Apple designed this system to be very hard to crack, believe me, I tried. The bios freezes the hard drive so if you boot from live media you get a frozen locked drive. Hot plug it and you unfreeze it, but the HPA/DCO (I had both) are untouchable. I managed to get security erase to work but not enhanced security erase and I was unable to restore factory DCO settings (yes_I_knew_what_I_was_doing --with-hdparm)
If you can prove me wrong more power to you. I find the discussion interesting to the fullest, especially when it comes to Apple.
I will not tolerate this horrifying insanity.
I literally showed this fucking screaming beast this shit on this forum and he turns around and quotes back butchered versions of it to HELP me. This is Christian horror. GET HIS FILTHY INSANITY AWAY or there is going to be blood. I will not be fucking degraded by an imprint of my own insane mother's screaming her horror into the airwaves.
Well hdparm works for almost all commands with my SSD. It's just the Drive Config that Apple's locked. I would bet anything they lock it for all their drives. Are you saying that hdparm --secure-erase doesn't erase?
Secure-erase works, but the DCO commands do not. Not even --yes-I-know-what-I-am-doing --dco-restore /dev/sda works. Nothing restores my dco, I get this pesky input/output error.
Jonny: I literally say Apple locks their DCO, and he tells me what I just said.
Originally Posted by SkyNigger
After you clean your drive or wipe it, go to a terminal and enter # dd if=/dev/sda or dd if=/dev/disk0 and if you get whitespace, you got a clean drive.
holy shit is that brilliant, once I get this mbr issue solved I plan to security enhanced erase again, and see what the output is. Like, the dd command is actually fucking genius, why didn't I think of it??? Live and learn.
He never learns. He just screams. He never dies. He just screams. WHY IS HE SCREAMING HIS VOMIT AT ME? Which one of you is responsible for this.
He's been going on and on about his missing stolen GB. He's a fucking imbecile. He's the reason I've had to endure a year's worth of horrifying imbeciles sneering at evidence they don't understand. They just automatically assume I'm one of these horrifying insects.
Originally Posted by SkyNigger
Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath
Command (? for help): i
Partition number (1-2): 1
Partition GUID code: C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B (EFI System)
Partition unique GUID: 4A09A8BA-D992-46BD-99FC-27494493B72A
First sector: 40 (at 20.0 KiB)
Last sector: 409639 (at 200.0 MiB)
Partition size: 409600 sectors (200.0 MiB)
Attribute flags: 0000000000000000
Partition name: 'EFI System Partition'
Command (? for help): i
Partition number (1-2): 2
Partition GUID code: 48465300-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC (Apple HFS/HFS+)
Partition unique GUID: 82FE2A58-4358-42C3-BEC3-6B1C7B3299C7
First sector: 409640 (at 200.0 MiB)
Last sector: 624880263 (at 298.0 GiB)
Partition size: 624470624 sectors (297.8 GiB)
Attribute flags: 0000000000000000
Partition name: 'Mac OS X Mountain Lion'
NOW you can see where a chunk is missing eh? I have a 320g hard drive.
You're not missing any. That's just some of the standard faggotry that confuses this joke industry beyond all kinds of insanity. There'll be a million questions online about this.
Jonny: He's too fucking lazy to Google and too fucking stupid to read.
It's a 1024 = 1000 (to help humans, ostensibly = confused the fuck out of everything) problem.
What the O/S calls a gigabyte is actually a gibibyte (GiB) = 1*1024*1024*1024=1073741824 bytes.
320000000000 / 1073741824 = 298.02 (GiB)
320 GB = 298 GiB
Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath
ommand (? for help): o
This option deletes all partitions and creates a new protective MBR.
Proceed? (Y/N): n
Command (? for help):
what the bloody hell, why would I want a shiny new protective MBR???
Blank drive?
Gosh I dunno, why would you want a new protective MBR? Maybe if you wanted to delete your partition table? He's literally too stupid to fucking read. I cannot tolerate such imbecilic insanity. I will not tolerate HER butchering my own posts whilst quoting them back at me with HER filthy tortured demented mind, in HER obsession to be 'respected'.
Someone had better shut this screaming EXPLOITED LADY down.
Thwarts what? What the fuck are you talking about. I don't care for your insanity. Just FUCK OFF.
Your rambling babbling makes no sense. You think I fucking read your insanity. I skim through its toxic stupidity and poisonous vomit (spotting endless butchering of my own posts, don't think I haven't noticed - you're not a fucking creep at all..!) at WAY faster than 500wpm you fucktard.
RESPECTFULLY FUCK OFF. What part of RESPECT don't you get? The fact that you've never felt the emotion so you don't have a clue about what it consists of, and the fact that you just use it as more EXPLOITED LADY diarrhoeal rhetroic? Is that the part you don't get about RESPECT. FUCK OFF.
You're a compulsive liar, a wretched leech, the poisonous insane emotional toxicity that has corrupted the world to its fucking core, and YOU'RE PISSING ME THE FUCK OFF.
YOU'RE NOT WELCOME. Stop dribbling your vile RESPECTFUL insanity. FUCK OFF. How many times have you been told that in your pathetic joke of a life?
If it's under 1000, I'd be stunned.
Someone had better shut this fucking INSANE WOMAN down.
You fucking imbecile I've literally SHOWED you hdparm --user-master u --secure-erase-enhanced <password> /dev/sda....
You absolutely did. I never claimed otherwise, and I have shown appreciation many times in the past, every chance I have ever gotten in fact.
Originally Posted by SkyNigger
gay sex is using you
For what? Entertainment?
You realize I know this don't you?
I came back for a couple reasons, the biggest being to make things right with you specifically. The other being I like having a place here, to make people laugh. Granted I'd rather they not always laugh at me but given my recent history (mooching off mom, living on cake mix, etc etc) I absolutely deserve it.
I am getting from skatz what I am giving, which is not very much. I have 0.0 emotional ties to the forum, though I do desire some kind of neutrality with you specifically.
Otherwise than that, people can laugh at or with me, it matters not to me. I walk away from the computer, you all mostly cease to exist.
It would be very nice to see you acknowledge progress I've made, if any has actually been made. My time here is scant and will not last, I'd like to make the best of it, and hopefully bring my unique humor here for some comedic relief.
Not here to manipulate
Not here to make close personal trusted friends
Not here to discover truth as I have already
Am here to finish the job internally
Am here to learn
Am here to make people laugh