Originally Posted by
Rum Dick
Further, your posts lately come across as though you're stuck in a rut and are a bit bitter about it. This is intended soley as an observation. Just seems like you were happier a couple of years ago (never forget the online slots glory days). Maybe a change of scenery would do you good. Not saying a permanent move is in order. Perhaps a month living a life of leisure like jive did awhile ago (take an extended slow paced trip across the States...meet up gamble and see Texas...heck you are more than welcome to crash at rum Dick manor for few days...Coronado would blow your mind compared to where you're living now).
I said pretty much the same thing to him over a month ago (that a change of scenery would do him good) aaaaaaaand he pretty much told me to fuck off and stop giving unsolicited advice/opinions....
JV if you wanted to visit the states, right NOW is about the best weather you can imagine in California. Bay area today in fact, bout 75 degrees, within the last week it's been up to 85 and at night as low as maybe 62. Just -perfect- in my opinion.
This lasts until ~September or so, then rain comes in. San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles are major attractions, but trust me, there are weeks worth of places to go up and down the coast to visit you've never heard of. If interested, shoot me what you'd like to see I'd be happy to help be an unnofficial tourist concierge for your trip (at least in this state).
If you check out texas be CAREFUL as the weather is only hospitable 2 months out of the year (I want to say april-may are best, gamble would know)
The rest of the country is meh, i'd say go to canada instead.