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Old 04-14-2011, 06:22 AM   #11
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i'd rather have the guy who can make infinite liquor around than some geek with a hammer
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Old 04-14-2011, 07:00 AM   #12
Hillbilly Jim
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what a moron bean, thor eats goats and then resurects them, kid has an infinite supply of food
good luck starving to death being a pretentious faggot drinking wine
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Old 04-14-2011, 09:50 AM   #13
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he also has a faggy wing helmet

  he really does
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Old 04-14-2011, 10:40 PM   #14
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its not as faggy as a crown of thorns
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Old 04-14-2011, 10:59 PM   #15
Hillbilly Jim
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Originally Posted by Been View Post
he also has a faggy wing helmet

oh no you dint

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Old 04-15-2011, 12:12 AM   #16
Things could be worse...
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Deep? Meaningful? Slaves? hahaha. You made me lol.

You're stupid, you see.
But it's not your fault. All of our minds were packaged with rootkits early in the game. Silent sleeper cells, Trojans, lying inactive, patiently, waiting...

...for the control order that will come, at some point. Again, for it has certainly been activated on you a few times already. And it will come again, and again, and yet again; whenever someone wishes to manipulate or exploit your marinated tender vulnerable face.

This is all intentional, of course. It's not a curious accident. If you haven't yet heard, there's a lazy 96-99.x % of your brain that you never use (most notably when you fail to ask the question of WHY?).

You've effectively been bred as livestock. Of course I am talking about the emotions swirling chaotically inside your brain, and the brain of every human thus tenderised. Massaged like Wagyu cattle, lovingly fed the grass and beer of romanticism, idealism, chivalry, ethics, loving thy neighbours, giving in order to receive, lying for the benefit of others, the offence of inoffensive questioning of intentions or qualifications or logical validity, faith when all else (where else = logical validity) fails, how to behave in polite society (lies for the sake of 'peace'), diplomacy (lies to 'avoid' conflict), etiquette (laws to control behaviour, ostensibly unwritten - orly? immaculately conceived!), the outrageous injustice that is the justice system (which selectively applies illegal laws that should not even exist; and punishes the poor for crimes rich people don't need to commit for fairly obvious reasons; and fails to punish the rich when they commit them for the sake of it, because they can; and which takes away the liberty of those who respectfully disagree with the state's illegal crimes ordering them to kill X ethnic citizen, or kill Y enemy as part of an invasion force attacking a nation on the other side of the globe, or not ingest Z poison which is only a poison because the justice system has blockaded the non-poison whilst opening the floodgates for the poison / $$ / control / power), heredity rights (lol), religion (lol), love (lol), violence being not only an acceptable response to verbal 'insult' (real or perceived) but even a mandatory requirement (or are you not a man?), and endless - and I really do mean endless - other illogical idiocies and vile lies that are provably ridiculous, which a very brilliant and very evil Society ploughs directly into your brain from a very young age.

Without anyone - ANYONE - asking the single question that should be asked about everything. It's the only question that ever matters.


WHY? were you brainwashed with the ludicrous idea that everyone has but one soulmate; and then, if you lose your soulmate (lol), why were you told "there are plenty of fish in the sea"?

If it sounds innocuous, I assure you that it is your innocuous brain which is U/S and in dire need of a service (having never actually had a tune-up).

WHY? were you brainwashed with the ludicrous idea that it's honourable and heroic to be killed - and to kill other, honourable heroes (perhaps of a different shade of skin) - in wars fought on an invariable pretext so trivial, even cynics fail to realise the nature of their purpose? A purpose which is never 'oil' or idiotic trivialities of that sort; no, wars are fought for far more legitimate and necessary reasons. Reasons that relate to diversion, distraction, confusion. Reasons that are directly linked to that ever-present fear of those who sit atop a pyramid of delicately-balanced cards; the fear that the cards (or slaves), whom they precariously (yet ruthlessly) lord over, might actually stop being distracted. They might stop fighting with each other over idiotic trivialities. And, no longer distracted by irrelevant considerations, they might actually do something terrifyingly relevant.

They might - shiver - LOOK UP.

