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Old 07-27-2012, 06:48 PM   #171
Things could be worse...
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Suffer to please.

The motives of parents who raise their children in this idiotic way (>99% of parents) range from the horrifying end of the scale (my CoG-cult parents, who literally breed children to be slaves and raise them to serve that purpose) to the tragic (parents in denial about their motives for having children [they were unhappy] who want their children to be happy so they [idiotically] raise them to believe it makes sense to suffer to please).

This is how human children become narcissists (they'd die or live as a miserable, tortured slave otherwise).

This is how narcissists become sociopaths (once they learn how to 'feel' without being exploitable).

This is how the human species has been enslaved (in it's entirety). The sociopaths who created Religion are long since dead. Their victims carry forward the Scam, continually adjusting it to suit their perceived purposes. But they don't understand they are victims. They don't know how to have fun. For them, fun is limited to power & control and sex. So they condition the entire race to feel the same way; believing that they are being crafty because they write the Rules of the Game (so they'll always have the upper hand, the edge, the advantage).

They're winning and they'll probably always win but they're playing the wrong Game. It's just not cricket.

The greatest threat to Religion (which is entirely about Power & Control) is Selfishness. So they hijacked the word and made their imbeciles believe that Selfishness = Taking Advantage of Those Who Can Deliver Happiness or Pain. This is moronic 'selfishness'. Intelligent Selfishness involves protecting yourself from emotional manipulation; you're no good to anyone if your emotions are manipulatable. You'll be vastly more likely to be tricked into fighting for Evil rather than Sanity. But if you're Intelligently Selfish, the only way to be truly happy is to care about the best interests of anyone who can deliver happiness or pain. I think there are ~7,300,000,000 but I haven't counted them all, myself.

But first you have to protect your Self. You need to listen to your DNA.

Religion drills their vassals to feel confused and 'guilty' when they listen to their DNA. Being human is 'sinful'. But deep down (for some, so deep they can never come back) every human wants to be Selfish; i.e. 'good'. They've just been confused by confused imbeciles like priests, mothers, and the sociopaths of the world.

Leech, leech and leech. The Abrahamic religions are, at their core, entirely about leeching rather than contributing. They steal and destroy rather than give and create. They'll tell you to give, but they will take. They'll tell you to forgive, but they will not. They'll you not to judge, they will judge you. They'll tell you to turn the other cheek so that they can keep slapping you. They'll tell you to sacrifice yourself for them.

The Dalai Lama does this too, by the way.

Manipulative? Yes. Creepy? Undoubtedly. Exploitation? Of course. Based on lies? Obviously. It's just like Christians but with one tiny difference. The victims of the Dalai Lama are not following the Golden Rule. They're doing unto themselves. Christians do unto you.

But for Power to exist, the Self has to be broken down to the point where the victims can be exploited. So religions & the State (always joined at the hip) run smear campaigns against Selfishness, twisting it around so that it's misunderstood until they've corrupted the perception of what it means to be Selfish. They've actually done this to every human emotion (and added a bunch of their own inventions, like justice, revenge and love. Their efforts were (admittedly, undeniably) brilliant. And it's why the 'negated' "Old Covenant" remains in the Holy Bibles of the world.

They've printed between 4 and 8 billion copies of that book. I wrote a dumb story once (the first and only time in my life I was happy and able to write, simultaneously). It was a pretty good story but it was printed zero times because Power controls the printing presses of the world; and the entertainment pathways to human minds. They use entertainment to teach you how to feel instead of think.

Picture published in TIME magazine of Chinese learning how to feel. The movie was a classic love story, with all the usual sappy trademarks; specifically James Cameron's Titanic (in 3D)

My story was anti-love, anti-fear, anti-pain and anti-suffering. It was the most Selfish story I've ever seen. I'm immensely proud of it. It's gone forever but I was a moron for imagining any other result than the inevitable (which occurred, as inevitable things tend to do).

This is a world of exploitation and we are all slaves, in one way or another. We've been conditioned to be insane. You can only be exploited when you've been KISS'ed.

Keep It Stupid. Simple.

Love makes anyone a fucking moron. Literally everyone knows that.

Putrid poison, every single word. The most putrid is the line about makeup. It's a bit like saying, "Someone would have to love you to think you're beautiful when you don't have makeup on." It's pure propaganda.

3500 years of this bullshit, and we're all fucking retards.

And I do mean, everyone is a fucking retard compared to the geniuses we would all be if the human race was sane. It's very nearly too horrifying to contemplate.

I can't tell you what I don't know. No one tells me anything, so I have to speculate. I put puzzles together. I have a history that suggests I'm pretty good at it. But all I can tell you is what I can ascertain from drawing lines between dots. You're probably not interested. Apologies for making you scroll or press the Page Down key.

If you are interested in the dots I have drawn lines between, my theories all really boil down to this:

If you disagree with all my rhetoric about Enlightened Selfishness, you should probably get really close to the Bush family.

If you don't, something (call it a gut feeling) tells me you're going to be really thirsty in the not-too-distant future. That's a special kind of pain. But don't worry! I'm pretty sure they control the Supply of pain 'relief', for that suffering of yours.

This is what FDR and Eisenhower were warning us to look out for. It's literally happening right in front of you. I have no sympathy for you. The children though...

For kids and poor people, this world has sucked for 3500 years.

It's about to suck for everyone.

No one wants to know the Truth. John le Carre fans don't even understand that he's not motivated to write what he writes about, for their entertainment. No one wants to think, everyone wants to feel. So enjoy your thirsty slavery and your pain 'relief'. Fingers crossed you can afford to pay for fresh drinking water. This is a coercive monopoly I'm talking about (you know, that paradox capitalism creates but has never been forced to solve). You're not interested in economics. I understand.

Economics is interested in you. The joke is on you. I'm kicking along soon. Yall hang onto your lives of suffering and rationalisation and chasing your dreams of fallacy. You stick with imagining you're shrewd, crafty, brilliantly manipulative and a master (or mistress) of deception. Yall can keep feeling you're 'winning' by making those you ostensibly care about lose.

I'm sick of losing. You're afraid of death. I understand how religion made you frightened of the Unknown. But merely surviving this Toddler world of snivelling fools?

I'm pretty sure I can find something better to do.
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Old 07-27-2012, 06:52 PM   #172
Officer Lumpkin
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post

Putrid poison, every single word. The most putrid is the line about makeup. It's a bit like saying, "Someone would have to love you to think you're beautiful when you don't have makeup on." It's pure propaganda.

That poem forgot "Then cheat on him with the biggest BLACKEST man you can find!". Because that, my friends, is a woman looking for a cuckold. AMIRITE, BLAKE?

