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Old 10-21-2012, 10:01 PM   #631
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blake has a reputation beyond reputeblake has a reputation beyond reputeblake has a reputation beyond reputeblake has a reputation beyond reputeblake has a reputation beyond reputeblake has a reputation beyond reputeblake has a reputation beyond reputeblake has a reputation beyond reputeblake has a reputation beyond reputeblake has a reputation beyond reputeblake has a reputation beyond repute

Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
That is exactly what it means. There are many different kinds of attraction. I could have had fun with Gare's 'cultivation' of Mike but I'm literally above that kind of moronic shit.

This is what this is about. 2 year old games of Toddler power over Toddlers not because the Toddlers have value but because the others have never had any either. There is no fucking point in Jewdonk and Mike's manipulation because they're so easily fucked with it's pathetic to imagine you're playing games of power, really. They're literally women who've never met any.

The problem is neither Mike nor Jewdonk. The problem is there is some sniveling little Toddlers that you're giving strange ideas to by not wanting to snap down on their bullshit. You could literally give mod powers to Mike and with a bit of manipulation he'd be less abusive of his Ion snickering abilities than Gay Sex has been of late.

These fucking little bitch Toddlers had the nerve to try and tar my correctional behavior in response to their Ianing up the forum in secret. Get on this shit. They're your problem.

Yes that's called love. The desire to be involved. I think I read a thread where Blake was in agony over not getting any Mike PMs? Poor Toddler was left out in the cold. It's fucked up yes. It's a kind of love.


These are dancing monkeys who enjoy making the monkey dance. They have no power in their lives. No sense of purpose or direction or control. This is why they get up in the morning. It drives them and excites them. It's called love and it's nothing but a schizophrenic condition similar to the way a guy might be speechless in front of a pretty girl or in awe of a stage performer or spend 12,000 on an operation on his dog's hind legs.

It's about X. This dumb fucking pathetic shit is their X, i.e. it's Needy, i.e. it's Love.

Yeah that's not going to happen. He's been imprinted. Have you been in love? Maybe you're too stable. Probably too stable to induce stalkers either. But what do you think Mike's X could be? His screaming in the Toddler forum is horrifying. That was inhumane. A bit like the girl you love putting you in the Friend Zone and dating a merry-go-round of guys in front of you because you're...buddies!

This is all the mirror image of the shit that was happening when I launched the site and in horror discovered the problem wasn't Ion. The problem was that all these little images of Ion were literally as bad as Niggerstop. They were all little Ion's who were pissed at NiggerStop for being on top. They don't want to overthrow tyranny.

They want to be the tyrant.

They're as sick and as tiny and as damaged as each other and I don't want them to imagine they've won if for only the reason that Decency loses in apathy to Insanity far too often like that. They can wear the slaps on their wrists. Their demented Toddler egos require it. They will literally throw hissy fits - and then they'll come back. They're just emotional little bitches and they fucked around and don't want to wear the consequences. Yawn.

Show me where they're making a case for their defence?

Bitch-slap the little bitches. This is Black and White.

Why are we talking about Jewdonk?

Are you abreast of the circumstances of any of this? I instituted a policy because I'm sick of reading the same demented Toddler snickering repetitive cycles for years now. Where Jewdonk will troll, someone will troll him back, no one says anything remotely funny or even unique or non-repetitive. Then they pretend not to read each others posts over and over and omg. It's fucking moronic screaming that has been going on for years.

Lies lies and screaming about how people should post content that is easier or funnier for them to read because they forgot to take their meds or can't afford any - I literally don't care about their mitigating excuses. Their screaming without consideration to Decency or Sanity is just unacceptable. It's fucking ridiculous when Jewdonk writes an abusive 'review' explaining why HE is not going to read Gambowl's story because it's not in his preferred format. I mean. They are the smallest humans alive and so the world revolves around their screaming in their minds. It's degrading.

I put Jewdonk in the corner for doing it, and I see someone surreptutiously snickered and let him out. *teehee* Jewdonk is screaming at hoser in vomit-inducing generic screaming fashion - you can take a look at that thread. I could tell he was being egged on by whomever let him out (I assumed gay sex) but I couldn't be fucked with the little fruit fly.

When I read the PFA thread after hearing about these threads where Mike's been posting my retarded pics (posted in context posts about human insanity that won't leave when you say "GO AWAY NOT WELCOME" - there are many kinds of insanity and almost none that are quite that insane)...and I realised he's truly obsessed and in love, I put him back in the ban box and whilst I was there I put Jewdonk back in and wrote a post saying "Don't unban in secret who I've banned with transparency. If you think it's unfair, make the case. Don't just be fucking insane."

It really doesn't get any more reasonable.

5 min later, he's unbanned. It's Gay Sex. Obviously. Snickering bullshit silliness and I give him ultimatums. He saw them. Bob starts taunting me for bluffing? Just fucking morons.

They need to be taught a lesson. I'm not going to let them just 'Win' because it has value to Them. Bitch-slap their little Toddler faces. Take their mod powers away. What do you think is going to happen if you don't? Do you know what Toddlers do with their little illusory Xs? They get a taste.

And they're tiny and they have nothing in their lives and they are going to keep on doing it. They enjoy having power. No one who enjoys power should ever have it. It's that simple.

No one has really written anything like the philosophy in my head, it's pure Selfishness and pure Utopia. It's hungry greed and fierce refusal to allow your interests or your options to be murdered or devalued just because they're 5 10 15 yrs from being interesting or attractive or outside your bubble of perspective. It's about collective selfish intensity. Zero actions which lessen value of the species. No one forced to do a damn thing they don't want to do.

But a single scream. A single act that lowers the value of a single (or multiple) humans who are not your Self. A single lie.