WHY? were you brainwashed into accepting the outrageous idiocy that presents in the rape and slaughter and imprisonment of those who hurt no one (not even themselves, quite the opposite - in fact!)? Why must peaceful children who wish to smoke leaves of natural plants in privacy and tranquillity be subjected to state-sponsored outrageous crimes; and have their liberty taken from them, and thrown into pits of filth and violence and sexual molestation, mental asylums where the doctors are as useless as the ones wearing white coats, but a great deal more violent with their government-issued batons?

WHY? were you given books to read, by your brainwashed parents and by a Society which ostensibly cares for your best interests; books which amount to filthy, illogical provable lies and traps? Which books? Literally any book you read until you were a teenager, and probably most (if not all) read after the point where reading is brilliantly negated, replaced by Jersey Shore and computer games. Literally every single book you've ever read is full of lies, which everyone (who wasn't rendered retarded by them) is now fully aware were fairy tale lies - but you didn't know that when you read them, and many believe the lies their entire lives, and no one - NO ONE - is questioning why they were given the books to read in the first place. And at such an impressionable age!

Here's the top ten most printed books:

10 Most Read Books In The World

10. Diary of Anne Frank - 27 million
9. Think and Grow Rich - 30 million
8. Gone With the Wind - 33 million
7. Twilight Saga - 43 million
6. The DaVinci Code - 57 million
5. The Alchemist - 65 million
4. Lord of the Rings Trilogy - 103 million
3. Harry Potter series - 400 million
2. Quotations of Mao Tse-tung - 820 million
1. The Holy Bible - 3.9 billion. 3900 million. 3,900,000,000.

What do all these books have in common? No, the answer is not irrelevance or diversion - though that would not be an unintelligent answer; merely an incorrect one.

The answer (and there are some books which are as poignant in their absence) is very simple, and very obvious.

But you've never thought about this, because Society has made a boob out of you. You've never questioned the illogic, which Society brainwashed into your impressionable mind at the only age at which it was...impressionable. Your mind is full of FUCK because FUCK was what it was intentionally filled with; for purposes that cannot be rationalised away, they cannot be explained away, the reasons why you were brainwashed by Society are inherently obvious. They are provably identical to a Nigerian scam email.

WHY? have you never questioned Society's brainwashing you throughout childhood with the ludicrous idea that people are inherently good, or inherently evil? When they are neither good nor evil, but merely irrevocably selfish.

WHY? have you never questioned a Society that tells you psychopaths are to be feared, when psychopaths are merely handicapped and limited from feeling empathy? Why have you never realised that the true danger is not represented by handicapped psychopaths; they cannot possibly be as dangerous as Psychopaths Mark II. You know those scary fuckers; the sneaky dangerous fuckers who only feel empathy when it suits them; in order to manipulate the emotions of others, and to rationalise their ongoing psychopathic behaviour. The pursuit of their own self-interest. Loving selectively. Forming friendships selectively. Feeling empathy selectively. Nothing is more dangerous that that kind of animal.

You want an example of such a predator? A terrifying beast provably more dangerous than psychopaths? Look in the mirror, dipshit.

This is a society that prints as many copies of a book as there are humans to read it. 3.9 billion copies of a book where the overwhelming premise (if one can be coaxed out of the idiotic contradictions and idiotic provable nonsense and the idiotic evil and stupidity of an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present God who continually changes his mind, kills innocents including children, curses the descendants of an evildoer, kills the wives and children of a man purely for an egotistical prop bet, replaces them after winning with the belief he is rewarding the man's insane loyalty...and so on and so on)...3.9 billion copies selling a premise which is provably idiotic, and very - VERY - twisted and vile and evil. In fact, nothing can possibly be more evil. Because it sounds so sweet and innocent.

Yes, I'm talking about The Golden Rule. As sweet and innocent as a smiling paedophile, approaching a child who is about to have their innocence stolen from them, and their life ruined for ever.

WHY? have you never questioned it for it's complete illogical invalidity? Why have you never realised the true nature of every religious tenet?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


WHY? the fuck would someone tell you to do that, when they damn well know the Others are not going to do unto you as you would 'have' them do?

Give, and you shall receive.


WHY? the fuck would someone tell you to give them something (whilst telling you what you are giving them is worthless, of course), with a promise of impossible riches (of incomprehensible value) at some point down the line, in return, after you have given?

