Originally Posted by
nothing about you is root in that image. also, if you buggered your /etc/sudoers file permissions, you are in choppy waters.
My bad. I only just noticed the captions weren't clearly assigned to their respective images. You quoted the caption intended for another image. Very poorly assigned captions actually. We need an "Insert Line" button. Where the hell is Vaughn ffs. Gosh.
This is my trying to remove the Samba service that shares files between remote Windows <> Linux systems. sudo is root permissions. I seem to have lost mine here. Inexplicably. I didn't chmod or chown the sudoers /etc file. I cannot abide that vile Vi editor which inexplicably has to be used (to protect you! That's literally their excuse, so "inexperienced users can't ruin their sudoers file inadvertently" - moronic Toddlers probably giggle and think "That is something I would do teehee. Fair enough." - Well it's not something I would do so this is inexplicable).
I haven't lost my root permissions here. See my login username? I am root. I have ALL the permissions. But what is this, you see? It appears as if you're being idiotically lied to? Permission denied? As root? Impossible, they say; but why would I lie when I can prove? I prove. Hello? Hello? Toddlers aren't interested in the impossible. They tell me not to mess around with what they don't understand.
"You could do some nasty damage to your system."
This is true. I would have to reinstall if I made a terrible mistake. Omg. 10 minutes of time wasted. I should just leave the impossible alone. Toddlers would.
if you set a root password you can use: "su -" to get there, otherwise the account is locked of course and you'll have to reboot into a separate OS, mount this one, and correct the permissions on /etc/sudoers manually.
Oh these are images from a long time ago. When cl.ly (Cloud App for Mac OS X), Photobucket, Imageshack, Evernote etc don't work, I use Imgur and it knocks these pics into the hidden countdown to be deleted zone.