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Old 01-19-2013, 08:23 AM   #111
rum dick
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if she really loved justin she would have cut the other direction. if she really loved herSelf she would have used a butter knife. you ignorant toddlers should use chainsaws. my mom was mean and my peons suck at following my orders. god is dead.
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Old 01-19-2013, 08:25 AM   #112
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Old 01-19-2013, 10:02 AM   #113
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So at least in my mind, I'm in the process of giving something of a random 'master'-class on the Realities of Life and Suffering (at least as far as I understand them and I understand them a little better than you fools). And the reality of this life and your suffering is that you had to be made to scream in pain or how else can you be expected to love them?

Who is them?

I don't really see how that is any of my business and your dirty love games are best played between you and whomever makes you scream. For me, personally, if you make me scream, you'll know about it and it won't be love but rather a sulking, muttering, petulant and unloving would-be victim on your hands.

That's what will happen if you try that fucking shit with me. Don't say I didn't warn you.

But yes, everything in this miserable world of fail comes down to love. In the beginning, it was love that destroyed the heaven and the earth. Most of you dumb fucks simply didn't get the memo. I aim to remedy that unfortunate oversight today.

And the Truth, my fair-weather 'friends', is that we live in a world where the environment has been meticulously designed and structured and stacked up year after year (over many, many years) to ensure maximum pain is inflicted onto everyone capable of enduring it, for as long as they can endure it. We're a pressure cooked species of steamed humans kept permanently on the emotional boil.

The entire world is on the brink. Look the wrong way, you can die. Look the other way, you can die. Look em straight in the eyes, you can die. Don't look at him when he's talking to you, you can die. This is a bitch world of needy bitches who are obsessed with respect because their whore mothers took their Self away and so they've never been able to respect themselves.

The emotional needy of this world should make anyone sane be literally screaming right now. Yup. I registered that fact that well. But seriously, when I'm reading articles with thousands of comments - almost all of which are supportive of the article's unfathomably insane premise (the pressing requirement to ban some common questions from polite conversation) - niggers, I think we can all agree that you are no longer on the brink. These aren't rapids, either. We're going down the falls.

This was an article written by a grown man with children of his own shaking his head at just how rude and inconsiderate others' feelings we can be when we ask polite questions without feeling first. I mean, what is wrong with people that ask a thoughtless generic question without first feeling whether or not it's likely to cause offence? If you don't take into account that - due to the economy - many people are renting instead of buying, you will be a jerk if you ask someone who is renting if they plan to buy. Because really, how offensive and inconsiderate can you get? You jerk.

I MEAN SERIOUSLY. I literally cannot make this insanity up.

This is emotional batshit that is so insane, this world cannot have much longer. Not decades. You emotionally abused victims of your whore mothers will offend your imaginations into all out massacres within a few years; all you need is a spark and the tinderboxes of your imagined collective bum-hurt is going up in a bonfire. You're all so emotionally molested.

And so stupid, and so certain that you know best, it's really a fucking terrifying cocktail of fuck.

It's when we're most profitable; if you're wondering about the motive (and you should always be thinking in terms of motive) for why we are kept in this marinaded, angst-filled, terrified but ultimately hopeful state. It's all lies, lies and conditioning. You have nothing to be emotional about. You have nothing to be angry about. You have nothing to feel hard done by. You're just another battery human bred for consumption. Are you going to cry about it? There are billions of you.

But there is good news; if you don't want to be one, they don't hardly give a fuck. They kind of have a glut.

And the truth is that people, for all their insanity, are not actually masochistic or sadist. The whole violent rage this is an insulting grossly over-hyped misrepresentation of reality (for the same reasons and in the same way that STDs are lied about). The only exception to this is if you're a child, cause if you are? LOL. Good luck.

This is a world of fucking cowards who take out their frustration and confusion and decades of unresolved latent shame and pain and hurt feelings on children. But once you're through that gauntlet, you're literally so much safer than anyone would realise if they watched the 'news'. Sure, this is still a dangerous world where you can be gutted for reasons as trivial as fear over the colour of your skin but it'll only really be as dangerous as you want it to be.

In reality, it's really only your fear that ever places you in danger, period.

