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My point is simply this. People who are addicted to meth are not addicted to the adulterants. They are addicted to the methamphetamine. Lol @ any other belief.
This is idiotically ignorant and patently incorrect. People who are addicted to any substance are addicted to relieving pain. Living in a state of chronic pain is not healthy. When I was not being treated for ADHD as a child (when we weren't even allowed to get an inoculation shot or take a Tylenol no matter how much pain we were in or whether we were going to come into contact with communicable disease/s), I was a dangerous ticking time bomb. After I ran away from Jesus and his many erections and his non-stop emotional insanity which is limited to communication via physical violence, I had no idea I had any learning disorders aside from OCD and though it may sound incomprehensible, I actually had no idea that life wasn't meant to be endured in the dark clouds of chronic pain.
It was all I'd ever known, or at least, all I could remember knowing. I suffered exceptionally well. I suffered in silence. I suffered with dignity. I suffered so that others wouldn't have to suffer and then I suffered in terror that they might realise it and imagine I wanted something from them or had targeted them in some way. I suffered literally non-stop for decades because I was sleep-deprived for decades with multiple learning and personality disorders that one imagines is part and parcel of being the World Record holder for not buckling under the pressure of an all out brainwashing assault by a cult. No one else has managed even 6 months, I don't think.
I did 9 years. It only felt like 20 or 30, it was nothing.
Nothing but suffering.
But 99% of human suffering is needless, redundant. You suffer because you want your suffering cake and you want to hold onto that suffering for life as well. That's so dumb how Christians got yall to do that with trauma.
But in my life, almost no one has ever told me anything truly important. When I needed to know something that everyone else knew, I wasn't told. I'm not talking about isolated incidents, this is what this world has been reduced to. The manner in which they've achieved this is either terrifying or tragic or both. It might be the genius of insane eugenicist mad scientist types, or it might be the product of a string of ludicrously bad luck but it sure appears to be meticulously planned, from a birds eye view of the madness. I mean, getting people to lie to keep the peace and to use truth only as an offensive weapon? This is madness so brilliant it cannot be an accident.
God is good and the Devil is bad because he tells the truth about God's lies but has no power to defeat God so just gets bitch-slapped. This makes him like a hero in a sane world. Power is the enemy, you fools; I'm not sure if any of you even comprehend what I'm saying because you guys don't communicate with words. You perceive a kind of shorthand emotional pidgin language, butchering the translation non-stop because you're each processing the words using your uniquely corrupted emotional filters and associated baggage and a person can say one thing and 100 people can hear the same words only for it to be processed in 100 emotional ways, all of which are as insane as each other because words are only emotive if you (incorrectly) subscribe emotion to them.
You're all insane, basically; and this is how you communicate. This is how you all talk with each other almost all the time. It's why you default to 'safe' small / nothing talk. It's why you let the other person talk (and that gets funny when I don't, because then there is just silence). Your demented mothers all made you so terrified of offending the batshit insane, you all became batshit insane but without the added benefit of being entertaining in your craziness. You're just inoffensively insane.
Terrified of saying something that the most disgusting people in the world will take umbrage with. It's so ridiculous. I cannot even quote the KJV Bible on ThaiVisa forum because it offends.
It's the most offensive book ever written but that's not what's hilarious. I'm censored because the Bible offends Christians. I cannot make this shit up. You're all so insane I don't know how to continue to prove it to you but I'll do my best.
But I now know why no one has ever told me anything really important. It's the same reason you're all so desperately trying to be convincingly insane enough to sell the hilarious perception that you already know all of knowledge. You're all still trapped in Toddler wars with your mother, and any concession of ignorance is a loss of face. Way to go!
Your faces cannot be lost indefinitely. At some point, you are going to have to come to terms with the fact that you're only pretending to lose face to hide the fact that you don't really have one. You're like a poor person who's too proud to admit that he's poor. So he shrewdly forgets his wallet and gets hyper-offended at the mere suggestion he might have done it intentionally. Of course everyone knows what they're mocking, and if they're not being ridiculed by you, they're ridiculing you. I used to imagine this was
paranoid when friends of mine would whisper their suspicions in this regard; but hah.
You're the pettiest -things- I can imagine. You will pounce on a mistype that isn't remotely embarrassing because it's not ignorance and there's no edit function; but you don't let technicalities like that stop you. And I think it's because you cannot distinguish between errors of ignorance and errors of inadvertence. You're merely all about the error, and pouncing on it.
You are quite the pouncer. You pounce as if you've been sitting there like a sniper, waiting to pounce. That's literally what you're doing, isn't it? I see it non-stop, every day. Pure screaming insanity like a whole gaggle of pouncers entertained by someone typing
cant' when they actually meant to type
can't - please don't burn me for being clairvoyant, the poster immediately posted a correction -
*can't - taking time to bemoan the lack of edit functionality. Seconds apart, the
cant' and
*can't but that was never going to stop you pouncers. Too much fun to be had mocking the mis-click; no one could even blame you for ignoring the fact the correction was posted immediately. Nothing - you will allow nothing - to get in the way of your enjoyment of the blissful moment of FAILURE.
Oh how good it must taste to a tiny mind of lifelong fail to pounce on a cant' that was meant to be a can't. Such joy. Such delight.
To be fair though, you'll have been patiently waiting for that Win moment for a long timeto pounce all day, haven't you. No question mark.
This, pretend ladies and rapists who don't realise what the definition of "gentleman" is (or you'd never tolerate the insult of being referred to as one),
this is what my proud and magnificent species has been reduced to. Now, I understand you imagine it can go lower; you're retroactively attempting to fight the laws of physics as we live and breathe in an attempt to reduce those you value even lower - I'm not going to stand here and claim you lack the capacity to pull it off. If anyone can do it, you are just the team to make it happen. If you say humanity can be reduced even lower, I am not going to insult your honed skills by scoffing at your intent.
You say it can go lower. Maybe you're right.
But let's just say, I have my doubts.
I'm growing increasingly certain that not only do all of you need to die, I need to die for not being the one to make that happen for you.