OK I can't handle Neverstop anymore so Im gone from Boris until the site is sold to someone else or he apologizes to everyone, which will likely never happen. Maybe its him maybe its me. I feel like its him since I am quitting for almost the same reasons that 50 other people have quit.
As people reading this might not know, everyone posts in the private community social group the iraqi ski team. I will try to post more in the main forum to make it more interesting. I chose this forum because there are 10 people on here that are already the best posters on the internet IMO. Im going to try to make some them less reclusive.
Anyway, its worth a shot. If it fails, there will still be 10-14 guys pumping away at eachothers cock n balls in the IST
OK I can't handle Neverstop anymore so Im gone from Boris until the site is sold to someone else or he apologizes to everyone, which will likely never happen. Maybe its him maybe its me. I feel like its him since I am quitting for almost the same reasons that 50 other people have quit.
As people reading this might not know, everyone posts in the private community social group the iraqi ski team. I will try to post more in the main forum to make it more interesting. I chose this forum because there are 10 people on here that are already the best posters on the internet IMO. Im going to try to make some them less reclusive.
Anyway, its worth a shot. If it fails, there will still be 10-14 guys pumping away at eachothers cock n balls in the IST
listen bro maybe if you didnt spam his site with reverse rep he wouldnt have had to alienate you. i mean damn bro he is 32 and in hella good shape, not flppy and flabby like you
I read his "timeline". its funny how he leaves shit out and non-chalantly acts as if there is no problem. Like Im crazy to be suggesting what everyone knows is obvious: he runs people off his fucking site. Sure if you read his "timeline" he does nothing wrong. Thats just it. The fact that he makes that timeline shows he doesnt get it. I defended him a long time to a lot of people. I dont have the energy to argue with him anymore.
Yeah man, you have no issues. No one ever has a problem with you. Im sure Chinamaniac has the same problems right? Forum owners are just misunderstood.
Even if im an "entitled baby", thats not the point. It changes nothing what I am, Im just one poster. I know its your job to blindly defend the guy for some reason but if Ian doesnt change his actions there will literally be half the posters they have now in under six months. Thats a fucking fact.
So many people have left without calling him out publicly it is truly amazing. Like over 30 that left not cause of life issues, but because of Neverstop. Thats on the top of about a 20 very public fights. 50 people. Thats a lot in a small community.
Even the solid posters that he doesnt chase off like Rolled and Jack Daniels, he just trolls them over and over. Keep calling JD the dumbest person on the site. Because if his goal is members and traffic, then he is truly the dumbest person on the site.