Because where is the profit in doing to you what you imagine people must want to do? Get over yourself. If people wanted to do those things, they'd bump into someone before bumping into you and do it to them (or do you think they're waiting for you?) - this is a world of lies where everyone is terrorised with fear, that is a fact but it's also a fact that I've walked casually through so many cities on so many occasions all around this terrified world; I've walked through neighbourhoods I had no earthly business being in at times of night no one would ever consider sane to be wandering about and I've met some bad fucking dudes and seen some crazy fucking shit but I was so much safer than I ever really imagined. This is because I have no malicious intent and I communicate that.

It might be a whole different ball game for you anti-social fucks.

But what would be the motive to harm me? There's no profit to be gained from it.

The only times I've ever gotten myself in trouble was when fear got mixed up in the communication between humans and one or the other of us became irrationally afraid and then you've got an arms race of fear on your hands. That's about the most dangerous spot you can be in because when you're arms racing, optimality is always going to be found in pre-emptive strikes. Everyone knows this and still, you will probably survive because humans will accept risk that is seemingly irrational for the sole reason that nobody wants to kill.

Hollywood are fucking lying to you. It's bullshit. Nobody wants to kill.

It's got nothing to do with the law and everything to do with our shared DNA. Humans are a single animal and humans know it, on some level; they'd have to get pretty disconnected not to feel that killing is taking out a part of yourself. On so many occasions I really should have killed and was probably insane not to but I just couldn't; I'd just buckle and accept the insanely untenable risk. And on some occasions, I really should have been killed from a tactically optimal standpoint; this one in particular in Lithuania because I had no business being where I was and they were doing some business and I wasn't understanding them and they weren't understanding why I wasn't fucking the fuck off when they were yelling at me to fuck off. I wasn't fucking off because I got it into my head somehow that they wanted my attention. They'd have been thinking "Why does he want to die?" and I was thinking "If I turn and run, I'll die".

And then sanity kicked in and I remembered for the 1834th time that I'm not a binary robot; I've just been conditioned to act like one. And it was all a bit anti-climax in the end because obviously I took the middle option and calmly got my intruding moronic face out of their business. And I think everyone was relieved except me.

Because WTF was wrong with me? My whole life, I've been thinking that question. You've probably been thinking the exact opposite. My line of thinking is almost always theoretically superior to yours, and this is no exception. I couldn't work out why I kept framing situations incorrectly, imagining I had these ridiculously binary A v B, 1 v 0, untenable extreme v untenable extreme as my sole options. It bothered me a great deal but none of yall had answers for me. No one did. Or if they did, they weren't talking.

So this is why I am giving the answers to you.

If you're not bright enough to be asking the questions that I was asking and can now answer, then it's pretty rude for you to be intruding into a conversation that you have no business being in. If you aren't interested in what is important, then I am not speaking to you.

It's amazing that you could even imagine I could be. Don't you agree?

Don't answer that question. If you're too dumb to be literate, or not interested in important things that are irrevocably relevant to you, what do you want me to do about it? That shit is on you, wear it. Or don't wear it?

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Old 01-19-2013, 12:00 PM   #114
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Press "Show" below if you want to read some humanitarian shit written for guys aged 13 to 65, about girls and their noose. I don't want to write it; it's embarrassing.

If you're to be killed, do yourself a favour and don't be pathetic by taking it all personally. If and when you're killed, if it's personal it will be entirely your fault somehow and if it's not your fault, it won't be personal. The point I'm idiotically trying to make with this ridiculous opener is a very important point about your emotions.
  1. They're not yours.
  2. And they're exclusively yours.

No one else feels them. And they're not even supposed to be inside your mind. Why do you all imagine that anyone - I mean, even your mother - why would anyone at all ever give a fuck about you and your feelings unless they aim to manipulate them or leverage them or sate them or fondle them or stroke them or - if you're in the business of getting your feelings made to feel good, you had best be on the lookout for whomever is making them feel bad (psst, it will be the one who is doing the other; literally always). This is near enough to be a fact because when it comes to your emotional needy, you know it's not actually you. It's not remotely natural that you're a pathetic needy tool of utility. How the fuck could natural selection have selected you emotional vases? How did you slip through evolution, you crybabies? You know it's not natural to need the emotional shaft massaging you routinely demand but you just don't want to accept the implications of your mother molesting you.

Well you didn't make yourself this pathetic, did you?

