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Old 08-27-2012, 06:02 PM   #1
Things could be worse...
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Default You don't Want to Win, You just Want to destroy Your Self with dreams of "Easy St"

I'm rarely emotional these days, but this subject stirs up some old emotions. "Over-qualified". I know what that word means. It very nearly killed so many (more) shrewd imbeciles...a toddler who was less emotional than the near-sociopath I was turning into (and that was going to be Bad News for everybody) took it upon herself, in her ignorant brilliance and her emotionless intuition to be compassionate in a way that was the polar opposite of the way Christians care about you and the emotional insanity they have imposed onto you.

I was overqualified. So overqualified, I was too stupid to see the obvious horror. It was too horrifying, I was too stupid. I'd been "thinking positive" (i.e. insane) for too long, trying to cope with the horror of this self-destructive species. We've been living on credit for 3500 years. It's literally all that drives us forward in our demented suffering. We pay our suffering forward, we breed children of Our Own in our denial about whether or not we warrant someone keeping us alive for no logical reason better than "human slavery".

But your slaves will be better. Better than the 21,000 who die every day. Better than the millions slaughtered (it's hard work! it's been getting harder and harder for our children to hold up the leeches who lean on them, with all their Christian Protection Racket Compassion, protecting them from seeing the Truth they've been lying about from a long time before the 9 months which preceded the decision to breed slaves to be owned) by our imagining we're Special enough to exploit. It's the only way you can be exploited.

You have to be playing to get burned by the game. You have to be trying to suffocate lives with your suffocating love, to scream in terror when the Truth smashes your face into the gravel. Awwh, diddums. Whatever's the matter?

She only wants to exploit somebody else? Awwh, you lost. Try not to imagine her Winning so hard that you can't see the Truth in front of your eyes. You're worthless. You know that. She doesn't care if you lived or died. You're going to do something about that, and screw it up like every stalker in history. You're missing the Truth that matters. The Truth that she never cared about you. She just told you that she did, or didn't but let you believe otherwise; it's all very 'complex' with children playing games of sociopathic preying on the 'value' represented by sociopathic predators who have a clue and narcissistic victims who are going to be given a clue, at far too young an age.

When your parents set you for life with lies and deceit and fantasy, you will always be too young for the horror that is inflicted onto you in your pathetic attempts to 'catch' up to what you couldn't possibly want but imagine must be good. Everyone else is doing it to you. That's tight logic, in a sane world. But if you hang onto life, this is not a world where that decision is not penalised.

Children hang onto life. The human species hangs onto life. It's our most terrifyingly exploitable trait; our capacity to breed when we have no other reason to live, let alone justifying the creating of new life in our...worthless...image.

We lie with love. Children are lied to, I have seen your cringing and tried to deny the horrifying implications. I'm a vassal like any other, but I knew what your cringing meant. "Better them than me."

But how could you know that, I thought. I had only just started to suspect such a 'romantically' depressed sentiment. How could she know that, I thought. how could she know they were being taken advantage of by something I'd just started to suspect made me exploitable; my predisposition to loving the illusion of The One. It's insane, but in my defence...I only loved because its what everyone wanted me to do.

I had no idea they would react with such brutal aversion to what they wanted. But I had a lot to learn about what people want and what they actually do. I was at the end of Heartbreak 1, and not remotely believing a second brush with insanity was even possible when I was on the brink of becoming very, very shrewdly cold.

For weeks, I was overqualified and literally starving to death from working too hard in a world of crafty leeches who ridiculed my hard work but then I was happy to contribute; they were cool. 5 years later, the Truth had come out and I was sick of contributing; or sick of not being permitted to by shrewd recruiters who understood I was Bad News for their 'good thing'. This was their company, their honeypot to exploit. I was overqualified and my near-tearful begging for the answer eluding me was returned with awkward blushes of shame I completely misinterpreted for pity.

I was sinking, probably sunken. I had become cold and shrewd. I was so overqualified, they couldn't have imagined it. They didn't want me to imagine it, either but I knew or at least, enough people tried to take ownership of what I achieved so casually & easily in public - whilst suffering to stay alive so desperately & miserably in private - but I was lying lying lying to myself, wanting to believe the horrifying insanity merely served to masque some beautiful Secret that everyone knew except I started very late and had been playing 'catchup' since my life started at 14.

