I am not sure I was wrong to say it. How many people here are legit willing to consider I am capable of making improvements? I know of a few, but 5-6 prob who see me no diff regardless.
Mike everyone here is free to feel however they want about anyone. We all make fun of one another. Skatz is a fun place. This isn't a cult. It isn't a dictatorship. It ain't pfa or tydepoker. Sucks for you that you cant figure it out yet. If you truly wanna fit in here are my suggestions in no particular order. Go big with some courageous performance art (the dress video while drinking a raspberry sangria); let sonatine be your guru for a week and follow his instructions and advice unconditionally and with precision; or go on a vision quest that involves leaving California and ends with you and gare driving a 1966 thunderbird convertible to the grand canyon.
Now I have tried to ask tine to be my life coach and he brushed it off. Let me get this video of a day done and ya'll can watch it (prob will be tom, it being noon already, but I ah fuck it I'm filming today . i need to shave) and go from there.
im prob more inclined to do something more memorable like the funky interview------ah, I've got it. I got something clever in mind. bb
Real shame that tine wont take you under his wing for a week. Of course the guy is so scary brilliant that he could very well already be acting as your guru without you even noticing
Bet if you complete the dress vid it would show the doubters that you have matured and going forward when you say you will do something they will have faith that you will follow through.