No, I borrowed the idea from a buddy who did for years tho.
Being a WOW junkie he could only tolerate maybe 4hours daily away from his computer, so you can guess that he wasn't wealthy. That $40 he saved glueing and taping an old pair of new balances literally bought cheetos microwave burritos and ramen noodles to last weeks. He was quite happy, so I was happy, and 5 straight years he wore THE SAME pair of tennis shoes, every single fucking day.
Obviously these shoes were beyond needing to die, they were infact undead, so to combat the smell he (brace yourself) SHOWERED with the damn things on at least three times a week.
Sorry Scuter, if 100% of humans suffered ADHD, companies like starbucks wouldn't exist.
Though I'm torn between mental health illnesses more or less being fabricated vs conspiratorial exacerbating of targeted 'weak' spots in the human psyche on a mass scale; the reality is I'm mostly talking out of my ass.
Much like the doctors to whom you entrusted the monopoly rights to the fucking goldmine that would be the harvesting / commercialisation of your....'brain'.
But if anyone has provided a logical counter argument to this argument, I'm yet to see it.
100% of humans have Attention Deficit HyperActivity Disorder; or do you know someone who can concentrate whilst sitting still indefinitely?
Meditation doesn't qualify I don't think (?) because they're not concentrating but rather the opposite. They're switching off.
I'd like to hear logical counters to the above.
If they medicated the entire world with Desoxyn, there would be no more fighting. No more organised religion. No more hatred and killing and frustrated crimes of passion. People would be able to read, again. Imagine.
No more corruption.
If you are like me and REALLY have ADHD you know what I'm talking about.
If you were like a sane child you would know that the world does not revolve around your tiny vassal imagined centrifugal universe. You do not have a monopoly on the 'correctness' of symptoms or imagined symptoms or even a monopoly on your own fucking mind. You have three masters. And none of them is you.
The paradoxical nature of ADHD renders caffeine essentially a sleep aid. If I want to get UP I smoke pot, DOWN I smoke meth or drink coffee. In fact my easiest test for purity is whether smoking puts me to sleep or not. 2-3 hits, eyes get numb feeling, brain goes numb, ZONK=good shiat.
Thank you for sharing.
Are you going to make a fucking point, at any point?
Stupid people make great sex partners though.
That's not a good reason to fuck children.
Another thing- you're a jerk to most people.
I will not respond to you if you continue to be so Catholicly stupid. You are not "most people". You aren't even really "you".
There should be a law against making Christian-level intellectual allegations. Like this one.
No evidence needed. Just an imbecilic whiny slur that degrades everything and everyone who has to read it.
There is no such thing as 'jerks'. There are only imbeciles who imagine other people are jerks to them. You're an inferior form of vassal. To vassals, I mean. I'm not trying to 'one-up' you from 187 steps above you. I'm trying to pull you up.
Superior forms of vassals don't hand others the power to make them feel emotional pain.
Call me a jerk, and I process it unemotionally looking for validity and if it has validity I file it for actioning. If it does not, it just sluiced through to the huge pile of ROFL that this world throws at morons imagining they're in a position to compete with morons in self-defeating games of emotional bumhurt. No one is in a position to compete in such stupidity. But it's cute that the effects of your demented inferiorities and emotional handicaps and insane baggage have to be worn by sanity, of course.
Thanks for sharing.
but everyone is not your enemy.
Did you play high school with this strategy? Dude they would have kicked the shit out of you. What is this demented delusional obsession you have with imposing your vile on others who don't share your insane 'views'.
You bring this Catholic shit to life and people are going to kill you over it.
If they don't, then you'll just kill you. Joy.
Stop imagining you speak for the world. You're a demented vassal and you don't speak for one voice. You just wail moronic Catholic exploitation out into the airwaves. Imagining you're being crafty doing the thing I keep telling you not to do. It's not in your best interests. Your best interests would be in answering the questions that have been posed to you.