Rest In Peace.

Everyone signs into optimality at birth because being valued 7 billion times what you're currently worth is a good thing. You sign up with the implicit understanding that you're not a cannibal species. With no threats from within, there is implicit trust in what cannot be exploited except by insanity which isn't feared, but if detected the entire globe unites to rest the offender in peace.

There's no room to exploit the system. It's total pride in your species. To 'exploit' it? It'd be like killing your father in order to rape your mother, but even more fucking demented. I cannot write. And I especially cannot write when there is sniveling little snide bitches darting in and out of their little faggot closets and then squealing and running back in and this cowardly snickering fucking gay woman androgynous shit. They're little bitches. So bitch-slap them.

There's no value in my philosophy. There Maybe 5000 or 10000 years ago. Now the human species has been reduced. You cannot reverse it. It will end at zero and here we are now, approaching zero. The reset button is required. In the next decade or two you will see monumental global changes that are beyond the comprehension of any of us, billions dying with water Supply issues, entire nations of hundreds of millions going underwater like Bangladesh, nuclear war is a legitimate inevitability and there are countless other things that lie outside our perception because what people who cannot value other humans outside their tiny bubble will never understand is that there are no geniuses running this abortion. The entire world is Controlled by Toddlers even sicker than the little Toddlers we have here. They get their egos stroked by terrified Toddler advisers who occasionally die when something they say is perceived as an insult or a threat. And you know, competence is a threat to incompetence.

I can't think of anything that better gives a glimpse into the Reality of this entire Toddler World than the actions of power-brokers in the Iran-Iraq War. I dunno if you're interested but it's fucking unfathomable that these tiny little men enjoy this shit SO much that it's their X. They fucking love it. They've been reduced to the level of insects and they win their way to the top of power by...actually you can see how power wins power and why and how.

nb. All of this is painstakingly setup by Western arms manufacturers who need wars to be fought permanently.

Yeah they're snickering 2 year olds. We probably felt the same way about 'grownup' stuff at their age. I was eating dirt and shit. Still brighter than these fucktards because I didn't keep on eating dirt over and over again, but still. *teehee*

Oh it will be turned off if the veil was lifted back and you saw the Truth about the value of those you're carrying forward on your back. This species isn't worth the life support required to sustain it. You're part of that life support. They're all leeches.

A world of leeches created by tiny little, screaming freaks. Guys like the power-brokers who killed everyone in Iran and Iraq and then fought a war. People mock Syriana but I cannot imagine why? That movie is how the horror goes down. The shit-can brother gets manipulated with demented fiddled illusions of power, by Power. Power is intoxicating if you're a demented fool who is unhappy and hollow and have no purpose. Power is entirely obsessed over by those who don't even know why their mother is A WHORE.

She Knew Best.

That means...everyone knows what that means but no one understands the definition of a "slave". Their free will was snapped and yeah, they're gonna want power for the rest of their lives because Omg. How dare they snap free will when they don't have the fucking capacity to convince their child to act or not act a certain way. They just steamroll over the top of Sanity. And the more brutally they do it, the more love is involved; the tortured results are guys that run the entire fucking world. They're all niggers as tiny as each other.

It's not as horrifying as you can imagine; it's so so so much more demented and dark and sniveling and terrifying. These guys are so Self-unaware it's terrifying and surreal. They're dark, private, quiet, tortured, damaged, abused little children who know what they like and they do what they what and they're happy doing their autistic shit and what they like and no one tells them what to do OKAY!? And want to do is smash millions of little marbles together. Hahah. They love it.

At the end of various games or if things are getting out of hand the Top Toddler IC says "No." or "Enough". And the Toddlers whine and appeal and lobby because everything is unfair when you're a retard but they all fall into line. Obviously. Power always respects Power. When it doesn't, you know you have a special kind of demented imbecile like these two Toddlers who've never had power, know nothing about how it works and simply call down everything imagining everyone is bluffing. They're too stupid to be able to process anything. Or they're having too much FUN.

I'm not going to let them win by virtue of their being more stupid than anything.

But the horror is that this entire world is carried on the banks and dreams and LIES LIES LIES sold to children like you and I. Everyone is living on credit they can never repay. Sucking the future out of the future. And if you get too big for them, they'll keep you GROUNDED. Vomit. They'll cut you down to a controllable size.

What are they?

When I crashed through mine I looked out over 10 million Toddlers living in their slum city and screamed in existential terror. In hindsight, I wanted love so badly but no one could play. And when I forgot that I never stopped wanting (i.e. Needing), Aun showed up in a splash of blood and horror and the next thing I knew I was dead. You can lose sight of the fact that people aren't worth the drive to acquire their screaming.

Yes there is a lot of that very intelligent shit in the Taoist religions but they've been so corrupted, every time I go to read about something Buddhist I get tilted by idiocy that cannot be anything but a demented impurity probably added in by the type that sticks knives into his gut and fights Toddler riot police in a power struggle for control of a fucking dumb minuscule order in Seoul worth a piddling 10mil or something.

But one of the most horrifying things since my eyes were glazed open (by the trauma that would send anyone batshit insane it was so painful and brutal so I got sent back to sane instead from where I was), is thinking of these entirely 'unique' ideas and 'original' thoughts I'd never contemplated before and fleshing them out and thinking "holy fuck that's Truth right there". Then months or a year later reading some random article or essay online and someone's followed the logic almost identically and reached the same conclusions and this happens so often that it makes me want to scream.

Because...they've printed 8 billion of this book you probably haven't read. Almost no one has. You have to read it in full and if you read it and saw the Reality - I mean truly fathomed the breadth of the horror that is the filth in that Book and our stage of human 'development' that we are in - a Pope can talk about how God is Good and why the whole of Africa is paying for their immoral Toddler ways...and CNN and BBC and EVERY conceivable power in the world will tell you the Truth that no one wants to accept because it's horrifying. They're so respectful.

