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Old 05-31-2012, 08:05 PM   #181
Lord Bathrobe
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
Maybe it's not interesting playing the "maybe" game because I'm telling you there's no value in Pascal's wager if you're too lazy to read the logical evidence proving the fact.

You can pick on it. I post it for a reason.

No. It's because they didn't want to play me. You're missing the point. You brought in a demented argument (that Von Neumann's -name- somehow gave validity to a moronic thing someone claimed he said as he was dying). I responded with a coat-hanger to that argument.

I have like 3 screenshots of poker tables lifetime. That one was because I was SO furious I almost couldn't breathe (I'd been waiting for 4 hours on that list). Don't get caught up on it. I was responding to a moronic line of argument because you weren't prepared to read a page of pure logic (preferring instead to talk about poker and Von Neumann's 'legacy' or 'reputation' or yawn). None of that has any value to the issue of Pascal's wager being moronic beyond belief. Neither does my screenshot.

The value is in the link you're too lazy to read.'s_wager

Read it. Is it going to kill you?

That's why I destroyed poker. I credit the validity of what is said. I have no interest in who said it beyond attribution.

Care to be more specific or are you just doing that thing vassals do when they cannot (be more specific)?

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Old 05-31-2012, 08:14 PM   #182
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
Maybe it's not interesting playing the "maybe" game because I'm telling you there's no value in Pascal's wager if you're too lazy to read the logical evidence proving the fact.

It is "maybe" because I can't begin to think I can authoritatively guess what Von Neumann was thinking. That doesn't make it a "maybe game". If you had an opinion, I was wanting to hear it. You don't. Ok.

You can pick on it. I post it for a reason.

Everything someone says is for a reason. A man of your intellect should know this. You are wasting our collective time. Few things are more obvious.

No. It's because they didn't want to play me. You're missing the point. You brought in a demented argument (that Von Neumann's -name- somehow gave validity to a moronic thing someone claimed he said as he was dying). I responded with a coat-hanger to that argument.

I wasn't really arguing anything. I just find it interesting. I've had people bring up Pascal's wager to me. It has flaws that are quite obvious. I never disagreed with your idea of it being flawed game-theory. You're the one who couldn't argue it yourself and relied on someone's thoughts. Then you go off on some strawman argument.

I have like 3 screenshots of poker tables lifetime. That one was because I was SO furious I almost couldn't breathe (I'd been waiting for 4 hours on that list). Don't get caught up on it. I was responding to a moronic line of argument because you weren't prepared to read a page of pure logic (preferring instead to talk about poker and Von Neumann's 'legacy' or 'reputation' or yawn). None of that has any value to the issue of Pascal's wager being moronic beyond belief. Neither does my screenshot.

I forget how a screenshot like that cements your legacy vs Von Neumann. Silly me.

The value is in the link you're too lazy to read.'s_wager

Read it. Is it going to kill you?

I read it. What or who are you even arguing with ? Christ.

That's why I destroyed poker. I credit the validity of what is said. I have no interest in who said it beyond attribution.

Well, did you destroy poker ? I have a friend who I met playing $20 home games, who went on to play games larger than yours and NOT just NL holdem. So you played mixed games ? Or by "destroying poker" do you mean *ONLY* NL holdem? The one popularized on TV ? Funny. Thats just 1 variant of poker. Put up screen shots of you playing mixed games/PLO or realize you are far from "destroying poker". Be specific with your words. Time is wasted when you're not.

Care to be more specific or are you just doing that thing vassals do when they cannot (be more specific)?

Be more specific about what ? All I am considering are the motivations of Von Neumann. Nothing more. I don't claim to know why he did why he did, thats why I played the "maybe game". <eyeroll>
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Old 05-31-2012, 09:41 PM   #183
rum dick
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Agreed that she is an idiot. I kind tuned out the sections containing her opinion and focused on how on earth the preacher reconciled his father's death and the Bible passages and came up with the idea he and his followers wouldn't get bitten. Unless in the back of his head he wasn't altogether sure no one would get bitten. If that's the case then it's a good thing he got killed before he killed someone else
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Old 05-31-2012, 09:58 PM   #184
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Hoser likes to refer to things as "very unique". Keep that in mind when deciding whether to argue with him.

  hoser has valid opinions imo
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Old 05-31-2012, 09:59 PM   #185
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The church has a long history of creating rumours about famous non-believers 'repenting on their deathbed' which has always struck me as being particularly reprehensible. They couldn't keep these guys quiet in life but the smear campaign begins when they can no longer defend themselves and consists of putting a man's life's work on one scale and saying it is outweighed by his 'repentance' on the other.

There is a romance and mysticism placed on dying wishes and famous last words but this comes from the storytelling tradition, there is no need to place a higher importance on someone's actions or words just because they were their last.