Your feelings are inserted into you to be felt by you alone and for manipulative purposes but there is good news about all this shit; you don't have to embrace your hooks and chains and root-kitted invisible buttons of emotional pain as Your Own. Why would you want girls to have that power to hurt you so easily? Cause you know girls.

Well, I know girls. But if you knew girls, you'd know that that will do that shit. Hurt you. Have a Coke and smile. And leave you lying, broken and traumatised, in their dusty wake. They're just...brutal. I'm not ashamed to say it. They're terrifying. So why give them the weapons they know are inside you? They're going to press those buttons and degrade you, I guarantee it. You see, girls are really afraid of rape.

No really. Ask any of them. They're terrified.

It's why they go home alone with a strange guy every other night. Fact: they're not afraid of nothing but Society's acid and once they negotiate that, they're not afraid of nothing but the Truth coming out.

They're all sluts. You cannot fuck with human desire and expect to actually bend it to your will. You'll only corrupt it into a horrifying distortion. Humans will not be conquered. They will do what they want to do even if death is the price to pay but they'll just do it more privately. If you're not sleeping with a lot of girls, I don't know what to tell you. Either you have an obsession with honesty like I do, or you should know the Truth yo.

You're fucking missing out.

It's a fucking orgy out there. Everywhere. I'm sorry that it's hidden from you but maybe you're just marriage material? Snicker. Maybe girls tell you that they have to be careful so that's why they cannot go home with you? Snicker. I shouldn't laugh really because it wasn't funny when they were doing this bullshit with me when I was marriage material and frankly, I'd rather be thought to have HIV. You'll get nearly an identical amount of sex and no fucking degrading "You're making me feel uncomfortable. I was having a good time with you but now the magic is gone. You're rushing me. Why are you so obsessed with sex. Ugh. All guys are so creepy."

They're not afraid of moving too fast and they're not afraid of being raped. I would go home and ask myself why I was so creepy but girls who do this are doing something very different and very dirty and very degrading. And when I would take their emotional smear on board and return home with my tail between my legs disgusted with myself, I had failed.

And when I'd be lying there alone with my supercharged mind over-thinking everything, they would have been fucking. 100% guaranteed. It's funny now but it'd have killed me then. My credulity is just...

If you're listening to their protestations, it's for you.

And if you listen you lose.

It's a test. I don't know what to tell you. Connect the dots on what they want you to do but I'm not lying about it being a test. They're horrifying little creeps but I don't make the rules.

This world is very, very confused.

I hate writing that cringe-inducing shit but it's Truth that I would have liked to know a decade ago so I feel an obligation, or something It's an empathy thing; like Saving Face or a Service to an unserviceable Society or something that's pointless but then who gives a fuck. Look, you can't be expected to understand the concept of Selfishness nor altruism. You're not writing anything interesting or true. Which makes you a leech. And amusingly, a stupid leech who isn't great at identifying value.

I'm probably just lashing out widely here. I'm kinda drunk, which is fucking retarded. I really don't like writing about girls. They're so fucking dirty, it's creepy even talking about their filthy murky world of deceit and eww but what are you going to do.


Back to regular programming where I ridicule your unfathomable stupidity.

Every drug is impure and by your definition so no one has ever done any actual drug, because of impurities.

Debbie fucking Dallas, you are so stupid it's impossible to talk with you when you're like this. Admit it, you were drunk when you wrote these idiotic statements of stupidity. Admit it...! Admit it...?

This drug is not impure so what the fuck are you on about?

What the above smack down represents is proof that you're retarded when you drink. We've all been there. Christ for your sake let's hope you were drunk.

This is from the Lundbeck Desoxyn FDA page.