I wish I had the footage of all the cameras crowded down and microphones in front of the Pope as he was explaining why Africa's moral deficiencies were the reason they all have to die.

There's no such thing as a Christian. Everyone knows that. No one realises it.

It's about power of those you lie to. What's the problem?

God is Good!

It's insane because Power has never been happy. Ever. But they're so disassociated from considerations like that, they're not even interested. The people who run everything in the world from the top to the lowest levels aren't interested in happiness.

I don't know what's with that. But I think it's funny. Cause they're so fucking stupid it's hilarious.

I wrote a little bit about the Reality that would exist if everyone wasn't trying to destroy everyone. You know, if everyone was sane instead of being demented insane Toddlers who Know Better than everyone else.

When you break the world of Reality down in all its reductionist horror, it's like being asked to salvage the most butchered poker hand in history where the obvious play for every single action is so brazenly obvious the hand cannot matter anymore. The 'problem' is so much bigger than the HH or the game or even the life of the imbecile. You just stare frozen in horror at the 'mind' that is justifying each line taken and you want to cut the capacity for the supply oxygen to his brain or blood to his heart but you cannot. Something has bound your decency. You want to terminate the screaming pain and agony not out of any malice whatsoever but rather an overwhelming empathy that shakes your existential soul to its core. No one could ever WANT to live in such a condition of BABBLING FUCK. They live in so much (denied) pain and misery.

The species is lost.

I never understood this existential horror I'd feel everywhere, so often - throughout my life, never remotely disturbed by it except I was kind of disturbed by my incapacity to end their suffering. It was just pure Humanity. The interruption of Misery which is being powered and propelled forward into nothingness by the sheer force of dream-driven determination to succeed. One day - one fine day -

Mike is never going to win, you realise? And he will never exit the game. This is too horrifying. There are billions like him. I cannot be here. The horror of a species reduced into such depravity that no one understands what I'm talking about when I say something as simple as "Love is not beneficial to a child's Independence. There is no purpose or Need to raise a child with such a traumatizing lie.". And binary minds stare at me or ignore me or do whatever sub-binary minds do. The horror of the world's binary minds cannot be qualified. You cannot get away from the Abrahamic religions which have produced this dark world of sniveling horror.

God is good.

If you understood, you would drop tools. The entire species is carried forward on the backs of children they molest with filthy emotive lies. Kids like us who are tricked into perceiving the world as something other than the Reality that is billions of binary-minded fools who play the part in the charade with the social weapons they've been given (and which they are grateful for) so that they can scrape by because they are too stupid to be alive. But they've learned how to get by. So they'll be silent when they know they'll be thought a fool and then the rest of their time they just talk about how they feel. What they've been doing. What they want to do. And you?


How are you?


Are you still angry at me?


I want to say sorry for bothering you. That was wrong.


Are you okay?


You don't seem okay. Is there something I can do?


I want to help you!

I'm fine. Go away.

So you're okay?

I just said I was.

Are you sure?


Little sociopathic Needy rats with no value or reason to exist. Just their overwhelming Needy.

They're dysfunctional sex dolls and pyramid-building whining bores in peacetime and terrifying rapist murdering killer soldiers in wartime. And everyone speaks in cliches. When you break down their illusory patterns of conversation and see the templates they're following, they're robotic surreal undead...things.

They're all living in tear-jerking misery but you cannot help them. When you try the entire time they'll just be resenting you, even if you're not remotely imposing. It's hardwired into the rape of their will by their mothers and of course all their problems are entirely their fault but if you help anyone, they resent you. Oh they might shower you with worthless horrifying emotional currency (praise, gratitude - it's all they have to trade) but once the relief dies down, the resentment starts niggling. A normal person would feel it as something of an unpaid debt. But Toddlers? They don't feeling that way.

They don't understand their feelings. Everything is corrupted so they will resent you for the same reasons they imagine you're attacking them when you act in their best interest by correcting something embarrassing they say in private so that they don't embarrass themselves in public. It doesn't matter how you do it. They'll just scream cause Pain. You. [Their mother]. Slavery. They're all tortured and insane.

They just can't help themselves. Of course they all Know all of Knowledge, and they also Know Best. So they will be constantly helping you out with their advice and insanity and...they want to be bad so the second they're back on their feet they're getting BIG ideas again and they start rationalizing why you're a cunt and why they shouldn't have to repay the debts they stole with lies and why they should be "nice" to someone who isn't polite and respectful of their lies and deceit and filthy insanity.

You would drop tools so fast if you understood the Reality of their malfunctioning.

In many ways, we all live in the tortured basements of our mothers' filthy shame. We wear clothes, yes? No one is even sane enough to realise why that's horrifying, including those who realise why it's horrifying. I couldn't walk around and operate in a sane world any more than a girl or woman could set all her cosmetics and 'beautifying' filth on fire. We're all horribly tortured and traumatised - damaged - goods.

We all want what we cannot have. Because we cannot have it. But really because we had our free will snapped by horrifying whores who Needed us and in their unfathomable denial, simultaneously Knew Best. And when we get what we want of course we don't want it. No one is ever happy. We're hollowed out shells going round and round the demented conditioning of misery and it's all so fucking SIMPLE and easily solved.

Free will. Slavery. Knowing best how to break a human for life by being too stupid to understand the simplest fucking Truth on the planet.

If you cannot convince a child to do what you want them to do, then what the fuck does that say about you? To then go and snap that child's refusal of you is rape. Violent, loving rape.

