That UFO video is hilarious. But I fear the humour was not intended which makes it....not hilarious. And I want to believe.
I have some issues with CERN [which, considering I didn't even know what it was called until now, probably aren't really worth a Letter to the Editor]. Those issues aren't so much to do with CERN itself but more to do with the fact that idiots are everywhere - and I don't buy for one second that [if not soon, at some point] the globe will be put at risk by some scientists who arrogantly [or naively] fuck around with shit they don't know enough about which can create a disaster or even potentially gg the globe.
Those concerns pale into "meh" when compared to concerns I have over retards trying to slow down progress. Mostly I have a problem with religious retardation like bans on stem cell research - but also idiot governments killing potentially valuable research projects out of "covering their ass" irrational fears or vested interests or w/e.
I guess I figure that yes, there is a non-zero element of risk. But risk/s we must accept, because the alternative seems to be...unacceptable.
Then again, the fact that the bulk of the world's scientists are mostly dumber than I am is cause for concern. I guess it's Retardation vs Retardation and I'd rather let the experimenting retards [who have a far less chance of being retarded than the world's politicians] continue on with their experiments....than let the retards who would seek to block progress out of any one of thousands of possible retarded reasons restrict them from making that progress.
I guess a compromise could be found in having a UN-sponsored team of 'geniuses' - hopefully not hampered by vested interests beyond that of preventing disaster - assess each of these 'controversial' experiments and approve / kill as they see fit? I dunno - I find it hard to believe that retards are capable of destroying the globe, it's more what other retards do with non-retards' efforts [atom-splitting and whatnot] that is the real threat...I guess.
So we're all pretty much fucked either way anyway. And 12.21.12 is gg in some way anyway. So fuck it and experiment away, I say.
Also, fuck religious concerns of any kind. The minute any religious organisation has a problem with something, I'm pretty happy to just green-light whatever that thing is. On sheer fucking principle.
Don't want to get into 1000 word posting exchanges with you but your anti-religion arguments are so fucking adolescent and tired. I can't believe you awkwardly shoehorned those sentiments into yet another unrelated subject. Worst of all they're redundant in this environment, why not find some religious people to preach to instead?
Instead of the OP, how about Volume 1 of what you did 3 days ago? When the meltdown happened and Cobson took the reins. Accusations were made, aspersions flung, gossip abounded. What's your take on all of that? And what of the way forward?
If you were to call Tapper a Judas that would be hof.
Instead of the OP, how about Volume 1 of what you did 3 days ago? When the meltdown happened and Cobson took the reins. Accusations were made, aspersions flung, gossip abounded. What's your take on all of that? And what of the way forward?
If you were to call Tapper a Judas that would be hof.
As I've explained to a few people, I seriously have 0 problem with discussing it. Except developments have some to light which *explain* some things that seemed unexplainable, and to discuss it in detail would be extremely unfair to the other side without the right of reply. And I don't want to get into that sort of discussion even if they wished to respond [they most certainly would not, however].
I don't mean to be coy, but trying to be 'fair'...if that makes sense?
But...I have no problem with saying that my 3 real life friends who post on Boreus behaved in ways that were beyond faggot and their actions were a large part of my desire to light this shit on fire. Barely a fraction of the total reasons I had, but definitely the most important or influential.
Tapper's actions were not Judas-like at all. Judas did what he did for 30 pieces of silver and he betrayed Jesus on the sly.
Tapper's actions were blatant [drastically so] and it's highly possible I know more about his motivations for his explosion than he does. But to put forward those opinions [which were explained to me by others post-event] would be inappropriate for the public [or even for the private] domain I guess. To make such a discussion appropriate would require at the very least, informing him of such a public discussion....and potentially even his consent. To simply inform him would potentially be malicious - and he would never give his consent.