METHAMPHETAMINE HAS A HIGH POTENTIAL FOR ABUSE [what morons don't realise is that use and abuse are two distinctly separate verbs] AND SHOULD BE TRIED ONLY IN WEIGHT REDUCTION PROGRAMS WHERE ALTERNATIVE THERAPY HAS BEEN INEFFECTIVE. ADMINISTRATION OF METHAMPHETAMINE FOR PROLONGED PERIODS MAY LEAD TO DRUG DEPENDENCE. [what Lundbeck is saying here is that responsible prescribing of Desoxyn has never resulted in dependence. Prolonged use is abuse. You're supposed to taper on and off and only abuse MAY lead to dependence. The implications of this are pretty fucking huge and if you think about it, we're talking about genocide. FYI for morons who know nothing about history (and am I correct in assuming Rum Dick's vague comments place him in that laughable category?!), the 20th century's wars were largely fought by soldiers powered by meth literally thrown at them by their governments because methamphetamine is a miracle drug and the 20th century's penicillin.] THE DRUG SHOULD BE PRESCRIBED OR DISPENSED SPARINGLY. MISUSE MAY CAUSE SUDDEN DEATH AND SERIOUS CARDIOVASCULAR ADVERSE EVENTS. [You know what else may cause sudden death and serious cardiovascular adverse events when misused? Your fucking face. And also literally every single plant, vegetable, mineral, chemical, animal, etc.]

Food may cause sudden death if you misuse it. I once ate a dozen Cheeseburgers on one of my earliest days of FREEDOMâ„¢ - it was my goal to eat 1000 because I'd only had the single one this one time in my life prior to the age of 14 and I may have survived years of horror propelled forward by the (no doubt, ludicrously distorted) memory of the orgasm in my mouth caused by a Cheeseburger but it was a pretty big deal to me. So I remember the satisfiying orgasmic wolfing them down on Victory Day. It was pure :glory

Then it was all a little blurry because your mind represses memories of traumatic pain. I had planned to eat 1000 and I can't honestly tell you if I actually legitimately thought I was going to eat 1000 because I was literally a newborn child in many ways when I was 14. But there was going to be good times, I know that much. I planned to eat 1000 when I was like 11 as it was a nice round number in the way $US1,000,000 seemed like a nice round number when I was 14. There isn't much sense to round numbers but they're nice and neat and very important if you have OCD. But the main reason I was going to eat 1000 Cheeseburgers was because no one had ever told me over-eating was something that was even possible. I didn't grow up with the childhood where knowledge like that was acquired inadvertently. So I'd eaten maybe a dozen (probably more like 8) and then for a day or two I wanted to die; and very nearly did for all I fucking know (I passed out from the pain a couple times)].

I was kinda swinging through life out in the deep end on my own and I was and have always been kind of a fucking retard so it got painful often enough but it's funny (and impossibly important) that because my mistakes were mine - or at least, I'd taken ownership of them - it wasn't nearly as bad as if the misery had been inflicted onto me. I would wager there is nothing unique or obscure about that; it's about slavery and Self and if you inflicted 1/10th of the pain on me that I might inflict on myself without getting emotional, I will fucking want to kill you. That is a lesson in free will and one day you will fucking understand how much your mother fucked you by snapping yours.

But you get the point I was making about misuse.

Shit can kill you in this world. What's the problem?

Name something, anything, and it can kill you if you misuse it with the intent to cause death. So there is only one reason to Prohibit regulation of a medicine and that is to hijack it out of regulators' control and force it into a monopoly situation where you control the production and supply and enforcement and if you think about it, that's a pretty hard combination to fuck up.

Amazingly, they still manage to do it often enough that they need to pull out the national security / classified bullshit to prevent some evidence being heard in court or they're forced to pull out the "executive privilege" bullshit which is to protect the iceberg under the water of Fast and Furious and there is a long, long widely documented history of the CIA's involvement in Supply (that perhaps only Rum Dick is unaware of) and last but not least, if you thought the DEA are doing a good job, you'd be right. But if you thought their job was to blockade, you'd be a moron because they're not incompetent.

And you can buy that shit everywhere. You know these facts.

What's fascinating now is how they just don't care; they're that muck of a lock and they have total control. They just announce moving into Africa to get mixed up in European trade routes and not a single person says "What does that have to do with the DEA?" Or maybe you all know so much more than you let on; it's impossible to know with you goons.

But this was always going to happen. When the medicine in question is the 20th century's penicillin, and entire wars were being fought by soldiers gaining huge advantages when using / abusing it (USAF Pilots all still use it, that's an edge they're not prepared to give up), they were always going to find a way to hijack Control of it even if doing so kills tens of millions because you imbeciles know nothing about power. And I know just a little.

