2013, 01:51 AM   #3
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the best part about top gear is when they call cops the rozzers ive decided
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Old 02-14-2013, 01:52 AM   #4
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Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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also vince your mom hollowing out a square pumpkin and doing marionette shows counts as tv hours watched for you
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Old 02-14-2013, 03:02 AM   #5
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Old 02-14-2013, 04:14 AM   #6
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I can respect that you appreciate religion and philosophy

the problem is that you are a self righteous, arrogant long winded douche

every time you post, you are so intent on calling others stupid or demeaning them for being lesser specimens

as if you are some superior human being beating his chest like an infant looking for recognition and approval

you need to learn some this point in time you have zero

In my experiences, I've found that people who want to convince others how 'smart' they are, are usually the biggest morons

which is why I have less than zero respect for you

doing lots of meth and writing 2000 words doesn't make you smart

little boy

  your schtick is old, just like you, please go away
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Old 02-14-2013, 04:18 AM   #7
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on a side note, I never read any of your speed induced rambles and other garbage

I speed-scroll past your nonsense like anyone else

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Old 02-14-2013, 04:27 AM   #8
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you don't invite conversation or debate

you just want everyone to recognize you for your (ahem) 'genius'

stop doing so much speed and you'll wake up one day and realize that you are a boring average fuck like everyone else
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Old 02-14-2013, 04:47 AM   #9
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by Tyde View Post
you don't invite conversation or debate

You not literate by your own admission. I ask you one simple question you cannot answer it. Gosh silly how much more of an INVITE do you need to stop babbling like a Toddler and say something of value.

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Old 02-14-2013, 04:52 AM   #10
Militant Quacks
assaulting hecka toddlers
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post

I was given a monumental 'head-start' over everyone handicapped by the 'educational' system. You see the same thing in Thailand all the time, actually; these little village boys and girls who left shitty schools when they were 11 or whatever and they'll run circles around your shrewd.

You really think that religious cults where you can only read the bible and are force fed lobster produce smarter people than schools ?

For every one of you and every one of the village boys there are countless others who failed miserably at everything and ended up either dead or in jail.

Maybe i am wrong, maybe the majority of the kids who left your cult and most of the thai village boys ended up owning at life but i dont think thats very likely.
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