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Old 07-27-2012, 06:54 PM   #173
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water comes out the tap bro are the bush family going to buy all the taps or something ?
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Old 07-27-2012, 07:23 PM   #174
Hillbilly Jim
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haters gonna hate

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Old 07-28-2012, 12:38 AM   #175
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by Bobby Wong View Post
you keep using the word vile as a noun and i can't figure out whether you mean bile or you've decided to create a new usage of vile by repeating it until it catches on

First and third times = intended to be used as a noun
Second time = mistyped, I meant bile

Originally Posted by BLACKDANIELS View Post
water comes out the tap bro are the bush family going to buy all the taps or something ?


"Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink"
- Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, by Coleridge.

The Water Resources of Earth

97.5% of all water on Earth is salt water, leaving only 2.5% as fresh water.
Nearly 70% of that fresh water is frozen in the icecaps of Antarctica and Greenland; most of the remainder is present as soil moisture, or lies in deep underground aquifers as groundwater not accessible to human use.

< 1% of the world's fresh water (~0.007% of all water on earth) is accessible for direct human uses. This is the water found in lakes, rivers, reservoirs and those underground sources that are shallow enough to be tapped at an affordable cost. Only this amount is regularly renewed by rain and snowfall, and is therefore available on a sustainable basis.

Consumptive and Non-Consumptive Water Use

Consumptive water use refers to water that is not returned to streams after use.

Agriculture is responsible for 87 % of the total water used globally. In Asia it accounts for 86% of total annual water withdrawal, compared with 49% in North and Central America and 38% in Europe. Rice growing, in particular, is a heavy consumer of water.

A great deal of water use is non-consumptive, which means that the water is returned to surface runoff. Usually that water is contaminated however, whether used for agriculture, domestic consumption, or industry. The WHO estimates that more than 5 million people die each year from diseases caused by unsafe drinking water, and lack of sanitation and water for hygiene.

Some believe that fresh water will be a critical limiting resource for many regions in the near future. About one-third of the world's population lives in countries that are experiencing water stress. In Asia, where water has always been regarded as an abundant resource, per capita availability declined by 40-60% between 1955 and 1990. Projections suggest that most Asian countries will have severe water problems by the year 2025. Most of Africa historically has been water-poor.

What's the problem?:

The population is growing rapidly, putting more pressure on our water supply (demand is increasing)
The amount of water is effectively reduced by pollution and contamination (supply is decreasing)

What does the future hold? We can best explore this question by looking carefully at the world's water resources.

The water cycle on Earth is essentially a closed system – we always have the same amount of water. The only parts of this cycle appropriated by humans is water held as surface water or shallow aquifers.

Worldwide, new dams (> 15 m ht) were constructed at rate of 885 per year during 1950-80, present rate is 500/yr, and future rate is estimated at 350/yr. Over next 30 years, assuming size of reservoirs is unchanged, new construction adds 1200 km3 to accessible supply, and raises total AR in 2025 to 13,700 km3/hr. Assuming average per capita water demand stays unchanged, but adjusting the pollution dilution for additional population, the total human appropriation in 2025 would be 9830 km3/yr, or 70% of estimated AR (compared to current 54%). Clearly we are approaching the limit of available fresh water supply.

Water Sustainability, Water Security

The six billion people of Planet Earth use nearly 30% of the world’s total accessible renewal supply of water. By 2025, that value may reach 70%. Yet billions of people lack basic water services, and millions die each year from water-related diseases. Water is a basis of international conflict. What is involved in achieving water sustainability and water security? The following lists some of the criteria that should help us chart our direction.
  • Basic human needs for water should be fully acknowledged as a top international priority.
  • Water-related diseases, including Guinea worm, diarrhea, onchocerciasis, malaria and typhoid should be brought under control.
  • Agricultural water should be efficiently used and allocated.
  • Basic ecosystem water needs should be identified and met.
  • Serious water-related conflicts should be resolved through formal negotiations.

But of course, none of the above matters. The Bush family has started buying up Supply. You need to understand what that means.

The Bush family controls the illicit drug market for the USA and some other nations (like Thailand, via Thaksin). There's a pretty good chance that 9/11 was entirely about the Drug War. What you need to understand, and would if you had a brain, is that they can blockade anything. Try and buy Desoxyn in this world. I had a lot of money and I didn't want to take their bullshit poison anymore. I spent months trying to buy Desoxyn. Impossible.

In any major city on the planet, I could buy street meth for you within an hour. They're the government's corners. The Afghanistan war has been entirely about drug control. The Taliban, because they're evil, hate pain relief and so they were eradicating the country of its poppy fields. The US military, working for evil, went in and now production is back to normal.

This guy is brilliant. Look at his predictions made in 2001. They've come true.


by Michael C. Ruppert

[© Copyright 2001, Michael C. Ruppert and From The Wilderness Publications, May be reproduced or distributed for non-profit purposes only]

FTW, October 10, 2001 - The governments of the United States and Britain - along with a lap-dog mainstream media all too willing to regurgitate falsehoods - are feeding us a line of demonstrably inaccurate lies about the Taliban and opium. We are being warned of a "new flood" of al-Q'aeda opium as the war expands. As British Prime Minister Tony Blair boasts, "We will bomb their poppy fields," he neglects to mention that there aren't any poppy fields in Taliban controlled areas to bomb. This outrageous deception of the public, in an effort to stir up support for the war effort, is further evidence that most of the rest of the government's line following the attacks of September 11, is simply not credible.

A simple side-by-side comparison of reports from the UN and the U.S. government, along with major media stories from before and after the Sept. 11 attacks exposes the lie.

Even the U.S. State Department ( acknowledges that in July 2000, Mullah Omar of the Taliban ordered a ban on poppy cultivation in all Taliban controlled regions of Afghanistan. That State Department Fact Sheet, published after Jan 1, 2000, however, expresses U.S. disbelief in the ban's effectiveness. This position is, however, flatly contradicted by some very credible sources, including Secretary of State Colin Powell. He gave the Taliban $43 million this May to replace the income lost to Afghani farmers as a result of the ban. Their wheat crops had failed due to the drought and they had no money from opium harvests to buy food. The middlemen who had stockpiled the opium had income. But the farmers, who had harvested in the summer of 2000, had already been paid.

In February 2000 citing reports from Agence France-Presse, the AP, and UPI, FTW published a story describing the Taliban's successful destruction of their poppy crop. We viewed this at the time - possibly incorrectly - as a move by the Taliban to take $90 billion in drug cash out of the western banking system. That sales remained stable, however, is reflected in the fact that heroin prices fell only slightly in 2000. Had Afghanistan stopped selling altogether, then Western Europe, which gets its opium from Afghanistan, would have seen a steep increase in prices. It did not. So why then did Powell give Afghanistan the $43 million? I wish I knew.

