i'd like to hear some stories of ape playing with his roids-devestated wang in his sleeping bag while thinking of female versions of skatz posters
wasn't sexual
my wang is still 7.5 on a good day, 7.2 or so if I am forcing the action.
SOOOOOOOOOO right now on a strong androgen it's barely a fucking 5 and girls are not attractive in the least, this does not mean dude's are either. my libido is in the toilet right now. kind of sucks, but it's a trade off I am happily making. getting back in shape FAST, and BIG FAST, and I feel so good about myself it's not even funny.
real cool thing happened yesterday- at the gym (I scored a 30 day pass free from my buddy, means the world to me! i missed working out so damned much) I found a discarded but AWESOME leather padded weight belt, made for some serious poundage in comfort and safety. I am something of an expert on weight lifting shit, this belt is very hard to find and very expensive, plus it takes months to break it in.
Lady at the front desk said it's been sittin there, she said cool to take so I did. fits like A DREAM, and here's the kicker- my life and workouts have been on a downward spiral since I was 25 or so, and I could never place why.
I could only trace this back to one thing- I lost a weight lifting belt my aunt got for me on my 15th birthday (to complement the weight training bench I received on my 14th birthday) and I wore this leather belt 4-5 times a week for nearly a decade. On the inside I wrote "Mr. Olympia" in white Mean Streak (paint stick, real long lasting) when I was 16 and every day I wore the belt I used to read that over and over again, and it always brought me inner peace and motivation. I was happy.
Then one day at gold's gym in campbell I put my belt down to get a drink of water, came back and it was gone. Yes, some worthless trash stole my weight lifting belt. I tried to replace it many times with no success and lost my traction in the gym. I realize this sounds absurd but it's true.
It's almost as if what's happening RIGHT NOW is Divine Intervention. I have my belt replaced (but several notches better, more padding stronger metal brackets, it's probably worth $85 but really a lot more because of the rarity) I have a month pass to the gym (a gym I like) I have three jobs and next week I am inking a deal to potentially come on board a nutrition franchise as 1/3 owner (not a joke) so it's, like, God is talking to me, telling me I am doing what I should be doing.
Coincidence all this is happening now that I am finally clean and sober? I have no idea, but one could easily correlate the two (opportunity coming when I get clean etc) and to be frank, I have had 1-2 drinks maybe in the last month or so and I have never felt better. I NEVER drank when I was younger, up until 22 years old I had gotten drunk less than a dozen times, if even that many. Then my life went to shit, I got onto a long term narco addiction, suicidal depression, poverty etc, and it was a rut I really couldn't get out of.
I am now exiting said life rut.
Life is great, and the only thing I am worried about now is fucking this all up.
OH OH OH and dude around the corner was chatting with me this morning about selling me his 300zx tt, it's a 95 I believe with 40k miles, leather intererior super super nice and putting down 540hp. He works for nissan and the car is FLAWLESS, all nismo everything, color spiral grey with black leather and tinted windows, sick racing rims.
$4500 he said he would do since he doesn't need the car and I am in a bind. it's worth 10k EASILY, probably more due to how perfect it's been maintained. It's a dream! If I get this toyota pickup truck doing landscaping I plan to buy the car very soon, I could jizz myself right now (assuming my dick actually worked)
Woke up this morning at like 4am and had morning wood, boy wasn't that sad. Jerk jerk done and literally shouldn't have bothered, I think the uninterrupted sleep would have been more valuable.
On my way to do back, see you guys.
follow me on twitter @SweetBabyGrapes
Originally Posted by Mista Cobalina
Nat Sherman's are better than Dunhill's in every conceivable way
Quoted for Scooter. Give Nat's a try, just two packs, and I swear the next Dunhill you light up you will reflexively spit onto the ground. I literally did exactly that, as I walked back into my local head shop and exchanged the disgusting things for another pack of my beloved Nat Naturals.
car looks like this but the rims are racing rims (so not lip, though they are staggered of course) and no faggot body kit. The body just looks so- fuck it, I'll go take a picture right now. but for the time being, this is similar
follow me on twitter @SweetBabyGrapes
Originally Posted by Mista Cobalina
Nat Sherman's are better than Dunhill's in every conceivable way
Quoted for Scooter. Give Nat's a try, just two packs, and I swear the next Dunhill you light up you will reflexively spit onto the ground. I literally did exactly that, as I walked back into my local head shop and exchanged the disgusting things for another pack of my beloved Nat Naturals.
follow me on twitter @SweetBabyGrapes
Originally Posted by Mista Cobalina
Nat Sherman's are better than Dunhill's in every conceivable way
Quoted for Scooter. Give Nat's a try, just two packs, and I swear the next Dunhill you light up you will reflexively spit onto the ground. I literally did exactly that, as I walked back into my local head shop and exchanged the disgusting things for another pack of my beloved Nat Naturals.
He dropped me off at a gas station then came back to pick me up after he bought the weed. Hahaha. He had some story about hsi weed dealing cousin not wanting to meet people, especially people from "out of town". Looking back, it could have been a ruse so he could get a lil coke somehow. Don't remember what he charged me for the weed.
also are you wearing those big pants and a tanktop yet, because that would totally make the look with your 300zx and your ultra rare weight belt. probably you should save up for a bandanna too.
ape, i don't think clean and sober means what you think it means
please please do not lay the "you're just swapping addictions with the bodybuilding thing" on me....but do explain.
follow me on twitter @SweetBabyGrapes
Originally Posted by Mista Cobalina
Nat Sherman's are better than Dunhill's in every conceivable way
Quoted for Scooter. Give Nat's a try, just two packs, and I swear the next Dunhill you light up you will reflexively spit onto the ground. I literally did exactly that, as I walked back into my local head shop and exchanged the disgusting things for another pack of my beloved Nat Naturals.