I disagree, mostly because people can simply ignore his posts if they do not like him. An argument can be made the way he interacts with people who actively post changes them for the worse and thus he detracts but again, anyone actively engaging the man voluntarily do so thus it's very hard for me to imagine a scenario where one man who is easily ignored is single handedly ruining the hard work of many over a long period of time. It's not impossible, but very hard to believe all the same.
Hell once upon a time it was I who was solely responsible for everything bad and going back further Luigi as well.
Site still here and will be here so long as people keep the faith.
Also your poor mans version of scooter bullsit is so 2012. Time for you to grow up and get an identity of your very own.
Doesn't change the fact that you've been shrilly and bitter for coming up on years now and something is wrong that needs to be addressed cuz you weren't always this outwardly miserable. Im mainly bitching because enabling or coddling is bullshit and ive read your babbles when you have been in better head space so i know the fun you have when youre happy. You havent seemed happy in a long while. Sometimes a kick in the nuts helps to snap a person out of a funk. And yeah yeah I don't know shit, I'm projecting, assuming, Thomas Hobbes, life sucks and whatever
I have to agree but you always said "those who get power run from it" (hope I did not butcher that in some way) so I took your statement at face value and concentrated on improving other facets of my life.
So I saw.
No doubt.
Vaughn had to trick you because that was the only way to ensure the survival of the forum. By getting rid of me and taking away the majority of your control he was able to revolutionize skatz with the hashtag and post mentioning tool. Clearly you are not seeing things from the proper perspective.