Now, based upon new evidence, we know that in 1999 Afghanistan produced a bumper crop of 4,600 metric tons of opium and that this has been verified by a number of sources including the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP) as well as in a multitude of press stories. The 2000 harvest was close to 3,300 metric tons. The result, as Colombia expanded poppy cultivation in the late 1990s, and as the Golden Triangle in Southeast Asia showed only a minor drop in output, was a glut. Therefore the Taliban's ban on production would have had the impact of creating a price support by reducing supplies. How successful was the ban and destruction of crops? Well, aside from the above reports, which all indicated that inspections confirming the ban had taken place, consider the following:

- On January 3, 2001 an ABC News story, posted on their web site stated, "Pakistan's Foreign Secretary Inam ul-Haq's claim to have eliminated all opium plantations in Taliban controlled territories - reported by Agence France-Presse -- seems to have been confirmed by a UN survey.
"This development could have several important ramifications for both the geopolitical situation in the region and the world drug trade...

"The center of world drug production will shift from Afghanistan, which accounted for 75 percent of world opium production last year, to Colombia and the Golden Triangle on the border between Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand.

You know what's been happening in Myanmar of late? Suddenly the Burmese junta is pro-US. They released DASSK and tourists are flooding into the country. How about that, huh? I have the vaguest of ideas what might have spurned their change of heart. Power always respects Power.

A February 16, 2001 AP story by Kathy Gannon was headlined, "Taliban virtually wipes out opium production in Afghanistan." It opened with these lines:
"U.N. drug control officers said the Taliban religious militia has virtually wiped out opium production in Afghanistan - once the world's largest producer - since banning poppy cultivation in July.

"A 12-member team from the U.N. Drug Control Program spent two weeks searching most of the nation's largest opium-producing areas and found so few poppies that they do not expect any opium to come out of Afghanistan this year.

"'We are not just guessing. We have seen the proof in the fields,' said Bernard Frahi, regional director for the U.N. program in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He laid out photographs of vast tracts of land cultivated with wheat alongside pictures of the same fields taken a year earlier - a sea of blood red poppies.
On May 24, 2001 Barry Berak of the New York Times wrote a story entitled, "Taliban Ban on Drug Crops Is Working, U.S. Concludes." Here are the lead paragraphs:
"ELMAND PROVINCE, Afghanistan, May 20 - This has been heroin's great heartland, where the narcotic came to life as an opium resin taken from fragile buds of red and white poppies. Last year, 75 per cent of the world's opium crop was grown in Afghanistan, with the biggest yield sprouting from here in the fertile plains of the country's south, sustained by the meander of the Helmand River.

"But something astonishing has become evident with this spring's harvest. Behind the narrow dikes of packed earth, the fields are empty of their most profitable plant. Poor farmers, scythes in hand, stoop among brown stems.

"Mile after mile, there is only a dry stubble of wheat to cut from the lumpy soil...
"But American narcotics officials who visited the country confirmed earlier United Nations reports that the Taliban had, in one growing season, managed a rare triumph in the long and losing war on drugs..."

Only belatedly have major outlets like the Wall Street Journal (Oct. 2), The Associated Press (Oct. 5), and the Washington Post (Oct. 5) begun to acknowledge, in stories placed well back in the paper, and with much less emphasis, that the Northern Alliance - our allies against the Taliban - are now in real control of the heroin trade. Smuggling routes have shifted from south through Pakistan northward through Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. They acknowledge the obvious - that the Taliban is no longer the primary supplier of heroin. How could they be?

The Real Story

In March 2001 FTW reported from Moscow that Uzbekistan was "awash" in a sea of poppies. Since September 11 we have seen Uzbekistan not surprisingly become the hub for all U.S. military operations going into Afghanistan. It was, in fact, the very first place that U.S. military and "special operations" forces deployed - within days of the attacks. Unmentioned in press stories is the fact that firms like Southern Air, Evergreen and other CIA proprietary or contract operations have been establishing a presence in the Uzbek capital of Tashkent for more than a year. And Tashkent is a surprisingly modern city. It even has an Intercontinental Hotel. This is undoubtedly due in part to increased oil exploration, but it hauntingly parallels our experience from another era - Vietnam.

Now, as we are hearing the first reports that the Uzbeki government, fighting its own battle against a Muslim insurgency, will permit offensive operations from its military bases, FTW has had two reports that CIA operative Richard Secord has recently traveled to Tashkent. Secord's documented history of involvement in heroin smuggling, from Vietnam, Laos and Thailand in the 1960's and his criminal involvement in illegal operations, including drug smuggling during the Iran-Contra years, tells us exactly what is happening. These same intelligence sources have also reported that many other CIA veterans of Iran-Contra and Vietnam - despite their age - are converging on Tashkent like bees to a field of flowers - poppy flowers.

In the 1960's and 70's, as the Vietnam War raged, the CIA fostered and maintained a series of covert wars in Laos and Cambodia. They did this by funding their operations with heroin, refined from opium grown by indigenous tribesmen including the Hmong in Laos. The Hmong, in turn became surrogate U.S. armies and the money from the trade supported the CIA and its allies as the region became totally unstable. In the years since, the only difference is that drug money has become a $500-600 billion a year cash flow that is now an essential part of the world banking and financial system because it provides the liquid cash necessary to make the "minimum monthly payments" on huge stock and derivative and investment bubbles in the U.S. and Britain. These bubbles were already bursting in the weeks prior to the September 11 attacks.

Here are his predictions made in 2001.

Now, as the CIA moves to control the drug trade in the region you can be sure of several things.

First, when the world sees an explosion of heroin from the region it won't be the Taliban's doing.


3 March, 2003

Afghanistan retook its place as the world's leading producer of heroin last year, after US-led forces overthrew the Taleban which had banned cultivation of opium poppies.

The finding was made in a key drug report, distributed in Kabul on Sunday by the US State Department, which supports almost identical findings by the United Nations last week.

"The size of the opium harvest in 2002 makes Afghanistan the world's leading opium producer," the report said.

Second, the cash flows from the smuggling will now be directed through U.S. banks and stocks. That is what the CIA does.

Third, those cash flows - as direct air operations from Tashkent to the U.S. become commonplace - will be taken away from Russia, the Balkans, Turkey and Eastern Europe.

Fourth, the result of that will be de-stabilization of the entire region.

Fifth, destabilization in the region will Balkanize Russia.

Sixth, the increasing U.S. military and economic presence will consolidate U.S. control over the vast oil and gas reserves in the region. A revived Unocal-Saudi pipeline project, which will begin construction soon after the U.S. establishes control, will take the oil and gas from Central Asia, through Afghanistan, and down to the Pakistani coast where it will then be sold to China and Japan. The profits from those sales will come back into Wall Street. This will be a further drain on Russian influence in the region and greatly increase global instability.

