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Old 07-03-2012, 03:45 AM   #31
Statutory Ape
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Wong if you spent 20 seconds speaking to my mother about the bible or religion it would become PAINFULLY clear she is NOT your fucking huckleberry.

They should count themselves lucky as I tend to be straightforward with people I do not like.

My mother, on the other hand, by the end of it would have had these idiots washing her truck and cleaning the fucking house all the while feeling like it was their lucky day.

The last time anyone tried giving her a bible she acted nice and polite and made damn sure the next time the same person shared space with her he saw she had converted most of it into a word jumble and written notes about dancing with the stars all over the majority (what hadn't been ripped out when we went camping and became toilet paper anyway)
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Old 07-03-2012, 03:52 AM   #32
Bobby Wong
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i think you just made that up ape, normal people don't blaspheme for no good reason

  guilty as charged. good eye
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Old 07-03-2012, 02:30 PM   #33
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath View Post
I had an epiphany which requires a SUBSTANTIAL amount of typing but the gist is this-I believe all human suffering is engineered but not by religious creeps, by the people who USE religion for control. You wouldn't hate the hammer used to smash your kneecaps right?

All human suffering is manufactured expressly by those who seek to control the 'free will' of humans, correct.

Religion is one of their tools, correct.

But the hammer analogy is illogical. Human beings aren't born insane. They do not need to be controlled. They need to not be controlled, and then there would be no 'need' for all the tools which are (ostensibly) required to control their insanity.

A better analogy would use a weapon (for example) rather than a tool of utility. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. This is correct. But people kill people much more efficiently with guns. Can firearms serve a utilitarian purpose? I cannot think of a single good reason for their existence, aside from being a tool used by Power to 'persuade' when Power is wrong and/or cannot make the case for others to act in their own best interests.

Firearms are the same as religion. A hammer serves a utilitarian purpose, which can only be used as a weapon by an insane person. Religion serves no purpose. It is not used to build, it is used to destroy whilst giving the illusion of growth to imbeciles who cannot realise the dead are silent and cannot make a convincing case after they've been killed.

Imbeciles who will never be heard from again, once someone finally kills them to put a stop to their infernal narcissistic screaming.

It all comes down to this idea-all human suffering is tied to one thing-


Humans suffered before there was $. But you're more or less correct, but to be perfectly correct you would substitute SMP for $.

Sex < Money < Power. It's all about sex. Which means it's got to be all about money, in a Catholic world. And the best way to make $ is to enslave or coerce, which is what Power is 'good' for.

Of course, you don't need power nor money to impress girls into having sex with you. But if you don't know how to make them laugh, or if you're no fun, then...


Religion is just a queen doing her thing, protecting the king, doing all manor of crafty shit (the angles are amazing- it generates revenue, inflicts pain, creates turmoil while projecting the idea of peace, it pretends to offer peace and happiness but---impossibly brilliant is all I can say)

Yes and no. It comes down to horror and the human mind being so fucking brilliant that it conditions us to survive traumatic events by repressing them, or survive traumatic realisations by ignoring them. You'd be surprised by how people understand how horrifying religion is, but they're cowards.

Which means they are sane. Bravery / courage is insane. But mine isn't. I'm just sick of living in a world of cowards who have children, who grew up stupid because cowardice is a sane reaction but then denial is fucking crazy. Humans who are cowards are sane. Humans who feel shame at their cowardice are insane, and they go into denial. And this gets really ugly when they have children. Chances are, they'll raise their children to deal with Reality by prepping them with Fantasy. That gets really traumatic for their children, when they hit Reality. Chances are, they'll make Reality more horrifying than it really ever was, to begin with.

Multiply this by every child prepped with Fantasy, for 3500 years and you have a world of horror so horrifying we've reached the Tipping Point. I am a coward. I am not brave, I never have been insane in that way. And yet I no longer care for the insanity of the faggotry of Toddlers who cannot even be humane enough to act in their own best interests for one fucking day. They just lie to your face, no matter how evidently you structure their doing so as _not_ being in their best interests. They can't help themselves.

They're compulsive.

The Tipping Point has been reached.

A couple mormons/christians (not really sure) showed up at my house trying to hawk a bible at my mother (fat chance) and my impulse was to spray them with pepper spray. If I had a can I would have.

You absolutely should have done that. Buy a can of pepper spray for the next ones. They are aggressively assaulting when you have not solicited their provocation.

In a sane world, you would just kill them and continue on with your day.

Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath View Post
I am 6/6 so far btw.

A person telling me their are a catholic or christian is like literally saying "I am sick, please help me"

So I help them, as you did me.

It's fun I won't easy I mean...when 100% of the people claiming to be religious HAVEN'T READ A WORD OF THE BIBLE I mean...this shit right here sells itself.

I will probably be killed at some point. It's all good really, I am neither rich nor famous good looking super smart and I don't have kids. I may as well not exist at all, or do something productive with my time.