I know, for example, that if you can control the market for pain 'relief', a few things are going to happen.
  1. There is going to be more pain. Commerce morons; it's what you would have learned in school if you weren't retarded so effectively by your mothers' senseless love (as in there was no sense in you being made to feel it so why did she do that shit to you?)
  2. There is going to be silent hijacking of everything that can facilitate unhindered supply of your product to the marketplace. So what that means is there goes the neighbourhood...of government.
  3. Unless you're too stupid to be in capitalist business, your product will not be a good product. It will be an optimal product. The two are mutually exclusive. Quality products do not generate repeat purchasing. No one is taking over the world with Desoxyn. It's owned by a small Danish pharmaceutical company because it wasn't making any money for Ovation. The reason the pure drug makes no money is because it's the 20th century's penicillin and there is no money in pain eradication or prevention. All the money is in pain treatment. Combine treatment with pain generation and you have yourselves a product that can be used as a stepping stone to achieve something no one has managed to do in 1500 years.
  4. By the power invested in whomever controls the market capitalization of "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT METH" (the poison you imbeciles have gotten horribly confused with the medicine Desoxyn), you could theoretically bring down the Power that has defeated all powers that have come at it for 1500 years straight. With power like this kind of power, you could theoretically bring down the Church. Move in and set up up operations on the Rock the Church is built on (human suffering). Manage the suffering of humans effectively and you are the de-facto new owners of Earth.

They're geniuses, really. Pain 'relief' is not merely tidy business. It's not good or even great business. It's fucking perfect business. It's all the business.

It's capitalism, on meth.
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Old 01-19-2013, 02:07 PM   #115
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DESOXYN® (methamphetamine hydrochloride tablets, USP) is contraindicated during or within 14 days after administration of MAOIs [this is to slap down your idiotic assertion that a medicine is medicinal no matter what chemicals it's mixed up with. That is so stupid I don't know if I'm being levelled but WTF it's hard to tell with drunk people. But obviously "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT METH", as in the substitute poison sold on the street corners of every metropolitan city on the planet (not one street corner of which, you might reasonably expect to find Desoxyn), is - by definition - contraindicated for any form of treatment. When you do not know what the chemical compound of the unknown substance consists of, then you have what is called poison as opposed to medicine - this is true whether or not you're retarded enough to fail to realise it] as hypertensive crisis may result, in patients with glaucoma, advanced arteriosclerosis, symptomatic cardiovascular disease, moderate to severe hypertension, hyperthyroidism or known hypersensitivity or idiosyncrasy to sympathomimetic amines, and should not be given to patients who are in an agitated state or who have a history of drug abuse.

Tolerance to the anorectic effect usually develops within a few weeks. When this occurs, the drug should be discontinued. DESOXYN generally should not be used in children and adolescents with known serious heart problems. They can cause an increase in average blood pressure and average heart rate, and patients should be monitored through physical exam and careful history. Care should be taken if administering stimulants to patients with psychosis, bipolar illness and aggression, either pre-existing or treatment-emergent. In the presence of seizures, the drug should be discontinued. Patients 7-10 years of age who are not growing or gaining height or weight as expected may need their treatment interrupted. Visual disturbance has been reported. DESOXYN should be used with caution in patients with even mild hypertension. Methamphetamine should not be used to combat fatigue or to replace rest in normal persons. DESOXYN should not be used during pregnancy or nursing unless benefit justifies risk to the fetus.

That's because it's a once-in-a-lifetime miracle drug that could save tens of millions of lives? But you're all so reduced that you survive on and all the best and brightest humans have been poisoned and murdered. What's that you say?

You don't need "pain relief" in this world of suffering and genocide and child annihilation and rape, but only limited to a few billion?

That would be interesting.

You are hereby charged with being a sociopath. How do you plead?

nb. As your state-appointed attorney, I advise you to plead this one out. You're hardly going to be able to make a convincing argument that you have empathy if you have no need for pain relief.


Your semantic games may impress toddlers and Thais with 3rd grade level English, but the shit won't fly with me. I can argue with idiocy all day long, but I'm old and learned thats nothing more than a loser's game. I'll let you live your drug delusions.

Let me tell you a fascinating fact you should have learned when you were in grade school.

Sodium is toxic. Chloride is toxic. But mix them together and you can season food with it. Amazing huh?

Here's another one.