Say, have you ever come across this peculiar request elsewhere?

  this is correct
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Old 04-15-2011, 12:13 AM   #17
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I have. You have. The difference between you and I is that I have connected the fucking dots, and I have asked WHY?

Sure, I'll love so that I am loved. I'll give so that I can receive. I'll be a friend so that others are friends in return. I'll do the 'right' thing by others, so that they do the right things by me; treat others with fairness, so that they'll be fair; obey the laws of God and man so that I can be protected from man's inherent evil's evil...wait!!

Hold on a fucking second now. Laws to keep the evil of man in check? Um, padre / pastor / imam / prophet / minister / rabbi / reverend ? You just wait one fucking second now...

Priest, why are you telling me to obey man's laws (which ostensibly exist for my protection from the evil of man), whilst simultaneously telling me I must expose myself to the exploitation of those evil men with all this giving, and loving, and goodness? Which I must do first? Always, always me first.

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Old 04-15-2011, 12:36 AM   #18
Hillbilly Jim
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what pisses me off is that teachers are so terrible that they teach you how to read like a moron
if they would teach you how to speed read when you are a kid america would be number 1
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Old 04-15-2011, 12:38 AM   #19
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Excuse me Religious Representatives, Spokesmen of a merciful and loving God / Allah / Jehovah / Buddah, may I please request your reasons for why you are telling me I must not fairly reapportion the wealth of our rulers (not even when they die), and give it to the starving, and the sick, the oppressed and the miserable, the wretches of poverty, the children in hunger and in pain, who are being exploited for their unfortunate crime of being born into poverty?

What fucking scam are you running here...I don't mean to be impolite, Your Holiness. I would hate to be deemed rude Sir, in politely asking of you this valid question which you will not answer.

Okay, okay, fine. I'll do all of these things, Priest. I swear to God I'll do them. But hey, let's swap places shall we? How about....

You do them first. Always, always you first. I mean, that's only fair no? You've had 2000 years of telling the world that we must go first. Let's swap places, Religion! Change ends. You kick into the wind for a change.

Give, and YOU shall receive.

Oh? God cares more about a $27,000 embroidered luxury rug for the comfort of your feet, than the excruciation and miserable pain suffered by a starving, sexually-abused 3 year old in the Philippines? A nation of 100 million, which is 97% Catholic. And which the minions of Catholicism have proactively ensured the enslavement and ignorance of, for a fucking century now. Telling simple peasants that they will go to Hell if they use condoms, even when they cannot afford to feed the 6 children they already have.

But phew! The priests will take them in, those starving little boys. Oh, hallelujah! I was worried there, for a moment.

WHY? would you believe that the immense offence that would be felt by a Catholic, at reading the irrefutably true statements I have just made, could possibly be valid? Or logical? Or grounds for moderation? Or censorship? Or heresy? Or burning at the stake?

WHY? would anyone be so stupid that they would simply accept the lies of religion, rulers, governments, manipulators, exploiters and society?

I'll tell you why. Because your slave minds have been filled with FUCK. Very intentionally. Very maliciously. Very evilly. From the instant you entered this world of manipulation and exploitation and paedophilic predators.

And nothing can be done about it. You cannot be saved. Almost no one can. I can probably even scratch the 'almost'. You're you're all far too damaged already. The rootkits are full-blown malware now, viruses not running amok so much as running the fucking insane asylum that is your brain.

And the evidence of that fact?

For those who even read this far - and I swear on your pitiful life, there is nothing more important that you will ever read in your pitiful life, than this post - you'll likely be too lazy to even write "too long, did not read".

TLDR? lol yes. I know. I even know why. You don't. You're not remotely capable of knowing why you're too lazy to be educated with Truth.

I do. And you don't realise that I could exploit you and almost every other human muppet milling about, brains infested by the FUCK of Society? Take my word for it. Or don't take my word for it.

Trust me slaves, I could exploit humanity and humans in ways they cannot fucking comprehend. In ways no one has even thought of yet.

But I have no desire to. I'm an emotional cutter. Instead of gorging on exploitable humans like you, smiling politely to your face whilst I befriend you by telling you what you want to hear, as I manoeuvre my slimy hands into a position where your gonads are in a vice; which is about as hard as taking a dump - I instead choose to rudely 'offend' you. With Truth.