I plan on ending human suffering (at least doing everyfuckingthing I can)

seems legit.

It is legit. Delusional, but legit. The Tipping Point has been reached.

Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath View Post
he says sure and then calmly walks over to me, we exchange small talk and I go on my way.

One of the greatest tricks sold to Humanity by religion is that humans don't want to be disturbed.

The way they made humans not want to be disturbed is by disturbing them to the point where humans put up "Privacy" and "Do not disturb" and "Warning: Guard Dog on Premises" and "No solicitation" and "No hawkers allowed on premises" signs all over the fucking world.

But the truth is that humans desperately want to be disturbed, but only by humans. Narcissists are not humans because they're only interested in themselves. That's going to be as fascinating as listening to someone drag a fingernail across a chalk board. It all comes down to what you're selling. If you're not selling anything, like religion ("It's for FREE!") or self-promoting (I'm yet to see someone who self-promotes with any degree of competency, but then it gets very blurred when you are competent because there is nothing wrong with promotion or marketing - the problem with narcissists and advertising agencies is solely restricted to their endless fucking lying & deceit); humans desperately want you to disturb their interminable boredom.

One of my old friends, who did very well with girls, would carry a lighter around even though he didn't smoke. I snickered at this until one day when I was asked for a lighter by a pretty girl and because I'd 'quit' smoking at the time, I didn't have one. Spragge had one. He casually lit her smoke and they started chatting (it's entirely possible she only asked me because Spragge is somewhat more dashing than I am) but I sulked watching, in half-petulance, half-admiration at Spragge's affable causality (I literally believed at the time, that people who had this 'ability' were faking it - but then in my 'defence', my mind had been stuffed so full of Catholicism's 'politeness' and rules for conducting oneself in our Insanely Creepy Societies, I simply couldn't understand how anyone could ever be relaxed without faking it). Of course, now I understand you simply need a sense of Self. Spragge had Self, and so my idiotic snickering at his "pick-up technique" wouldn't bother him in a million years; he decided what was in his best interests, and snickerers could suit themselves.

I had no sense of Self, because I was only obsessed with Pleasing Everybody. I'm not sure whether it's unfortunate or irrelevant, but my sheer brilliance meant I pleased a great many people, if only temporarily. That's the problem with striving to please others, of course. No one in this demented world has a clue about what they want. So they want you to do something in the moment (like fuck them, for example). Then after the moment has passed, they'll be horrified at themselves (which will be projected onto you) because humans don't really want slaves who suffer to please them. It's fucking horrifying when you see it in action.

If you've never seen it in action, you need to go to Silom in Bangkok. A thousand washed up 16-20 year olds, lined up down the main alley of Pat Pong (they're brought out of their 'go-go bar' meat markets onto the street where the more desperate of them will grab at you because marketing is an arms race of imposition) - but every one of these 'pretty' children will literally be dying to please you.

I'm vaguely aware that some guys like this. I'm 100% certain those guys have never had consensual sex in their lives; as in, no one has ever wanted to have sex with them beyond using them or letting their bodies be used by them as a means to a moronic end.

But anyway, I was watching Spragge line up another pretty girl whilst my ludicrously superior mind (in terms of horsepower) slaughtered the analysis 14 different ways simultaneously (you cannot start from an incorrect point of reference, and find the answer - you cannot see Truth when you believe in lies) when I gasped. The girl had started her second cigarette.

And she'd just reached casually into her purse for her own lighter.

I had no idea if Spragge was bright enough to notice fascinating things like that, but I was dying to find out so I literally was trying to fabricate pretexts to drag him away from her to discuss this fascinating lighter business. When I finally managed it (and when I set my mind to something, I will achieve it; but then I'm not a Christian so I'm not talking about what I'm going to do but what I've already proved to have done - Christians are snivelling little Toddlers about verification; they don't believe you when you assert something is possible, they attempt to ridicule you when you prove it - there's a clue in there for anyone wanting to understand the Insanity of Toddlers), Spragge looked at me as if I was stupid and sighed with exasperation before returning his attentions to the pretty girl.

I was utterly confused. I've been confused my entire life, not because I was stupid but rather because everyone I trusted lied to me non-stop or failed to disclose the Truths that they knew.

I have no idea if Spragge was dumb enough to notice 'fascinating' things like that. But I'm pretty sure every decent friend I've ever had drifted away for reasons like My Fascination With Impossibly Important Things Like That. It would have been nice had they helped me understand these things, but then this is not a world that has a clue about how to appraise human value correctly. When it comes to potential value, every . last . one . of . you is provably too demented to even allow yourselves to be alive.

The reason for this is we have all been disturbed a great deal by very traumatic victims of Religion's Disturbance of the Peace. So we put up DO NOT DISTURB signs all over our lives.