METHAMPHETAMINE IS MORE EUPHORIC THAN OTHER AMPHETAMINES. This was explained for you already, and I would break it down, but that leaves me open to your personal style of disagreement, so let's try a different merry go round this time- I have made an assertion, that d-methamphetamine is more euphoric than other amphetamines (including racemic desoxyn and a variety of others) you must counter this point, and I will counter your arguments.
Stop yelling as if you can make something right by the sheer force of your imbecilic certainty. All you know is the idiotic shit you read or someone told you. Now, because you cannot read (you're too stupid to even be able to read your Bible) it's pretty obvious that you're not going to be a reliable source of information. On top of that, you have a major problem where you think something you believe is true because someone told you it and it made sense to you.
You're full of nonsense. But like an imbecile always does, you have missed the point of the discussion about euphoria. You're wrong, but it's not important. What's important is that you are too stupid to understand the point of discussing things. The gentleman was concerned about euphoria in the medication (Desoxyn) I was 'suggesting' (rofl) would be better than the Ritalin he was using to treat ADHD.
There is no euphoria in meth unless it's mixed with speed or if you OD. We're talking about medical applications for a synthetic chemical and you're not even able to talk intelligently about issue because you think everything circles around you. This is not remotely intelligent because it blinds you stupid to the point where you become a raving loon.
I don't know the chemistry because I read a great deal. What I KNOW for a FACT from reading a great deal is that there are SO MANY MORONS who talk out of their idiotic faces about things they know 1% about (and believe they are experts); that it is an exercise in SCREAMING just to find something intelligible.
Are you a chemist? Do you have some qualifications you have withheld from us? Some skill sets you've been coy about?
If you do not, then SHUT THE FUCK UP with your OPINIONS. What are you, an OLD WIFE? Handing down a secret family recipe for the curation of genital warts? Where are your references? You think you're in a position to be the authority?
You're not even in control of your own emotions. Stop imagining delusions. Get sane.
I don't know the chemistry but I do logic better than anyone I've ever met (bar a couple). I have seen thousands of people RUSHING on speed. I have seen zero people rushing on meth. It's why you don't get meth junkies at raves. Lots of sweaty base and speed users there but.
It doesn't fucking matter because we're talking about Desoxyn which you have not had; know nothing about; have said nothing intelligent about and cannot fucking even make a lick of "old wives" sense. Desoxyn is not euphoric unless you take too much of it, or there's a random contraindication or whatever in play.
No meth is euphoric. You're just a filthy junkie. And your dealers (the government) aren't giving you meth. You're too stupid to understand this because you believe everything that people who are polite to you tell you. That's the dumbest fucking thing you can do. PERIOD. I couldn't give a fuck what you did, but if you weren't demented you'd understand the OBVIOUS validity of what I'm saying and you'd start listening to people that were - in your retarded imagination - 'rude'.
Shut the fuck up, when you're a moron. Whomever is telling you that your opinions are valuable is doing you a disservice. You think I'm a jerk to you, but you're too stupid to understand that the only people who are jerks to you are those who tell you the fluffy sweet lies that allow you to run yourself into the miserable ground. They're the ones that created your exploitable emotions. They're the ones that give you the pain 'relief' you don't realise is poisonous feel-good VILE.
Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath
Oh, and the toxicity of methamphetamine is meh. Don't believe the gullible here, they don't know any better.
You're almost too stupid to converse with.
I didn't realise you oversaw the cooking process of ALL the street meth and followed it en route from cook to victimised user?
Methamphetamine has ZERO toxicity. What's your fucking point? You're too stupid to realise that methamphetamine and "this is meth dude" aren't the same fucking thing. Imbecile.
Whats yours cut with though and was your cook later for work during some of the last steps hmmm those are much more relevant.
Also relevant is whether you are retarded enough to not eat or drink for days at a time, that's pretty important. Oh oh, and sleep, sleeping tends to be important.
Bout sums up the health effects.
Yes. Thank you for adding some afterthoughts to qualify your idiocy. So basically you just dribble a lot of shit here and have nothing of value to offer are we going to know anything about the additives it's cut with and the habits of the fucking amateur cook?
