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Old 09-01-2012, 03:48 AM   #511
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
Yeah I have a 15 month visa now so I'm not going anywhere. Well to Vietnam perhaps but I'm never going back to Australia.

Over my dead body, but preferably over the dead bodies of others.

So like i said the 80% chance of returning this year was a conservative estimate i booked a one way flight the other week. Amsterdam>Bkk for 300 quid was to good to turn down. My final destination is calgary in january but i have no idea where else i will visit. Am thinking maybe a week or so in vegas and wouldnt mind seeing some more of se asia along the way.

Was actually meaning to ask you where else on asia other than thailand you would reccomend for a week or so ? I know you are not a big fan of the philippines and you have mentioned vietnam as somewhere worth visiting but what about cambodia or laos ? ever visited any of these countries ?

My itenary is completely blank at this stage so if you have any good suggestions i would be happy to hear them.
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Old 09-01-2012, 02:21 PM   #512
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Originally Posted by BlankDaniels View Post
Amsterdam>Bkk for 300 quid was to good to turn down.

Where the fuck do you find flights that cheap?

Am thinking maybe a week or so in vegas and wouldnt mind seeing some more of se asia along the way.

Was actually meaning to ask you where else on asia other than thailand you would reccomend for a week or so ? I know you are not a big fan of the philippines and you have mentioned vietnam as somewhere worth visiting but what about cambodia or laos ? ever visited any of these countries ?

Vegas is's hard to explain because people think I'm being melodramatic but I'm not. Vegas is like Bangkok, but the strippers are either ugly or $2000/night i.e. better than you, in their minds (even if you have the $2000). And they have a point, I suppose; but my point is that they're either miserable whores who despise everyone, too ugly not to despise or exploited victims of Society in ways you will never see in Bangkok's child sex industry.

Vegas is like Bangkok but without the innovation, the technology, the humane shared empathy between humans (who are elitist and look down their noses at you, don't get me wrong - but they're still human? And there are no humans living in Vegas. There are merely dead sociopaths and narcissists. The world is full of sociopaths and narcissists, my point is that when sociopaths and narcissists die, they go to Vegas).

Vegas is like Bangkok without the amazing clubs like Demo, Funky, WIP etc. And you'll tip a guy who pays $80,000 FOR HIS JOB $100 to wait in line. I cannot make this shit up, you're tipping him not to beat the queue but for the right to be in the queue without your being in it being redundant.

Vegas is like Bangkok if Bangkok needed to be razed to the ground with a tactical nuclear weapon. People cry about the children of Sodom & Gomorrah but what you need to realise is that they have a point. A point that would not be applicable to Nevada.

Vegas is where I'd go to live if I killed a busload of children falling asleep at the wheel or something. Death would be too kind. Prison would be insufficient, as a punishment. Gang-rape would make me feel sorry for myself and that's unacceptable in this hypothetical. I would go live in Vegas.

And when I've paid my penance, I'd have figured out a way to turn that city into a fucking desert.

That's how I feel about the kind of city where in some of the better clubs (not to be confused with enjoyable or good clubs), you can tip a waitress $14 for a $86 bottle, and she sighs and looks at you because seriously? That's pathetic. How is she going to live on that?

If you like Vegas there is something so tragically ignorant about your ignorance, I would laugh at you and slowly look around my surroundings for a weapon. To protect myself! Putting you out of your misery would be far too humane.

In Asia, Hong Kong is fucking cool.

Kuala Lumpur has probably the best food you'll ever eat but it's full of Muslims and racing towards Sharia Law; which is all kinds of hilarious because secular Malaysians are in the majority but they're too fucking stupid to understand how Islam 'works'. I've tried explaining how Islam feels about democracy but they just don't get it. So I tell, "I'll let the Morality Police explain."