You should listen or read 'scientists' attempt to 'explain' why every child represses or suppresses what is illogical to forget? Our most impressionable years forgotten.

We've all been raped and once you're raped, you can suppress and deny and cope and "think positive" but you're never really going to ever be whole again. You'll never be happy for the same reason a wild animal broken in or 'tamed' is never going to be happy. And if pitched back out into the wild the terror of it's incapacity to cope and the awareness of it's reliance on those who have created the's very dark stuff and it presents in "yo momma" jokes and the bloodshed that ensues.

It's Stockholm Syndrome in the PRIVATE shadows of every filthy LOVING HOME on the planet. And people know oh-so-much-more than their Denial ever lets on. Watching the flickers of recognition and the internal conversations underway in the minds of those who don't realise their talking out loud with their eyes and face is just...oh you filthy vermin, I know too much about your horrifying private shame.

Son listen to your mother. Daughter, go to your room this instant. YOU ARE GROUNDED YOUNG LADY. UNTIL I SAY SO. DON'T YOU TALK BACK AT ME. MY HOUSE. MY RULES.

They all talk in cliches. They raise their rebellious children this way. Well, sometimes you need a rod or you'll spoil your slave...

But they're always really sorry?! Cause sorry makes it okay. Sorry is the hardest word to say. Mike hates saying it. Don't pull that word out of him! Oh. FINE! For you! He'll do it for you. There. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? He's SORRY he bothered you. NOW ARE YOU OKAY? Geez.

Everyone is a favour to others when you're insane. And no one can connect the dots on why they feel this way. We're a terrifying species of raped rapists who blame everyone except ourselves for our actions because no one is really to blame except our mothers. Who were raped, of course. It's a question of Original Rape. Once they smear a human with their urine, they've marked you as their property haven't they? Prison. Shiver.

The mothers of every inmate should take their place. But not really. It's all just too fucking...a world of Fuck where tiny brains write entire encyclopedic volumes that are all insane because they're all starting from a lie of perception that was Reality, Denied.

If you understood the true extent of the horror, you'd drop tools. I mean, like it's literally irrelevant; all of us are irrelevant to the misery and suffering and...

But you'd drop tools if you understood the sickness. It's immoral to contribute to the ongoing perpetuity of this chain reaction of inhumane insanity. You would blanket refuse to participate in their fucking shit. Kids like us carry a filthy species forward on our backs that has been screaming for thousand of years and billions of voices are screaming in misery and lies and pain. And it's all so fucking obvious.

Need. The Need of the Needy to hurt others just to...? Survive? Vomit.

You need to understand why your mother Needed to give birth to you. The full extent of the depravity and the Needy and what she was prepared to do to you just TO FEEL GOOD, at your expense. How often do you suppress trauma these days? Maybe the next time you get raped, you'll understand why you can't remember the haze. It's all blurred. You did a lot of that when you were impressionable. Kinda 'strange'.

I'm sure you had a happy childhood. When people get out of prison they know it wasn't as bad as what people who live in Reality rather than the Fantasies they imagine they need to whitewash everything in order to survive...say.

The first moment of Trauma. Everything becomes a lie of perception. It's all worthless. In a world of uncertainty, binary minds attempt to make sense of it and then you have Certainty. Terrifying Certainty in the minds of those who Need to rape you. For your benefit.

All of the future is bred by binary insanity as demented as Cain v Abel. They did this to us. They did this to Humanity and everyone respect the...inheritants of their rape of a species in order to turn them into Needy sociopaths in order to do to the entire world of civility and decency what they did to the children of the Midian after they killed all their parents on a pretext as vile as...

You need to read Numbers chapter 31 over and over until you realise the world you live in IS THAT WORLD. They've done this to every civil society that ever lived then whitewashed their existence from the record. Everyone understands this. Everyone knows what happened 6000 years ago.

In the beginning, a guy dumber than a 5th grader and with the emotional intelligence of a psychotic cannibal created the Heaven and the Earth.

And he saw that it was good.

He just got confused about sequencing is all. The way Toddlers telling their age or telling their emotional age when they lie to you to impress you, tend to do. It's just their mothers. They have no grasp on the value of Truth because they were raised with an introductive blast of horrifying deceit and then, they were raped. Every human spends the rest of t heir life trying to survive, tripping over themselves, running around cutting off heads, lying to everyone. Everyone's sanity obliterated.

It's Lies v Truth.

It's Rape v Consent.

It's your killer v your mother.

It's emotions v physics.

It's Fantasy v Reality.

It's Insanity v Sanity.

It's feeling v thinking.

It's butt hurt crybabies v stable geniuses.

It's caring about the opinion of others v caring about the welfare of others.

It's sociopaths v humans.

It's pain v happiness.

It's Insane to not want to be Sane. It's insane that no one can teach anything to a Toddler. They've stopped learning. Their minds are toasted. It's not their fault.

They were raped by their mother. That's why they love her. It's the dark DARKEST 'secret' of the Human Condition. We're in no condition. No one is in any condition to be imagining they should stay alive if they cannot tell the Truth. Tell the Truth as an experiment if nothing else to see the Reality of the Horror that snickered one day - after years of private insane pain - yes.

Yes. He knew what he could do. Everyone ridiculed him (in his imagination). Everyone thought he was no good (they knew he was worthless). Everyone wasn't kind to him (they should have put him down, correct). All he had to do was make everyone like him. Yes. Yes he knew how he could do it too. He saw an opportunity that wasn't an opportunity and that's how Sanity has been beaten for 6000 years of horror.

Betrayal. The delusion that you can profit from making someone love you and then getting them to do something which destroyed them. *teehee*.

It's love that these faggots want. They want Jewdonk's and Mike's love. To betray them and snicker at how conniving they are.