Hydrogen is flammable. Oxygen is flammable. Combine the two and you can put out fires with that H2O. Did you know that's what H2O stands for? Water is two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen; that's it. Each on their own will burn you more than that alcohol you're drinking. But put them together and you can reverse Jesus' evil and turn the whine back into water.

Without water, you'll die in 3 days flat. But you'll be killing late on Day 2. You'll be intolerable late on Day 1. Which makes me figure, if some guy has got the capacity to do it, why would he wait for Day 1 to lock up his own personal stash? Then once he had his own stash (perhaps a well in Columbia, or somewhere), what's to stop him from thinking "This is the only stash left on the planet."

Because if that guy controlled what Eisenhower once labelled "the military-industrial-complex", he can do literally anything he wants.

Who is going to stop him?

You, Lt Weinberg?

You, Bobby Wong?

I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for your scrolling wrist and you curse the run-on sentencing. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that your RSI, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my dubious ranting, while occasionally grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives...You don't want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don't talk about on your poker forums, you want me on that meth. You need me on that meth.

Well it would be nice if someone did, because I've never medicated with meth in my entire fucking life.

Honestly bro, I like your novel beliefs on motivations of women and men, and what led them to their cultural values etc, but this shit you are throwing at me is just utter rubbish.

This is not rubbish. What you're reading here is heavily related to The Meaning of Life. It's not quite the most important thing in the world to discuss (that would be Society's obsession with controlling girls who like sex) but it's pretty close because what you're reading here right now is grotesquely wild, borderline old wives' tale rumour mongering and speculation that could make theoretical sense but for which, in reality, I cannot find any data in support of the billowing smoke (of which there is a plenty but those smoking guns are hard to line up on Life's slot machines).

Also, I have a substance abuse problem, so one must also treat billowing smoke with a grain of salt. But I have never taken meth in my life, and that is a fact I am willing to fight a duel over if the validity of my claim is called into question.

In all seriousness, the ignorance of you moronic faggots is killing me. Would it kill you to be a little brighter?

I guess that's too much to ask for.

edit - Lol @ the great irony of you blaming my TRUTH and IRREFUTABLE logic on lack of sobriety. I mean really.. just so fucking LOL.

I'm sorry. I appear to have failed to detect a denial anywhere in this inarticulate bubbling of disbelief.

For the record, are you denying being intoxicated with poison when you wrote all the idiotic nonsense I just obliterated above?

May I remind you Sir that you are under oath.

Originally Posted by Bobby Wong View Post
you can get high from around .1 gram of street meth.

Pray tell, where might this implausible feat be achieved?

Where I suffer under the tyranny of human cunning (for which my decency and humanity is no match), I cannot medicate without a 'gram' but let me qualify a few things first:
  1. A gram for an illicit substance can weigh (without the bag of course) between 0.1 and 1.6 grams (people be stupid, whatever; needless to say one gram converted by criminals is ~0.3g).
  2. Maybe one in 3 'grams' is even arguably therapeutic. The others are poison and responsible for frustration and depression when I cannot communicate complex concepts to people too stupid to understand simple concepts. The frustration of being unable to do what is redundant is an especially trying ordeal and it vexes my Zen routinely.
  3. The above is limited to medication. To get "high" from "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT METH", I would need 3x as much. But I don't get high. Sometimes I get so poisoned, I might appear high but that's merely sloppiness and death throes you cringe at prior to my cringing at them.

But my cringing is laced with bitterness.

if that is even 50% pure, that means that less than 50 milligrams of that are impurities or adulterants. it's most likely that those 50 mg represent several substances, but even if we assume that the meth user is ingesting a full 50 mg of a single adulterant with each dose, there are very few substances that are psychoactive in quantities that small. in fact, all chemicals that are psychoactive at that dosage are recreational drugs. it makes poor economic sense to dilute methamphetamine with other drugs, so any impurities present are going to be leftovers from the manufacturing process or cutting agents added by drug dealers. these may be toxic, but they do not get you high.

Correct. They will severely preclude your ability to self-medicate, however. They will poison you over time. And poison involves organ / mental / emotional damage and trauma. And the "domino effect" that is prevalent and overlooked in every aspect of human existence is both our greatest exploitable potential (in theory) but almost always ends up being our most viable cause for crashing into failure or still worse, mediocrity (in reality).

