Op having a decade on various forums I can tell you one thing big bro- don't expect a forum to make you happy, you HAVE TO be DOWN for your home and MAKE it something.
Not knocking you, you do put up some interesting posts/threads here and there, what I am saying is that we can all do more, myself for sure (I am terrible and unreadable so says my best pal marty) but really we can all always do a little more. The success/failure of sktaz is not actually skatz responsibility, it's ours. This is just software afterall. Sites like 4 are huge because their massive userbase gives them a huge cushion to weather preriods of down time. Or controversy, like oh IDK, the owners underage looking gimp playtoy, the one he only has to fuck when 16 year old runaways aren't living with him I mean.
If you want a happening, cracking, fun, "whoa boy!" place, there are much bigger much faster forums out there. Hell my buddy has paid like $15 annually for years to post at this one site, I forget the name right now. He says it's literally the biggest internet message forum on earth or something like that and he happily pays to post there. Maybe thet gives you a good feeling, like you are 'with it' because you just posted in some thread and "WHOOOOAAAAAA that was like 1 minute ago buddy! Your shits second page news already, why are you still alive anyway?", but it's definitely not my thing.
Personally I like what people- real people- have to offer, what they have to say, their talents and what makes them unique. Guess what those huge mega forums deliver? Post after post of unfunny drivel that's flying by way too fast to even really read it much less keep track of the thousands of every day posters flying around.
What I'm getting at, you know, is that there, in a huge megaforum, you will be no one now and forever. I don't give a flying fuck how funny you are or what controversial shit you do, you will be quickly forgotten. Here's a great example
http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showth...hp?t=120921191 this went down as, for a long time, the greatest thread of all time. It has to have several million views by now, though it's been dead since 09. Malodrax, that guy is fucking funny, but now he despises the site and has gone for greener paastures, the site had moved on of course within weeks of the great thread dying off, and it's been month if not years since anyone there gave a shit. And that is the nature of those kinds of forums, yet here at skatz, posters who meant anything are revered and missed. Think about that- don't you want to go where everyone knows your name? (oh fuck that was horrible but it's true!)
Here on skatz, you are behemoth, I see you hit a thread I think of a human being, an identity, not some jumnble of letters and data. That was the issue I had with 4 (I had no clue about the weirdness at the time) I just felt like a speck in a very large cloud, I have maybe 40 posts there in 5-6 years and to be honest I hardly even browse. Same for boris for whatever reason. I look forward to a few key places because I don't just want poker talk, I want to hear Suicide King talk about poker, or whatver, I don't care to hear what 1,257 random people think about Black Friday in a thread I can't browse in under an hour, I care what Bob has to say, or Chinamaniac, or Gaysex. Do you get what I'm saying?
Also FWIW this little site has an extraordinary amount of talent, it might not be your thing but hella smart talented people often are misunderstood, that's how it goes. If you want more action and discourse here, try to level with people, find out what they like what makes them tick etc and put some effort out. Randomly posting whatever makes you happy, well that's kind of selfish, but it still might work, just not on a relatively small forum.
Bottom line though, you have to make yourself happy, these forums are a means to that end but really you should be posting/reading wherever you like. If you aren't happy here, maybe change shit up, at the same time seek out forums elsewhere and see what's what.
By the by if you like the back and forth banter you see here a lot, try getbig.com it's like the neverwinpoker of bodybuilding- because they hardly ever talk about bodybuilding. It's an uncensored forum (psh not really but supposed to be) and populated by a lot of dedicated full time posters- think creative inteliigent guys, like indiana or cth, that post a shitload all the time and fuck with people- and there's like 50 of them. Add in roughly 500 regular posters and a couple thousand part timers and throw in unintended hilarious shit and you have getbig.com. It's in my top 3 and along with skatz and a back and forth between dd and pfa.
gl to you