Singapore is cool because it's like the Luxembourg of Asia; but it runs on slave labour obviously. It just won't tolerate slave behaviour; i.e. nowhere in the world are there more rules and regulations about what you can and cannot do, and nowhere in the world can you do whatever the hell you want more easily (if you have the $$$). I do not have the $. You do not. No one we know has the $, trust me. This is a country that gave lashes to a kid for graffiti not that long ago (a decade or two). Oh the kid? He was American. Having said that, I could literally live in Changi airport. And you know what, one day I just might. They have everything you can imagine with the exception of drugs and girls (although I have an unconfirmed suspicion that the massage places - of which they have several - could be utilised for more functional purposes than oily hand sliding; but I don't get happy endings because I'm the only sane person in the world who doesn't like happiness to end. It's merely ironic that I'm better at it than anyone in the world; the one thing you really want to suck at achieving). Changi would be like your home, if your home was cool instead of boring. They have fucking slippery slides that are multiple floors in height and the speed you can fly down those things...they're not for children or they're for children braver than the child I was. They have free cinema showing blockbuster movies. They have free WiFi (lightning fast) throughout the entire airport complex. They have...well, if they had a inner city corner where the government's crack-slingers could sling, Changi would have it all.

I've never been to Vietnam. I've just heard such disparate reports, it's fascinating. I have no idea which side of the love v hate crowd is more correct but I have a feeling Vietnam is like a slightly less manipulated and slightly more exploited Thailand.

Laos and Cambodia are fucking 3rd world dude. I don't think people who have been brainwashed into thinking "crowded, highly advanced technological cities" (like Bangkok) are third world actually have a fucking clue what third world means. In India, you'll pass lines of men squatting and chatting with each other as shit is excreted from their bowels, after which they stand up and zip up their pants and continue on their way. Laos and Cambodia are at levels below that. If you go to Laos or Cambodia, you're literally telling the world you want to fuck children but cannot afford to do it elsewhere. I'm yet to be convinced anyone could possibly have another motive for going there. I could be wrong. That happens, on occasion.

Burma (I don't recognise Myanmar but then I don't actually recognise any Westphalia nation-state or border as anything other than an insult that must be negotiated with due contempt) is wide open now. The reports are...hilarious. I mean, what do people expect. This is a nation of vassals who have been reduced to a level so low, they literally believe (tens of millions of them) that they need a frail 60 year old daughter of a democracy icon (who probably couldn't even beat me in an arm wrestle) to FREE them from the junta's authoritarian rule. I mean, how stupid and brainwashed do you have to be to imagine you need an old lady to free yourself? It's hilarious.

If they were reduced any lower, they'd imagine they were FREE. As if they were Americans or Australians or British. I don't mean they'd be free like the West. I mean, if they were reduced any lower, they'd be as stupid as the West imagining they're free when they're too stupid to realise they're merely slaves exploited more brilliantly and efficiently into whipping themselves 'rich'. Thailand exploits the best (no single apostrophes). They exploit like humans would exploit, they make you think you want to do what they want to do (and mostly, that is to have sex with you). But no one is forced, like the sex workers in the West are forced (childhoods of domestic violence, low self-esteem, religious manipulation and lies and denial resulting in Horror etc). The slaves of the West are powered by fear and pain. The slaves of the East are powered by conditioning that makes them believe they're heroic. It's only when they get 'selfish' and don't send their pimps' an appropriate % of their earnings, that things get ugly between Mothers and Daughters. But then a lot of work went into those girls and it's very disappointing when you invest a decade in a project that doesn't understand what every girl understands; They Want to Take Care of their Extended Families. After all, their families have done so much for them.

It's the Least they can do.

Macau is like Vegas except with stunning Chinese hookers who cannot speak a fucking word of English. When I say that, I mean they cannot.speak.a.word.of.English. Please? Thanks? Hello? Sorry? "Sorry?" is the look they'll give you because they don't know what the fuck you are saying. I literally almost died from pneumonia trying to get antibiotics, and failing every day for a week until I landed in an emergency room too delirious to convince the triage nurse (who could not speak a word of English) that I wasn't insane, merely dying from a bacterial infection that had rendered me delusional and I had started drifting in and out of hallucination. She wasn't impressed with my getting in the way of her attempting to triage the fucking non-stop FLOOD of old people with broken bones, face gashes and other life-threatening illnesses (like a dry cough or a common cold). I learned from those hours watching dying old people killing me that this world needs to get very sane soon, because medical advancements in technology are literally killing children. But if you have terminal cancer and dementia, but don't give up hope! You could suffer for another SIX MONTHS with expensive-enough medical 'care'. It would be inhuman not to blow that money on keeping the suffering 'alive' to suffer a little longer. It's not like 21,000 children are dying every day because they don't have parents to enslave them (Catholic AIDS took care of them).