Sleeping and drinking is important yes. Thank you. It's very Christian of you, but what would be more Christian is if you FORSOOK ALL THAT YE HATH. Starting now. Forsake this idea that you know something about things because you're dribbling wives tales with authority and I really don't like that.
That kind of stupid shit doesn't get people killed because no one reads it. It gets people killed because it drowns out anything sane. And people die. Because of you. Please stop.
You have not summed up the health effects. You've just embarrassed yourself. And that's bout it.
Originally Posted by Steerpike
Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath
I simply dislike misinformation, that's all.
This is what Do Unto Others is 'good' for. Every imbecile with an opinion gets to make everyone stupid and want to die. My mother knows EVERYTHING too, dude. She's as bright as you.
Obviously meth is a very hardcore drug that literally destroys lives
No fuckwit. Stop. You're an idiot who knows very little.
Methamphetamine is not "hardcore". I could literally terminate your life for using that word. In a sentence. I don't care what you're 'describing'. Methamphetamine is not "hardcore". It's indicated for children with ADHD, obesity and narcolepsy; by the FDA.
it's the end user fucking up that creates the problems, and a large reason for this is (as I eluded to) the euphoria the drug produces (as opposed to other amphetamines).
You dumb maggot. STOP. You're too stupid to contribute. You have not cooked meth. You know no users who have taken meth. You have never fucking had meth in your entire fucking life. You know no end users who have fucked up taking meth. You know no one who has ever been euphoric taking meth. You're a moron, who believes criminals when they scratch their groin because they have VD and then they shake your hand because dude - they wouldn't lie to you.
Stop. You know nothing about methamphetamine. You keep skipping back and forth between and chemical and poison and you're too fucking stupid to distinguish between them.
I wanted Scuter to see this important distinction because there is a reason it should be avoided yet other amphetamines have medical uses.
That's all I wanted to say really.
Shut up. Until you stop being a demented fool shut up or I will be forced to ridicule you and I haven't done that yet. And if I do, you will not FEEL GOOD.
This is a warning because you do not respond to sane requests to cease and desist your unfathomably stupid opinionated vile.
Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath
No, I borrowed the idea from a buddy who did for years tho.
Being a WOW junkie he could only tolerate maybe 4hours daily away from his computer, so you can guess that he wasn't wealthy. That $40 he saved glueing and taping an old pair of new balances literally bought cheetos microwave burritos and ramen noodles to last weeks. He was quite happy, so I was happy, and 5 straight years he wore THE SAME pair of tennis shoes, every single fucking day.
Obviously these shoes were beyond needing to die, they were infact undead, so to combat the smell he (brace yourself) SHOWERED with the damn things on at least three times a week.
Dedication if ever there was any.
One question: Why is he staying alive?
Actually no. Second question: Why are you friends?
nb. Ignore the second question if you cannot answer the first.
you keep using the word vile as a noun and i can't figure out whether you mean bile or you've decided to create a new usage of vile by repeating it until it catches on
So much of the stupidity in the world is due to people having an innate desire to believe in a system. The poorer or more stupid you are, the more this is the case. This desire has been bred into us, so that we can functionally live in a society. The idea that everyone has their factions and own motivations doesn't explain a lot of behavior. People choose against self-interest all the time.
Yep I believe it's called the "patron system". It's very...patronising.
They dole out crumbs from the pot, less and less crumbs the further the concentric 'circle of trust' is from the patron / sociopath / sovereign in the centre of the system.
But factions and unique motivations are - by definition - not in an individual's best interests. Caring about the welfare of the herd (Humanity) at the expense of the individual is in the best interests of every individual. That's why they constantly devise ways to divide us up; tricking us to fighting amongst ourselves.
(Intelligent) Selfishness is in the individual's best interests. But parents raise their children to please others instead of themselves, to be patriotic instead of humane, to sacrifice themselves for "King, God & Country" when logical and Selfish self-sacrifice can only ever be for Humanity (which, if we're going to be carnivorous, requires us to be humane about slaughtering of animals for food). I'm not sure about this whole carnivorous thing; I'm not entirely convinced it's necessary. Vegetarians seem physically healthy enough to me, but their haughty preaching illuminates the Truth about their motives. They're using vegetarianism as a coping mechanism. I'm not denigrating them. I'm merely asserting that they're confused about what it means to be humane. Our species must comes first. The future of our species has to take precedence.
