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Old 07-16-2012, 08:44 PM   #11
Hillbilly Jim
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  Capable of reading more intelligently than Mike.
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Old 07-16-2012, 08:57 PM   #12
Hillbilly Jim
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i get my news from john stewart and bill maher
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Old 07-16-2012, 09:18 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Hillbilly Jim View Post
i get my news from john stewart and bill maher

I just read somewhere recently, that Stephen Colbert is a devout Catholic. I'm too lazy to use Google but wouldn't that be something...

I love Jon Stewart and I liked Bill Maher's Religilous but they're both in bed with power so they're not going to get anywhere near the Truth.

Jon Stewart has some great lines though. One of his best is:

“Religion. It's given people hope in a world torn apart by religion.”
- Jon Stewart

This is a good one, but then of course no one is actually religious. They're just religiously insanely shrewd.

“Yes, reason has been a part of organized religion, ever since two nudists took dietary advice from a talking snake.”
― Jon Stewart

“Most world religions denounced war as a barbaric waste of human life. We treasured the teachings of these religions so dearly that we frequently had to wage war in order to impose them on other people.”
― Jon Stewart

“Parenthood is an amazing opportunity to be able to ruin someone from scratch.”
― Jon Stewart
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Old 07-16-2012, 09:20 PM   #14
Hillbilly Jim
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im just kidding i get my news from the bilderbergs

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Old 09-01-2012, 08:55 PM   #15
rum dick
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shout out to aung san suu kyi

Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
You should beg your own pardon, but first ask yourSelf whatever gave you that demented idea.

You will discover, when you ask this question of yourSelf, the answer will not include anything I have said or suggested or implied.

Shock is a function of illusion.

I am entitled to whatever opinions I can justify with logic. I do not require your concessions or your permissions.

Whatever gives you the moronic idea I get any news from FOX at all? Don't give me your answer. The question mark is for you. I already knew all the obvious truths being stated by this man in this 3 minute clip.

I attempt to learn the news from as wide a variety of sources as possible. There is no single reliable source, but of the larger 'alternative' media sources with a degree of capacity to reach the masses, the "better than" category might include Democracy Now, Russia Today, InfoWars and (somewhat surprisingly) DebkaFile. But of course, all communication with the masses is achieved only by those with a commercial agenda.

Bringing information to the masses requires money. There is very little money in Truth. Because the Truth is, you don't actually want the things you feel you want or need. You only need the things you feel you don't want or need; things like Truth. Honesty. Sense of Self. Capacity to Protect yourSelf and your children from those who have been drilling creepy emotional corruption into your conscious and subconscious from the moment you were impressionable. They do this to make you a Slave or a Soldier or a Breeder of all three, but mostly these days they do this to make you a Consumer who is never satisfied.

A satisfied customer doesn't buy anything. You have literally been programmed (for commercial reasons) to be miserable, dissatisfied and unhappy to keep you buying for life. If you had a sense of Self, you would never need to impress anybody. You would merely want to be impressive. The difference is one of Insanity v Sanity, Misery v Happiness, Exploitation v Actualisation, Fighting v Fun, Slavery v Freedom, Troubled v Calm, Stressed v Relaxed, Worthless v Invaluable, etc. It's literally that important.

You need to establish the motive of your mother for why she hijacked you into her world, and why she raised you to want to please creeps who are pleased when others suffer to please them. Only then will you realise how she hobbled you for them.

But once you understand that there is no money in Truth, you will understand that Truth will never be brought to you. You will have to go looking for it, because those who speak Truth cannot afford to brainwash you and wouldn't want to Spam you in the first place.

So the truly insightful news articles are usually Op-Eds written by bloggers without much of a capacity to reach the masses, or you need to learn how to read between the lines of journalists who risk their careers daily when they attempt to slip decency past the hawkish eyes of sub-editors and editors who have a job to do.

