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Old 11-21-2012, 02:26 AM   #11
Bobby Wong
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this all could have been avoided if you toddlers hadnt started giving scooter positive rep
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Old 11-22-2012, 08:56 AM   #12
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by Bobby Wong View Post
this all could have been avoided if you toddlers hadnt started giving scooter positive rep

This all, meaning....?

The existence of SkatzPoker forum?

Or are you alluding to that uncomfortable feeling in your mind that you can't describe (not in so many words) but which you know is vaguely related to me and/or caused by me and/or you imagine that if I stop saying the things that make you uncomfortable then you can go back to your imagined happy place that has never existed beyond where you imagine everywhere else must feel like when you refuse to accept the Truth about why you're in Pain?

That's all you're alluding to when you say "this all", is it not? I am forced to inquire because you lack the capacity to communicate how you feel. That should have been the clue that prevented you from embarrassing your Self but what can you do? I know what you can do. You can stop being a little bitch who imagines that just because I do not respond, you've been too subtle. No, you haven't. But it's an easy mistake to make when you haven't actually said anything (not in so many words). I probably Understand more about what you're doing than you do and I'm going to illuminate it because you're perfectly wrapped up by religion and packaged by misogyny and it would just be a shame to allow you to float off into the ether of oblivious without unwrapping you to see what makes this frog 'tick'.

You were alluding to what you cannot describe for a reason as simple as you know you cannot complain about Truth but you don't like it and you know others won't like it as well. So you're effectively rallying the exploited nigger troops by alluding to the Known Threat shared by niggers who Know.

*taps nose*

I know they will know. But how will you know if they know, you know? Wrong question. Right answer. You're not interested in communicating or you'd communicate. The vague is the point of the alluding, without the vague you'd just be talking like a human being. Your interest is limited to validation; and for that you are compelled to allude for a host of reasons, each as pathetic as the last and not one of which is sane. How could you even pretend to such a lofty ideal when you lack the capacity to say what you mean or mean what you say?

That's fucking pathetic. We don't do speak that (non)language here.

Sane people say what they mean; they have that capacity. They also mean what they say because they refuse to be reduced to an emotional dependant who scratches at the source of their imagined pain whilst sucking on the teat of their rapists who poison them insane. You're a pathetic victim of domestic violence fighting those who are trying to remonstrate with the owner who is indignant because he hits the property that he owns because he owns what belongs to him. I've literally been forced to apologise in that spot; I'd mistakenly assumed incorrectly. But it's pretty hard to argue with a screaming bitch that wants to be abused so badly she will attack those who couldn't give a fuck about her even if she was attractive (she was not, but then this is a running hazard and your future interests are getting beat bad, most will never make it to the age of interest; those who are BEATING you in the queue for exclusive Use are getting in the way. It would be hilarious I imagine, if only it were less horrifying. Like a lot less. So so so much less horrifying than this world of filth which cannot say what it means because it knows it has no position but it wants to communicate its screaming regardless.

You laugh at things not half as embarrassing as what you've just done when one of your fellow insect humans embarrasses himself with his mother's exploitation; not half as pathetic as your compulsive instinct to rally the exploited troops by alluding to what you lack the capacity to describe (not in so many words).

This all...what? What is this all that is ostensibly avoidable in the hindsight that disturbs you? You seem a little disturbed. But I base on only on your babbling incapacity to make a logical or coherent argument for why you feel the way you feel. Um. Dogs can correctly diagnose your malady and communicate their prognosis more intelligibly that you can manage to express your imagined feelings. It would only take one bark or two. Here's a crazy idea. Take it on board.

Open your filthy mouth or shut the filthy thing. Make up your filthy fucking mind. You cannot run your filthy coy down the gauntlet of your incapacity to make a logical argument on one side and your desire to lash out at the source of your discomfit on the other. It's fucking indecent, that's why?! Not to mention embarrassing. Whatever corrupted consideration twists your corrupted perception. Just quieten the inane screaming. Screaming is defined by this sort of manic Needy impulse. There's no logic or reason (just desire, corrupted instincts); so you allude to what you lack the capacity to describe (not in so many words).

I can communicate. Your illiteracy precludes your capacity to either Understand writing that has value or be understood by those who do not have unfortunate experience in dealing with the kind of girl that you are. Some humans who aren't screaming little banshees value intelligent discussion over (non)expressed feelings of impossibly vague determination, known to be non-existent outside the imaginations of the emotionally abused. I don't need to allude. I don't need innuendo. I don't need Toddler support for my positions because they're not invalid. And what this means is your dumb exploited shit is redundant. You're not my filthy whore mother. Your shit is as redundant as her identical shit because I don't value the expressed positions of the emotionally insane. Not when the insane cannot justify the way they feel. And especially not when they're forced to allude to non-existent arguments.