We've been disturbed enough, already. I was so disturbed by horrifying creeps, I fled overseas to get away from their insane USING and insane LYING. I was so disturbed, I became a hermit living in the 'luxury' of VIP. That's all money can buy you, by the way. It can't buy happiness, but it can buy you a yacht which you will never park next to happiness because yachts are not built for berthing. They're built to escape the screaming.

I was so disturbed by the screaming, I likely wouldn't ever have come down more than one or twice a quarter were it not for Meen 'using' herself to drag me down. If we could only get a Meen for each of you Certain Idiots, I wouldn't have to keep 'protecting' Meen.

But of course, I _wanted_ to be sane. I knew I was insane to live in fear of those who had no motive to create suffering. I was confused about how insane all of you are; you all believe you have a motive to cause suffering. It pleases you when others suffer to please you. You fucking animals. How dare you be so stupid.

Filthy creeps who feel they are sane, without having the capacity to make the logical case for their insane emotional feelings & desires & religion-instilled wanting...I'll tell you what, Toddlers. For imbeciles who believe in the Insanity that is 'justice' (another word for 'revenge', isn't it? It is the way you morons feel about punishment and how to teach lessons to the confused who cannot act in their own best interests, on account of their "passion") - you have a lot of insane nerve.

I'm confused about very little now. I have to protect Meen because you snivelling wretches are feeding upon your own and I know that you know it. You beastly things.

I don't know how to lie to Meen about it. I don't know how to be the person I was when she saved me from residual, irrational terror. I don't know how to horrify her without causing suffering. She is sane. She could not be happy knowing the Truth about the horrors of this filthy race of rats that doesn't have the first interest in being humane; you all just want to feed on each other and scream your pain.

I know a great deal about your horror now. And I'm sick of people I speak to assuming that I'm some fascination, purely because I did something no one else has ever done for them in their entire lives. I make a logical point to convince someone that something they are doing is insane - like the hooker I spent seven hours talking to yesterday. But eventually I had to lie to get her to leave, or she never would have gone. I explained a great many things to her, but I'm not sure how many things she actually understood. She was very bright and she understood the most important thing she needed to learn. I like to help interesting or attractive people and I have no interests in deceiving anyone; so when they do things which are _clearly_ not in their best interests I will explain to them why they're being moronic. Every time, it's a Religious Construct forcing them to Feel Insanely and Fail to Act in Their Own Best Interests.

The reason I was speaking to a very fascinating girl who was a prostitute (but not a very good one) was because I realised my instincts ("fuck off, Catholic Whore") were insane. She'd disclosed her profession without shame when I asked her if she was studying or working. She's a terrible Whore actually; because she didn't want to deceive. She doesn't want to be a fraud. She is well aware that she gets to choose who she sleeps with so charging for it simultaneously makes her feel like a fraudulent whore - on the other hand, she's lazy and doesn't realise the only reason she doesn't want to work is because she's not nearly as stupid as her lack of education makes her imagine. She only imagines she's stupid because everyone tells her this when she interviews for work. She's actually blisteringly intelligent, to the point of gasping. I gasped a couple times; once when she summed up "identity politics" so perfectly, I thought she'd played a little trick on me and read something I'd written. But she hadn't. She simply understood the scam of 'Messiahs'. I was forced to accept the fact that it's not actually complex; it only seems that way when the finest minds I personally know struggle to get their head around how Power works with the insult of Democracy. Power invented Democracy. An uneducated freelance prostitute understood more about Power than most of you.

She also made me shake my head at my own idiocy when she explained why I've been crashing out with stunning girls; and this was something which was vaguely disturbing me, if only because it's a puzzle I couldn't solve. Gosh she was pretty bright. As part of my explaining that I don't really need to pay for sex so her assuming that I was paying her to do something she didn't want to do was inherently insulting, I was forced to disclose the Truth which is: I've been crashing out with stunning girls way too often for comfort. I still don't need to pay for sex, but then if I want to sleep with ALL of the stunning girls who hit on me (before passing me off to their peasant friends, suddenly disinterested) it turns out that I would need to lie. It took her two questions to solve this puzzle. My 'problem' was with Truth. I disclosed Truth. They're not interested.

They cannot exploit me if they don't believe I'm exploitable. By telling them how long I've lived in Bangkok, I confuse them into believing I'm not exploitable. That's not the reason I am no longer exploitable. Aun is the reason. So I guess, indirectly, they're correct. But the real reason I'm not exploitable is because I no longer wish to be exploited _and_ because I'm brighter than anyone they'll meet in their lives _and_ because after Aun killed me, I became emotionally sane again, by accident. They don't care about any of that. They just think in terms of exploitability or not. I'll be preferable to you if they consider me more attractive than you are, in a vacuum where all other things are equal. The instant they find out I've lived here a long time, I'm scratched.