Their job is to lie to you or they won't get paid. There is no money in Truth. Capacity to communicate to the imbecilic 'entitled' masses will always be a function of commercial incentive. "News is what somebody wants to suppress. Everything else is advertising." (Rubin Frank, former President of NBC News)

If you're reading it, it's for you.

Your 'passion' is a very big problem for you. The dispassionate are capable of recognising logic and truth no matter the source. Your blanket discrimination amounts to generalisation in the same vein as racism.

Your incapacity to distinguish between advertising and news is a big problem for you.

You are an imbecile for being afraid of something other than fear, itself.

You are an imbecile for thinking celebrity entertainment is news.

Slaves need to know whether to dress for cold or rain or hot weather. Whether it's accurate or not is of relatively tiny importance or relevance to the fact that slaves do not realise they are slaves.

Weather forecasters are simply voodoo witchdoctors who know a tiny bit of science and are too busy pretending to know everything to have much of a clue. But when a hurricane is heading for New Orleans, those who thought like you got wet.

You are coerced so easily and with such regularity, it's almost ludicrous to imagine they're doing it with trickery. Your corrupted instincts are a big problem for you.

There are very few Truths as true as that quote and I have no fucking idea who Michael Savage is but if he did not attribute it to the correct source, you should probably stop watching his fucking deceitful show.

Aung San Suu Kyi's father is, I believe, the first person who said that. He said it a long time ago. DASSK is god. And you are about to learn about brilliance if you have the capacity to recognise brillance when it is illuminated for you; but you should be bright enough to connect dots like this yourSelf.

Aung San Suu Kyi's personality cult was a creation of the Burmese junta. Why do you think they kept her alive? Why do you think they kept releasing her routinely only to confine her to house arrest again? Do you really fucking think they were frightened of killing a tiny, pretty, frail daughter of a Burmese icon? These are people who mow down monks and students with automatic gunfire. They created her cult status, and it's a brilliant stroke of genius which has been utilised to great effect very often throughout history.

She's painfully aware of it, and gives endless clues regarding her unease with being thought to be an icon her people imagine they need to free themSelves from tyranny. All they need is to stop being terrified into giving their power away to Those Who Will Make Anyone Capable of Fearing Anything but Fear Itself, Very Very Afraid.

The Thai Army use the Thai King in identical fashion; they respectfully ignore his pleas to stop arresting those who 'disrespect' or 'insult' him. The Thai King has never arrested a single person. But he utilises (at maximum capacity) the power of pardon that Power is forced to concede to him in order to sustain the illusion of his non-existent Power. They arrest their enemies on charges 'proven' by witnesses (who never lie, obviously) or technological 'evidence' (which only they have the capacity to challenge the veracity of - what with national security concerns and all). The King pardons them and begs them to stop. But they won't hear of word of it.

They respect him too much to care about his wishes.

Prince William was recently used in similar fashion by Power, when the ship his SAR SeaKing chopper was assigned to was (inexplicably) dispatched to the Falklands (probably as a favour to the Argentine government).

But of course, vassals have never really understood how Power 'works'. That's why they give their power away, creating Power which exploits them and starts wars to legitimise the 'requirement' for the existence of what amounts to nothing more than a Protection Racket.

I love DASSK because she doesn't actually want power. She wants to empower the imbeciles who worship her and fear those to whom they give their power, when they are frightened by something other than fear itself.

“It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it.”
― Aung San Suu Kyi, Freedom from Fear

“Within a system which denies the existence of basic human rights, fear tends to be the order of the day. Fear of imprisonment, fear of torture, fear of death, fear of losing friends, family, property or means of livelihood, fear of poverty, fear of isolation, fear of failure. A most insidious form of fear is that which masquerades as common sense or even wisdom, condemning as foolish, reckless, insignificant or futile the small, daily acts of courage which help to preserve man's self-respect and inherent human dignity. It is not easy for a people conditioned by fear under the iron rule of the principle that might is right to free themselves from the enervating miasma of fear. Yet even under the most crushing state machinery courage rises up again and again, for fear is not the natural state of civilized man.”
― Aung San Suu Kyi, Freedom from Fear

