I have nothing against taking meth for ADHD. I read some back in the day, but everytime I see a new drug being created for ADD it is either that take it for 8 weeks shit (which I am hesistant to fuck with...) or it is the same old drug in a time-release formula so they can repatent and overcharge for it. My problem was with the drugs lasting too long = anxiety. Extended release is last thing I need.
This post would have triggered the realization 100% but it already clicked in my mind when I posted this hof post on ThaiVisa and faggots complained about its length. Always complaining about length and then spending more time it would take to scroll past something you're not interested in, to insult the person for their offensive verbosity. This is classic morons, in a nutshell.
It's weird how you can be with so many random women, but yet, a simple "Hey you " from a girl you've only met a few times on your Facebook wall is in some strange way worth more than all of those experiences. I don't understand it.
Originally Posted by gay sex
LISTEN while youre busy driving your cocaine submarine, i was out here defending the idea that all star survivor is better against scooter who thinks its a bad idea, JESUS CHRIST YOUR JIMMERY KNOWS NO BOUNDS
Originally Posted by neverstop in a PM
. . .
But whatever, yes I can be a huge canadian faggot and you can be terrible yourself but theres no reason we shouldnt be able to co-exist at the very least, ya feelz me??
It's weird how you can be with so many random women, but yet, a simple "Hey you " from a girl you've only met a few times on your Facebook wall is in some strange way worth more than all of those experiences. I don't understand it.
Oh the tingle in your testes at the thought of the unknown....
Someday you'll be like 25 and know what's up
and that tingle neeeeeeeever goes away
Think careful when your intelligence fails you enough to put a ring on some woman's finger. If your brain won't save you, pray the tingle will!
This post would have triggered the realization 100% but it already clicked in my mind when I posted this hof post on ThaiVisa and faggots complained about its length. Always complaining about length and then spending more time it would take to scroll past something you're not interested in, to insult the person for their offensive verbosity. This is classic morons, in a nutshell.
Sorry Scuter, if 100% of humans suffered ADHD, companies like starbucks wouldn't exist.
If you are like me and REALLY have ADHD you know what I'm talking about. The paradoxical nature of ADHD renders caffeine essentially a sleep aid. If I want to get UP I smoke pot, DOWN I smoke meth or drink coffee. In fact my easiest test for purity is whether smoking puts me to sleep or not. 2-3 hits, eyes get numb feeling, brain goes numb, ZONK=good shiat.
Waking up an hour later is great, 2-3 people STARING AT ME eyes big as dinner plates saying 'YOU FELL THE FUCK ASLEEP???? WHAT THE FUCK???? THIS GUYS A COP FOR SURE rofl yes thats exactly what I am. Stupid people make great sex partners though.
Another thing- you're a jerk to most people. I am curious, as a Scuter fan, why do you talk down to people so much? It seems like an offensive strategy you employ to discourage the conversation completely, but everyone is not your enemy. Don't you want further conversations? Otherwise the goal seems to be eliminating anyone with an opposing opinion, at least thats how I see it.
METHAMPHETAMINE IS MORE EUPHORIC THAN OTHER AMPHETAMINES. This was explained for you already, and I would break it down, but that leaves me open to your personal style of disagreement, so let's try a different merry go round this time- I have made an assertion, that d-methamphetamine is more euphoric than other amphetamines (including racemic desoxyn and a variety of others) you must counter this point, and I will counter your arguments.
I will offer a second assertion equally related: D-methamp is euphoric primarily because of the speed it hits your brain and CNS.
Oh, and the toxicity of methamphetamine is meh. Don't believe the gullible here, they don't know any better. Your liver only has to deal with a single pass on the way out, assuming you don't eat it. Hepatoxicity is negligible. As it is metabolized by your liver on excretion, your kidneys hardly notice it. Not sure what other systems you are worried about, the real health risks from meth are
*Receptor burnout
*Adrenal fatigue
*Impaired thyroid function
*Generally falling apart in life because you do fuck all but smoke meth and think weird shit
So all the horrid "LOOOOOK WAT METH DID TO MY BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER!!!!!" fucking anti-drug posters you see, feel free to light them on fire. Meth is NOT ANY WORSE than moderate drinking or cocaine usage etc.
Whats yours cut with though and was your cook later for work during some of the last steps hmmm those are much more relevant.
Also relevant is whether you are retarded enough to not eat or drink for days at a time, that's pretty important. Oh oh, and sleep, sleeping tends to be important.