The prostitute who was _not_ a whore and not even a very good prostitute at all, explained what I needed to do. She advised me to lie. Her logic was that they only wanted to exploit, so I could safely exploit them. This only appears to make sense, but it's a logical fallacy. Her mistake was in assuming that every single pretty girl I speak to only wishes to exploit me. I made a very similar mistake before I slept with a hundred or two pretty girls; who had their minds controlled by the illusion where they're led to believe they're in control. It was very Democratic, when I raped Those Who Only Want To Be Raped. They won't sleep with you if you approach them or try to impress them; it doesn't matter how impressive you are.

They'll only sleep with you if you can convince them you aren't interested in sleeping with them. That's easier said than done, but for me it was very easy. I'm not you. What you struggle with, is very easy for me to do. But what you do very easily (deception, lies, denial), I struggle to do because it's insane.

One of things you struggle with is reading things that are written for Those Capable of Wanting to Be Sane. I find such reading to be very easy, just quietly. I'm grateful when someone tells me Truth, I'll literally read anything they manage to get published; i.e. anything they manage to scrape through the censor's heavy hands. I've read entire books of HST's ramblings which I'm certain he never wrote for publication; and loved it. I've read literally everything of le Carre's I can get my hands on. I've read most of TheLastPsychiatrist's work, even though I'm not certain whether he's writing it all or whether it's a group of writers doing subtle Good. For all I know, he's been killed and replaced. I get that feeling sometimes but sometimes he surprises; hard to know really, when you're reading what has been written anonymously.

So what I do then, is read with a wary and critical eye. Actually, I always read this way. This is unlike you, I recently learned. But then I think, on some level, I've always known how you read and who you Trust. You Trust those that gain your confidences by agreeing with you. That's how they control your mind.

I was frustrated when I couldn't explain every logical Truth to the prostitute who wasn't a whore, but I could tell when she made the potentially fatal mistake. She started Trusting everything I said, and I don't think she suddenly got brilliant enough to understand me or that I suddenly started making all my logical arguments more easily understood. She had been impressed enough by my drawing the curtains back on her emotional insanity, and then she just started agreeing with everything I said even though she didn't understand all of it. This was stupid. I could tell.

She stopped asking questions. She just wanted me to speak.

So she stopped being interesting. I already know everything that I know. If you're not going to speak, I'll learn nothing which is never going to be interesting. But now I know why pretty Thai girls who aren't prostitutes (but who are Whores) have been losing interest literally within a few moments after hitting on me. I know it's correct because it's the only Answer that fits. It happens so quickly (the loss of interest), it couldn't possibly be anything 'dumb' I said nor anything 'too' bright. Unless Truth is dumb, but if you think that you're a rapist-in-denial. A really fucking dumb one.

I don't rape girls. I don't need to. I don't play word games with 'coercion', 'force' and 'deceit'. I don't make people do things they don't want to do, because I'm not insane like you. I have zero interest in anyone doing anything they don't want to do, and when they do it thinking it will make me happy, I will be disgusted by the insult that I could be insane like all of you.

I'm not stupid enough to trick someone into sleeping me, and I'm a little too amazing to have to pay someone for sex. And this lies at the very crux of your Insanity, and it's an insanity which has always horrified me.

Why do you filthy creeps _want_ others to suffer to please you?

You morons. Every single parent in the world wants their children to suffer to please them.

If you want someone to do something they don't want to do, you're a batshit crazy little rat. And I'm not preaching at you, imbeciles. I'm telling you why you're miserable. You suffer to please others. Or you want others to suffer to please you.

Very few of you have a clue about how to have fun. I'll give you a fucking clue at the end of this post.

The prostitute who was a terrible prostitute but a very good disciple had been fascinating for hours before she started agreeing with everything I said, and just like that, she became boring. But if getting her to leave was hard, forcing her to take many more thousands than the minimum I'll give to vile, lying Catholic Whores who attempt to hijack you with themselves by refusing to leave after maliciously deceiving you ("he might not want to sleep with me if I tell him the Truth"), was a fucking nightmare. Eventually, I had to force her because I couldn't make her understand that a humane human is perfectly happy to trade.

I don't value money. I have plenty. She is so poor, she struggles to eat. She thinks she's lazy but she's not; she's disillusioned by creeps who won't hire her because she doesn't have the paperwork to convince them that she's capable of doing the work 100x better than all the imbeciles who have the boxes ticked. They're not bright enough to even recognise intelligence when it's burning a hole in their retinas. They're blind. They think in terms of boxes.

That's insane. But mostly, it's just dumb. They don't have the ability to act in their own best interests. Hiring her for the jobs she's going for would be in their best interests. She wants to work rather than lie on her back. How stupid are they?

Pretty stupid. The logic is pretty obvious.

I am not stupid. Unlike most of you, I can do logic pretty good. I am happy to trade with interesting, intelligent and/or attractive humans. I don't fucking pay for sex. I pay for fun. You will have fun around me or you will fuck off, and likely get very offended because I will fucking hurt you in your mind when you don't respond to polite instructions to leave.