“The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear."
― Aung San Suu Kyi

“The search for scapegoats is essentially an abnegation of responsibility: it indicates an inability to assess honestly and intelligently the true nature of the problems which lie at the root of social and economic difficulties and a lack of resolve in grappling with them.”
― Aung San Suu Kyi, Freedom from Fear

“In societies where men are truly confident of their own worth, women are not merely tolerated but valued."
― Aung San Suu Kyi

“You should never let your fears prevent you from doing what you know is right.”
― Aung San Suu Kyi

“Fear is a habit; I am not afraid.”
― Aung San Suu Kyi

If you look closely, you will see she's drilling home a message very similar to what I rant to imbeciles who do not fear me and so they do not listen to anything I (or DASSK, or FDR, or John le Carre or anyone sane) has to say.

Yep. A moron like you, who - in your incapacity to have a clue or any real desire to remedy that deficiency - allows your fears of the government who have all your dumb lurid shit stored away in servers which process and file away millions of imbeciles' lurid secrets for a rainy day. One imagines you're never going to make it rain, so you're going to be allowed to continue to shoot yourSelf in your feet whilst being terrified of those who have so much more information about you than even you can remember, finding out about your dumb lurid shit.

Privacy is a joke played by Power on imbeciles.

You're an imbecile. I'm tired of explaining why you're an imbecile, to you.

Do you read a single fucking brilliant word I write? Every single dysfunctional aspect of your unserviceable life, every pain you have ever suffered or imagined you suffered, every single emotion you've ever felt and almost every thought you've ever thought (assuming you think at all) has and is and will be by virtue of Power's influence over you and your life of (profitable, or at least controllable) fail.

You're almost too stupid to be plausible. How have you not learned how to read, at 31 years of age you're illiterate? You're a disgrace.

How many times have I told you and explained to you that those who Supply you with Pain 'Relief' (after having created your Demand for it, i.e. your pain) have no motive to stop you from being their idiotic customer?

They literally can and do stop you from taking any medicine that would relieve your pain. Or have I missed your following through on your Christian assertion that you could source non-addictive Desoxyn in a country where it is regulated by the FDA and indicated for the treatment of ADHD and narcolepsy? You should probably kill your mother for doing this to you, but then revenge is a dish best served when it is not served to damage yourSelf at all.

You degrade the world of decency with your imbecilic Toddler delusions of imagined Power. You have no power, you've given it away. You are so powerless, Power will insult you by allowing you to believe you have power.

You only have the power to embarrass yourSelf, like when you ridicule yourSelf with stupidity I'd not tolerate from a toddler.

You imbecile. You don't know the definitions of the words you use. So you're illiterate and a fool, because you imagine you have a clue when you really have Everest to scale just to get back to Neutral in terms of "knowing".

Fear runs this planet. You fear everything but fear itself. You give away your (relatively tiny) power. You should really take that power back, in order to retake control of yourSelf; because presently, you're out of control which means someone else is controlling you.

Politics has everything to do with Power. Politicians run races to be Power's delegate to lie to you. But politics is not limited to what the blinded and hobbled can see or follow. If you weren't an imbecile, you would have the capacity to draw back the curtains and read between the lines and understand the complex and never-ending political struggle for power conducted behind the thin veil of what is brought to you. But you're too lazy so you see only what Power wants you to see.

And you're too stupid to even retain the brilliant Truth given to you, for free. It's not complimentary, but it could be if you had a fucking milligram of value.

I know a little bit about Power because I have power, unlike you. When I tell you that Politics takes an interest in you whether you are interested in politics, I'm quoting DASSK's father and I'm drilling you with Truth. I know what I'm talking about because unlike you, I can produce.