"Oh I dunno, who can we trust? I've known Father O'Leary most of my life. Your word against his...hmm hmm..."

Yeah those spots are always tough. Such dilemmas. I'll help you out with your stupidity, Christian Brother.

If you don't believe me, and you shouldn't - not automatically at least - and the sheer irrefutable logic of the thing has sailed above your intentionally damaged brain, I can prove I'm being legitimate. You can always figure out if someone is genuine or not. Simply ask of me (or them) the question.


Well? What am I selling, nigger slaves? Nothing. I'm giving you provable Truth. Why? Fuck if I know. What other option does one have, when one doesn't wish to exploit the exploitable? And is bored and restless, despite being fully aware of the hopelessness of trying to help idiots who are too selfish and lazy to even care about themselves, to possibly give a fuck about the suffering of millions of children being raped and exploited and slaughtered. En masse.

This rant was actually posted for a very different crowd lol, so keep that in mind. However, any Christians reading will surely be offended. Bingo! You'll run back to your masters, to the safety of the chains which enslave you. You'll rush back into your enclaves of denial, deluded into believing the hilarious contradiction sold to you by a polite society. The contradiction that makes people believe that someone who isn't selling them anything, but is being 'rude' to them....isn't 'nice' and cannot be worth listening to.

The opposite is true, you idiot niggers. Stupid slaves, pitiful wretches working the plantation that is the globe. Owned (if you're lucky) by masters who are fawningly polite to you, who politely lie to your face in fake charades of 'elections', where you are sold the delusion that you have choices which are not choices, convinced you have the freedom to obey their laws or be punished for your insolence, a democracy where you can kill for them or be killed by them.

Yeah, you got choices, you miserable gaggle of slaves. Do what they say, or die. Also, free iPads for anyone who doesn't want to die! Go fucking accept your 'prize' and be happy with your 'choice' to live in misery - continually deluding yourself that things will get better one day, as soon as you get that iPad 2, that promotion, that object of your affection, that car, that house, that increase in magic monopoly money worth. Go choose, you pathetic fools. Let them win.

I'm going go over here and do something else. And chances are, you'll never hear of the inconsequential consequences that will occur, should my courage stupidly override my selfish desire to stay alive. But I'm no hero. I just merely could be. In reality, my alternatives are borderline untenable. Oh sure, I could likely become one of your masters; exploiting idiots with a yawn, shaking my head in contempt / pity / disgust at your stupidity. I could do it in my fucking sleep. But blech.

Or...I guess I can be killed for the stupidity that is telling slaves in denial that they should LOOK THE FUCK UP!

You think I'm being melodramatic? This world only has masters and slaves. I am not a master. Therefore I am a runaway slave. A really stupid, loud-mouthed one. Do you see any media channels speaking the Truth I am speaking now? Do you think I'm the only non-moronic idiot on the face of the planet, who understands the sickness going on all around? I assure you that I'm not.

I might be the only moronic genius who isn't remotely interested in simply reaching out and taking what you idiots would sacrifice your kin for. I might be the most brilliant fucking retard on the planet. Or please direct me to where I might find other idiots like me - who are not exploiting idiots like you. Idiots who are telling slaves that they should stop trying to bully the pitiful wretches underneath them, and stop squabbling with the pitiful wretches beside them, that they should, instead, you know, just for a change, for the sheer heck of it all, just fucking, one time...just one fucking time...

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Old 04-15-2011, 12:41 AM   #20
Hillbilly Jim
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10. Diary of Anne Frank - 27 million
9. Think and Grow Rich - 30 million
8. Gone With the Wind - 33 million
7. Twilight Saga - 43 million
6. The DaVinci Code - 57 million
5. The Alchemist - 65 million
4. Lord of the Rings Trilogy - 103 million
3. Harry Potter series - 400 million
2. Quotations of Mao Tse-tung - 820 million
1. The Holy Bible - 3.9 billion. 3900 million. 3,900,000,000.

i find twilight more alarming than the bible

  Twilight has pedophilia & imprinting. The Bible has both and 1000 more horrors.
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