Next few may be tough for anyone to make out, but essentially this was a running gag of a bowflex ad I started here
I actually got 7 emails about it, one guy calling it "the best ad ever!" and this guy is the regional something something from play-it-again-sports. Didn't spam the forums with my ad, so it never got any love from the skatz crowd. I went for the "unintended comedy" route and was successful. Here's more "behind the scenes" pictures, this was and is my parents real bowflex mind you, and once unearthed it really is in near mint condition. My folks REALLY expected me to sell this damned thing, and REALLY wouldn't let me uncover it at the same time, how unbelievable is that?
more shop-vac porn for Bob
If this isn't dedication to one's craft-
making good use of space
moar soon....