Macau is worth going to if you speak Mandarin or Cantonese or if you like fucking STUNNING Chinese hookers who don't know what the fuck is going on but they kind of have a template that allows the two of you to "figure it out". That's not really my thing but sometimes when girls get chatty, I wonder why it isn't.

What happens in Macau doesn't need to stay in Macau; you won't get STDs and unless you have problems far more serious than a gambling addiction (like being addicted to baccarat repetition), you won't need to leave your shame in Macau whilst you take your denial and your STDs home.

I haven't been to China but it was on my list of places to go until the anti-American emotional faggotry reached fever pitch recently. It was a valid fever. The West's emotional insanity is truly horrific and faggot; like a faggot-in-denial except the emotionally insane don't stay in their closets. They scream like Mike. They're kind of in your face. It's not gay at all. You will not have a good time when they're faggots who don't know how to be gay. I get mistaken for these horror shows. But then my skin 'colour' has been the bane of my existence across the globe for a very long time now. At least now, I understand why.

Pretty sure that covers it. You know how I feel about toddler-rapists so you know how I feel about the 100 million Catholic Toddlers in the Philippines. I should just clarify, because it's unfair to most Pinoys otherwise, it's not that they _want_ to rape toddlers. Don't misinterpret what I'm saying. They don't want to rape toddlers and babies. They're just too stupid to rape anyone else. They're Catholic so...they've gotta rape somebody! It's unfair not to point out that they don't want to do what they're doing, they'd prefer to rape you. But they're too stupid so...what can they do.

Oh ROFL, how could I forget Indonesia. I'll tell you how, it's called "thinking positive".

lol @ caring about Indonesia or Indonesians. This story pretty much sums up Indonesians:

You remember the Asian tsunami right? Killed a million or some shit. Just poor people so w/e. But it was ages ago, like 2004. In Indonesia, kids are starting to come home now. lol

Cause like, kid washes up on your beach you're going to "Dear Diary: Jackpot" yourself a free kid as well. Don't lie. Free child? Who wouldn't want one. Woody Allen?


Great story, though. Triumph of the human spirit. Indonesians are...filthy.

Q. What do you like doing?

“I just like staying at home. Sitting.”


(Her father, talking about the woman who went from Islam > Cargo Cult in 5 seconds, seven years ago. One gets the feeling this poor girl can't win.)

“I want to meet her, I want to say thank-you, I don’t want to see her arrested or punished. If she loved my child and looked after her then I would never have seen my daughter again. Because she was cruel to her my child she found her way home. For that I am thankful. I don’t have any feeling of anger or need for revenge. Instead I feel grateful that she was cruel to my child so that she has come home to us.”

That pretty much sums up parents for you, right there.

It sure as hell sums up Indonesia.

I should finish on a positive note. I've missed two flights to this place. One can't shake the feeling I fucked up, in those two instances.

I have every reason to believe this represents Taipei nightlife accurately.

And the reason I believe this (when the reasons I missed my flight on the two times I was 100% going, was that I suspected it was just slick promotional marketing), is because when I asked Nasa whether Gene and Luxy clubs were really as good as the videos made them seem, Nasa said "There are better clubs than Gene and Luxy" in a tone that I might use when referring to Soi Cowboy.

Nasa, of course, is...

And although I'm not sure whether or not Nasa's um...upper class wealth precludes her ability to appreciate these things accurately, she was pretty certain that English was widely spoken (poorly, but then Nasa could do "wit" in English so that's a mastering of the language not possessed by 95% of its native speakers). But Google seems to disagree so it might just be that Nasa's wealthy friends speak English.

