But I was talking about existing in a world which has been completely rigged against you from the start. It's a fucking obstacle course designed to entice you to suffer rather than do anything dangerous like live for your Self. If a bunch of people did that, you have no idea what kind of carnage would ensue. For a start, girls would be having sex very nearly incessantly and 80% of guys wouldn't be getting any action at all.
So I guess depending on your 'philosophical' position, you might have a more socialist or Communist
"what's yours is mine" sharing attitude, but I couldn't really care less because this is all brain gymnastics; it's merely important that you realise that what Christians are doing with the one wife, one man insanity of marriage is looking out for the 80% of losers who natural selection wouldn't select. In fact, for sociopaths who wax lyrical about how being gay isn't in the natural order of things, Christians literally have the gall to run that line whilst corrupting the natural order of literally
everything. A young girl liking sex is natural. It's natural if she wants it 10 x as much as a young boy. Christians get awfully aghast at what is natural whilst simultaneously getting aghast at homosexuals for their unnatural perversions of the natural order.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is why haven't you killed them all yet?
I'm not here to play the Blame Game but can I ask why we're not killing them all right now?
Purity Balls? These are not creatures that one can permit to remain alive and simultaneously assert that one is humane. Purity Balls? Fathers should get their fucking obsessions out of their daughter's crossed or uncrossed legs. What the fuck yo.
You're all so filthy. I have to go scrub myself in the shower now, and I don't like being forced to have showers.
Oh don't even think we are done here, Mister I Get All Cocky And Retarded on Booze. All this pain babbling is for you as much as it is leading into the utter demolition job I do on all buffoons who - without the ability to spell chemestry - thought to themselves that they knew a thing or two about chemicals.
Well they thought wrong. And if you thought we were almost done, you'd at least have company. We are far from being through here, BUDDY. Don't even think about sneaking out the back. Kindly hold....
Purity Balls?
You all need to die like slow.