Von Neumann was a man who, to borrow from Kipling, filled the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run, the idea that he asked for forgiveness in his final seconds is either a false rumour propagated by religious types or, if true, something for which we can all forgive him as, after all, we often aren't at our best on our deathbeds.

The other alternative is that a sadistic and jealous Christian God visited a terrible revenge upon Von Neumann for his life's work and, through the divine power of cancer, tortured him into repentance during his final moments on this mortal coil, however I'd have thought it more likely that this same God would have wanted him to go to Hell and suffer eternal damnation.

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Old 05-31-2012, 10:10 PM   #186
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Originally Posted by Steerpike View Post
The church has a long history of creating rumours about famous non-believers 'repenting on their deathbed' which has always struck me as being particularly reprehensible. They couldn't keep these guys quiet in life but the smear campaign begins when they can no longer defend themselves and consists of putting a man's life's work on one scale and saying it is outweighed by his 'repentance' on the other.

There is a romance and mysticism placed on dying wishes and famous last words but this comes from the storytelling tradition, there is no need to place a higher importance on someone's actions or words just because they were their last.

Von Neumann was a man who, to borrow from Kipling, filled the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run, the idea that he asked for forgiveness in his final seconds is either a false rumour propagated by religious types or, if true, something for which we can all forgive him as, after all, we often aren't at our best on our deathbeds.

The other alternative is that a sadistic and jealous Christian God visited a terrible revenge upon Von Neumann for his life's work and, through the divine power of cancer, tortured him into repentance during his final moments on this mortal coil, however I'd have thought it more likely that this same God would have wanted him to go to Hell and suffer eternal damnation.

Ahh true thoughtfulness. I hadn't even considered 'the church made it up bro' angle. If I was to give up a reason as to why he did it, I would guess he did it to make the believers around him more at ease. If you truly believe, then knowing someone you love is going to eternal damnation is a bitter pill to swallow. Or maybe it just made some part of him a little bit more content in his final days.... but these motivations would not be that different.

I don't put any significance that he said it on his death bed. I'd actually put things said on the deathbed at a lower significance, but Von Neumann was a genius amongst geniuses... so i found it worth mentioning. Obviously he was not on scooter's level...........
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Old 05-31-2012, 10:12 PM   #187
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Originally Posted by Rum Dick View Post
Hoser likes to refer to things as "very unique". Keep that in mind when deciding whether to argue with him.

WTF are you talking about ? It is amusing to me you have discovered some quirk that I didn't even realize I had.... sources ?? Well I'll help you out. THat is a "very unique" observation you just made, son.
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Old 06-01-2012, 01:51 AM   #188
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
It only seems that way because Religion doesn't want people talking about their personal development, mistakes they have corrected and/or failed to address, and especially - more than anything - Religion doesn't want people talking about what they've learned.

The reasons are bleeding obvious; but first you'd have to understand they exist to exploit humans, not help them. They create the pain, then dangle their bogus pain 'relief'. They will inflict pain onto you and have the nerve to suggest that you were to blame, or that you should feel shame, or that you shouldn't complain.

You could literally kill them without being -remotely- immoral.

Existentially, you had something akin to a fractured femur (courtesy of Religion's emotional corruption of the entire globe) and joining a Church community would be like putting a soiled and filthy rag (drenched in blood thinners) onto the open wound and pressing down to stop the bleeding. The bleeding might appear to stop, but your blood will have been infected and thinned. Take that rag away and your blood will spurt like a fountain. I have no idea if this analogy is even logical; I'm not a doctor and blood makes me faint.

That is your existential soul trying to heal itself.

I believe you are looking for something called Self.

It's called - and this is the technical term - being a WHORE for God.

I can find some.

1. He's an American hero. Why wouldn't he be a hero for Humanity? Does he think 'American' humans are better than the humans Westphalia drew illusionary lines to separate him from?

2. Lives a pious life. How pious can you be reading a Bible that HATES women, advises those who love their JEALOUS LORD to murder peaceful innocents, slaughter unarmed non-combatants, kill children in cold blood and viciously rape child virgins.

3. Has two children. Whom he exposes to the above evil. Tight failing at everything.

4. Strong morals. See point 2. There are no morals in the Bible that are decent. Only moronic people or the illiterate can FEEL otherwise.

5. False ethics. It's impossible to be ethical whilst seeking to advantage over humans, which is the entire ethos of the Christian Bible, the Muslim Qur'an and the filthy Torah / Tanakh / Talmud / etc; so either he's a fraud pretending to ethics or he's too stupid to know what is ethical and what is not.

6. Never touched a drug. I would bet your life on this being a retarded lie and you would die 100% of the time. Don't be ridiculous. Look up the definition of "drug".