Throughout the 1990s the United States - under an exclusive arrangement coordinated by the Harvard Endowment, Goldman Sachs and the U.S Treasury - looted some $300 billion from Russia. During the period from 1989-2001 the population of that country shrank from 165 to 145 million people. As infrastructure collapsed, as services disappeared, as unemployment skyrocketed, as the Ruble collapsed, the life expectancy for a Russian male dropped from 68 to 48 years.

Have you seen what I've written about what happens to homeless people during Russia's beautiful winters?

Make no mistake. Russia is the target here just as much as is the propping up of a feeble U.S. economy with drug money. And remember that Russia still has most of its nuclear arsenal intact.

It's all going to go BOOM because Nixon tricked imbeciles into being afraid of marijuana frying your brain like an egg (sunny side up). That's Nixon, the Scientist. You know what the correct term from Prohibition is?

Refusal to Regulate.

Now why would a government not want to regulate (control) Supply of such a profitable product in so much Demand?

Trick question. It does. It just wants to control all the governments. All the governments in America. All the governments in the world. $1 trillion ($1,000,000,000,000) slush fund for whomever control what Nixon (and no government since) has been interested in regulating (taking Control of). You know how Power makes money?

Very easily. They control all the information.

The $1 trillion is only the base of the trillions they make controlling the Tills of various sovereign nation-states (like Thailand, via Thaksin).

In Thailand, Desoxyn is banned for the official reason that is "fear of potential for abuse". That means, psychiatrists don't trust themselves to prescribe it but then if that's the case, why are they trusted with drugs that can kill you or more rapid / more intense drugs of dependancy (like Alprazolam [Xanax])?

Of course, the answer is obvious. There are 5 million methamphetamine addicts in Thailand (pop ~70 mil). They protect those 5 million from the Desoxyn regulated by the FDA and given to children (non-habit forming). But then that's the problem. It's non-habit forming. It's terrible business. Addicts are much better customers when they're addicted.

And the Drug Laws are the definition of Power. Do you understand that people 'caught' with xx grams or x kilograms of a drug have to face a court where it's their word v Police? Who is the judge going to 'believe'. It's all a rigg.

And now the DEA are interested in 'protecting' Europe from African trade routes, as I posted about the other day.

You need to understand how they took over Supply and how they keep their coercive monopoly. They're winners. They don't fuck around. Some snotty nosed cartels were giving their Sinaloa cartel hassles; in went the DEA to take care of business (literally) in Mexico.

First, a FOX News story - look at the date.


March 03, 2009

Two of Mexico's deadliest drug cartels have reached a combined force of 100,000 foot soldiers, wreaking havoc across the country and threatening U.S. border states, the U.S. Defense Department told The Washington Times.

The cartels rival the Mexican army in size and have both Mexico and the U.S. in crisis mode as they deal with what they fear is a coming insurgency along the border.
"It's moving to crisis proportions," an unidentified defense official told The Times. The official also said the cartels have reached a size where they are on par with Mexico's army of 130,000.

The two most dangerous cartels are the Sinaloa cartel, nicknamed the "Federation" or "Golden Triangle" by law enforcement agencies, and "Los Zetas" (the Gulf Cartel). They have been growing and are reportedly discussing a truce or merger to better withstand government forces, The Times reported.

The country's attorney general, Eduardo Medina Mora, called last week for more U.S. prosecutions of people who sell weapons illegally to the cartels, as well as more efforts to stop drug profits from flowing south.

So Sinaloa is the big threat apparently, along with Los Zetas. This is 2009 when the US Defense Department is getting worried and calling for 'action'.

Here is what they did with they got the go-ahead to take out these two big threats.

Why, you could almost wonder what they were doing down there; that is, if you don't want to read what they were doing down there.

Just quickly, the final paragraph in that article; I take it you know about Fast and Furious?


In total, U.S. officials allowed the sale of more than 2,000 guns to the Sinaloa cartel, worth $1.25million.

But the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives lost track of about 1,400 of the 2,000 guns. Some of those weapons have been recovered at crime scenes in Mexico.

And do you understand what executive privilege means?


President Barack Obama has asserted executive privilege in response to requests made by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, who has embarked on a controversial investigation into the Department of Justice's Operation Fast and Furious gun-running program.

The invocation of executive privilege allows the president to defy requests and subpoenas by members of the legislative and judicial branches for information the White House deems sensitive. Obama's decision will allow him to refuse to provide certain documents pertaining to the Fast and Furious program.

The gun-walking technique, which had roots in previous operations carried out by federal agents in Arizona during the administration of President George W. Bush, eventually led to a number of weapons being lost in the flow. Some of the guns were recovered at crime scenes on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border.

Again, look at the date.


January 29, 2012

Chapo—who acquired his nickname, which is Spanish for Shorty, because of his 5-foot-6 stature—is a 54-year-old fugitive who has made it to the Forbes billionaires’ list for three years running. He’s an antihero whose feats of criminality are as astonishing as they are brutal. Ten years after his escape from a Mexican prison, it’s widely believed by both Mexican and American law enforcement that he lives in Sinaloa, not far from where he was born. Each year, Guzmán has grown increasingly rich, and the cartel he runs has tightened its grip on the worldwide narcotics trade. A month ago the U.S. Treasury Department labeled him the “world’s most powerful drug trafficker.”

Guzmán’s broad strategy has been to knock off rivals and build his own cartel into the dominant criminal force south of the border. One of his tactics for achieving that has been to place his drug-dealing lieutenants as informants for the DEA and ICE.

According to sources and court records, he has been carefully feeding intelligence to the Americans. Now, Newsweek has learned, there is a federal investigation into how ICE agents handled some Sinaloa informants near the border.

The implications are sobering: the Sinoloa cartel “is duping U.S. agencies into fighting its enemies,” says Prof. Tony Payan of the University of Texas at El Paso, who studies the cartel wars in Juárez. “Typical counterintelligence stuff. It’s smart. It’s so smart.” [Seriously? I was smarter than the DEA when I was seven years old. The only other alternative is...]

Humberto Loya- Castro, a charming and erudite Mexican lawyer who served as Guzmán’s adviser, may have been his most intriguing agent. He became a key informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration during the last decade. A former DEA official describes Loya-Castro as “astute, witty. He was extremely charismatic.” His tips led to arrests, seizures, and headlines. Many of those law-enforcement victories, though, were also triumphs for the Sinaloa cartel.

Chapo Guzmán ran his Sinaloa operation from a Mexican prison. Being behind bars didn’t hamper the drug lord, who treated the jail as a private castle where prison guards scurried around like servants.

