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i have had gross bloody marys. they are pretty easy to fuck up. i honestly think it is hard to fuck up a margarita. at least, fuk one up to the point where it actually tastes gross. i dont think ive ever hda a margarita and gone o wow this thing is way too strong or something
The only way a margarita can be gross is when it's not a margarita.
At the risk of rudely flaunting the fact that I recently predicted something with the fucking WOW of Nostradamus, that's actually pretty much true for drugs as well.
And obv it's easy to fuck up a Bloody Mary. Simply squelch on one of the sauces, and voila. Shit is a diuretic.
You can also put an oyster in it, if you were trying to ruin it. Because oysters are sfterrible. Emperor's New (slimy) Clothes. yall morans.