Really tho I suppose I have had some misconceptions that there is more to skatz than I thought. I can accept that. It's not nearly as big a deal as Scuter was making it seem a page back. This site tends to be enjoyable and I'm getting used to the fact that it's much less personal than I thought it was. Probably the loner in me always projecting that others are much closer and having way more fun than I am etc etc.
I didn't mean to come across so rude and childish, I mean that.
Fwiw, the military is taking me, I have a few hoops to jump through (will take a couple months so I am told) but all seems well on that front.
It appears I am either going to be doing linguistics IT or hospital corpsman. All seem bright, I am looking forward to my future (finally)
Lastly my frustrations have a lot to do with feeling like I am always the lone man out, never gaining ground toward acceptance no matter what I do, but then again, it's very obvious these feelings are being manufactured by mind? Must be a chemical imbalance or something. The more zoloft I take, the more I see my nonsense, and the more I realize on the right medication I might actually enjoy sanity in this lifetime.