After Guzmán escaped from prison in 2001, Loya-Castro continued to feed U.S. agents information. In 2005 he made it formal, signing paperwork that made him an official confidential informant for the DEA. Because he was a fugitive from justice, facing an outstanding warrant, a special DEA committee had to sign off on the whole operation.

He was a productive spy, handing over what seemed like ever more vital information, mostly about the Sinaloa cartel’s enemies. The DEA agent assigned to handle him was a relatively new investigator named Manuel Castanon. He had spent five years working for the Border Patrol, then joined the DEA in 1999. He was assigned to a special task force based out of San Diego—a unit that wasn’t focused on the Sinaloa cartel.

The Tijuana cartel was small, but it was important because it controlled the vital smuggling routes through Baja California and San Diego. Both the DEA and Chapo Guzmán had an interest in its demise.

The intention was almost surely to focus the DEA on Guzmán’s rivals. It apparently worked: the Tijuana cartel has been mostly dismantled, and Chapo Guzmán has taken over lucrative territory.

All along, Loya-Castro apparently insisted to his handlers that he had Guzmán wrapped around his finger. Guzmán, he said, was gulled into thinking that Loya-Castro was loyal to him. “His point to us,” says David Gaddis, a former top DEA official who oversaw operations in Mexico, Central America, and Canada, “was that ‘because of my position, Chapo has absolute, unfettered confidence in who I am and what I’m doing.’”

“I do think he was telling Chapo, ‘Hey, I’m meeting these guys,’” Gaddis tells Newsweek, “and Chapo allowed him to do it.”

Loya-Castro’s material was so rich—so helpful in various cases—that in 2008 the U.S. attorney’s office in San Diego had the indictment against him thrown out. And the intelligence kept coming. In December 2009, in an operation trumpeted around the world, Mexican Marines encircled and killed Arturo Beltrán Leyva, a leading drug lord who had splintered away from the Sinaloa group. In Chapo territory in Nogales, Sonora, residents fired pistols in the air to celebrate, according to Malcolm Beith’s book on Guzmán, The Last Narco.

It’s been reported that the Americans provided intelligence that led to Beltrán’s death. They even coordinated the signal intercepts that allowed the Mexican Marines to move in, according to a source who was involved. A source close to the cartel leadership says intelligence for the operation also came from Loya-Castro. In essence, it seems he had helped the Americans put a feather in their cap, while killing off one of his master’s worst enemies.

By this time, some people in DEA management were beginning to ask questions. The top target for the DEA was supposed to be Chapo Guzmán, and Loya-Castro wasn’t doing anything at all on that front.

COLOR="red"]Loya-Castro did occasionally provide intelligence about the Sinaloa cartel, but not about its top rungs. And at least one internal DEA exchange cited in court documents indicates he was chiefly providing intelligence about the Sinaloa’s opposition.[/COLOR]

Chapo Guzmán made his move to wrest control of Ciudad Juárez from the local cartel roughly six years ago, and he did so with help. He eventually hired local police captain Manuel Fierro Méndez, who has since been sentenced to 27 years in a U.S. prison.

Fierro Méndez was also one of the informants Guzmán planted in U.S. law enforcement. We know this because Fierro Méndez would later testify in U.S. federal court, as a prosecution witness, that he was sent by the cartel to the ICE office in El Paso to give up specific intelligence about the men Guzmán was trying to eliminate.

“You were on a mission from Chapo to come provide information, correct?” he was asked in court in 2010. “Yes,” he replied. Fierro Méndez said he was like a “spokesperson,” passing information to ICE from Chapo, “information we would, obviously, get from the levels high up.”

“Was the Sinaloa cartel trying to use ICE to eliminate its rivals in La Linea?” a prosecutor asked. “That’s right,” Fierro Méndez replied. “And was Chapo Guzmán aware?” came the question. “That’s right,” said the former police officer.

He made it plain that that the cartel strictly forbade him to give up anything about the Sinaloa cartel, however. “Were you allowed to give information about Chapo?” “It wasn’t allowed,” the dirty cop said, “and it wasn’t asked of me.” In other words, he testified, the ICE agents he spoke to never required him to provide intelligence about the boss of his own criminal organization.

The University of Texas’s Payan says, “They are using you, and in the end that particular cartel is going to come out of it strong. The Sinaloa cartel is not only virtually untouched but it is magnified ... They don’t have any Mexican competition. At home, they are king.”

In all, at least five important figures in the Sinaloa car-tel traipsed into the ICE offices in El Paso to relay infor-mation about the Juárez cartel. And now, as Payan says, “the Juárez cartel is practically down to ashes, and to a large extent it was done with intelligence passed on by the Sinaloa cartel.”

In a case ongoing in federal court in Chicago, lawyers for a top Sinaloa-cartel figure maintain that the DEA’s relationship with Guzmán’s lawyer was a virtual conspiracy to allow the Sinaloa cartel free rein. Arguing in front of the judge, one lawyer insisted that “this fellow Loya is not a normal informant. He’s an agent. He’s an agent for the Sinaloa cartel.”

Reached by phone, DEA agent Castanon declined to discuss the Loya-Castro case. DEA headquarters also said it could not comment. David Gaddis, the DEA official who oversaw Mexico operations, doesn’t dispute that the Sinaloa cartel may have been playing the DEA, but he says there was never any deal to cooperate: “I will categorically deny that at any point DEA was protecting the behavior of Chapo Guzmán.”

Though unfathomable violence still flares up in much of Mexico, Ciudad Juárez is somewhat calm. So did a brutal Sinaloa victory over its rivals—achieved, it seems, with the unwitting help of U.S. agents—bring about a lull in the violence in this terrorized border town? If so, few believe it will last.

Do you think the DEA are that stupid? If they are that stupid, why do they have guns?


America's Third War: The U.S. Cut a Deal With the Sinaloa Cartel, Say Court Documents
Published August 05, 2011

U.S. federal agents allegedly cut a deal with the Sinaloa drug cartel that allowed it to traffic tons of narcotics across the border, in exchange for information about rival cartels, according to documents filed in federal court.

Click here to view the Sinaloa Cartel case document.

The allegations are made by Vicente Zambada-Niebla, a top ranking cartel boss extradited to the U.S. last year on drug charges. He is a close associate of Mexico's most wanted man, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman and the son of Ismael "Mayo" Zambada-Garcia.

Both remain fugitives, in part, because of the deal Zambada- Niebla made with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, according to a defense motion filed last Friday in the case.

The deal allegedly began with Humberto Loya-Castro, a Sinaloa cartel lawyer who became an informant for the D.E.A. after a drug case against him was dismissed in 2008.