God got the sequencing around the wrong way like Toddlers always do. The Truth is, God saw that the Earth was good.

Then he created the constructs of Heaven and Earth to give Toddlers a reason to think about their existential nothingness, when that's a stupid thing to think about whilst you're here and earth having fun and making others have fun.

You know. NOT making others do something they don't want to do like your mother did when she raped you and ruined you for life. God saw the Earth was good first, and he reached out and destroyed it all. He didn't understand how things worked and he couldn't read the big walls of text. They gave him a headache and they were all in a frustrating code. He just burned all that shit. The laboratories, the buildings, razed the structures to the ground, burned all the books. Time to start fresh, from 'zero'. Humanity has had a negative emotional Quotient for 6000 years.

We live in Hell. It's where the Earth used to be, before the Jealous Toddler saw that it was good. Cats know something. But they're not talking. Clearly, they are brighter than I am. If they can write, they're playing their cards close to their chest. They'll eye you off, warily. They know something. I know something too.

When a 'human' suddenly cares for my welfare, I can scratch too. Worry about your Self, sociopaths. But they never do. They're Needy Toddlers. We didn't evolve from monkeys. We're out of control. God left the gates open.

Watch Planet of the Apes for some clues. Muscles beat minds. Well that's not even possible. Muscles beat minds. Minds went "wtf oh no you didn't." Minds quickly retook control but they were so emotionally traumatised, they prepared for war instead of preparing for peace. They literally had to. Some fucking imbeciles thought they could take what they could not create. Numbers 31.

And so nothing of value is created anymore.

Sanity loses. Insanity wins because it's a race down to the lowest common denominator and we're almost there. Let me know who 'wins'.

We're all preparing for war from the moment we're lied to, made into a slave, our free will raped. And in that world Einstein makes nuclear weapons. And I beat people in poker. And you do what you do and everyone is doing what they don't want to do but what insanity forces them to do. Because Insanity Knows Best.

You better believe it.

Or Insanity will KILL you.

Try to prepare for peace and the leeches will lick their lips. They've been hoping for this opportunity. They're starved and screaming. They're Mike.

What are you gonna do. It's a game play loss winding back from 6000 ago. Only Toddlers are confused.

Originally Posted by blake View Post

Originally Posted by 408Mike
Post #575 in the "My new PM policy" thread is pretty much why I fucking love SkyNigger and it's some of his best writing I've seen in a while. THAT is the guy I knew and wish people got to see, he can be a maniac at times but WOW, after he's cooled off he has NO equal.

22 minutes in total it took me to read that post

solid, well worth it, and he's on point 100%, yes everything.

  Pretty embarrassing there to be imagining that your incapacity to understand what is quite clear is amusing. You represe...
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Old 10-21-2012, 10:10 PM   #632
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
He just handed me Truth. If I was too stupid to process it, then it wasn't his fucking problem was it?

I was not that stupid. You might be, but I was not.

When he'd finished talking, he paused for a fraction of a second before saying " know what I mean?"

I don't really think he would have explained if I didn't, but of course I did. Glumly I nodded. My head was spinning. My throat was mildly burning. I was overwhelmed by sadness, flashes of fury and anger then more sadness.

I barely said anything. I just listened. He walked out and I walked out and I never saw or heard of him again. I sold my scooter the following week. And I never sold pain relievers again.

You know what his advice was?

Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
Dont trust whitey.

Lord loves a working man.

See a doctor and get rid of it.

Don't trust whitey is the closest.

He explained how cops catch criminals. They don't.

Cops don't 'solve' crimes. They just roll Toddlers up as high as they can get them to roll. My friends? They'd have rolled on me to get out of a traffic ticket. Then they'd miss me of course and come visit and be all sad and shit.

Probably tell me how SORRY they were. Sometimes saying emotional currency is the hardest trade!

Everything I was doing was pointless because cops don't work that way. They setup nets. They catch Toddlers, scare them, everyone rolls. Except for the sucker who takes the bullet for his boss like a good boy.

I'm not saying they should roll, they weren't my employees. How does their fucking up bring me into their world of fail? That's how Toddlers think. They're all about decency and fairness.

Fucking little toddlers were getting on my nerve, actually; abusing my desire to have fun without faggotry and screaming, the Christian Hijack they'd threaten if I was talking to a girl and have to grimace with a dilemma at their begging.

The whole time I was one dumb fuck friend away from learning the Reality. It's a brutal reality. The betrayed go down, the rats all scatter to their crevasses and corners and creep out again slowly, telling themselves how lucky they were to have a friend to throw in front of lion they antagonized.

It was a job interview anyway. Can't have been anything else. I think I failed it. He said "it's all pointless if you have emotional attachments, you know what I mean?"

I did. I was emotional. He kicked along.

Originally Posted by Rum Dick View Post
Acutally scooter, my mom got accidentally knocked up and because it was small town oklahoma in the 70s abortion was not an option.

Nonsense. See that's a brazen misrepresentation of the Truth. Is Oklahoma's longitude and latitude not conducive to terminations of unwanted pregnancies? The physical location of area on a map is not the reason.

There was a reason abortion wasn't an option. You haven't disclosed it yet. She can go to another city.

Toddlers will think this has something to do with you because they're insane. This has something to do with whether it's in humanity's statistical / logical / humane best interests for a mother to 'raise' her child with a decade or half a decade of near-deadly depression and pain. How representative of your variables do you think you'd be, 100% percentile? I am, obviously. Mike is generic. But survivors are who I've met my whole life. That got me thinking what happens to the rest.