7. No addictions. Sounds like he's addicted to religion. He's dependent on it, no? And however does he breathe without addiction to oxygen?

8. In control of money. Yes, how 'peculiar' that the followers of a man who waxed lyrical about the need to give your shit away (the Church will help you with that pesky money), are invariably more 'prosperous' than their counterparts. Wake up and smell the con. He hasn't forsaken all that he hath, has he? How dare he call himself Christ's disciple.

8 chinks, out of the 8 'strengths' you listed. The only 'armour' is your brainwashed 'values' which will preclude your ability to see the reality until you are capable of doing logic.

Don't you know that your fault? Christians believe they are blessed until they are not blessed; at which point, every other Christian disassociates (or moves in for the final kill) because God was very explicit. You are rich by his power alone (can't possibly imagine why a priest would suggest that, ROFL). The logical corollary is that you are poor by his power alone.

He is all-powerful, after all. The babies raped by Catholicism are His Will and He Works In Mysterious Ways.

They're about as mysterious as you are stupid.

The more stupid you are, the less you will have the capacity to fathom. And if you're stupid like my parents are stupid, the world will seem like a wondrous creation of God's bountiful magic.

In the meantime, they're breaking into tongues when their children get raped as a result of their being too stupid to be alive.

But your common 'sense' is demented and retarded. It's nonsensical. There is no "proof"; you just don't have the capacity to understand the definition of the word. It's all about perspective yes; the more stupid your perspective, the easier it will be for someone to suggest that something is evidence when it's evident that it is not.

That's because he's running a filthy con and you were played. You should have been unplayed when you had the good sense to poke holes through the obvious, but some people are just a sucker for a 'good' con.




They start at age 0 as well, regardless of whether your parents are Christian or even religious. 1500 years of mental assault. You will BE assaulted by their horrifyingly illogical creepy.

Was there any rhyme or reason to the manner in which you left one and joined another? Or was it a simple case of disillusionment? And how did your buddy feel about your leaving his congregation? Creeps tend to take that slap in the face very personally.

They learned their lesson from that little embarrassment with the world being a sphere and all, when God was certain it was flat.

The entire Bible and those who assert they speak for God (I read a lot on "papal infallibility" last night; christ world, you are too moronic to even pity) have a gaping 'chink' in their non-existent armour which can be used to prove to anyone capable of level 1 logic that they're a demented fraud. God never knows anything more than what was widely believed to be true when it was written. GOD - NEVER - EVER - KNOWS - A - SINGLE - SCIENTIFIC - UNKNOWN. God does, however, know a great deal of tragic idiocy believed to be true to morons at the time of writing.

Throughout all of history, God and the vile Middle Men who assert their capacity to speak for Him have only ever known whatever the scientific community has discovered until that point. This is an endless source of 'embarrassment' for religion. And it would be all the logical proof a sane / just society would require to kill every slithering creep on the planet who asserts they speak for a higher power; so you can give them your money and your children, if you want to.

You can tolerate them, if you're insane or so stupid that you might as well be.

But sane people lash out to protect innocent children from the -provable- evil of lying Holy Men. They kill 100 creeps to save a single pure and innocent face.

No that's what people FEEL they exist for. But they exist to create and exploit imagined pain; and the real pain that results from their victims trying to live in their pain and shame.

Not necessarily. They might just imagine their guilt because they're too dull to realise whatever they did was not in their best interests, was not them, was not something they wanted to do or could be expected to prevent; and so they let the shame of religion percolate and fester and, before they know it, they're rolling.

Once the ball of shame is rolling, it doesn't take long before the shame is substantially more valid than imagined. The 'trick' of religion is to trip innocent children, smashing their faces into the gravel; then pick them up and impose their shame onto them. It's called Christian Compassion and it should be a capital offence, in some instances.

Just ask those who want you to smash your face into gravel.

You couldn't. Sins Jesus didn't die for include:
  • heresy
  • using birth control
  • using protection from STDs
  • asking questions
  • making scientific discoveries that embarrass the creeps

There is no Heaven but if there was one, the criteria would be intrinsically linked to whether you maliciously (and ignorance is malicious, if allowed to remain unchecked subsequent to being informed of it) hurt others in your attempt (or otherwise) to gain admission.

Nonsense. You don't KNOW that the frozen urine waste from a 747 won't land on your head, killing you instantly. But you kind of do, don't you? When the negligibility is so remote, it's not worth agonising over whether you're going to be killed by piss.

No you couldn't. You'd have to be retarded to believe he had the power to save you. You'd have to be demented to believe you -needed- saving. You -need- to save yourSelf from religious insanity.

Claim the creeps who believe they have a vested interest in tripping humans over to smash their faces into the gravel.

Once you read even a few chapters you should be able to understand what is going on. It's not complex. Read Matthew 19.