My point being, if someone got me medicated with meth, I could do something good. It's unlikely but then I'm not going to do anything bad am I? Has a human who wanted to self-medicate pain away or improve his or her mood or expand his or her mind ever really been a threat to society? In a world of alcohol, I mean.

if you purchase meth in powder or crystal form, the only thing in it that has any effect on you is the methamphetamine.


Powder or crystal does not guarantee what you are ingesting will be free of toxins or undesired pollutants. That's a retarded assertion to make. You should be embarrassed to have stated something so idiotic as the above statement.
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Old 01-19-2013, 02:12 PM   #116
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shitty meth is shitty because it takes more to get high, not because it is tainted with government brain control drugs.

Shitty 'meth' is shitty because it's not medicine; it is poison.

It's shitty 'meth' because production and distribution has been intentionally and deliberately taken away from all that bothersome oversight and quality control hassles and annoying - inefficient - regulatory control.

Shitty 'meth' is shitty because poison is not methamphetamine. Methamphetamine is methamphetamine.

Shitty 'meth' is shitty because if it's shitty, it's not fucking methamphetamine.

That you dinguses cannot get this through your Viking skulls is exasperating.

This is methamphetamine below:

This is poison below. You can call it whatever you want, but if you call it meth or even shitty meth, you're wrong. It's not medicine. It's poisonous toxins of unknown chemical properties that one (1) criminal with a vested interest in making a sale has asserted to be methamphetamine when it cannot be (and this has nothing to do with the fact that he has provided zero evidence or support of his assertion aside from a shrug and a "bitch do you want it or not?").

It cannot be methamphetamine because it won't be this:

Or in 3D:

Niggers, either I am crazy or you are all dumber than the dumbest dogshit ever to win a blue riband for being so fucking dumb.

My money is pretty safe, in this instance.

Originally Posted by OvenWax View Post
funny discussion and i have to say scooters arguement here is dumb as fuck.

You do not have to say how stupid your opinion is. Who told you that god damn lie?

I should put a cap in her ass.

Well tell that stupid bitch she just made my list of things to do today.

by that logic if i smoke a joint and mix my weed with tobacco then i guess i really didnt smoke weed because i mixed it with tobacco.

Substitute the tobacco in your demented experiment with PCP and tell me all about your smooth roll.

or if i snort a line of coke well it wasnt really coke because it was bashed with baking soda or fuck knows what else.

Substitute the baking soda in your demented experiment with Ambien and tell me all about it, Sleeping Scarface.

maybe if i drink whiskey and i mix it with red bull well then i guess i didnt really drink whiskey after all.

Substitute cyanide for Red Bull and talk about how your palate can only tolerate single malt these days.

Originally Posted by Rum Dick View Post
One time, way back when, two roommates and I went in on a bunch of coke. Unfortunately for one of my roommates, me and the other roommate did most of the stash while throwing a party. Other roommate was working. When he got home from work the party was still raging but the coke stash was negligible. He was pissed. Other roommate (the one on coke) ran upstairs and mixed a bunch of creatine in with some of the leftover coke and gave him a bag full of it going oops guess we forgot about this. Sober roommate was elated and proceeded to snort the entire bag over the course of an hour or so. He was the king of the world. Mix was like 90% creatine 10% coke but he didn't know the difference. He offered me a line and I was like thanks but I already feel bad about doing part of your share so why don't you keep it for yourself. Lord only knows what the burn was like...

That's what friends are for.

But what no one tells you is, that's all they're good for.

If you're too stupid and too giddy and too high on red cordial and life to be able to distinguish between coke and creatine when you're waxing a bag of it, you can have mates who's stand by you through thick and thin for life if that's what you want to believe.

And you can believe this for as long as you want, until things get thick of course.

Or thin.

  who said i was friends with my roommates...keep on making is working out well for you
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Old 01-19-2013, 02:47 PM   #117
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
Who is going to stop him?

You, Lt Weinberg?

You, Bobby Wong?

You, Silvio?

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Old 01-19-2013, 03:16 PM   #118
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sorry everyone for this (i'm not sorry)
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Old 01-19-2013, 03:21 PM   #119
waaaaaaaay less gay than 408mike
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post


I like this. Moar of this please and less of the jbba jabber
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Old 01-19-2013, 03:58 PM   #120
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scooter makes a great point about Russians in all fairness.
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