Rude people think I'm being rude. They're correct. But the pain they suffer is very real, only because they're narcissists who are the rudest and most insane people alive. They don't leave when you ask them to, but they will give you a lecture when you are forced to resort to emotional manipulation of their exploitative insanity. Well, they try to.

When I speak, you will listen. I don't like using power but some Filipinos who do not respond to Sanity because they're incapable of acting in their own best interests (all they want to do is take advantage of those who are weaker than them - they're Christians, it's what Christians do), learned some very harsh Truths about reality. One of those Truths is that you don't give me lectures.

Try and I will make you scream in pain. I have power to do this. Whatever you're capable of imagining, I am capable of the power of (more than you). If you imagine suffering, if you're capable of getting offended and hurt in your mind; I will make you suffer like you've never imagined, I will offend you to the point of fealty. I will hurt you if you insist on hurting yourSelf. I have the power to do this to anyone who is capable of imagining emotional pain.

I could make Karen Klein kill herself, probably. That's the kind of power you give to people when you imagine Words can hurt you.

So many people give me that power every day. The reason I am sane and why the little children are insane, is as simple as motive and a sense of Self. With no desire to please anyone except mySelf, I have no motive to torture the defenceless just "cause I can". That's an insane reason.

Not as insane as the world's reaction. But then I shouldn't need proof of the reality to show you imbeciles. I'm sane. You're all insane if you think humans are taught lessons with punishment and violence.

And literally all of you are this stupid. You're perfectly horrifying. I knew I was Right about this emotional insanity business, but to understand how Right I am you would need to read the comments on the Internet to Words that Hurt the insane former human (whose son killed himSelf which always means they were murdered and you know exactly who killed them) named Karen Klein.

Bloodthirsty screams of emotional rage. Bullied in their mind, this world of exploited imbeciles scream for the most horrific punishments imaginable. Death, Torture, skull-fucking, violence, insanity and more PROOF that I am correct about this entire world than anyone could need to understand everything I write should be read.

You imbeciles. Less than 1% of you understands the concept of proportionality because you're almost all narcissists. It's why you're miserable. It's why you're insane. Less than 1% of you has the first clue how to be human. Never before has this inhumane race been less human than it is, presently.

You're almost all so inhumane, if this were a just world, justice would put you all to sleep permanently. But of course you know justice is a lie. You just think it exists to be used to punish those who don't do what you tell them to do; and the only reason you tell people to do things and to respect you is because you don't want to do things for yourself. And you disrespect everyone non-stop.

Humans are snivelling little vermin peons. Logic is useless against such miserable wretches, because they already know everything and what's more, nothing you can say can make them change their mind. They know Violence is needed to teach people lessons.

They think that's how humans learn how to be humane. "Words are mean, so let's kill them with Sticks and Stones."

That will teach them how to act in their own best interests, will it? By hitting them until they do what they're told?

You fucking morons.

Ignorance is never a crime because it is never malicious.

Ignorance With Delusions of Certainty is perhaps the most malicious crime a human being is capable of, when they're not longer human by virtue of no longer having the capacity to be humane.

Certain Idiots need to be put down humanely. If it cannot be done humanely, that should not be a deal-breaker. These screaming imbeciles need to be placed permanently into peace. Ministers, pastors, monks, priests, imams, true believers, moderate 'believers', mothers who simply know things they feel are true, humans who feel 'truths' without the capacity to explain why they feel that way, creeps and filth and leeches and - most of you, by the way - all need to be put down STAT.

Certain Idiots who are unwilling to make the case for why they are so Certain their Emotions even could be Sane are disturbing Humanity to death.

If you cannot understand that fun is only possible when people have the power to reject your Wanting Them To Do Something without Your Having the Ability To Convince Them What You Want is in Their Best Interests, then you are going to be miserable because you will not know how to have fun.

This is why I write this brilliant shit. Your inability to have fun means you give power to those who hate fun. You give power to legislators to write Laws prohibiting fun. Your fears make you afraid, and Fear sits up and takes notice of anyone who fears anything but Fear.

If you fear anything but Fear, Fear will make you terrified. Fear will exploit your insanity. And you will live in suffering because you cannot understand the concept of "Free Will".

Here is your clue, dipshits. You must respect "free will" to have fun.

Don't fucking play word games or attempt your denialist manipulation of it. Free Will is free will. If someone is suffering to please you, it is not okay. You're a filthy creep in denial if you tolerate it. But more importantly, you'll suffer in existential misery that creeps cannot realise is nothing more than insanity which the insane cannot realise is nothing more than confusion, which has become entrenched.

If you don't understand this, for the love of decency, do not breed human life.

You'll be a fucking impulse-driven, emotionally-insane beast that is certain you are Right.

But if you cannot make the case for what you want, you will be the most dangerous sociopath a human being is capable of becoming. You won't be right.

You've simply been made to feel that way.
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Old 07-03-2012, 04:01 PM   #34
Yeah Rear Admiral
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Change of subject. Hey scoot. I hope you don't try to explain these philosophies/theories/your version of reality to girls you are trying to bang or have a relationship with.