If you can't work out the con from Matthew 19:26, 30 alone, you're gonna have some problems for the rest of your life because you'd be a mark for every Toddler (and toddler) on the planet.

Very good. They want you to stop thinking, like your buddy whose brain shuts down when you ask him the simplest questions in the world.

This is flawless.

Perfect. They smash them into the gravel, pick them up and shake their head tsk tsk, but it's okay. You'll be forgiven, and then they'll smash you into the gravel again. Again and again.

Never would have gotten past Ch 1 of Genesis if there was anything else to read.

Beware of the "moral hazard" inevitably present with those who profit from relief of pain.

Whether it's a car mechanic, a doctor, a shrink, a window repairman, a electronics distributor, a religious creep or your government; anyone who does not proactively take steps to ensure near-to-total-transparency and, by extension, your "peace of mind", isn't -potentially- taking advantage. Hah. No no.


Trust them at your demented peril. You cannot pay pain to go away. You cannot reward those who profit from your pain, without running the risk that they will -profit- more optimally than your fantasies would make you FEEL would be preferable to you.

Nonsense. The Bible tells you the Truth.

A prince of Egypt brainwashed his entire life into believing he was born to rule slaves, was dispossessed of his illusionary right of birth. This was very hard for him to accept, and he believed he -needed- the power he'd always had because he didn't know the first thing about happiness or fun. He was brilliant though, although these things are relative; but compared to a bunch of slaves too stupid not to breed (more slaves), he was crafty enough.

He decided if these snivelling peoples were to be his people (which was the decision of the Pharaoh and likely a great deal more politicks-related than heritage, but I forget the demented logic used to dispossess him), he would lead them out of their slavery and rule over them as he believed he was -literally- born to do.



People, you have been Chosen by me to be ruled over by me. We're going.

And they just walked up and left the pyramids and there wasn't really anything the Egyptians could do about it, because their slavery was mostly an illusion (the result of illogical fears). Oh the Pharaoh sent some soldiers out, who killed some but if they're flatly refusing to go back is the Pharaoh supposed to kill all the slaves to teach them not to leave again? He would lose some valuable soldiers achieving absolutely nothing. He probably half-suspected they'd come wandering back because where were they going to go? As it happened, he just let them go because fuck 'em. What could he do?

You were told a slightly less sane story which was written by Moses, for dramatic effect. If you look very closely, you'll see all the demented signs of Toddler narcissism. Basically, all the insane illogical idiocy served the obvious intent of the writer: It was all written to make Moses sound better, more powerful, superior to everyone and everything.

And so, they were led out into the desert for what should have been a 10-day journey. Very few people in the world understand why it took 40 years. It has to do with some very dark truths about human nature and behavioural traits. It involves the dark art of Imprinting or "Baby Duck Syndrome".

Humans imprint onto things impossibly more retarded than a large soccer ball. Moses knew this, but he needed time to kill off a generation and breed a new one to be imprinted with his image of Hate.

Moses couldn't enact his plan until they were imprinted and malleable and able to murder human babies with abandon. But it would take decades to mold them into the sociopathic killer force Moses planned from the start. First he needed to break their Zen.

So whilst they skirmished with bands of Amalekites intermittently (the descendants of whom the LORD has sworn to war with for all eternity; seems...insane), they would mostly just win or lose depending on whether Moses could keep his hand in the air (according to Moses).

But Moses had a plan, and it was the plan that would enslave all of humanity. It's the reason they've printed 8 billion copies of the most hate-filled, insanity-filled, emotionally-corruptive book ever written. They printed 8 billion copies to give your children the hate, insanity and emotional corruption that blasted me in the face when I seven years old, for the first time. I didn't recognise it. I was too young and had been distracted by the sheer evil. But the emotional corruption is in all the little verses where -and gosh, they're so sweet- your children are taught how to FEEL.

(all taken from the King James Version)

Exodus 20:2 If thou buy an Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing.

Human slavery. Keeping slaves forever? "Don't do it."

Exodus 20:7 And if a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant, she shall not go out as the menservants do.
Exodus 20:8 If she please not her master, who hath betrothed her to himself, then shall he let her be redeemed: to sell her unto a strange nation he shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her.

Human sex slaves must not be sold and resold; if she doesn't please you, here is an idea for what you could do which isn't cool. "Don't do it."

Exodus 20:12 He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death.

Thou Shalt Not Kill already covers murder by fists, but it's important to be specific. "Don't do it."

Exodus 20:15 And he that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death.

Thou Shalt Not Kill already covers parenticide but it's important to be specific. "Don't do it."

Exodus 20:16 And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.

Death for stealing slaves. You must buy or make them yourself, or do not covet them in the first place. "Don't do it."

Exodus 20:17 And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death.