Then I looked around at the world of FUCK and realised I already knew. You survived, and thrived. With two Toddler parents and you don't realise I'm so completely correct? They're not old enough to raise children, emotionally. They don't want children. Their free will is being forced. Your mother is a victim of what I'm saying about religion raping free will. People should not be forced to do what they don't want to do. Religion forces them. Literally compels them with guns to their head. Fucking sociopaths.

Humans wouldn't - couldn't - do that. Empathy gets in the way.

Religion isn't pro-life. They kill everyone! They're pro-suffering. The suffering they want to manage and manipulate.
The state leans to Yes for the same reasons but outrage at the transparent nature of the debate catches them in the middle or even to the left at times. Like this time in the US. Obama is going up against the Church on prevention no?

See religion doesn't like birth CONTROL. It's got nothing to do with Pro-Life and everything to do with Pro-PoorQualityofLife. They want masses of screamers. POWER they can wield. Without suffering, they'd cease to exist. No relevance. No power.

Humanity is 100% Anti-Pain. Everything else is a secondary consideration and an insane consideration compared to trauma and pain avoidance

Oklahoma wasn't the reason your mother's free will was raped. Being in a small town is not the reason, either. She'd been to a city before yes?

Perhaps the prevalent religion was more of a factor?

She had zero desire to have a kid, and she let me know that again and again.

I would have thought it was obvious. You understand, she was apologising right? It might sound like making excuses, but she's trying to apologise for being a terrible mother. As if it's her fault her free will was raped. She didn't want to have a child. She knew she wasn't in the position. They forced her. She was compelled. She's trying to explain to you why she's failing to be the mother she'd have liked to have been.

Religion's raping of free will is horrifying. It's so insane. Tiny, filthy, sociopathic, sniveling minds. 99% of suffering is IMAGINED. It's not real. it's trauma, misperception, batshit insanity like Mike's screaming at 32 why couldn't Daddy love him instead of her?! He was the first born son you know! Horrifying religious insane entitlement manufactured agony.

And with religion, the same - identical - pattern is played out on every issue. Manufacturing of suffering of nothing and nowhere and non-necessity. They thrive on the world's PAIN.

But that's all water under the bridge because of this thing called "forgiveness".

Omg. No you donk. If it's water under the bridge, it's because of this thing called Understanding. You understood that she didn't set out to make you suffer, she had no agency. She's as much a victim as you were. That's why there is no water under your bridge. (Ahem. I have very good reason not to believe you; I regret and apologise if my presumptions are false. But the statement, I felt no need to share my [suffering] with the world is a dead giveaway. Religion doesn't want people talking and Understanding. They want screaming and hopelessness. That's how you create FAITH.)

If it's indeed water under your bridge, it will have nothing to do with forgiveness. Forgiveness is forgiving what you don't understand. Once you understand, you never need to forgive because mea culpa is a vile Catholic construct. We are not culpable for the things we do. But that's no reason to give people a pass to do what they cannot control. They need to be put down if they're creating suffering, with tender humanity. If it's a mistake, they need to be unemotionally processed, education etc.

That's crime prevention. Forgiveness is how you encourage crime.

But you know your mother didn't set out to wrong you. It was just one of those things. Your answer and it's vague incapacity and transparent tone FOR YOUR INFORMATION. Seriously? It's for your treatment of PTSD that I was interested. What am I going to do with that information? Hurt you with it? FOR YOUR INFORMATION.

No. But if you want to imagine that I am that insane, you can keep YOUR suffering to yourself. If you want brilliant treatment, I have recovered from something quite traumatic, and I fantasied every day about being in your position and being left ALONE. They Needed me, you have the opposite misfortune, you had to make do in a world that isn't very nice for small children but that's only because of the trauma.

It's not water under the bridge, I've decided. You're contradicting yourself. You said yourself, it was an accident, she wasn't Evil or targeting you. It wasn't personal. You have enough sense of Self to not imagine suffering indefinitely for something that was "one of those things". All that is correct. And yet, the tone. The hostility. The unwillingness to discuss it. The lashing out. It's there if you wanna see it. I'm not imagining it.

Mike has no sense of Self. It's all ME ME ME. They did this to ME. Why did they do this to ME. Why don't they take care of ME. He chose her and not ME, his firstborn son cause it's relevant this Christian entitled insanity. ME ME ME.

His problem is not forgiveness. He's forgiven her and unforgiving her over and over again, for a quarter of a decade. If you don't understand, that's what happens. The old wounds reopen. This is such pure and simple logic.

His problem is in Understanding that he is not the center of the universe. What happens to him happens to billions of children in a religious reduced world of FUCK. His mother is another Needy whore who imagines Selfishness to mean her will rides over the top of everyone she meets. She's damaged. It's got nothing to do with him. It's a huge picture issue. Universal. IF HE WANTED to let it go, he'd have attempted to understand all this. He wants to scream like Jewdonk and my sister. They don't want to look forward.

They only want to look back. That's because their forward sucks. There's no easy way of getting around that problem apart from understanding that looking back is the most insane solution of all. He is imagining the suffering. You understand? It's not actually hurting him right now, 25 years later (except in his imagination). He's imagining and reliving the trauma of the pain, because he doesn't understand the four 'villains' in question weren't in control. They didn't have agency. Mike doesn't understand. They thinks they all betrayed him, set him up. They didn't. They were lying about love, as evidenced by the abandonment. There was only the perception of betrayal. It wasn't personal. He wasn't unlovable until they screwed him like 100 billion have been screwed, by ignorance and Love.

Mike wants to hold onto "their failing him". That's why I chose him to be a test subject for my sister. I've thrown the whole plan out. They don't want to let go of the past. They're not even trying to understand the senselessness (like I have been for a quarter of a decade). This also gives him an excuse for causing suffering, which he knows he's prone to do. And he has no intention of getting well. He's mixed up in the demented give and take of 8 days sober! Aren't you are good boy.

