Originally Posted by
Scooter is supposed to repoint the domain again. @
It's been on my To Do list. To be fair to the liar Vaughn who stole my forum after lying brazenly about honouring my single precondition (which boiled down to banning the screaming tortured wreck of a shell that was once inhumane [I'll believe the woman that created that thing you call Jewdonk could theoretically have been human once when I see some evidence and not before then]), the liar Vaughn did remind me quite some time ago.
But then I've been engaged in telling Truth to the screaming tortured trainwreck that shouldn't even be on my fucking site.
So I'm not going to feel bad about failing to redirect the name-servers, because I dysfunction intentionally. The specifics of my dysfunctional is out of my control, but like Jewdonk's unfathomable stupidity, I choose to be dysfunctional in the same way we all choose to be what we're transparently being. I'm just more conscious than you are about the futility of functionality.
I'm sure your procrastination is for perfectly sane, logical reasons. I know why you need deadlines. You're a little hazy about the reasons, I've noted. I don't need deadlines. When I want to do something I do it. When I don't, I resolve to do it.
My point being, redirecting the nameservers for me is like a New Years Resolution for you. I wouldn't hold my breath on 01/01/13 though if I were you. Not only is it inherently fair in ways so moronic they're not even LOL, the Truth is...
So there!
No you.
Did not.
Did too.
I'm not even listening to you.