Death for swearing at your parents. Honor Thy Father And Thy Mother; was insufficient. Swearing at your parents is unacceptable. "Don't do it."

Exodus 20:18 And if men strive together, and one smite another with a stone, or with his fist, and he die not, but keepeth his bed:

When you fight with each other, you can use your fists but you can also use whatever is lying around. A stone, for example. "Don't do it."

Exodus 20:20 And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished.

Save the rod for your children, who must not be spared the rod. No clarification on whether killing your slaves with a whip, or your hand; is punishable. If Thou Shalt Not Kill sufficed, why has God seen fit to dabble in ultra-specific details regarding the killing of your human slaves? "Don't do it."

Exodus 20:21 Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money.

Hitting your slaves so that they don't die within a day or two is fine; after all, they are your money so you can do what you like. Except killing them with a rod. "Don't do it."

Exodus 20:22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished

An idea to hurt a man you are fighting with. You could hurt his pregnant wife and make her lose her baby. It's just a helpful suggestion. "Don't do it."

Exodus 20:23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,
Exodus 20:24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
Exodus 20:25 Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.

An idea if you're not happy with the judgement, you can do mischief you know? But if you do, here is the insanity of revenge to brainwash your mind. It's vigilante justice for the emotionally insane. "Don't do it."

Exodus 20:26 And if a man smite the eye of his servant, or the eye of his maid, that it perish; he shall let him go free for his eye's sake.

Fair is fair. You'll lose a slave or a sex slave if you get frustrated and blind one. "Don't do it."

Exodus 20:28 If an ox gore a man or a woman, that they die: then the ox shall be surely stoned, and his flesh shall not be eaten

Vent your rage in demented irrational ways. But why don't you just have a word to your oxen about goring people to death? "Don't do it."

And so on and so on and so -literally- on and on and on and on; verse after verse, chapter after chapter, book after book. Every single verse is doing something you're too dull to realise without my pointing it out (and likely too dull to realise even when I point out the bleeding obvious).

The Bible teaches children how to FEEL. No -lol- it doesn't teach them how to be good.

For forty years, the Israelites wandered around being killed off whenever Moses had an opportunity to use their deaths as a lesson (i.e. when they complained). For forty years, Moses was brainwashing the children of his Chosen People non-stop, teaching them how to FEEL emotionally insane. Vindictive. Vengeant. Vicious.

All of the emotional corruption is provably insane but then when you're insane, you wouldn't realise it. You would just FEEL it makes sense to exact revenge but you've never been made to think about it (after Religion made you FEEL it). You could not use logic to back up your assertion that revenge makes a lick of sense.

That's how you would know you are FEELING insane. You won't be able to logically justify it using ration or reason. I just want to inflict pain, OKAY!?

No. It's understandable but it's not justifiable. It's not in your best interests to hurt you for no reason except to hurt someone who has hurt you. I'm talking the purest form of logic here. If you don't understand it, you're in big trouble. If you are unable to become sane, you will live in emotional confusion and pain for your entire life. You will be imposing your vile emotional corruption all over potentially-uncorrupted innocents. This is how emotional insanity went viral. That Christian Compassion. None of this is an accident. You're likely just too stupid to realise how obvious all of this truly is.

Let's cover some more helpful Bible emotional corruption.

Exodus 23:1 Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.

You don't have to tell the truth, you know? You could tell a lie to "suit yourself" but then that would be unrighteous. "Don't do it."

2 Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment:

You could follow the herd, you see? You would be safe. "Don't do it."

3 Neither shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause.

You can mock poor people. "Don't do it."

4 If thou meet thine enemy's ox or his ass going astray, thou shalt surely bring it back to him again.

It's normal to have enemies. Everyone has enemies. You could just let your enemies shit go to shit, cause fuck them right? "Don't do it."

5 If thou see the ass of him that hateth thee lying under his burden, and wouldest forbear to help him, thou shalt surely help with him.

It's normal for people to hate you. What can you do? Hate them back? You could. "Don't do it."

6 Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of thy poor in his cause.

The Law can be used to exploit poor people. Just pointing that out, helpfully. "Don't do it."

7 Keep thee far from a false matter; and the innocent and righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked.

You could kill the innocent and righteous for...being so innocent and righteous. Just pointing that out, in case you missed it. "Don't do it."

8 And thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the wise, and perverteth the words of the righteous.

Do you understand how bribes work? This is what you can achieve with bribes. You can blind the wise, and you can make widely respected men lie for you. "Don't do it."

9 Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye know the heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.

Remember how badly you were treated in Egypt? You could "return the favour" here with strangers. It's dementedly insane and illogical, connecting your treatment with that of an innocent stranger who has nothing to do with Egypt but if you want to, you could make that connection. "Don't do it."