I usually talk about shopping and travel with girls I am interested in until I know them well. Most importantly i just ask questions about them and what they would like to do in the future. Its been working out for me. Just curious if you try to get all deep with the fairer sex.
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Old 07-03-2012, 04:18 PM   #35
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oh he gets deep alright, fucking balls deep
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Old 07-03-2012, 04:38 PM   #36
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back on subject, first of all whats the story with meen being back on the scene ? i thought that was all over with

secondly have you ever read george orwell ? i guess you must have but you never mention him. if you have not then i am sure you would enjoy his works. orwell is the man. he lived a very interesting life, fought in the spanish civil war, spent so time living live a tramp.

i have never read le carre as i prefer to read factual writing over fiction but if i was to give him a go what title would you recommend ?

and finally you are getting called by someone called tao gay, whats all that about sounds hecka gay bro
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Old 07-03-2012, 06:08 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by MistaCobalina View Post
Have you ever read Infinite Jest, Scooter? I think you'd like it.

Bump. This wasn't a troll or anything. It was a genuine question/recommendation. I think you'd like Wallace a great deal.

  I put it on my list. But whenever I go to a bookstore, I'm just annoyed that I've read all their le Carre's.
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Old 07-03-2012, 10:52 PM   #38
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Could be that I am just old school, but unless I am invited onto someones property I have no business there. Period. It's just not fucking right, to my core that's just how it is.

Correct. Although no one ever owns anything, if they're using it what business do you have in sharing use of it. If it's in their best interests, there won't be a problem. Religion isn't even in the best interests of leeches. They just feel it is because they're drunk with power. The only way you can even be attracted to power is if you're insane. When you're powerless, and incapable of making the case for others to do what you want them to do, you become attracted to power and those who hunger for power suck the life out of Humanity.

They aren't capable of putting themselves down, because they cannot put themselves out of their misery. They don't realise they're only miserable because they're dead. They will never come back to life until they're sane. They just feel they must be alive because they did not die when religion killed them.

And because they are dead, they don't even want to come back to life. They just want to feed on life. They need to suck the life out of the living, so they are just going to do that no matter what logical things you say. That's why force is going to be required to 'persuade' them to stop disturbing Humanity with their filthy Religions of Love & Peace (and the Killing & the Raping, written in the fine print only priests were supposed to be able to read; which is only read by the literate so like priests and a few billion children too horrified to think straight).

I have a theory that this is why humans start feeling, instead.


They literally believe your house is on fire and that they're smashing your windows and doors down to save you from death. But of course, they are the fire that burns slow at first, then when it heats up it's not your house that will burn.

All the houses will burn.

Walking onto people's property uninvited hawking some vile shit you don't even understand- this shit is unforgivable.

Columbus disturbed some humans that way. So did Captain Cook. This is where it gets awkward for Americans & Australians, but only because of the DEMENTED religious attachment people have with the sins of their fathers / heritage / history.

But that land was being used. Or a great deal of it was occupied, already. The Indians were prepared to share use of it with the settlers, because they were sane. The settlers wanted it, so they needed those using it to die.

They killed them in lots of ways, but probably the most ingenious was lacing blankets with smallpox which they then gave to the mothers of babies who were freezing to death in winter, courtesy of the Religious Pilgrims.

Christians killed 100 million or so humans who were using land on that continent. That's what Christianity is all about, of course. Sweet and pleasant, right up until they do a Numbers 31 on you.

Numbers 31
King James Version (KJV)

31 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

2 Avenge the children of Israel

3 And Moses spake unto the people, saying, Arm some of yourselves unto the war...and avenge the Lord Who's avenging whom? It doesn't matter, really; it's all just a pretext.

5 So there were delivered...twelve thousand armed for war. 12,000 murderous vassal robots, imprinted with Misery, Hatred & Fealty; produced over 40 years of 'wandering', finally ready to be used as Sociopaths for the JEALOUS LORD.

6 And Moses sent them to the war God loves humans to fight with humans.

7 And they the Lord commanded Moses; and they slew all the males.

9 And...took all the women captives, and their little ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods.

10 And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt, and all their goodly castles, with fire. Classic Christian insanity. No logic. No reason. Just fucking Evil horror. Destroy. Burn. "If we can't use it, NO ONE can."

11 And they took all the spoil, and all the prey, both of men and of beasts. Human spoils. It's sweet.

14 And Moses was wroth with the officers...which came from the battle.

15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? Uh oh. Moses - sorry, my bad - God does NOT care for humane humans.

16 Behold...trespass against the Lord...and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord. Take that, Humanity. BECAUSE HOW ELSE WOULD THEY LEARN!? be insanely inhumane. This is called the 'stick'.

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. This is called the 'carrot'.