According to the motion, the deal was part of a 'divide and conquer' strategy, where the U.S. helped finance and arm the Sinaloa cartel, through Operation Fast and Furious, in exchange for information that allowed the D.E.A. and FBI to destroy and dismantle rival Mexican cartels.

"Under that agreement, the Sinaloa Cartel, through Loya, was to provide information accumulated by Mayo, Chapo, and others, against rival Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations to the United States government. In return, the United States government agreed to dismiss the prosecution of the pending case against Loya, not to interfere with his drug trafficking activities and those of the Sinaloa Cartel, to not actively prosecute him, Chapo, Mayo, and the leadership of the Sinaloa Cartel, and to not apprehend them.”

Zambada- Niebla was arrested in Mexico City in March 2009 and extradited to the U.S. in February to stand trial on narco-trafficking-related charges. Zambada-Niebla is now being held in solitary confinement in a Chicago jail cell.

The motion claims Mayo, Chapo and Zambada- Niebla routinely passed information through Loya to the D.E.A. that allowed it to make drug busts. In return, the U.S. helped the leaders evade Mexican police.

It says: "In addition, the defense has evidence that from time to time, the leadership of the Sinaloa Cartel was informed by agents of the DEA through Loya that United States government agents and/or Mexican authorities were conducting investigations near the home territories of cartel leaders so that the cartel leaders could take appropriate actions to evade investigators- even though the United States government had indictments, extradition requests, and rewards for the apprehension of Mayo, Chapo, and other alleged leaders, as well as Mr. Zambada-Niebla.”

In response in court, the U.S. doesn't dispute that Zambada-Niebla may have acted as an informant - only that he did not act with D.E.A. consent.

The D.E.A. and the federal prosecutors in Chicago had no comment.

Former D.E.A. director Karen Tandy told Fox News "I do not have any knowledge of this and it doesn't sound right from my experience.”

Doesn't sound right.

FTW:Considering that during the 1980s, under the pretext of fighting a Sandinista regime in Nicaragua that never once launched an attack on the U.S., these same people oversaw an explosion in U.S. cocaine consumption that went from 80 metric tons in 1979 to 600 metric tons in 1989...
Considering that the CIA trained and equipped death squads that tortured and murdered hundreds of thousands of people from Guatemala to Panama...
Considering that these same people have brutalized Iraq, leaving portions of it radioactively contaminated by depleted uranium for the next 4 billion years and causing a fivefold increase in the number of childhood leukemia cases amidst a starving population...
One can only wonder what they will produce for the world now given the context of the World Trade Center attacks.


My predictions: Some water is going to get ruined or destroyed. It will not be the Bush family's recently-acquired land in Colombia.

You understand how economics works? Supply v Demand. 2025? Hah. That guy didn't understand how Supply v Demand works. He was working on the assumption the Supply could be protected from the US military industrial complex. Nothing can be protected from the CIA.

The Bush family is going to control the world within a few years. It's going to be a...thirsty world.
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Old 07-28-2012, 01:27 AM   #176
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Guys like us, I would like to think, are either 1) smart enough that we can understand the grand picture and avoid cognitive dissonance or 2) have brains wired specifically to seek out the truth and the dissonance does not disturb us because we find more comfort in knowing the absolute truth no matter how ugly. Maybe these are both the same thing. I don't know, I just realize there is no changing it.

I can only speak with any certainty for myself, but I'm no different to the imbeciles. I would assert / argue you would be the same.

I wanted to believe in "the system" more than any child in the world. The difference between us and a patriot who dies for a flag in a slave war is that something, at some point, happened which caused us to question our conditioned 'instincts'. I joined the military and I was embarrassingly brave and courageous. I would have happily died for Queen, Ideology and Country fighting the "Red / Yellow Peril" if and when they attacked.

But something happened which made absolutely no sense. A terrorist act I had no reason to believe was not the work of Islamic jihadists but something about it didn't add up. My logic was fighting my emotions, and just like every retard, 'my' emotions won on the day. It took me almost a decade to realise the emotions I felt were not mine. They'd been root-kitted into me. It's called conditioning. That was a crazy day. A mad grab for power and the entire world went insane.

Amazingly, I remember the date. It was 11/09/01 or, if you're American, it was 09/11/01. September 9, 2001. No idea why I remember such an innocuous and unimportant date. I'm not being trite. I have no motive to offend anyone who isn't offensive but 3000 people died that day. So?

I'm serious, why should I care?

You're offended? That's pretty offensive. How dare you take the moral high ground and assert that 3000 innocent victims of their own gullibility are more important than the 21,000 human children who die every single day. If you want to assert that the tragic victims of their own failure to understand how a Protection Racket works are more important than the 21,000 human children that are dying every single day, then you're not only insane. You're inhumane.

The victims of 9/11 were murdered. We killed them.

You (and I) and everyone who was made to fear have blood on our hands. They were killed to make us afraid. We murdered those innocent humans with our fear. We didn't listen to FDR who warned us about about the only thing we had to fear; fear, itself. We didn't listen to Eisenhower warn us about the danger of permitting the rise of the Military Industrial Complex. Our ignorance and our apathy and our fear killed the victims of the 9/11 Terrorist attack, but it's curious that you don't get 7 x as emotional every day about the human children dying. Every. Single. Day. So, with all due respect, fuck 9/11. It's in the past. What about the 4000 days since? What about today? 21,000 human children will die today. Another 21,000 tomorrow. Come on! If you didn't lose a family member or a close friend during 9/11, your mourning of it is an outrageous insult to the 100,000,000 children that have died since then.

How dare you! Are you even human?

I like Americans but I am a potential Traitor to every government on this planet because my loyalty is to my Species; I do not kill humans who have done nothing to warrant killing. I don't kill humans that warrant killing, but I'm working on that problem I have with being humane.

All governments are Traitors to Humanity and Guilty of Treason. They are the reason why humans kill humans.

I care about Thais a lot more than I care about the vassals in the nations which assert that they own me. No Protection Racket owns me. I am a citizen of Humanity. There are 'sovereign' nation-states that have the nerve to claim me as their citizen but they've never done anything for me. They just exploit and lie and, in Australia, they just play populist tricks of distraction whilst their buddies cart off the last of the finite resources that made Australians buy into the moronic "lucky country" propaganda. They're not lucky. They're just not as unlucky as most.

How dare countries claim ownership of humans? Borders and immigration creep the shit out of me; and they should creep you out as well. I should not require their permission to travel around the world and meet other humans. I care about Thais more than any other exploited peoples but that does not mean the elitist and borderline racist Thai culture is superior to every or any other elitist and racist culture. Other cultures are merely inferior. If that seems counter-intuitive, your intuition has been corrupted. Culture is a control mechanism. No culture is superior to another culture; cultures are measured by degrees of inferiority.