10 And six years thou shalt sow thy land, and shalt gather in the fruits thereof:
11 But the seventh year thou shalt let it rest and lie still; that the poor of thy people may eat: and what they leave the beasts of the field shall eat. In like manner thou shalt deal with thy vineyard, and with thy oliveyard.

No one actually believes any of this shit. Not Jews. Not Christians. No one gives the poor the fruits of every seventh year.

12 Six days thou shalt do thy work, and on the seventh day thou shalt rest: that thine ox and thine ass may rest, and the son of thy handmaid, and the stranger, may be refreshed.

You could work non-stop but it's important to rest because you're too stupid to know when you're tired. Or more importantly, you're too stupid to know when your slaves are about to die. You could kill your slaves by overworking them. "Don't do it."

13 And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.

Here is how you learn how to lie and how to keep secrets.

20 Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.

Anyone want to be the Angel, put your hand up.

21 Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him.

Here are the perks of employment.

22 But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries.

He will help you kill and destroy. What do you mean, you don't have any enemies or adversaries? What are you talking about? A peaceful humanity which isn't insanely trying to kill each other? No. You will kill each other. Or they will kill you.

23 For mine Angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut them off.

Racial hatred. And drilling heritage into the subconscious.

25 And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.

When Christians say 'grace', they're thanking the LORD for rewarding them for spreading the Gospel of Hate. When Christians get sick, or are hungry; everyone knows the LORD is punishing them. Clearly, they did not do what the LORD wanted.

27 I will send my fear before thee, and will destroy all the people to whom thou shalt come, and I will make all thine enemies turn their backs unto thee.

Everyone will be terrified of you. Their terror of you will make them crumble before you even get there. All you have to do is pop them like bubbles of blood and guts. Easiest job in the world when you do it from behind because -hah- they're trying to escape your insanity.

28 And I will send hornets before thee, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from before thee.

Here is where Moses' brilliance kind of shines through. This is Moses explaining to his imprinted what is going to happen once he transforms them into a sociopathic, horror-immune, imprinted force to be reckoned with. He knew everyone around was exploitable; they were all living in peace and hadn't been 'toughened' by insanity. This made them weak. It did not make them exploitable.

Christians, Muslims, Jews fail to make that distinction all the time.

But here Moses is explaining that if a plague of hornets hits one of the peaceful cities nearby, they'll come in straight after the hornets. Sure, it will be the LORD's doing. Whatever floats your demented boat.

29 I will not drive them out from before thee in one year; lest the land become desolate, and the beast of the field multiply against thee.

Moses explaining how the inevitable is going to go down, in order to make it look like the LORD's doing. The LORD said it would go down this way. It doesn't need to make a lick of sense, but it's how the battles are going to be fought in reality and I'm the first person in billions that can do simple logic?

30 By little and little I will drive them out from before thee, until thou be increased, and inherit the land.

That's how it's gotta go down when you're a blood-thirsty marauding force of vicious murderers attacking those who HAVE when -gasp!- you HAVE NOT. Advantage over humans.

Kill them.

Inherit the land.

31 And I will set thy bounds from the Red sea even unto the sea of the Philistines, and from the desert unto the river: for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand; and thou shalt drive them out before thee.

Moses wants all of this territory, so that's what the LORD is going to help you do.

32 Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods.

No Freedom of Religion. No peace. No deals. We will kill everyone. We will take their shit.

33 They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against me: for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee.

You must kill them all because they are not imprinted. And your imprint is not permanent. You could become sane.

You must kill them all.

Non-stop, the Holy Bible (and the other Faith's manuscripts) drill this shit above; over and over. Here is how to be emotionally insane. Here is how to take advantage of those that have what you do not. Here is how to be emotionally in pain. Here is how to take the from the haves and give to the have nots. Keep the hatred inside the family. Keep the killing for outsiders. You'd die if you steal slaves from each other, or swear at your emotionally-corrupted parents.

But everyone else, it's A-OK to kill. Slaughter them all. Take their shit. It's what God wants you to do.

The entire Bible is like this. The Truth is as obvious as you are bright enough to see it. I don't think you need to be very bright once it's pointed out to you. I've already done the insightful work.

You just need to open your stupid eyes .

Needed? What you on about? What were stories about the insanity of deities ostensibly -needed- for, aside from terrifying imbeciles into killing human beings, of course?

Well...there's ways you can offer there which wouldn't draw attention to your superiority and his frailty or make him feel pressured to let you assist when he might have totally had everything under control. But it's also fine to wait to be asked because if someone is too corrupted they cannot even ask for help, you know. Fuck 'em.

I'd probably leave it until I was reasonably certain he could use a hand, and then I'd just ask him "Could you use a hand or you got it covered?"