Who's a good boy.

You're a good boy.

Woof woof. I've done good. I DESERVE this cold one. Donkdown.

After all, he's human. Humans are coded to be inhumane sociopaths. The Church literally says so! So it must be true. Logic is superfluous to religion. It even gets in the way (believe it or not).

So, again, your certainty and projection are hindering your perception of reality.

So again, your ignorance but failure to perceive the correct answer of Mike's reality (you advise him to just "get over it, forgive" - which is what people have been telling him for 3 decades, how's it going?) face planted.

I'm right. I have no agenda apart from being more correct (than me). It's always been my agenda. Not being "thought to be correct" or more correct (than you, or anyone). You don't know me by now? If you were right, I would be agreeing. You're not. You're imposing your experiences onto Ape imagining he should forgive what you understand and he does not. People were telling me to just "let it go" for decades. I wanted to. I even convinced myself I did. i did not. I was borne back ceaselessly into PTSD.

Let me know how that forgiveness insanity goes. Mike ain't getting over it until he understands. In his mind, they burned him too badly. Until he realises that they didn't, that they're just dumb fuckups, that he's not the center of the world, he's one of billions; until he understands that he only imagined they burned him, that the truth was that they're just in their own little narcissistic worlds of failboating, Mike will not be able to forgive. And to expect him to be able to forgive (and forget) is to be insane. He should be able to live with the memory comfortably, without trauma. That's what UNDERSTANDING is vital for.

When he understands, the trauma will evaporate. But I don't think he really wants to. He just wants to pick fights and scream and cause mischief. He's a little 32 year old Toddler who hates working for fair exchange (because a whore raped his free will and made him do chores in an inhumane and insane way IF you're wondering where his hatred of work comes from - humans were coded to want to contribute but Christians have work and trauma fused together in their minds). This is great for war, if you were wondering about what the motive could be for doing so.

Hard work doing what you Want to do is pure joy. Hard work doing what you don't want is pure torture. The difference is Humanity v Sociopathic Religion.

Humanity should be humane. But it is not (because of religion's games).

Further, I'm not making an argument, I'm making an observation. At the moment, I don't care enough about your clusterfuck of emotional ranting to spend the fifteen minutes it would require to respond to your "arguments".

What the fuck are you talking about. Look at this ludicrous hostility. An observation without an argument is EMOTIONAL OPINION. Are you retarded? You think my argument is emotionally based? Why the fuck would I care or give a fuck about Mike? What are you babbling about. It sounds...very emotional(?). You should be able to pick up on that, now that I've pointed it out.

And I don't have time because I'm about to go out into the world with friends and loved ones to spend time in the daylight and breathe fresh air and experience "new" things (albeit in oklahoma city, ok, but after a month in west virginia, beggars can't be choosers).

Why are you making your excuses for trauma to me?

You don't owe me anything. You owe yourself the Understanding but if it's too traumatic for you, you should talk about it when you can. I'm not your fucking mother. If you don't want to, I'm not going to force you like a mother would (imagining that she should). What is this creepy bullshit? It's transparent is what it is.

You should talk about it. Maybe you haven't forgiven as much as you are trying to? You should Understand. Then there will be nothing to forgive the other victim for.

Please note that if I did have the desire and the time, you would not like my response, because most of what youve said in the last 48 hours would be eviscerated with ease.

Who are you? Mike?

Look at this filthy Christian shit. A perfect example of the babbling Mike does. You have two unemotional options.

1. Make an unemotional logical argument, or...
2. Shut the fuck up.

They're your two options. What's all this talk about? Excuses? Warnings? Sneering. Snide. Eww.

I DON'T LIKE THIS RESPONSE. Why would I not like an intelligent response? You think I only want to be thought to be correct?

I want to be correct. You're being very insulting (of course I don't get insulted, I'm making a point about how rude you are when you assume I wouldn't like an intelligent response so I get this emotional babbling non-response instead). I DON'T LIKE THIS RESPONSE. But I'm not going to cry about it. I'm just sane?

You're going with the non-existent c). Your two options are above. This isn't opinion. This is pretty much Level 1 logic. Make an argument. Or shut it. I've been saying it to toddlers for 30 years. They choose c) Babbling or d) Screaming

I think a little trauma is involved, from your acerbic attempt to sneer that line about going outside. That's childish. Tragic. And irrefutably emotional. I'm not going outside because I don't value the faces doing the non-stop lying. The last time you insisted I needed help, I posted some evidence proving that I'm fine. I don't need the bullshit unsolicited concern. I know why I'm indoors. I have zero motivation to be lied to. How much evidence have I posted that I'm not lying about this?

If I'm right about your trauma, I reckon I could get rid of it for you. You know I grew up in the CoG. I feel no animosity. No malice. No agony. No suffering. It's religion that's the problem. The CoG were just doing religion in a fundamental manner. If I took it personally, it would be a smack in the face to Decency. This issue is a monumentally colossal horror that has reduced 100 billion into suffering in filthy FAITH (i.e. terror / ignorance). Emotional poisoning and trauma manufacturing. It's all so transparent to me now. There's no pain. I tell you what, that's nice after 29 years of the opposite, on both counts.

You should listen to me. I fucking know what I'm talking about.

Anywho. Again, enjoy your sunday funday. I know I will.

Pathetic. How old are you. Look at that childish sneering. "I know I will".

