its a very complicated situation.
scooter originally made me a part owner before this site even existed, then we worked on it together and he brought vaughn in to deal with vbulletin being intrinsically awful and then we had this very dramatic very public schizm about embedding flash and that blew over but in the meantime scooter had given vaughn "majority ownership" without actually bothering to rescind my percent.
which, hilariously, made me the new majority owner.
so suddenly vaughn realizes he has absolutely no real tools to deal with scooter as a business partner and basically gets fed up and just hosts the whole thing on his hardware, still unaware that he owns like 51% of 50%, not 51% of 100% or whatever, you get the idea, and scooter wants me to step in and reclaim it and im like a) vaughn is going a fine job of keeping the site up, b) scooter doesnt care and he knows he doesnt care he just wants a place to be brilliant and hilarious on his own terms, and c) the black man is the original man which makes him God and if you cant see that then its because your peckerwood cave mind has gone toxic and aint nobody got time for that yall.
so honestly if you want to make an offer thats fine but youre up against dr who money and real talk thats *probably* outside your comfort zone, nothing personal.
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