I would! What you you recommend with salmon? I love a good amber micro!
i really have no fucking clue, actually, about matching drink and food because i cant cook at all.
im gonna wing it and say maybe a barley wine. which are bottled and sold as beer but usually 10% abv + so it really is a wine.
give me a little idea on what type of wine you would match with a salmon dish and maybe i can figure something out.
btw i am trying to learn how to cook by watching that one weird chick with tehe spikey blonde hair on food network. she does that half hour show. im sure it sounds crazy but i think it could work. i got one on my dvr with an awesome tbone dry rub recipe
vwls rogue is a pretty popular microbrew, nationwide afaik http://www.rogue.com/beers/american-amber.php
this is an amber ale thhat is recommended to pair with beef or seafood
in fact all these have recommended food pairings
they are not my favorite brewer by any means, but it is a good choice for someone who doesnt normally drink cfraft beer much. (personally i am all about ales lately, but mostly IPA style microbrews)
btw i am trying to learn how to cook by watching that one weird chick with tehe spikey blonde hair on food network. she does that half hour show. im sure it sounds crazy but i think it could work. i got one on my dvr with an awesome tbone dry rub recipe
vwls rogue is a pretty popular microbrew, nationwide afaik http://www.rogue.com/beers/american-amber.php
this is an amber ale thhat is recommended to pair with beef or seafood
in fact all these have recommended food pairings
they are not my favorite brewer by any means, but it is a good choice for someone who doesnt normally drink cfraft beer much. (personally i am all about ales lately, but mostly IPA style microbrews)
bon appetit
i watched her cook some beer battered fish and chips
i only watched one episode of this broad, i learned a bunch of shit that is apparently common knowledge for the cooks among us but not to me
get it straight, i dont need the hate, buster.