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Old 10-16-2012, 02:16 AM   #121
Bobby Wong
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scooter im gonna need a dick pills vid if you ever want to get into ist
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Old 10-16-2012, 02:35 AM   #122
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I really don't care for being associated with the insane screaming stalkers of the world because they do this kind of shit that flings mud onto you along with their deafening horrifying screaming I'm not sure I can even make sense of but if he landed in Thailand and I found out about it he'd have literally hours of life left to survive. And then...peace. At last.

I listened for a bit, and just quoted Scooter's line because it fit this guy PERFECTLY- Love is whatever you can betray. Betrayal can ONLY happen if you love.

My line?

You cannot tell me he really thinks I wrote that. This is his idea of smearing decency with his...mother. Or something. Fuck.

I am not john le carre Mike. When you imagine you're me, people imagine I could think I'm insane too. People are really stupid like that.
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Old 10-16-2012, 02:39 AM   #123
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Scooter has been fascinated with me precisely because I willingly did what teachers all over the world would fucking KILL FOR- to have a student show up voluntarily and elevate them into a position of trust, enabling them then to TEACH, you must realize how significant I believe this to be- I was heavily involved with PLTL at my college and I met dozens of proffessors and it's ALWAYS THE SAME FUCKING THING- HOW CAN WE REACH THEM? WE NEVER GET THROUGH, WHY? WHAT ARE WE DOING WRONG?

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Old 10-16-2012, 02:48 AM   #124
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Quoted in it's entirety due to it's hilarious nature. Guy is a God or a worthless human being depending on how much meth you've done that day.

He doesn't smoke meth. But substitute meth for mood swings, and pretty much. It's Love.

Anyone who's ever loved me made it awfully conditional on whether I wanted a damn thing to do with them. And when they screamed, I did not. And then they hate you and have to get even with you. You've declined their insanity.


They all need to be put in the ground. I've been skating around that thin ice my entire life. There's no ice there. It's crystal clear water straight to the bottom of the obvious.
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Old 10-28-2012, 11:29 AM   #125
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[NarcissisticApe: "Ideas are hard for me to come by but no one notice when
hidden behind a wall of text.

Had an english teacher who wanted to flunk me because I cannot change or refuse to take constructive criticism on my writing to heart and make any appreciable changes etc. SINCE WHEN IS BEING THE BEST WRITER OUT OF THE ENTIRE CLASS EASILY NOT ENOUGH DAMNIT

It's probably an ego thing, but how can I have an ego yet no self esteem? sounds

See this is pure narcissistic insanity. Do I need to highlight it further?

No one notices his ideas. He's writing his ideas for you, not for him Self. I write lessons I learned for anyone who wants to learn from them, but it's all for me. I write for those who can read, but I'm motivated by sheer Selfishness. People without value are of no use to me. When I had no value, everyone wanted a piece of me. The world is really confused about human value.

Mike doesn't actually have any ideas, as you'd all know. He had nothing worth saying because he just wants to scream instead of read. I read colossal amounts and when I write it's because I'm exhausted. I'd rather learn than share. Mike would rather teach than learn. It's why he's a moron. It's why he never says a damn thing worth reading.

And when he might appear to, it's because he's taken an idea from another source and butchered the relating of it. I don't care a twig for being plagerised; I wish the entire world would plagerise me. I care greatly about being misquoted . Mike does that unintentionally (or sociopathically intentionally) all the time.

He's the best writer in the class. Why isn't that good enough?
What a psychotic screaming loon. The only time I've ever thought I could write was when thousands of people were claiming this bullshit because they imagine I could use or need compliments from strangers? I had no value for them. I was writing my blog to ask questions about Life. The MHSNL was a pure pretext, a hook. In hindsight, that was dumb of me. Literally not a single moron got the point of my ridiculing people too stupid to be alive (read: breed).

I cannot write. Steerpike made the logical case. I was seriously SERIOUSLY doubting I even could. But no one had made a logical case until then. Case was made. moving along. I don't need the validation. Do you think Mike needs to be emotionally validated?

That's narcissism. ME ME ME

How can he have an ego yet no self-esteem?

This is a brilliant question. Mike's not brilliant, he's fucking retarded. The question is brilliant, of course. I imagine someone asked it and he's repeating it. Mike is not brilliant because he's a lazy fuck who doesn't want to learn. He cannot even be spoonfed. I've spoon-fed him with links that answer his questions and he doesn't get them answered and move on, he just can't be fucked learning or reading.

He just wants to scream and teach. In his mind, teaching is more fun. That's because he's a narcissist who already Knows Everything he Needs to Know.

One gets the feeling he's wrong.