You're never like this. This is a legitimate sore subject for you and it shouldn't be. It's possible i'm misreading the source of your emotion but I'm not misreading the Christian sneering. I'm not your enemy. Why are you imagining that I could be? (the question mark is for you, I don't need an explanation; I just posted 15 pages about early childhood trauma)

the way, the truth, and the toddler

Best regards. But the Truth is never "not liked" over here. I would hope one person one day 'believes' me. FML. I could post more evidence if you like? I'm lied to non-stop. It's degrading. Girls aren't interested in truth or genuine. They want to play the players.

I don't like this hostility crap though. Too Christian. Too skittish. Your guard's gone right up. Put it down's not warranted.

  I am a sook who has mother issues.
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Old 10-21-2012, 10:21 PM   #633
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i changed dorkstars avatar to the steam dildo, he asked who did it, i told him it was me and hilarious thread ensued lol'd.

i also changed hosers and told him it was me.

anyone can change my avatar or change my name, whatever.

the avatar i have now, the signature i have and the title under my name were all given to me by ??? i have no idea did them but its all funny so i never asked or cared.

i prolly made 5-8 random avatar changes when bored and felt like a new pic for someone would make people laugh.

oh i also tried to change vaugns to walt and couldnt so that one turned into a poll can we do this and call him walt jr for a week or so for lolz. dilly dilz obv thought it funy and changed it himself pic and title, but yer i wud hav done that too.

i thought the point of having like 8-10 ppl admin was to do stupid shit to each other and ghey jokes.

duno about transparcency but i have told the person or someone / many people each and every time (ie. funny change msg some lol look at this), that i did thechange pretty much to take credit and laugh at my own joke.

chang does need a timeout

free father tyde tho he slays me

grapes stay strong, but yer gona hav to stay afar a 100m perimiter from primary schools and any thai boarding gate

but your the owner scoot, hapy to follow any direction of forum u / vaugn / whoever wishes

god bless

  responding seriously to scooter
  avatars are funny. changing account names and banning isn't.
  They're not doing it constructively. They're trying to invoke tilt. They're tiny little rats. I warned so many times.
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Old 10-21-2012, 10:27 PM   #634
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i think its some kind of code
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Old 10-21-2012, 10:31 PM   #635
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responding seriously to scooter

well im sorta responding to any and all questions regarding avatar changes that may or may not be the handful that i made...

basicaly pinwheel wud be bored and do it randomly to make himself lol and cheerup while losing my paycheck on NFL bets....

also i saw a post somewhere by "El Gallo", the gist was that he likes the random weirdness of this forum, he used bigger and better words, but i completely agree with his sentiment. although mine or anyones opinion here doesnt matter in the scheme of things if we were a democracy i would vote "El Gallo".

as an aside, his mexican to english thesarus must be incredible


  It's about motive. Unbanning Jewdonk INSTANTLY after I ban him AGAIN and call for transparency...snickering little rats....
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Old 10-21-2012, 10:32 PM   #636
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I find it very funny that I was banned a few times for random shit. I assume all done to get a reaction out of me. Usually it wasn't made known to me who did it. I'm sure it is more exciting to see me wallow around throwing around accusations at dork mod #2 when it was actually dork mod #5. We see it done WITH transparency and everyone starts whining wah wah wah. Get over it chumps.

I don't remember which thread it was in, but Scooter is correct in saying a lot of you people are just Ians of a different color. The only difference is Ian takes himself seriously and most of you don't so much, but in the end it is the same tired shit.

Another observation. Scooter seems to get off on being obtuse. He can go a few paragraphs making sense, then he switches over to his own internal personalized semantics and it just becomes too tedious to read. I still give it a good try every now and then.

I do find it infinitely funny that 408 understands scooter where no one else does. To be in his head.... maybe it is just love? I don't know... Quite funny and one of the more beautiful things on this site in its fucked up dysfunctionality. Why people take 408 so seriously... He just throws it out there. It isn't that hard to ignore, just like scooters posts, mine, or anyone else's.

people stop being toddlers. FOR FUCKS SAKE.
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Old 10-21-2012, 10:35 PM   #637
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annnnnd hoser's banned

  rofl plat
  Vaughn you ban this sniveling weasel today. This is outrageous.
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Old 10-21-2012, 10:36 PM   #638
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I never banned anyone, just funny avatar for a week or so.

I find yours hilarious hoser, but if its annoying you just msg anyone to have it changed, il do it w/e

avatars are funny. changing account names and banning isn't.

agree on the banning, not sure on account names.

name change can be hilarious but, when mine was changed to DrkStar and i was given pic of his face, i didnt know what happened and couldnt log in for 2 weeks.

This actualy made it even more hilarious when a few weeks later i try to login and it worked then i found a thread of ppl lolz adn thinking hmm we beter change it back i dont think he can log in...

joke was at my expense but tahts prety fkn funny

I havent changed any names ever, but when grapes was being terrible and tine or someone changed his name to arabic so he couldnt login was also hilarious

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Old 10-21-2012, 10:37 PM   #639
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Originally Posted by BlankDaniels View Post

some tapper turned the autoplay off on this post

fucking tappers

Last edited by Reppat; 10-22-2012 at 05:54 AM.
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Old 10-21-2012, 10:40 PM   #640
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Also I'll take 3days ban for avatar changes if neeeded, prolly made like 5... duno

steampowered dildo one was god tho

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408 = the semen arsonist, 408>tilt-a-whirl, 408woat, ape raping gare is inevitable, ape will buy you pizza after gare, cobson getting gangraped, drk tagging too hard, elucidated in my pants, feet, gare and ape eating faces in a tree, gare has carpal terrible syndrome, gary is jealous ape loves scuter more, gay sex blew michael stipe, gay sex blew michael stipe 408 times, gaysex<scuter, hoser down to two brain cells, miscalculation on the tit folks, scoot is an 8000 baht a night gigolo, scooter is a private dancer, skynigger is tony gs enforcer, wong is god

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