The (secular) American culture is probably the next 'best' (least worst) and I have a lot of time for Americans. But isn't it strange that Islamic jihadists chose a date so intrinsically American (911)? Logic dictates they would choose a date that has relevance to them. But nothing about the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks made a lick of sense and deep down, you know it as well.

But just like most retards, I was a retard on the day.

Emotion beat logic on the day. But emotion took some hits. Some damage was done, both the good kind and the bad kind. I was afraid but then the seeds of doubt had been sown. It's telling that Religion has managed to spin Doubt as a negative trait. I cannot imagine what motive they have to spin Trust and Unconditional Love as Unquestioning Loyalty as positive.

You need to stop falling for one of the oldest Tricks in the book. Evil vs Evil, telling you that "the other guy" is bad so they must be good. CNN v FOX. GOP v Dem. USA v USSR. Labor v Liberal. Conservative v Socialist. Christian v Muslim. Microsoft v Apple. INTEL v AMD. It's all bullshit. This is not a black and white world but some things are, like motive. Wake up, you fools.

Mac v Android. Hah.

Apple is one of the creepiest companies on the planet. You should see the reaction to when I took my almost brand-new MBA in for repairs. It lasted one (1) day before it crashed with the equivalent of a Windows BSOD. "Call Applecare", it said. So because of that, and because I paid $400 extra for Applecare to care, I called Applecare.

They didn't care.

They set me up to make poor Thai iService shops miserable but then I have no motive to cause suffering, I was just trying to get my brand new system operational but they would shut down in ways I was considering filming (but I'm pretty sure it's illegal in Thailand). Of course, they have cameras filming everything but when I asked for the tapes, they would lose their minds. Long story short, I stopped calling AppleCare to set me up (it's not the local Apple stores' fault, but they could have had a bit more decency than automatically assuming I was their enemy when I was softly spoken, polite, exhausted and kinda broken).

But when I showed them what I believed was causing Lion to crash, their reaction was a little insulting. I showed them things like this; you tell me why I'm being unreasonable or - better yet - send me pictures of your Mac's firmware with similar Unknowns. The entire selling point of Apple's creepy Secretive is to protect from stuff like this, is it not? I thought Apple were all about Controlled Protection?

I didn't know if this Unknown nonsense in my firmware was causing Lion to crash but these brilliant Thai geniuses (and Singaporean geniuses) would suddenly become the most computer illiterate people alive. Suddenly, they didn't know what firmware was. They kept offering to reinstall Lion (I could do that myself but if the firmware is corrupted, what's the point?) Are these unreasonable questions?

I told one guy that I didn't think there should be any Unknowns in my firmware. If Apple didn't know what it was, I didn't want it in there. Seems like simple logic to me. Applecare had sent me to his specific store, as it happened, with the instructions to get him to flash the firmware (which I've done hundreds of times on INTEL systems; which Macs are as well but coercive monopolies are a distraction - Apple simply do not permit Mac owners to flash the firmware). I have a feeling I know their motive. I told him what Applecare told me to tell him, "Please flash my firmware."

He was unsure. He didn't want to void my warranty. I laughed. This is a brand new MBA in a iService store. I told him I'd sign a waiver. He didn't think it was a good idea.

So I waited for three hours patiently, as they got in touch with and spoke privately with Apple in the US, after which the guy came out and said, "No."

I said, "Sorry?"

He said, "No. Can't do it."

And then he asked me to leave. Stunned, I ask him for something in writing to state that I was there for three hours but that he was unable to flash my firmware. He called Security.

Apple are a creepy company.

Wanna see what Android is like?

At 1.57 it calls my friend for 40 seconds. I didn't even notice. She just heard me breathing into my phone. It sends SMS messages of gibberish to my friends which, if I'm not watching it, I'm not going to know about. I don't know about you, but that's not the kind of behaviour I want to be 'known' for doing. So I took this phone into HTC Service where I saw signs like this about 5 feet high:

I showed them my possessed phone, they had it a few months, gave it back. Nothing changed.

I guess they didn't really understand me.
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Old 07-28-2012, 01:31 AM   #177
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Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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mine will flip out like that when its super hot sometimes and the touch screen will go nuts i just press the screen off button and wait like 3 seconds and it fixes it
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Old 07-28-2012, 01:32 AM   #178
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Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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also ur phone probably hates you
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Old 07-28-2012, 01:38 AM   #179
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Orwell & Fitzgerald understood what I'm trying to get you to understand, but I don't think either had any answers. Neither did I, until late Oct 2010 when I saw what I perceived to be Reality change drastically into another 'reality' in seconds (the crash from the high of Love to the low of Betrayal).

The dominoes started falling. They've been falling ever since. But the seeds of doubt were sown on 9/11. It just took me almost a decade to finally accept the Truth I had seen (or I should say, heard).

It sounded like dull thuds. Irregular but consistent. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

I turned to someone and asked what that sound was. My brain couldn't process it. I was too horrified to think. I was feeling. Emotion makes you stupid. Fact.

That's your clue to why they've printed 4 to 8 billion copies of the most emotional book ever written.

No one answered my question for a minute or so before an Arab cadet answered. I forget which Middle Eastern 'sovereign' nation-state he was attending ADFA from on one of the many diplomatic 'exchanges' (of the sort that only goes one way).

On a tangent, I could literally kill myself in fury (if I was emotionally-inclined) for my stupidity in not reaching out to the 3 or 4 Thai cadets. I wasn't bright enough, but I thought I was crafty. I valued humans like a sociopath. The Thais mostly kept to themselves but only because we didn't make an effort to include them. I remember one, in particular, was dying to be included. He was a bit like Mike but at the other end of the Scale. He was so desperate to please; but he was never valued by anyone except during PT; where his sheer determination and willpower earned him a (begrudging) respect. Not because we wanted to respect him, but because you would have to be insane to deny his determination. He was one of the fittest athletes I've ever seen. I had no idea he was doing it for me. And for everyone. He was suffering pain only athletes can understand; pain so excruciating and dangerous the human body responds in a very peculiar way.

Our capacity to endure pain without going insane is only limited. Lose a limb on a battlefield and you'll go into shock. Do the same thing on a treadmill and you'll be flooded with endorphins. It's a feeling of euphoria as intense as any drug (pain killer) I've ever tried (and I've tried them all because I suffer from what only humans can understand; it's called empathy). They call my Heroism a crime. They write laws to ensure Suffering. Euthanasia is illegal? Interesting.


Stress and pain are the two most common factors leading to the release of endorphins. Endorphins interact with the opiate receptors in the brain to reduce our perception of pain and act similarly to drugs such as morphine and codeine. In contrast to the opiate drugs, however, activation of the opiate receptors by the body's endorphins does not lead to addiction or dependence.

