I really dislike liars. It's the truest form of sociopathic insanity. People who lie to your face and then attempt to wriggle out of it as if they were shrewd; creepy shit.
In a humane world, lying would be dealt with humanely. RIP.
I've said as much for some time, here in fact, and let's not forget how time and again he claims not to have anything against me, yet he jumps clear out of his boots at each and every opportunity to slam me and bans me whenever possible.
scooter tell us about the army and leaving the army?
I was in the RAAF and possibly the worst Officer of any Service in any Military in any Westphalia militarised plantation on the planet.
But they still didn't want TO LET MY PEOPLE GO. They eventually agreed when I started questioning why we were ignoring French Intelligence (who were literally saying there was no WMD in Iraq) and going along with Dubya (who got so angry at France he made French fries Freedom Fries and effectively labelled France as part of the Axis of Evil - if you're not with him, you're against him). Cause what everyone forgets about that war is how France were calling it the entire time but no one was listening cause they just wanted to kill and they wanted to die.
I didn't. I hadn't done any living yet. The RAAF got a little ancy once I stopped trying to get a psychiatrist to rule me unfit for killing and dying and semi-accidentally / semi-shrewdly ruled my Self out of The Coalition by asking why the fuck we were so Willing to side with the bad guys in the first place? And just like that, Honourable Discharge.
Cause they're honourable. It's what the word was invented for.