This is probably the most prestigious academic award at ADFA; I topped the School of Politics in consecutive years. The reason I generate respect is because I do not desire or demand respect for mySelf; all I've ever wanted was for imbeciles to have enough Self-respect to criticise my ideas and theories with logic instead of emotional insanity and entrenched positions and 'opinions' which are not justified but which are asserted (by the insane, who have no valid right to be allowed to express themSelves until they understand their feelings are not valid unless they can rationally justify them) as truth.

Compare and contrast with you.

Yeah. I would hate mySelf if I were you.

The problem with this world is imbeciles who are so stupid they really shouldn't have ever been given the idea that they should assert anything, ever; let alone be permitted to be deluded enough into feeling they are somehow special enough to be expressing their insanity as Truth.

Your demented inability to think in terms that are not binary reduces you to a role which is somewhat limited; specifically, your existence as an embarrassment for Humanity. There are three sides to every debate; the Correct position, the Incorrect position and the Pareto optimal Solution.

Two of those are grossly superior to the incorrect position. Asserting that being Correct or solving a problem with a pragmatic Solution is as faggot as debating which religion best exploits yourSelf, is so fucking embarrassing for you it's a wonder you assert a damn thing. You should be reading and learning how not to be an imbecile. That would be in the best interests of you.

Rather than telling people what to do, why don't you ask them why their deity has never given Humanity something tangible that humans can use? A cure to a disease, a clue to a plant which can be used for Good, a scientific fact not already discovered, something - anything - tangible that can be used by Humanity for progress.

Perhaps he's too busy sorting through the billions of prayers thanking him for feeding those who make innocent children suffer in order to possess cheaper luxury goods.

God I don't even know why I bother with you. You're a waste of oxygen. Why are you still breathing if you're not going to Get A Fucking Clue?

You think those who print money are winners? You imbecile. They don't win.

With the help of imbeciles like you, they just make the entire world lose.

Are you asking me this question? Who are you yelling at?

I am a libertarian. A humanitarian. I am an anti-theist. I seek only Pareto optimal solutions to my Selfish interests in the elimination of human suffering, because those in pain are unlikely to bring me pleasure.

I'm a human. I'm not sure what you are, but I'm pretty sure you'd struggle to make the logical case for your existence. You're not human unless you're capable of being humane. You'll never be capable of being humane until you're capable of being sane. You'll never be capable of being sane until you stop thinking you have a clue when you're not merely clueless, you're in far worse shape than that.

As BigDMcgee succinctly stated, power without religion is a donut without a hole. Where you're too demented to be of any value, is when you fail to understand that your actions determine whether you are a Catholic Toddler. It has nothing to do with how you feel about religion. It has everything to do with whether you think intelligently, and have the capacity to process Truth without distorting it to 'benefit' you.

You'll be a weapon of religion until you retake control of your mind from the whore who took it away from you. This is not about her. This is all about you.

Imagining that Truth will be brought to you by a commercial enterprise wealthy and powerful enough to own a television station, is impossibly more stupid than burning your eyelids off. You're blind. You need to burn something or you'll just keep on being you. If you're confused, you really don't want to keep making that mistake.

You're just an imbecile. If you traded without inside information, you'd be as imbecilic as you. Oh just between me and you, if you're confused I can tell you categorically that the commercial mainstream television channels are not going to bring inside information exclusively to you. Or to their millions of viewers.

Where is the logic in doing that? Where is the logic in your being you.

Who are you bringing news too? What makes you think you're in a position to give anyone the Truth, when you're too stupid to understand that no one gives a fuck about imbeciles who assert their beliefs without the capacity to logically justify why they feel that way.

There is no logic in your demented assertions. I will rephrase your assertion with logic, so you can compare and contrast.

"If you are playing a game created by someone else who plays the game against you after writing all of the rules, you're going to need a logical reason to expect to overcome the odds stacked against you. If you do not have a logical reason, then lol @ you. Because those without inside information would have to be Statutorily Apeshit to imagine that no one has the information on which success is reliant, as well as the capacity to play the game and use that information against you."