Either way, I'm sure you'll concur it's worth investigating for academic purposes, if for no other reason. Google could be wrong on the Internet..!

  interesting post so many options to think about
  Id let NASA launch MY rocket. ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL
  doesnt recognise Myanmar
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Old 09-01-2012, 04:46 PM   #513
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
Where the fuck do you find flights that cheap?

Well i have had a good bit of practice at finding the sweet flight deals on the internets.

My new favourite site is

The site searches heaps of airlines and comes back with all the best prices. I just searched a few random cities in europe > bkk and amsterdam was the cheapest by a few hundo. I am flying with malaysiaairlines who are supposed to be a decent airline but so long as i me and my bags get to my destination on time i dont care who i fly with really.

So i take it you dont like vegas much. The only reason i am entertaining the idea of visiting there i because its the same price flying via there as it is flying direct to calgary so i thought why not ? Plus i really want to play live omaha h/l and its a place i will have to visit one day so this seems like it could be a good time as any.

If i do end up going it will only be a few days of pokers i wont be paying $100 to stand in a line or $2k to fuck a stripper thats for sure. Also I wouldnt mind doing a bit of sightseeing the hoover dam and the grand canyon are not to far away and for sure they are on the list of places i want to go at some point.

But anyway vegas is only a possibility at this point that will be the last part of the trip i decide on. I need to be in calgary by the middle of january so i have around a month or so to fuck around with. The strange thing is there is nowhere in asia that stands out as somewhere i really want to visit. Still i feel like i should probably visit somewhere else just to have a look.

Why is hong kong so cool ? I know you love all your technology maybe thats why you like the place but thats not really my thing.

You are not the first person to tell me the food in malaysia is amazing but is that enough reason on its own to visit ? All the crazy muslims is also a pretty big downside.

Singapore seems meh all the rules would make me dislike the place i think. Plus if the place you like the most there is the airport that cant say much for the rest of the country.

For me vietnam, laos and cambodia all seem kinda similar. I get the impression they are like less well developed versions of thailand. They have a similar anything goes culture when it comes to drugs and hookers but less technology. For sure there are reasons other than fucking children for visiting these places. For one I know tubing in laos is a big reason for people visiting i remember reading the the austrlian media of a few the people dying doing this but it does look kinda fun.

Burma yeah i dont think i will be going there i imagine there are better places to visit allthough my grandad fought there during ww2 so that reason alone would make a visit there interesting.

Macau does sound pretty awesome from what i have heard but if i am going to vegas after i leave asia the i dont see the point in visiting a mini vegas before hard.

You didnt mention South Korea or Japan i wonder why ? These places would be high up on my list of places to visit, definately above HK, Singapore or Burma thats for sure. Japan is somewhere i really want to visit but its supposed to be super expensive so not sure about that i could probably enjoy myself somewhere else for less.

As for the Philippines well you have made your opinions about there very clear. Still i hear good things about the place from other people and i guess it must have its good points or why else would you have lived there not once but twice. Remember i am not looking for a permanent move there just a week or so checking the place out surely there are places there worth a look such as Cebu for instance ?

I almost went to Indonesia when i left Au but i ended up finding a sick deal Melbourne > Bkk for like $280AU so didnt end up going. I rember that nasa ass pic it sure is a good advertisement for the countrty. Perhaps its a bit out of the way if i am headed to canada but i just looked and skyscanner has some good prices from jakarta so maybe thats an option and not somewhere i was thinking about.

Yeah those youtubes make Taipei look great i just want to go visit everywhere, if Canada doesnt work out then in 2 years time i am going to go spend a year living in Asia and see as much as i can but its difficult to just pick one other country to visit on this trip so any more info you have i am keen to hear it.
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Old 09-01-2012, 04:49 PM   #514
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hey black daniels?
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Old 09-01-2012, 04:49 PM   #515
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calm down nerd
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Old 09-01-2012, 08:15 PM   #516
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Hey Black Danny, visit Bhutan.