Here is the answer to his question I've already given him before a couple times. He just doesn't want to make an effort. But reading brilliant (even semi-flawed brilliance like this - which does answer his question, I'm merely being pedantic) writing should not be a chore. Reading terrible writing that is brilliantly True should not be a chore. When it appears to be a chore, the problem lies with you. Don't blame it on the author for not tailoring it to you or making it presentable for you.

The problem is you if you are imagining that others should cater to your preferences when they give you things for free. Narcissism has not nothing about grandiosity and
everything about blame.

If it's not grandiosity, then what is narcissism?

Shame over guilt; rage over anger; masturbation over sex; envy over greed; your future over your past but her past over her future...

Literally spot on. Sheer brilliant genius.

It is you, it is all you, it is always you. Isn't it odd how narcissism turns everything inward, except blame?

You could go your entire life without reading a single line that brilliant. Many people do. Mike is one of them. He can't even be spoon-fed. I'm not feeding him. I'm not sure who I'm feeding but I'm not teaching. I'm sharing what I've learned about my mistakes with you.

I'm not telling people what to do. I'm telling people what they're doing wrong. How could I know what they're doing wrong if I wasn't the one doing those wrong things or experiencing them etc. I cannot talk about a fictional character to make you feel better and I wouldn't even if I could. The Truth is there. If you're too stupid to realise the difference between narcissism and Selfish, shameless, sharing of mutually beneficial information, then you're a moron.

Make sure you remember that Mike's teacher told him he couldn't take criticism. Mike remembers the advice a quarter of a decade later. Do you think Mike can take criticism now?

Screaming insanity. Just fucking demented screaming insane. Someone needs to put him down. No one is this frozen stupid for this long. Never under the glare of Truth like he's been given. I use him as an example of someone who needs to be placed at peace. I was never this fucking demented because my narcissism played out in much less embarrassing ways. For example, the only thing I cared about was your - as in the public - perception of me. Truth? Who could give a fuck. So long as you thought I was cool. I had no Self. I was a narcissist trying to construct an identity out of nothing because I had no perceived value. Everything was about you in my mind, but not really about you - I couldn't care if you lived or died so long as you thought I was cool whilst you lived. This is insane, of course.

It's the difference between caring for someone's opinion v caring for their welfare.

Which one is more Selfish? Religion says the former. I say that's stupidly wrong. I'm right, I don't need morons to agree with me. They're all too stupid to make a logical case. I'm telling you I'm right. It's Selfish to ignore the worthless expressed opinions and care about the welfare of others instead.

That's the only way to care about your welfare, intelligently. And it's the difference between being perceived to be okay and being okay. The perception of happiness which actually shrouds the misery v happiness that isn't Needy.

Narcissists are always Needy.

I only Need you to stop Needing to lie and hurt each other. I don't really get hurt or deceived. I'm talking about children, and your Self. My lies and my Needy and my rationalised actions that hurt others did not ever serve my Selfish interests.

Perhaps you're interested in something else. But all I care about is Happiness. Mike just wants you to make him feel Pleased. He's insane.

But then so are you if you are stupid enough to imagine I'm a narcissist. I'm Self-reliant. That's the exact opposite thing. I learned all this the hard way.

Kinda pissed about that too, but why would I hold a grudge? I would merely be imagining I was better than you without trying to bring you up to speed.
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Old 10-28-2012, 06:04 PM   #126
rum dick
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"Shame over guilt; rage over anger; masturbation over sex; envy over greed; your future over your past but her past over her future..".

That quote really is brilliant.

  "masturbation over sex" speaks to me, big time
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Old 11-12-2012, 01:35 AM   #127
sʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ
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Originally Posted by blake View Post
Originally Posted by 408Mike
My goal- take the magic between Scooter and myself and implement it so that it helps people,.

I do not approve of taking what I said out of context Blake, but since you went and did it anyway, here is my defense of the statement- the "magic" I was referring to was simply a poorly worded attempt to explain what is essentially the desired outcome of NLP
if the effective patterns of behaviour of exceptional people could be modeled then these patterns could be acquired by others.

The short version- I believe the "secret" I stumbled upon is essentially what that Thing is which triggered a change in my own personal behavior in an effort to be more like Him.

What I determined that certain something to be was the Word he produced here at Skatz, which you are all familiar with as being his long winded and impossible to understand (and ignored since 2010, apparently, peck peck peck) posts on Religion and many, many other topics.

Teachers do a LOT to connect with students Blake. They have meetings, they plan events, share ideas, and get and give feedback on the newest trends ALL with the end result being (hopefully) that the teacher CONNECTS with more students and, thus, improves their proficiency in whatever subject it is that they teach.