Once we manage to arrest the inhumanity in the world, than we can focus on the horrifically inhumane treatment of animals who suffer for no other reason than commercial advantage. Vomit. Pain is very lucrative. It's just not profitable. Inhumanity is very lucrative.
It's just not sustainable, so it cannot be profitable.
You think Walmart, McDonalds, Apple, KFC and every 'successful' Fortune 500 corporation cannot afford to be humane?
You'd be 100% correct.
If they were humane, they would not be able to compete in this world of 'limited' (no) liability corporations. It's insane. The entire system has been structured to guarantee whomever is the most sociopathic and inhumane, will win. But you cannot win that way. You will never be happy creating suffering. At best, you will be temporarily pleased.
No one who creates misery is happy. The irrefutable proof of this fact can be seen if you think instead of feel, and open your blind eyes to the Reality you're misperceiving. If they were happy, what motive would they have to work so hard, creating misery, looking for edge, fighting for compete, pressuring their 'advantage', rationalising their suffering and avoiding their responsibilities to be liable for the damage and misery they create in their frantic racing to bring you cheaper products?
You pay less for your products. You pay in ways you cannot comprehend for that stupidity. Your hands have blood on them, and you disavow knowledge of anything 'uncomfortable'. That's insane. The corporations you support are the 'winners' of (un)natural selection. They are competitive because they force someone else to pay the invoices incurred by competitive failure to accept liability for their irresponsible and irreversible damage they're inflicting on this world of non-renewable resources.
I'm not as crafty as they are. I'm not as shrewd. I'm not that smart. I'm not that intelligent. In many ways, I'm an absolute retard. I cannot write to convince a single person of the Reality that I can see only because I can do a few things very well. I can do logic. I can do game theory. I can draw lines between dots. That's about it. That's all I can do. I say nothing remotely insightful but almost no one is saying it.
All I'm saying is that when it rains, you're going to get wet. That's it.
I'll draw the lines between dots as best I can, for our benefit. My greatest hope is that someone with the ability to write like Walter Isaacson can see the logic in what my inept writing cannot communicate effectively. Isaacson is a brilliant writer. I can only think of one better, David Cornwell (who writes as John le Carre). John le Carre is basically saying something similar to what I'm trying to say; or more accurately, I'm relating what le Carre's brilliance afforded me the capacity to understand. But this world needs 1000 le Carres, or 1,000,000.
In this world of fools who cannot value humans intelligently (the only thing imbeciles value is 'success'; they don't care how that success was attained which is why they'll never be successful [happy]), brilliant men like Isaacson are stuck writing biographies about imbecilic and wretched sociopaths like Steve Jobs; a pure leech whose only 'ability' was his capacity to identify genuine talent and then latch onto them / leech off them / bully them / take advantage of them / manipulate them into allowing him to claim the credit for their genius, creativity and innovation.
Jobs' secret to 'success' was his capacity to be a sociopath. He would simply abuse and betray anyone who Trusted him. He just ruined lives and made people miserable which is why he was miserable. He abandoned and destroyed the life of the innocent girl he took advantage of; disowning his child and smearing his child's mother with vile insinuations until Apple's commercial success (and a DNA test) forced him to accept his liabilities as a father. At which point, his obsession with control manipulated his (previously abandoned) daughter into rebelling against her mother; causing her mother to have an understandable breakdown. He then basically abandoned his daughter again, because he was batshit insane. All he cared about was possession, ownership, and 'winning'.
But he never won. He just made everyone around him lose.
If someone with writing ability could see the Truth and the logic that I can see but cannot communicate effectively, that would be my dream. I want no credit. I want nothing but people to stop being insane and start valuing humans intelligently. I want people to act in their own Selfish best interests and start saving faces of children instead of being obsessed with Saving Face. I want people to stop being so moronic they would be afraid of admitting something as unembarrassing as "I have no idea. Sorry I can't help."