Bhutan (Dzongkha: འབྲུག་ཡུལ་, tr ʼbrug-yul, "Druk Yul"), officially the Kingdom of Bhutan, is a landlocked state in South Asia, located at the eastern end of the Himalayas and bordered to the south, east and west by the Republic of India and to the north by the People's Republic of China. Bhutan is separated from the nearby country of Nepal to the west by the Indian state of Sikkim, and from Bangladesh to the south by the Indian states of Assam and West Bengal.

Bhutan existed as a patchwork of minor warring fiefdoms until the early 17th century, when the area was unified by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, who fled religious persecution in Tibet and cultivated a separate Bhutanese identity. In the early 20th century, Bhutan came into contact with the British Empire, after which Bhutan continued strong bilateral relations with India upon its independence. In 2006, Business Week rated Bhutan the happiest country in Asia and the eighth-happiest in the world, based on a global survey.

The tricky part.

The tourism policy of Bhutan uses pricing to control the number of visitors to Bhutan. The official rate for visting Bhutan is about US$200 per person per day. The policy also requires that all foreign tourists to Bhutan organise their visit through a licensed Bhutanese tour operator. The objective of this policy is maximization of foreign revenue from tourism with minimal impacts on the culture and environment. Since Bhutan is such a small place, geographically and demographically, uncontrolled tourism would have tremendous impacts.

Is it expensive?
The US$200 also entitles you to accomodation, meals, transportation (not public transport but either a bus, 4WD or a car), entry fees for museums etc., and a licensed guide during your visit. The tour operator also pays a fraction of this fee as royalty to the Royal Government. What you get in return is the privelege of visiting a place where there are no "throngs of tourists", where the environment still in very good shape and the culture vibrant. Dont just take my word for it though - Conde Nast travel magazine thought that Bhutan was the 4th best country to visit in the world in 2000.

Your visa fee is a one time payment of US$20 that is paid on arrival. There is no separate application fee. Please note that the visa has to be processed prior to your arrival. ( I found it funny that the US embassy in Bangkok charged me a $20 'entry fee' in addition to the $40 application fee. Some sort of reciprocity thingy because we charge the $20 fee on arrival). I think most average tourists in North America and Europe (including Bhutanese visitors/business people) will end up paying more that $200 a day for room, food, sight seeing, transport.

Note: Because of bilateral agreements, Indian nationals carrying Indian passports do not need to pay the US$200 fee. I would still recommend that you to contact a tour operator and work out some amount because it will be easier for you when arranging accomodations and transport.

You could just sneak in from the eastern end of the Himalayas.
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Old 09-01-2012, 08:34 PM   #517
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See, you would think that Bhutan would be sweet, the whole country's one big all inclusive resort. But what happens is you have to tip everybody in the whole fucking country. You can't blow your nose without someone fussing over you and expecting a couple ngultrums and who the fuck can keep track of what they're worth anyway, Dragon King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck runs the exchange out of his spare bedroom on tuesdays and thursdays.

Also, change blake's name to Dragon King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck immediately.

  They've a sweet flag!
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Old 09-01-2012, 08:44 PM   #518
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Originally Posted by BlankDaniels View Post
So like i said the 80% chance of returning this year was a conservative estimate i booked a one way flight the other week. Amsterdam>Bkk for 300 quid was to good to turn down. My final destination is calgary in january but i have no idea where else i will visit. Am thinking maybe a week or so in vegas and wouldnt mind seeing some more of se asia along the way.

Was actually meaning to ask you where else on asia other than thailand you would reccomend for a week or so ? I know you are not a big fan of the philippines and you have mentioned vietnam as somewhere worth visiting but what about cambodia or laos ? ever visited any of these countries ?

My itenary is completely blank at this stage so if you have any good suggestions i would be happy to hear them.

Shoot me a pm if you go to Vegas or socal

  i will go to vegas and i will shoot pms all over the place once i know what is happening
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Old 09-01-2012, 08:51 PM   #519
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just make sure you dont shoot him a blank pm
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Old 09-01-2012, 10:34 PM   #520
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hoser you dumb cunt i am not talking about lifelong dreams here just taking about what i do maybe its hard to imagine when you live in a car and drink poppov vodka for breakfast but some of us fly around on planes without having to brag about it
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