What the fuck are you babbling about? You're talking about a game where the only thing that matters is information. What is your mental malfunction? Why are you babbling about "protection", "tiny fish" and "nightmares"? Your stupidity is the nightmare infecting the world.

The imbecilic who feel they know everything, but who have so many clues to unravel before they're clueless, it's unfathomable that they're even allowed to vote. But then of course, you're the reason sane people are insulted with the 'gift' of democracy. You're the reason the world reeks of noise and imbecilic, unjustified 'opinions' asserted as truths.

You moron. Who made you think you were capable of having a clue? Kill her. Or get away from her. What is wrong with you?

"Diversified to the nth power"?

I don't even want to know someone as stupid as you.

"Phone calls to announce the sale of equities"?

This is how you imagine market makers manipulate the illusionary value of publicly traded companies? You dumb fuck. They have the information that you don't have. They don't need to play demented games with forcing Margin Calls and Noose by announcing they're dumping their stock onto the open market in order to devalue it. What the fuck. Why are you so stupid you feel your stupidity could be valid?

They have the information, you imbecile. They simply buy when it's shrewd to do so, and sell when it's shrewd to do so. Sometime after they have bought or sold, they release the information to imbeciles like you.

It's really that simple. Your brain is too unserviceable to be of any value.

Awwh. Should those who infect imbeciles like you with emotional absurdity be expected to care about your emotional absurdity? What are you, Winnie the Pooh? What is wrong with you. Don't answer that question. Just shut the fuck up.

Are you channelling Rockefeller or are you just drooling your stupid noose into the atmospheric din of imbeciles just like you asserting their homespun 'wisdom' and valueless babbling; which understandably results in the exhausted readers of the world incorrectly assuming my brilliance could somehow be comparative with the unfathomable stupidity of someone who is broke giving financial advice and wisdom to an audience which is mostly comprised of guys who are very much deceptively brighter than they make out (easily top 5% types).

Well you finally got near the Holy Grail of "correct". Except it's got less to do with Wealthy v Poor and a great deal more to do with the Manipulative v the Manipulated. Poverty is not hereditary; only religion wants humans to feel than way.

The reason you chase carrots while your knuckles drag across the gravel is because you Trusted the worst kind of sociopath; the kind that convinced you that you should love them and trust them and unconditionally support them with your blind loyalty. You're lucky to be alive when you've been that stupid, but then I suppose "being alive" is both subjective and debatable.

Who are you imparting this 'wisdom' to? There is nothing of value in stating the obvious. If you want to create value, you need to put down something which is logical and thoughtful and original or at least, valid enough to not make originality a valid consideration.

I can tell you why human beings flaunt their wealth. It's because they're unhappy and they feel they should be happy; after all, they were lied to by a Society which needed to enslave them and make them insane enough to think that inanimate objects could bring the happiness which is not achieved by turning humans into animated cartoon cliches who are effectively automated robots desperate to please creeps.

I can tell you why human beings hunger after the emotional validation of sleazy creeps. But then I've told you about the Whore already and you had a cry as if you were the brainless Pinky who needed The Brain when The Brain just needed Pinky to fuck off to get his dream of world domination.

I can tell you why "peer pressure" exists, when it's an illusion as demented as "bravery" (which presents as "bullying"). Both demented insanities are caused by the same thing that makes humans care so much about what other people think, they literally die trying to become anorexic or kill themSelves trying to impress with death-defying stunts or endure decades of pain and misery hoping for a shot at Olympic glory.

"It's an honour just to compete for the entertainment of creeps, you know!"

I can tell you why humans rape and kill and violently assault and molest and exploit and manipulate and deceive other humans; with those they care about at grossly higher % of risk of victimisation than strangers.

But I've told you all this shit already. You just can't read, you imbecile. How embarrassing for you.

Can you read a single line? Read this one.

"Love is whatever there is to betray."
- le Carre

What are you talking about? You've never raced.

I literally mentioned lightbulbs and Dancing with the Stars in one of my rants the other day. That's a little creepy dude.