When I had my epiphany, it came in the mold of an english teacher trying to connect with a class at the start of the semester. What is it that they always DO at the start of the semester? They read a bone dry syllabus line for line, word for word, and that kills the first day, the 2nd day they chat briefly about the class and expectations, and on the third day some reading of some book is probably expected to be done, and the semester marches on.

This is complete CRAP in my estimation precisely because the teacher knows best, but the students often times have no connection to the professor, and thus don't give a damn what's being taught as they see no reason to improve lifetime, they just put their noses down and try to put out good enough papers with good enough attendance that they pull a B or C for their efforts and move along.


The answer is Yes, and here comes my epiphany- I connected with Scooter right away and he was able to mold and shape my behavior and mannerisms without actually consciously making much of an effort, why?

It was his Work that impressed me from the get go, and THAT is the difference, and what teachers need to do if they want that prized connection with the class- don't tell students what books you think are interesting, SHOW them a book YOU have written, produce something YOU (the teacher, in this instance) wrote, a new chemical compound YOU the Chemistry teacher invented, a mathematical theorum You the math professor thought of, does this make sense?

According to NLP the "Magic" I was describing between Scooter and mySelf was essentially that I saw in him qualities I wanted to see in my own life, in my own writing, in my own philosophy and way of thinking, and thus I began to pattern my own writing, my own philosophy, my own way of thinking, after his PRECISELY because I had elevated him into a position of Trust subconsciously, which opened the doors to modifying my own behavior.

So there you have it, and I refuse to be misquoted and ridiculed when I believe I have stumbled upon a very simple concept which ultimately has HUGE implications and potentially massive benefits to our education system and, thus, society as a whole.

If teachers concentrated on WOWing students with THEIR OWN WORK vs regurgitated tripe passed down over untold generations, if the teachers gave the students a REASON to elevate them into a position of trust concerning a certain subject (ie chemistry biology or whatever) then, according to my theory, that highly desired connection can be attained quickly, efficiently, and predictably, and thus the elevation of trust occurs and the end result being much better test scores and transfer rates.

I spent almost two years working with college professors on something called PLTL, Peer Led Team Learning, which is supposed to accomplish the same end result, and it never worked despite the HARD WORK of both students, professors, and college faculty acting as one.

I believe I unlocked the secret my professors have all been searching for, and I am well within reason to call it "magic" should I so choose, and fuck you for misquoting me and making me the fool in public, when it's not for my sake but for the sake of future generations that will be comprising society to come.

For the greater good I challenged the status quo and espoused my idea, what have YOU done for Humanity lately Blake?

What have you EVER done?
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Old 11-12-2012, 02:24 AM   #128
sʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ
needy, greedy, arrogant, clueless, dishonest, spastic, autistic, borderline pedo, suspect heterosexual, likely homosexual, stalking, sulking, skulking, manic depressive, bipolar, entitled, holier than thou, scared, make believing, attention whoring,
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
Mike would rather teach than learn. It's why he's a moron.

It's why he never says a damn thing worth reading.

Hardly read those words, and what you say is absolutely true.

And when he might appear to, it's because he's taken an idea from another source and butchered the relating of it.

No, that is not entirely true, though if you had only a small sample size to judge me by, you would absolutely be correct.

I don't care a twig for being plagerised; I wish the entire world would plagerise me. I care greatly about being misquoted . Mike does that unintentionally (or sociopathically intentionally) all the time.

Rubbish, show me proof of this, and by proof I mean a direct quote of mine misquoting you. People misconstrue the things I say and what I mean all the time, and put words into my mouth constantly, but I worked very hard to make sure I did not misquote you (or anyone else for that matter) and whenever I espoused an idea, concept, or saying which I learned from you, I have always given you credit. This would be where the "Mike always talks about Scooter" rhetoric comes from, and I was constantly repeating things you had said, and always gave you credit for them.

He's the best writer in the class. Why isn't that good enough?
What a psychotic screaming loon. The only time I've ever thought I could write was when thousands of people were claiming this bullshit because they imagine I could use or need compliments from strangers? I had no value for them. I was writing my blog to ask questions about Life. The MHSNL was a pure pretext, a hook. In hindsight, that was dumb of me. Literally not a single moron got the point of my ridiculing people too stupid to be alive (read: breed).

You are not a great writer, you are a great philosopher, and have a talent for sharing a capacity for introspection and self analysis I have never seen before. Your talents are many, and I cannot quantize all of them without seeming stalkerish, but I would not list your ability to write as being at or near the top of the list, though you are highly proficient.