But their shame at being thought a fool will make anyone sane disgusted with them. They shouldn't be worrying about Saving Face. They should be Saving Faces of children. I'm not preaching. I'm talking about their Selfish best interests.
The only way to play the Game of Life intelligently is to realise that no one can win when we all can play Prisoner's dilemma optimally.
So it's stupid to continue with the insane obsession so many of you have with taking advantage of children and decent people who cannot see your insanity coming. It's time to end this stupid obsession we have with seeking 'optimality' in Prisoner's dilemma spots. If the world could do that, something amazing would happen.
nb. I'm trying to do something here, if you're wondering why I keep on repeating what I've said before. I'm trying to put it all together (obviously). But then I doubt many of you read it so this is just to explain what I'm trying to do, if anyone does read it all. I'm not a retard. I'm just retarded at writing and hoping to fluke something readable.
There are 31,102 verses in the King James Version of the Holy Bible. I read it three times cover-to-cover by the time I was 12. It was the only book I was allowed to read until I was 14 when I emancipated myself; but I didn't run into freedom. I merely ran into a slicker cult with better marketing.
I ran into Society. I ran into nationalism. I ran into pretty girls. I ran into the military, wanting to fly jets and I’d very nearly run into the Coalition of the Willing. Unwilling to kill but mostly unwilling to be killed for Queen, God and Westphalia, I ran away. I’d been running from something or another, ever since.
I was tired, exhausted and wrecked when I found myself in Bangkok en route to Tokyo when I realised I didn’t want to run anymore. In the years to come, whenever people asked me why I lived in Bangkok or why I’d moved to Bangkok, I never really knew how to respond. The Truth is that I didn’t move to Bangkok to live and despite the best efforts of some decent fellows who tried and failed to drag me down from my hermit treehouse, I've never really lived in Bangkok.
I was happened to be in Bangkok when I stopped running. Though it's not technically true, it would fair to say I 'moved' to Bangkok to die.
This is a very religious world being choked to death by the emotional corruption of the Abrahamic religions. I did not think I'd last six months but I have survived a few years by virtue of Thai decency that you cannot find elsewhere (and I think I've been just about everywhere).
The evil of Christianity is so irrefutably vile, the only way they can counteract a logical argument revealing their filthy two-faced Confidence Trick is to censor you on grounds that you've offended them. Truth is very offensive to the malicious; has anyone noticed that?
50 million deaths, was the estimate of Medicine sans Frontiers when pressed for their opinion on the Pope’s 'opinions'. 50 million dead as a result of the Pope telling a continent ravaged by AIDS that sex was okay, but condoms were a fast track to Hell.
Hey we're all entitled to our opinions, right?
That's pure idiocy. Why would I be entitled to an opinion if my opinion was that you should die? Christians call for tolerance of their faith. This is their faith (don't get sucked in like the indigenous populations of every nation they've done this to):
Numbers 31:17-18 (King James Version)
17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
That's a little bit offensive.
And speaking of offensive, Catholicism (the inventors of both Original Sin and mea culpa; yes, that's as insane as it appears at first [and every subsequent] blush) tell their victims (also known as Catholics) that the Child of God died to erase God's sin (the one where he forgot to make Catholics humane) but that they'll burn in Hell for using birth control.
You can rape, murder and molest and be forgiven but if you wear a condom, you burn in Hell? For eternity?
I guess Jesus didn't die for that sin.
We need to end this insulting bullshit now. Or this insulting bullshit will end us. If that offends you, 50 million deaths offend me. So not only are you the first offender, you're pure evil so...
You think the Catholic Popes mean well?
I could be wrong about the following assertion (but if I am, it would only be negligible), but in the King James Version of the Holy Bible there are 31,101 verses of evil, idiocy or redundancy. There is one (1) verse of pure logic.
John 8:32 (King James Version)
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Of course, I quote it out of context. Jesus was a sociopathic, compulsive liar. But taken out of context, that verse is the only one of 31,102 that is logical and True. Taken in context, it's inscribed on the wall as you walk inside the CIA HQ, officially the George Bush Center for Intelligence (you might be more familiar with its nickname; Langley), in Virginia.