When I was 29, and had sunken to your level, so low I wasn't even blinking about ending it all - I couldn't wait for that sweet relief - I realised the Truth, at last. I was catching up to those who had been handicapped by their 'good' fortune. I'd never been ignorant. I'd merely been the victim of the Insanity that is Ignorance being Ashamed of its Ignorance, and imagining it made sense to Deceive Those Who Would Lift Them Up Out of Their Exploitation...they just drove me ever further down.

Down is where you will be driven by those who value your capacity to contribute in ways that are in this world of horror shows. Up is where you'll be inflated by those who value your body's temporary utility.

But there is no honey behind your cosmetics. Just AIDS and Hep C and herpes. I had learned the Truth of deceit's illusions. Bodies were about to start dropping at speeds so's funny.

I wouldn't have felt a thing.

The 'paranoid' paragraph set me off.

What may sound 'paranoid' to the emotionally insane is almost always the unemotional Truth.

The terrified tiny minds of this religiously exploited world will always fear everything but fear itself. It's why they will remain tiny, indefinitely. It's why they make their children stupid. It's why they scream the sane into losing patience with their insanity. It's why there has been a "sane drain" on this world of insanity for 3500 years.

It is logically insane to imagine you can protect yourself from Power when you're too powerless to understand logic as simple as: If Power wants to take advantage of 'disparity', there is nothing your fear can do to protect you. But it make 'Power' that had no motive to take advantage, and every motive not to, get very frustrated and disillusioned and ultimately, stop trying to seek mutual advantage and just pummel the stupidly 'shrewd'.

That's unfortunate for 'Power' but it will be devastating for the powerless. But insanity will do that to everyone; there is nothing quite like the frustrated fury of trying to help someone who imagines they're being shrewd by biting the hand that isn't doing charity, but trying to increase their self-worth by giving the valueless some Value.

Not in this world of imbeciles who literally demand to be exploited, and then scream when they suffer because they don't understand anything about Power, their powerless Reality, their insanity and their emotional manipulative 'tricks' that fool absolutely no one except children who go on to be emotional Toddlers for life. They'll cut you down feeling that they're being crafty and shrewd. To climb the ladder to happiness, they'll literally spend their life killing people trying to feel good.

They suck at logic. They're too insane to have a clue. They'll have children of their own, of course; they'll want friends when no one cares to lie to them in order to exploit the imagined utility of their body. They'll want little perfect slaves to please those who are no longer pleased by their ageing bag of cosmetic tricks to deceive creeps. They'll want some respect; in a world that has never respected them because they've never respected themselves. They'll miss that love, though; in all it's sociopathic deceit. They may imagine they're no longer presentable when the truth is they were never presentable once they were tricked into feeling they needed - or should - present themselves to others to be deemed of value or not. It's always going to be Not, and anyone who cannot understand why isn't worth the telling but what can you do.

If they weren't so irrationally afraid of intelligence for the THREAT they imagine it presents to their 'good' thing, we wouldn't be in the inhumane gutter fighting each other for slave jobs 3500 years after sociopaths tricked the Chosen into thinking they were Special enough to be Sociopaths who imagine we're shrewd destroying what others build, tearing down Sanity & Decency with our 'advantaging' over Humanity - it's so weak! - only the insane tell children they're lying to that their failure to Trust compulsive liars is "paranoia". Children are told to respect the creepy "elders" who want respect for literally only one reason; they've never generated any and they're confused in their incapacity to distinguish between respect and fear.

Fear drives this world of slaves ever further into the barbaric inhumane Dark Ages. If we weren't so afraid, we wouldn't need our insane denial. We wouldn't be killing 21,000 children every day without questioning why we only have feelings for humans we imagine we exclusively own. If we were only a 'little' more paranoid and less certain in our insanity, we wouldn't have been reduced to a level below beasts.

No animal species is as inhumane as this denialist, filthy, inhumane 'Humanity'. It's why we're all so 'Polite'. Polite and terrifyingly sleazy imbeciles who think they're fooling everyone with their shrewd 'cordiality', 'hospitality', 'charity' and that filthy sociopathic Christian 'compassion'. Do unto others?

That's how you make those you've made insane...viral. The insanity of leeches who lie to everyone including themselves has reached the Tipping Point. We can't be reduced any lower than slaves who discuss why we're turned away from slave jobs by slaves who imagine they're being shrewd when they politely lie to us, for our ostensible benefit.