This is a bold-faced, brazen lie. I was miserable because I was human and my friends were miserable. I went to the gym because my friends said I was fat. I wasn't, hah. But I was lazy. I don't like unnecessary pain. When I believe it is necessary, I suffer at Olympic levels of capacity. Believing my friends (what reason would they have to lie to me?), I endured two weeks of unthinkable aerobic torture when I felt the rush I hadn't felt in many years; a rush I'd forgotten about in the hectic first year of ADFA following the 10-week brutal Induction period. It took one "hit", and I was hooked. I became a junkie. I'm human, therefore I'm addicted to pain relief.

If you're not addicted to pain relief, you are not human. Period. Anyone who asserts otherwise needs to be silenced.

Our suffering brings us closer to God. This is fact.

But who is God?

The Answer: Whomever imagines in their mind that they are a god by virtue of their 'capacity' to be handicapped. They have no empathy. They're handicapped sociopaths, they aren't God. They're humans,interrupted.

I was so addicted to 'running', it almost killed me (and a soccer Mom and her son). I was racing to get home in time before my gym closed. I was probably doing 140kph when I went through a Stop sign and the Soccer Mom's instincts saved three lives, I imagine (she was speeding as well, probably to get home to other kids or to something important - we're all Very Important People in our imaginations).

I'll tell that story later.

I wasn't bright enough to be a sociopath (no one is, of course). I didn't realise how the Thai system worked (or the Australian system, for that matter - the two are more alike than anyone would like to believe). The Thai military is pure patronage. I could probably find out their names but I have the vaguest of ideas I know the answers already.

They could literally be generals by now. They would have been the sons of some of the most powerful families in the country (some other sons would go to the British military academies but Australia's would be the plum). But I only make the point because I perceived them as having no value. I'm not a hippie. I'm not even a good person.

I'm so much better than good. I'm Selfish. I do optimality better than 99.999% of our species; and because of this, I value ~7,300,000,000 humans now (a slight increase on the number I used to value, ~1). All of this rhetoric is pure, cold logic. There isn't a charitable bone in my body. I'm ruthless, in fact. If I was in the position to do so, I would unemotionally give the order to have 10 million screamers of imagined pain and religious liars silenced to protect a single human newborn. I'm not quite a cold-blooded killer yet, but that is the goal. I'm not quite sane yet, but I'm striving to be. When I reattain the ferocious capacity to slaughter intelligently, as befits an animal species atop the most important chain on the planet, I will be once again be worthy of calling myself a "human".

Our humanity has been bred out of us. We have lost the capacity to act in our own (and in the suffering screamers') best interests. It's inhumane to allow religion to scream lies, in their pain. They need to be put out of their misery. It's the only decent thing to do.

Humans have lost the capacity to be humane.

This is what Saving Face (my terribly-written story about Mai, a child prostitute) was all about. Intelligent Selfishness. I saved her face for Humanity because people are imbeciles who cannot act in their own best interests. She was 14 with a face so pretty, within mere years she would have the world at her feet. Men would die for her. Men would kill each other, fighting over her. But 99% of men are not pedophiles or into having sex with "women children". She was 14 and so pretty, she'd turn heads. She turned mine. But when guys would see she was a child, they'd kick along. Only the victims of the Abrahamic religions' fucking of children fuck children. I was about to kick along, as well. She had no value to me.

It was not charity but rather pure, unadulterated Selfishness that made me reach out my arm and take a risk saving her. I was disgusted by the depravity of the leeches who were exploiting her. Bangkok's 'sisters' are terrifying humans who have no reason to live but they don't have the decency to die; so they prey on pretty faces like Mai. It's all a Protection Racket. She had no value to me but she had value. I saved her pretty face for Humanity. But of course, Christian Compassion / Emotional Rage / Narcissistic Sociopathic Insanity urinated into the otherwise decent stew.

Just horror shows screaming their pain into the world of beauty; much like the terrorists who terrorised the city of New York on 9/11.

At the time, I was in Campbell, Canberra attending ADFA. I was 16,000 miles away. I don't know who flew the planes into the towers but I know who the terrorists were because I was 16,000 miles from Ground Zero and I heard the thuds.

Thud.Thud.Thud. Thud.

The reserved Arab 'exchange' student (a Pilot, no less) was as horrified as everyone was. But he was the only one who wasn't in denial so he was able to answer the question I genuinely couldn't answer for myself. He whispered in horror, "They're jumping."

And I said "Who?"

Emotion literally prevents you from thinking. I was genuinely confused. He was silent so I asked again, in earnest. "Who is jumping?"

And he looked me straight in the eye and said, "Humans."

And my world went white (for a few moments). Then dark, for almost a decade. The dominoes of horror had started to fall but I intercepted them. And lived in denial (insanity, misery and pain) for a decade.

I don't know who terrorised New York City. But I know who terrorised the World. Logic dictates their motives for doing do were perceived by them to be shared.

I heard the thuds and I understood the implications but I intercepted the horror. I created my own reality just like the Three Christs in the story Rum Dick posted. I thought I had to do this, to cope.

I was 16,000 miles from where bodies were almost silently hitting the ground, as humans were forced to choose between Untenable and Untenable options. They chose brilliantly. They chose to die, as heroes. It's heroic to do anything to avoid net Suffering. They died painlessly. They made the right choice, and that was being exploited by Terrorists who were terrorising the World.

We were watching CNN and BBC. But it doesn't matter who brought the terror to you; it's important to be informed. What matters is how they inform you and what they choose to exclude.

CNN are Terrorists. They bring you ludicrously emotional distortions of selected events. They do not bring you the News.

I was too terrified of the implications of having the curtain drawn back on the horror, that I defaulted into denial (insanity). Within a few weeks, I fell in love for the first time in my life. I'd be going out with my g/f for months. 9/11 turns the world insane but then it wasn't the guys who flew the planes into the buildings. It was the Terrorists who work non-stop to make anyone who Trusts them, insane.

I can tell you this for a fact with a certainty I'm willing to die for. The media are the Terrorists. I was 16,000 miles away and I heard the thuds of bodies hitting the New York City's pavement. CNN had helicopters with microphones that pick up sounds to amplify the thuds of human heroes hitting the ground after jumping to avoid needless suffering.

Humanity's incapacity to accurately identify motive is a very big problem for us. Humans have no reason to be terrified of Humanity.

Anyone telling you otherwise needs to be silenced for Disturbing the Peace.

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Old 07-28-2012, 01:44 AM   #180
Things could be worse...
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mine will flip out like that when its super hot sometimes and the touch screen will go nuts i just press the screen off button and wait like 3 seconds and it fixes it

Your phone calls people and sends text messages whilst you're sleeping or across the other side of the room?

Film it or hush it.
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