Solid. He would have been momentarily awkward not wanting to impose and that's healthy also; but it shouldn't ever stop you from asking for help if you need it because humans WANT to help each other.

Religious just gets everyone fucked up with assumptions and deceit and emotional corruption and before you know it, you just can't be fucked. Fuck 'em. This happened to me. Couldn't give a fuck anymore; some pleaded with their eyes or even asked me to help them but fuck them. I was sick to death of their demented shit.

Some really damaged victims of religion will never ask for help. They'll never tell you how they'll feel or what they want you to do. They are Toddlers who just want you to KNOW how they feel, OKAY!? You're just supposed to know that when they are bitching about a problem, they're not asking for you to help them solve it. They will 'solve' it their way. They just want to you to listen to them vent, OKAY?! You're their emotional toilet. You're just supposed to know that when they say "It's over" what they really mean is "Fight harder for me."

Except for the sane people who aren't stupid enough to think they're being crafty with their demented coy; the people who actually mean what they say? They mean "It's over" when they say "It's over". And if they wanted you to degrade yourself playing their demented emotional games, they would just say "Stalk me." You see?

Girls are so demented with the exploitation imposed upon them by their mothers, it's utterly horrifying. This isn't my opinion. 95% of RAPE happens for a reason and that reason is called Religion. Most girls will never ask you for help. They will just expect you to know you're good-looking enough for them to be attracted to; in which case, of course they want your help! Duh. But if they're not interested in fucking you, of course your assistance would make you a filthy creep. Duh! None of this will be communicated to you, so of course the result is?

Sane people do nothing, and all they are left with are creeps.

If you wait to be asked for help, you almost can't go wrong unless it's a no-brainer emergency like a toddler driven over by a van. 2 years old, body crushed, still moving though. And Chinese bloggers have the nerve to suggest that those who passed her tiny body feared litigation? Something stinks. There's no logic there that I can detect.

I'm getting more and more pissed off about this because this is the Reality that happens all over the world, constantly; and everyone ignores it and the only reason this child is getting a lot of play is because you're all horrifying all of the time. And this video proves it. So people who are horrifying all of the time, are naturally horrified. No one can explain it except the people who understand perfectly what's happening.

It's called Reality. The toddler has no value to narcissists, who look at everything via projection of estimated value in relation to them. You will walk past toddlers hit by cars. You will pretend you don't see the child exploitation all around you. You couldn't care less if Mai at 14 became the victims of creeps. All you care about is your own insanity.

You like to pretend you're a good person, so these videos shock - just shock! - you. It's so sick. A pretty girl in a nightclub will be bothered by creeps 100-200 times a night, because they want to fuck her. That's her 'value' to them. The Chinese toddler? No value to assisting her. Call an ambulance? Bah. Too much effort. No value. Mai at 14? Pity she's not a little older, so you could fuck her. No value.

Three years later, toddlers would kill each other fighting over her. She'll have value in the moment, for toddlers who live in the moment. This moment? You can't be fucked. No value.

It's all about you. And ironically, the joke -of your insanity- is brutally played on you.

Yes but there are much better examples. Anything involving emotional concern for the victims of 'exploitation' that isn't remotely exploitative; like midget throwing.


Now you're coming home full circle impressively, on the horror of the unsolicited giving of Christians.

Actually, it's far sicker. Jesus died for the SINS of all humanity.

And see what they've done with their gift? Instantly asserted that humans are predestined to sin. How fucking rude!

It's a double-tap, actually. They stun you with their horror, corrupting and terrifying and insane. Every single verse in the OT. None of it real; or at least it wouldn't be, if it wasn't all imposed onto impressionable minds.

They shock you with their horror, then they take you out with the headshot.

At least you will have a chance now.

You cannot deal with the insanity, until you can see their angles.

I wager not a soul could read this post in it's entirety and walk away feeling robbed of the time they spent. Probably 95% of the time I watch a movie or (try) to watch television I shake my head incessantly and walk away always saying the same damned thing "WELL that's x amount of my life I am NOT getting back. So who's hungry?"

Scuter never disappoints, not ever (though I am probably one of a minority who take the time to read *READ* everything he writes) so just showing some love/appreciation over here.

what did your friend say when you left the congregation?

I am never playing chess with you, not ever. Poker sure, because at least I can get lucky.

He took his car back, right under my nose, and knowing full well I had planned to live in it should the need arise while I figured my life out. He literally did everything he could to completely fuck me over, including sending me the WORST most venomous and hostile text messages I've ever read. I finally wrestled a $250 check out of him, so basically for $400 he has practically a brand new car internally while the rest of it is in the same shape he had given it to me in.

=I was raped. Well, less raped, with the $250. I had to hold certain things hostage in order to coerce him to pay me, and 100% FOR SURE he wasn't giving me a PENNY if he didn't have to. Christians.....