It feels good. You know, if you're emotionally insane enough to feel bad about others not valuing you; you might, if you're beyond worthless, care more about feeling valuable than actually contributing anything of value. When things get so grave you no can no longer rely on peddling your "favours" for food, you can breed for the plantation. You'll have thought in advance, of course; and trapped some sucker like a fool! Those marriage contracts FOR LIFE, because it makes sense to force someone to take care of you. If you're lucky, they'll just block you out and dump you.

If you're unlucky, they'll beat you in frustration, confusion and misery FOR LIFE. It's called love. You started it by imagining you didn't need to contribute in a world which valued you for your body or for some utility they had for you; a human race of leeches who breed on Their Own because 21,000 children of Humanity dying every day isn't enough for slaves who don't realise they're killing them with their corporations - so shrewd! Limited liability? Only the diabolically stupid would imagine what is logically unsustainable could be profitable or 'good'.

If you're emotionally insane and imagine your insanity can be traded like currency (which is an illusion that is nothing more than Promissory notes paid to slaves [IOUs signed by Power] - slaves too stupid to realise their pathetic hoarding is being devalued by Power every day) - if you're insane enough to buy into the Insanity of this world, you'll be so demented you'll imagine anything is a theoretical conspiracy.

Everything literally (as in the definitions of the words) is conspired by those who cannot do theory, but they feel (in theory) there is value to be squeezed out of what is worthless (you). There isn't. You can only squeeze out more worthless children to suffer and fool the next generation into thinking they're sane and therefore 'weak' and exploitable for the inherent Value the sane create in their inspirational but ultimately futile attempt to dream that one day the Insane leeches might be inspired to do the same.

They won't.

They're dead. They kill with love because they didn't die when their parents killed them. They have no sense of Self. Their only concern is You. They're snivelling liars and thieves who preach at everyone to be honest and not to steal from the Good & Powerful imbeciles who hoard all the illusionary money expressly to create suffering for the children that They Own.

We wouldn't live in this horror, that you cannot even read about before your denial kicks into gear. We wouldn't have to endure lives full of people who snivel and snicker at Power, who looks down fondly on Their Vassal Fools before smashing them together in emotional Wars of Fury that kill hundreds of millions of imbeciles at a time.

We wouldn't know the meaning of the word "war". The concept would be incomprehensible by virtue of it being batshit insane to fight over emotions as insane as the fear generated by those who imagine preemptive striking at fear makes...sense.

We wouldn't be reduced to what isn't worthless , anymore. We're so far below Neutral, we'll never get back to Sanity. We wouldn't have dreams that amount to our being able to flaunt our misery at others, who are more miserable. Bling is how we 'win'. It's as good as 'winning' gets in this world of demented purveyors of emotional horror. We wouldn't be so disconnected from the shared DNA that connects us to Humanity. We wouldn't be here, if it were not for fear.

We'd be in the incomprehensible stratosphere.
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Old 08-27-2012, 06:40 PM   #2
Skatz Patrician
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Didn't read any of that.

  Just wait for the movie.
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Old 08-27-2012, 06:46 PM   #3
waaaaaaaay less gay than 408mike
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Got through the first 3 paragraphs. Will try for 4 next time.
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Old 08-27-2012, 06:50 PM   #4
Hillbilly Jim
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so what you are saying is that skatz needs to start a bank and become slave owners
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Old 08-27-2012, 07:00 PM   #5
Lord Bathrobe
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Old 08-27-2012, 07:09 PM   #6
waaaaaaaay less gay than 408mike
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I am going to treat scooters posts like the reading section of the LSAT. Read the first paragraph and the last and then address the questions individually.
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Old 08-27-2012, 07:20 PM   #7
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setting yourself up there, step
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Old 08-27-2012, 07:27 PM   #8
waaaaaaaay less gay than 408mike
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Originally Posted by Been View Post
setting yourself up there, step

Approach is technically correct, depends on individual who uses it obv.
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Old 08-27-2012, 07:31 PM   #9
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just avoid the subject of lsat like it's wildfire in a blonde half-man's hand

  if we dont learn from our failures we are bound to repeat them
  fez up in this bitch
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Old 08-27-2012, 07:59 PM   #10
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onestep is up in this thread because fez has a huge hose
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