Because everyone thinks they're going to be the last man standing.

And that means they will win the whole world...!

Everyone will be dead so no fun, but who needs fun when you've killed everyone and WON THE ENTIRE GAME...!?

Because I'm stupid enough to hold onto this deluded belief that the imbecilic can be less imbecilic but then I'm a moron because the imbecilic never even want to learn a damn thing. They already know everything.

But if you weren't an imbecile, you would understand that when I write "if you can spot a word that isn't true chances are you would be dead.wrong" about a four-minute video clip, chances are I'm talking about the four minutes rather than the sum total of content of the television network it was broadcasted by.

But then you are an imbecile imagined that I was championing an outlet because you are batshit insane. You see what you imagine you see, you feel what you imagine you feel, you don't want to listen, you don't want to learn and you blame everyone else for your suffering. Blame your mother. Blame yourSelf. Or better yet, fucking work you lazy bum. Work on becoming sane.

Because if you don't bother with being intelligent or sane, it's unlikely but in a worst case scenario, you could become you.

You aren't bright enough to use words because you don't know their definitions so until you do, don't.

Sounds like you're fearing what they want you to fear instead of fearing fear itself. How embarrassing for you.

You've stopped thinking. That's what you 'think'.

The truth is that you've never thought. You just felt that you had.

Stop feeling. Start thinking.

You're not very good at logic. But logic is very simple. You're just more simply incapable of learning how to think rationally.

If the news is making you miserable, you're an imbecile for not instantly thinking in terms of "motive". Of course, you're an imbecile for thinking commercial enterprises with the money and power to reach millions or even billions, would ever have a commercially-viable reason to bring your stupid, demented, entitled ass Truth.

Get off your fucking ass and do something for yourSelf for a fucking change. Go find some fucking news instead of being the leech that drags the world down to your lowest common denominator like every good little slave should.

Because they're moronic enough to believe the news brought to them is going to be anything but 'news'. They're morons like you, but it doesn't affect them as much because you're really at the sharp end of feeling the root-kitted insanity which will almost always present as imagined emotional trauma and pain.

How can anyone answer those who haven't the capacity to read or hear or process sanity because all they can read or hear or process is the corrupted perception that only they can see but which they have been led to believe is Reality.

It's not real. It's not even close.

But I understand why you feel that it could be real. You were led to believe in the validity of insanity. You were raised with Fantasy which isn't the best prep for Reality. You hit Reality and screamed like a little bitch. You ran smack into the arms of their poisonous substitutes for pain relief.

You need to be a big boy now. You can start by learning how to fucking read.

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Old 09-02-2012, 05:29 PM   #16
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rofl watch this, calm down sky #preemptive
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Old 09-02-2012, 05:43 PM   #17
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lol johnny vincent spending 15 minutes composing a terrible post and then not following through
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Old 09-02-2012, 05:48 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
There are very few Truths as true as that quote and I have no fucking idea who Michael Savage is but if he did not attribute it to the correct source, you should probably stop watching his fucking deceitful show.

Aung San Suu Kyi's father is, I believe, the first person who said that. He said it a long time ago. DASSK is god.

Pericles apparently said it an even longer time ago. DASSK remains God.

Originally Posted by mike
why bother?

Because if you don't bother with being intelligent or sane, it's unlikely but in a worst case scenario, you could become you.

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Old 09-02-2012, 05:50 PM   #19
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SkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond repute

Originally Posted by gay sex View Post
lol johnny vincent spending 15 minutes composing a terrible post and then not following through

I'm using my Galaxy S3 because my MBA caught on fire. This forum is not phone friendly. Also I have 22 windows open.
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Old 09-02-2012, 05:52 PM   #20
Things could be worse...
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SkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond reputeSkyNigger has a reputation beyond repute

Originally Posted by gay sex View Post
rofl watch this, calm down sky #preemptive

But you should not be embarrassed. Keeping track of who has open windows is not creepy or comical at all.

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