We need to stop lying like imbeciles imagining we're being crafty. Or not. Whatever you're into. But living in this world of lying, snivelling, censoring, deceitful, manipulative, imbecilic Toddlers who imagine they're crafty when they gum all over you with their imagined teeth...
You all hang onto life but when you scream suffering and pain and lies and deceit, you're not living. You're merely surviving. You're not winning. You're just making everyone lose.
I'm sick of losing and I'm sick of living in a world that kills 21,000 children a day whilst having the nerve to pretend that 3000 tragic deaths a decade ago can possibly be worth getting emotional about. 40,000 Americans die on the road every year. 2.5 million Americans are injured in motor vehicle accidents. Do you know how many people alcohol kills?
Jesus turned (drinkable) water into wine (a toxic, sleazy, creepy, addictive poisonous drug) and you want to assert that he's anything but evil? I know your caper. I know your filthy agenda. I'm not a good person. I have failed to act in my own best interests and I have exploited humans and caused suffering which amounts to shooting myself in the foot. So I don't do that anymore.
I'm 100 x the person Jesus was. I'm not good. I'm 100 x better. I'm Selfish. I'm humane. I'm decent. Jesus was a sociopathic creep who was pure evil; leeching rather than contributing, asserting he was God. You want to worship somebody? Worship Louis Pasteur. Jesus turned water into wine whilst children died from bacteria-infected milk for 1800 years. Jesus turned water into wine because he didn't know how to turn it into fruit juice. Fuck your filthy sociopathic 'Messiah'. No offence. If you get offended, fuck you too. How do I whether your offence is imagined or pretended?
Trick question. Neither reason is valid. Your offence is pretty offensive. So shove it. 21,000 children are dying every day and you want to force people to care about your imagined or pretended feelings?
No. I do not credit the feelings of sociopaths.
Your Messiah turned perfectly drinkable water into a toxic poison that kills children and then he suffered the little children to come unto him. At which point, he laid his hands on them.
What a filthy creep.
I understand Christian creeps will be offended by the Truth. That's how they've been beating decency for centuries. I do not lie. They do. Their offence is not valid; they should be silenced for being so offensive.
Counter my logic if you disagree or prove yourself to be the Confidence Trickster sociopath all Christians are, in reality. They're fake Christians. The joke is on them as much as it is on their victims.
But if you're 'offended', why don't you point out where I've lied? I do not lie. I am not insane.
Explain why your 'sweet' Christ (dying for the sins of children who haven't sinned? How rude!) would turn water into a poisonous, addictive drug instead of doing what Louis Pasteur did ~1800 years later.
Give one single example of a tangible contribution your preacher actually gave to Humanity. All he did was tell other people what to do, and what he told them was to be exploitable.
Explain why you're so insane that you think I would be your enemy. If you're human, I'm on your side.
If you're not human, start being one. Someone will see the Truth in what I am trying to write at some point or they'll figure it out themselves; my point being, the Tipping Point has been reached and someone is going to sic Humanity onto Christian Confidence Trickers who lied to the American indigenous population and whoops.
150,000,000 learned the Truth about Christians and their filthy Confidence Tricks.
If you're Christian, Humanity is going to come for you because your screaming for others to be humane whilst you practice your inhumane exploitation has gone on long enough. I just hope for your sake they're humane doing what they need to do, when they come for you.
If someone doesn't silence the screamers of lies and hatred soon, I can tell you what is going to happen. Dot to dot to dot. The resources will dwindle. Wars will be fought over the resources that remain. With less and less remaining, the wars will be rationalised more clinically. You don't have to be capable of understanding game theory to realise the recursion of the wars over resources, which have already started. We live in a world of nuclear weapons. When the options are limited to Dying or Using Nuclear Weapons AGAIN, what do you think is going to happen?