25 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

28 And levy a tribute unto the Lord of the men of war which went out to battle: one soul of five hundred, both of the persons, and of the beeves, and of the asses, and of the sheep:

29 Take it of their half, and give it unto Eleazar the priest, for an heave offering of the Lord. God requires human sacrifices. They please the JEALOUS LORD. Innocent human children. The spoils of war.

31 And Moses and Eleazar the priest did as the Lord commanded Moses.

35 And thirty and two thousand persons in all, of women that had not known man by lying with him. 32,000 virgins out of hundreds of thousands slaughtered.

40 And the persons were sixteen thousand; of which the Lord'S tribute was thirty and two persons. Only 32 to be burned as a human sacrifice to the 'JEALOUS LORD'.

41 And Moses gave the tribute, which was the Lord'S heave offering, unto Eleazar the priest, as the Lord commanded Moses.

48 And the officers which were over thousands of the host, the captains of thousands, and captains of hundreds, came near unto Moses:

51 And Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold of them, even all wrought jewels.

54 And Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold of the captains of thousands and of hundreds, and brought it into the tabernacle
That's where the immaterial is stored, to create suffering which allows humans to be bought and sold.

Irrefutable logic. But if you try and make this case to a Filipino who literally wades through the human suffering created by Catholicism every day, they will become the most horrifying creep alive. This took me awhile to figure out but I finally solved it. Christians aren't Christians. It all makes 'sense'. It's illogical, but literally multiple mysteries of their insanity were explained by this brilliant insight.

They don't realise they're victims because they think they're in on the con. It's just like every con. The mark is always the moron who is victimised by swallowing the baited hook whole. They understand it's a con.

They think they're on the inside. Fucking morons. Literally too stupid to be sane, but then their insanity is hidden by their implausible faith; stupidity so demented, it disguises any insanity. And round and round their insane stupidity goes, until they kill you because you cannot see their inability to act in their own best interests coming.

That's the secret 'edge' of Religion. It's why they win all the wars. They don't _really_ have God on their side, and they know it. They cover up their sociopathic bloodthirsty Crimes Against Humanity with that excuse. But the reality of course, is that they're just sociopaths who are insane. Sanity will never see insanity coming. But that doesn't mean Sanity is exploitable. It just means everyone gets to LOSE. Inshallah!

Numbers 31 is Christianity. The rest is just their idiotic lying to you. It's a (moronic) Confidence Trick played on them. They think they're playing the Confidence Trick on you. They hath not forsaken all that they hath.

SO THEY CANNOT BE JESUS DISCIPLES. They're not Christians, says who? Jesus Christ. That's who. So why are they lying to you and pretending to be Christians in spite of the Terms & Conditions of Christianity?

Numbers 31. Sex < Money < Power.

They think it's crafty. They're just too insane to understand that human beings are humane. When you're no longer humane, you're no longer belong to the species. You're no longer human when you seek to cannibalise your own species. They need to slaughter these fucking beasts. They're not human. They don't even want to be brought back to life. They want no part of Humanity. They just want to leech on life, suck the fun out of the world; miserable filthy leeches literally choking the world to death.

They think they're winning but they're too stupid to realise they're not winning. They're just getting beaten when they beat you. You simply have to have an appreciation for History. All the evidence is there. Two words for the Christian Settlers of the American continent.

Civil War.

The horror of Christians fighting Christians is so brutal, you can almost pity their stupidity. You have to understand, that's what the Inside looks like. When you're insane and think it's intelligent to take 'advantage' of the defenceless, everyone - including you - is going to get raped.

The sociopathic killers of religion don't understand why they suffer. It's because they didn't die when religion killed them. And this is why they Want & Need & Take & Destroy and give blankets laced with smallpox - maliciously & intentionally - to the mothers of brown babies freezing to death. They're still doing shit like this, and smirking about it. I would bet my life on the settlers smirking at their blanket smallpox genocide trick, because I know Christian Toddlers. They're just so diabolically 'crafty'.

Christians wipe out entire races of civilised societies. Christians wiped out Civilisation. They did this by feigning civility & sanity. Once the wary are appeased, they default to their True State. It's a Toddler state. It's batshit insane. It's not sustainable. It cannot be 'justified' for that reason. Of course they will tell you to tolerate their beliefs.

How fucking stupid are you, exactly? You could tolerate their failure to justify their desire to kill you, take your shit, burn the rest down and keep all your women children alive for themselves.

If you're a fucking moron.

It's 'justifiable' to them. So by all means, you should go right ahead and continue to tolerate their killing & raping of you. You couldn't possibly be so stupid as to believe you're on the Inside. Could you?

If you do, ROFL @ you.

This is what the Inside looks like. Philippines: 96% Catholic.

The trick which is played on imbeciles is convincing them they're on a more Inside Circle than the "other guys who think they're on the inside". Thaksin is so Christian, it's hilarious. All his vassals are certain they're inside the Circle of Trust. Everyone he does bad things to is outside that Circle. Suck shit to them.

