I'm not saying the autistic service announcement is anything but funny.. but things like that are a lot more effective for me when they never drop character.. Like Andy Kaufman or Pee Wee Herman... Speaking of Andy Kaufman I hear a Bill Hicks movie is in the works..
From a psyops persective, leaving the IST thing off the end makes it seem actually plausible and not a gag. This will likely infuriate Todd just a little bit more. Trust me, I'm a master at the needle and getting under people's skins. People write it off as me being "horrible" but reality is... I'm just next level shit. Even if you leave the splash... Freeze the frame where he makes eye contact with the camera at the end. It gives that sad starving kid infomercial look, like he is pleading for help. When his eye contact trails off.... you lose effectiveness.
Ok not really about the next level shit. I'm pretty horrible but I don't try to buddy up like you fellas so.. I'll never be in the VIP forums... or fit in.. but I'm fine with that.. IST.. We need Texas Ski Team.. TST.. Now that would be the shit. Except I think all Texans are computer illiterate except me.