Originally Posted by
rum dick
tell the story about the time he took you to his mom's house. the one that reads like a public service announcement about the dangers of white trash coke
Ok, since you asked nicely
I can also tell the story about the "gourmet meal" he made me which he then tried to hold over my head as some sorta 'you owe me' leverage down the line.
So Marty says he can hook me up with weed in Sactown. Now I am from out of town, but he CAN'T take me to this person's place because "they grow and he wouldn't be cool meeting ...". So I have to be dropped off at a convenience store. (Now for the naive, this means 1 of 2 things.. Marty is telling the truth, or Marty is trying to hide the transactions to he can middleman (pinch). Well whatever, we get it and its ok. Looks to weigh out. He insists we smoke can out of a redbull can, which he manages to spaz out over with and BURNS a hole in my shirt. So after this smoke out session, we are driving around and hes giving me a tour of Sactown. I can't remember if he hit me up for gas money or not. (I believe he did..) It was a nice tour. Sacramento reminded me a lot of Austin. I even get to see the Limelight, but Marti wasn't too keen on sticking around there. (LOL) So finally hes like "you want to meet my mom?". And I'm like, bro, we're baked. Wtf ?? And he insists. Since I didn't plan on meeting Ms. C again, I'm like fuck it, whatever. So he drops me off and tells his mother how i am a successful poker pro. At the time I thought he was trying to impress her and show her people can win! WTFever.. but as we are sitting there he keeps going in the bathroom making me sit there and have uncomfortable small talk stoned off my gourd. It was kinda weird and then I started to suspect he had bought some coke with my weed money. Buy a quarter sack for $90, charge me $120, get a little coke, then pinch off the weed at the end because he did me a "favor". Nice move if you're the grimey type.
So we get back and he takes about 1/3 of the bag, puts it up in his cub bard and proceeds to have me smoke him out the rest of the time there.