There is an underlying message Scuter has laid within all of this, I decoded said message a while ago, perhaps someone else has figured it out? Here's a hint- children are being raped and women raped and demeaned by a self perpetuating cycle of insanity. Is it ok to just put your head in the sand and hope it all goes away?

Was it ok for our parents and grandparents to do the same thing?

When does the cycle of insanity end?


  creepy man crush was funny for a while not anymore
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Old 06-01-2012, 05:05 AM   #189
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"dont replace your old god with with the large wanged scooter god. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF SON ONLY U CAN CHNGE, CAN I GET AN AMEN?"

Amen brother, AMEN.
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Old 06-01-2012, 06:24 AM   #190
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Originally Posted by nextlevelshit View Post
Ahh true thoughtfulness. I hadn't even considered 'the church made it up bro' angle.

Though I couldn't have said it as well as Pike, I did - in fact - say it. You just missed it.

Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
You're missing the point. You brought in a demented argument (that Von Neumann's -name- somehow gave validity to a moronic thing someone claimed he said as he was dying).


Originally Posted by Apes of Wrath View Post
He took his car back, right under my nose, and knowing full well I had planned to live in it should the need arise while I figured my life out. He literally did everything he could to completely fuck me over, including sending me the WORST most venomous and hostile text messages I've ever read. I finally wrestled a $250 check out of him, so basically for $400 he has practically a brand new car internally while the rest of it is in the same shape he had given it to me in.

=I was raped. Well, less raped, with the $250. I had to hold certain things hostage in order to coerce him to pay me, and 100% FOR SURE he wasn't giving me a PENNY if he didn't have to. Christians.....

Wait I'm confused. The "all-American hero" guy who got you into Christianity was the same guy who's been in the Ghan fighting for Christianity v the Red Peril?

But yes Christian WHORES are as predictable as they are vile. I remember when I was a child and all the women of the household (so 13 or 14 years old and up) were all going out every night Flirty Fishing (paid prostitution for their pimp David Berg) and occasionally they'd bring a 'fish' back if they thought he was a "live one" (capable of being inducted into the cult). I remember these guys' faces; I was just a tiny kid but I remember thinking how pathetic they were - they were just head over heels in love.

We'd all have to be on our best behaviour of course; smiles and singing and reciting Psalms and horrifying creepy shit that would send a sane person out the door awkwardly walking backwards, but we would have charmed the pants and wallet right off a creep. Most of these guys weren't creeps of course; just pathetic. And you know Love, it's fucking insane. They would just watch everything bemused, but it was obvious they were only there for ONE reason; they would stare at that reason with doe-eyed sighing, contentedness, cringe-inducing giggling at anything anyone said that could feasibly be thought by someone - somewhere - to be funny. It was fucking tragic.

But if they didn't want to "forsake all that they hath" - literally (you have to sign over your entire net worth to the cult who would liquidate it and mail it to Jesus, who resides in a PO Box on Tenerife Is.) - they would get the door slammed in their face so hard, I would gasp. I didn't give a shit about them, but the fucking brutality would take your breath away. They knew the address of course, and they'd be in tears outside and there's literally only one thing they can say that would get them a warm word and it was something worse than suicide so very few would say it; but the fucking brutality of creeps who are being 'sweet' and 'warm' and 'loving' as part of a con...when they stop running game,

I'm sure many committed suicide.

children are being raped and women raped and demeaned by a self perpetuating cycle of insanity. Is it ok to just put your head in the sand and hope it all goes away?

Was it ok for our parents and grandparents to do the same thing?

When does the cycle of insanity end?


It's not, it wasn't but it won't - ever - end.

You don't want to get -too- worked up over it, for that reason. Not to the point of death, which is where you will find yourself if you try to bash your head against the Shrewd of Toddler vassals who couldn't care less about exploitation because they think they're crafty and one day - maybe - they'll get to exploit too!

You don't want to get -too- sociopathic over it, either. That's what the Shrewd Toddler vassals living in Western nations do.

"Look at me, I'm so carefree; so careless; so cool! I don't care about misery; I cause it with my apathy wheee! I'm too busy having the time of my life to even -listen- to my DNA or an argument appealing to my humane."

They have a tell, though. It's pretty obvious. They'll complain if you start talking about something that matters.

"Too emo, dude. You're bringing everyone down. Why can't you just be silly and fun, like the sociopath I'm pretending to be? Take that depressing shit away from me."

Sociopaths who don't care, don't care. They're impossibly convincing. They'll say something like this:

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apes brain hurts, blue jeans and turtleneck, exorcise nextlevelshit, grape a bangkok missionary, grape flirty flashes street urchins, scooter 3:16, scooter is a false idol, sprinkling salvation over apes face, what hasn't been inside tim's wife!!!

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