I cannot write. Steerpike made the logical case. I was seriously SERIOUSLY doubting I even could. But no one had made a logical case until then. Case was made. moving along. I don't need the validation. Do you think Mike needs to be emotionally validated?

You did need validation, and Pike obliged- he validated your own suspicions that you could not write.

This is a brilliant question. Mike's not brilliant, he's fucking retarded. The question is brilliant, of course. I imagine someone asked it and he's repeating it.

No, it was a question posed by Me about mySelf, publicly. I wrote the question as I was writing a response to something else and letting my mind wander.

Why can't I be brilliant? Am I not allowed, is that your game? Is that a new rule I am not aware of?

Mike is not brilliant because he's a lazy fuck who doesn't want to learn. He cannot even be spoonfed. I've spoon-fed him with links that answer his questions and he doesn't get them answered and move on, he just can't be fucked learning or reading.

I have read, and I have learned, I just did not do so as fast as you would have liked, and I was never able to do or say as you instructed, but rather on my own, with the things you had said and instructions given in the past to guide me.

If it's not grandiosity, then what is narcissism?

Literally spot on. Sheer brilliant genius.

You could go your entire life without reading a single line that brilliant.

Everyone has their own perception of reality, and the line which best spoke to me (aside from the masturbation over sex) was
He's a man in a glass box, unable to connect. He thinks the problem is people don't like him, or not enough, so he exerts massive energy into the creation and maintenance of an identity: if they think of me as X...

Damnit JV, it's downright scary to read some of the literature you praise, but I come away feeling like I am somehow afflicted with literally every psychological pathology I read about. I am a narcissistic sociopath with borderline personality disorder, massive depression, ADHD, I mean the list goes on and I have been wondering, maybe it's all bullshit? Well, aside from the ADHD, but really can't you frame just about anyone alive today and being a good many things?

What am I after all but a human being forced to conform to ideals set forth by a body of insane people with unrealistic expectations of the people around them?

I'm not telling people what to do. I'm telling people what they're doing wrong. How could I know what they're doing wrong if I wasn't the one doing those wrong things or experiencing them etc. I cannot talk about a fictional character to make you feel better and I wouldn't even if I could. The Truth is there. If you're too stupid to realise the difference between narcissism and Selfish, shameless, sharing of mutually beneficial information, then you're a moron.

Bolded the central point of the entire post, in case anyone was skimming and wanted to know.

Make sure you remember that Mike's teacher told him he couldn't take criticism. Mike remembers the advice a quarter of a decade later. Do you think Mike can take criticism now?

Criticism is useless without also instructing a person how exactly they can change what is needed to be changed. I blame myself there, on two fronts- firstly, I came and asked you to bring me Truth, on many things, and you obliged perfectly and with great precision. However, I should also have made it clear I usually know fuck all about making my own way in the world, and oddly enough you corrected that by turning your back (and that of the forum I cherished most) on me.

"In life there are no coincidences"


It's the difference between caring for someone's opinion v caring for their welfare.

Which one is more Selfish? Religion says the former. I say that's stupidly wrong. I'm right, I don't need morons to agree with me. They're all too stupid to make a logical case. I'm telling you I'm right. It's Selfish to ignore the worthless expressed opinions and care about the welfare of others instead.

That's the only way to care about your welfare, intelligently. And it's the difference between being perceived to be okay and being okay. The perception of happiness which actually shrouds the misery v happiness that isn't Needy.

Narcissists are always Needy.

I get turned around all the time around this topic, the idea that it is wrong of me to look out for everyone but mySelf, meanwhile the world around me functions quite well by never thinking about anyone but themSelves, and never about me.

I believe you are wrong about my being affected with NPD, though BPD is a lock at this point. Narcissists are all MEMEME, and I spend 3/4th's of my waking time thinking about, and helping, everyone around me, and never on me. If anything I am incapable of looking out for my own self interests, and I suppose this is ultimately selfish to do, and thus undesirable yes? Little confused, but I believe the end point being to cultivate a human being who is self reliant and always pretty even keeled and doing well, am i right?

What am I supposed to do then, not think about people I know all the time, to just look out for myself every waking moment?

Isn't that technically selfish? Or is it selfish to NOT think about myself I am getting confused...
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Old 11-12-2012, 02:46 AM   #129
Willie McAboutThatLife
Confirmed Fatass Oklahoma Meth-head, and then let's not forget that whole thief thing. . .
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the way you capitalize the S in self just because scooter does really tilts the shit out of me

skatz is going to blow the fuck up when you inevitably shoot up a mall

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Old 11-12-2012, 02:49 AM   #130
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rofl at willie actually reading that wall of molestation.

  this is why Tire got a copy, Willie got a copy, but you didn't.
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