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life so shitty ya'll!
what really bugs me is that I know for a fact he was let out in front and I specifically asked this person many, many times not to do that. the kittens (there are two of them, now one obviously) can't climb fucking fences, this isn't a hard concept here- busy street out front (8th cat of mine to die right in front of my house lifetime on this street) means either cats stay inside for life (which is cruel) or figure a way to keep em safe. I kept the nails on mine short enough they couldn't get enough purchase on the fence to support their weight.
stupid fucking woman i have never been angrier in my life. thankfully enough depression has set in to offset the seething rage and fury and keep me from getting too worked up.
god i miss my kitten...maybe I missed something but scooter's assertion that human emotions are contrived and perfectly within our range of control seems very off the mark cuz I sure can't control my emotions and they don't feel contrived at all.