You think you're crafty taking advantage of humans, lying to those you ostensibly care about, playing Confidence Tricks on your children whom you raise to be your slaves, forcing others to suffer for your entertainment or suffer in order to impress you or suffer to make you feel good?
If you want others to suffer to please you, it's irrefutable proof that you are a sociopath. A human would feel their pain and a human would not be pleased with anyone who suffers to please them. If you're someone who emotionally manipulates their child into thinking they should suffer to please, then one of the following things will happen:
your child will suffer so much, they could get a chance to suffer for the world's entertainment (it's a big honour just to make it to the Olympics, you know); or
your child will suffer so much, they could become a doctor (who prescribes expensive medication their patients don't need because it's all about the money, money, money); or
your child will suffer so much, they could become a psychiatrist who continues to prescribe the most popular medication in history (not because it works, but because it doesn't - who says SSRIs are no better than placebo? Only the AMA and every psychiatrist with ethics for 25 years, many of whom lost their careers or their lives for being so humane); or
your child will suffer so much, they could become a lawyer (who helps corporations avoid paying taxes or avoid taking responsibility for their crimes; or perhaps they'll be an ambulance-chasing litigator; or perhaps they'll get the rich and powerful off the hook because it's all about the money, money, money); or
your child will marry one of the above (wouldn't that make you proud!); or
your child will die trying to reach their full potential (which is only discovered the moment before they die); or, more likely than any of the above
your child will become just another ME ME ME narcissist who had to learn to block out your emotional manipulation; because sociopaths who make their children suffer to please them often kill their children trying to exploit them.
They literally have to become narcissists (who cannot feel empathy) to survive. But narcissists cannot convince anyone to be as interested in them as they are. They just scream ME ME ME; which isn't really a compelling argument. They're very inconsiderate of the feelings of others.
Do you know how sociopaths are made?
Clues: They are forced to learn to be considerate of the feelings of others. It's called etiquette. Politeness. Compassion. Diplomacy. White lies. Laws which legislate against insanity..
What makes you think you can deter the insane with Law? They don't have control over their actions. The Law is not written to deter crimes of passion. The Law is written to ensure humans are confused about their own best interests.
Kill your three teenage daughters for 'embarrassing' you by talking to boys and you won't be insane. Oh no. The insanity plea will be rejected. The Honourable Judge presiding (who will be perfectly contemptible if you do not call him "Your Honour" - because he doesn't have any) will assert that it is not insane to kill your daughters for causing you to imagine you have "lost face" or "lost the respect of creeps". He will understand. They were "Honor Killings". He will reject the insanity plea and simultaneously assert killing your three daughters was a perfectly sane act. But he has to send you to prison to be gang-raped and punished, of course. Why?
To teach you a lesson, obviously. That's how they teach lessons in this world to humans, and dogs, and slaves. What's the lesson supposed to be?
Don't do it again. But then the only reason they did it in the first place was because they're insane. Punishing the insane doesn't make them sane. So what's the real lesson being taught?
Don't get caught being so naughty.
But they're not really being naughty, are they? Adultery is naughty. Killing your daughters?
That's batshit insane. Except in Canada, Australia, Europe, the USA and everywhere else where the Rule of Law prevails. It's a Protection Racket designed to confuse humans into failing to act in their own best interests. They commit crimes of passion, instead.
The greatest injustice ever inflicted on this world was the Abrahamic religions' construct of justice.
"Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth."
If you can't add 2 + 2 together and come up with 4 (four) instances of insanity, you'd be emotionally insane (and really bad at maths).
And that's why no one is happy. Everyone is narcissists (who cannot feel empathy) and sociopaths (who feel selective empathy). Makes it kinda hard to have fun, by the way; if you're human. Do you know how sociopaths trade with humans?
They have no need for money, money, money. When it is time to pay the bill, they'll have left their wallet at home. If you ever meet a sociopath, you'll find out how they feel about things when the bill arrives. You will pay. Hey, you're friends right? Sure, they'll pay you back but some other time.
They're paying with love tonight.
I feel empathy, like every human. So thanks, by the way.
Thank you for creating this world of pain. I've had a lot of fun. Oh you're 'offended'?