But they're not worried. They're inside the Circle where nothing bad ever happens. Those who will kill those who believe they're inside the circle of Trust will kill anyone inside any circle of trust. You're not safe around insanity. Fucking morons. Vassal humans. You're all too stupid to be real.

The Christian who is not a Christian will use their 'faith' to 'win' arguments with Sanity. Well they're not going to win the argument if their argument is that they need to kill you and rape your children, are they? They think they're winning the argument because they're just feigning their faith to fool confused people who don't understand why they're being so demented and irrational.

You can Compromise with their insanity. You can try and meet them halfway. You can meet them 80% of the way, like Abhisit did when Thaksin's Red Vassals did a Christian Hijack on the entire nation and used their children as human shields. Christ, the Christianity was suffocating me. I was getting flashbacks where I was 7, 11 and 12 years old. I'd read about all this insanity; three times, in fact.

I wasn't bright enough to see the petulant burning of Bangkok coming, but I should have been. I was stupid because I do this moronic thing that imbeciles do. Maybe you do it too? I was made to be stupid by the 'power' of Positive Thinking. Seriously, if thinking accurately sucks to the point where you believe it makes sense to lie to yourSelf, you're doing thinking wrong. But I wanted to believe in Sanity. I recognised the Christianity coming into play, but it was too horrifying so I lied to myself and told myself I was imagining all the Abrahamic religious signs. Once you have a Numbers 31 situation, all ration and reason leaves the equation.

You will die or you will pay their insane demands. Or if you're Abhisit, you will fall on their sword to save the lives of your people; and you'll get a wakeup call about negotiating with Christian Terrorists. Abhisit met their demands. Promised to step down, call new elections in five months. That's literally like calling a snap election, it merely gives time for campaigning and debates about whether it's sane to allow 5000 exploited vassals to ruin the lives of 100 million for 'democracy'.

If Christians pretend to be willing to compromise, it's a Confidence Trick. They're getting ready to kill you. The Red Shirts accepted the offer because no one saw Abhisit's heroism coming; I mean, it's insane to imagine anyone would be so heroic. The next day, the Red Shirts reneged. Their reason: They didn't trust Abhisit to call the election. Hah. They held Thailand hostage, made insane demands with their Christian Hijacking which basically amounted to MAD, and when their demands were met they accepted then reneged the next day. Someone had fucked up badly, and didn't realise the game plan. I knew what was happening. I'd seen it all before in my imagination. I didn't really imagine all this horror, what innocent child ever would?

Their parents imagine it for them, when they hand them the most horrifying book anyone has ever read, to read. It's full of sweet stories about children on the battlefield. Did you know David actually killed Goliath?

Nah I'm just fucking with you. Children die in war. I mean, unless Goliath was too humane to kill the kid and just died in horror at religion's Insanity. Sanity has always struggled with the horror of the Insane's exploitation of children in battle. It's such a Christian thing to do.

That's their big 'edge', of course. That's how religion has used Imprinted Sociopaths to wipe out entire Civilisations. Sanity just cannot see Insanity coming. It never has and I doubt it ever will. The day it is ready to accept the Truth will be the day Christians are hunted down like the filthy rats they are and put to the sword. Or gun. Or cannon. What does it matter? Religion invented every weapon.

Humans didn't invent weapons to kill animals. That's pure sociopathic 'ingenuity'. Of the same kind that gave Pakistan nuclear weapons they didn't invent themselves. But of course, no one asks the most important question in the world which is almost never asked. It's a question of motive.


  Numbers 31 rep-and I still feel seething rage when I read it. good post
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Old 07-03-2012, 11:01 PM   #39
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I put it on my list. But whenever I go to a bookstore, I'm just annoyed that I've read all their le Carre's.

At least we have Amazon. Ok at least i do.
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Old 07-03-2012, 11:32 PM   #40
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Great post by Scuter, and he mentions the deplorable conditions millions of people (largely children) are forced to live the world over as a DIRECT result of religious BULLSHIT I's going to make me angry and I have work to do.

I will say this- Scuter is 100% right on something big- once the world wakes up to WHO Christians REALLY are (and I mean real christians, like my pastor, not fake wannabes like the two muppets I scared half to death) there is going to be a lot of bloodshed. The pieces are already set, just last week in fact there were picketers at the San Jose courthouse with signs reading epitaphs concerning a pedo-phile priest (forget the name) who is being protected by the church (go figure) and people are more and more outraged by the day (and justifiably so)




I HAVE FUCKING HAD IT! I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHAT ANY MAN MADE AND PRINTED BOOK SAYS OR HOW OLD IT IS, COMMON FUCKING SENSE TELLS ME FUCKING CHILDREN IS BAD AND EVIL TO THE CORE, IT IS VILE AND SICK. GOD IS NOT GOING TO FORGIVE THAT SHIT, DID JESUS NOT SAY "But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!"


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ape eat scuter face aaaarrr, bath salts y'all bath salts, scuter's face is delicious -

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