You either address the issues raised that you believe are erroneous or you concur with their validity. Or you ignore the discussion. There is no Option D.

What are you doing trying to be a bitch? You can't choose Option D. These aren't my rules. There is no D to choose, what is this insanity. We don't do that shit here. Yes I've noticed how often you do that shit; when I say "we" I mean "people who say what they mean and mean what they say". We don't converse in harem coy, alluding to vague unmentionables as if we were filthy, prim sex slaves attempting to out-giggle each other in an attempt to stand out so that we might be Chosen by the master the next time he gets an erection.

You cannot have your cake and eat it any more than you can say something without saying it. You're not subtle when I ignore you. There is no need to do what I know you've done because my mother wasn't subtle when I ignored her alluding to her ignorance in vague terms either. You don't need to re-forward your (non)position. You haven't made a logical argument that no one is acknowledging. When you attempt to communicate your feelings, you don't say anything. I attempt to respond until I realise I'm attempting to communicate with something that cannot say what they mean or mean what they say so it's all fucking redundant is what I'm saying.

It's very hard to communicate with the insane. You're just trying to express your feelings and failing miserably because your feelings are invalid.

How can I teach basic literacy skills to those who understand perfectly well what is being said but are determined to use the pretexts of exploitation to 'rationalise' remaining enslaved to their mothers' horrifying Needy that has trapped Humanity in the gutter for 5000 years of subjugated shame?

How can I communicate to people too stupid to even want to be happy? How can I tell this sort of broken beast of burden the Truth about Happiness? How can I fucking tell the insane who create all the misery that they need to stop. I couldn't care less what they want, I no longer imagine a single one of you to be recoverable. You are damaged too violently for me. Maybe the next guy who know what to do with horror shows that Know Best how to be miserable. Here's the Truth you won't understand because you're insane.

Happiness is quite simple really. You're doing the exact opposite of what you need to do to solve the equation for Happiness. You imagine what you want is what you should need. Wrong. Dumb. Moronic. Insane. What you need is what you should want because what you need is what you require to be happy, nothing less, nothing more. Everything else is the reason you're unhappy. So from the perspective of someone who wants to be sane / happy, you really don't want all that miserable shit. It's the corruption that is X.

You + X = Happiness.

You will be the corruption that is X for as long as you don't want to be sane. You should want to be sane. I shouldn't have to point this out to you but then you are pretty batshit crazy as the above post alludes. Alluding is pure X. You are X. You want to get to the other side of the ship because X is going overboard.

Humanity is removing X from the equation. I know this for a fact because if I'm wrong there won't be an equation. Only little bitches are confused.

I think you might have confused what the old bitch was saying when she advised you to shoot yourself in the foot. I suspect you misunderstood the whore; it's an easy thing to do when they babble lies whilst Knowing Best how to exploit you. But when she said "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all", she didn't mean what you've done here. Well yes, I mean No, well you're technically following her advice and you might even be within the letter of the spirit of the law, but it's not what she meant.

She meant to shut the fuck up. You're in a really unfortunate position. A victim of misogyny without the upside. You're certainly not in the position to be alluding to what you cannot articulate.

Not in so many words! Here's two that will remain incomprehensible to you until you learn how to read Truth without imagining it could bother you.

You = Happiness.

  Gauntlet thrown down
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Old 11-22-2012, 08:58 AM   #13
Bobby Wong
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calm down bro
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Old 11-22-2012, 09:06 AM   #14
Skatz Plebeian
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
This all, meaning....?

The existence of SkatzPoker forum?

Or are you alluding to that uncomfortable feeling in your mind that you can't describe (not in so many words) but which you know is vaguely related to me and/or caused by me and/or you imagine that if I stop saying the things that make you uncomfortable then you can go back to your imagined happy place that has never existed beyond where you imagine everywhere else must feel like when you refuse to accept the Truth about why you're in Pain?

That's all you're alluding to when you say "this all", is it not? I am forced to inquire because you lack the capacity to communicate how you feel. That should have been the clue that prevented you from embarrassing your Self but what can you do? I know what you can do. You can stop being a little bitch who imagines that just because I do not respond, you've been too subtle. No, you haven't. But it's an easy mistake to make when you haven't actually said anything (not in so many words). I probably Understand more about what you're doing than you do and I'm going to illuminate it because you're perfectly wrapped up by religion and packaged by misogyny and it would just be a shame to allow you to float off into the ether of oblivious without unwrapping you to see what makes this frog 'tick'.

You were alluding to what you cannot describe for a reason as simple as you know you cannot complain about Truth but you don't like it and you know others won't like it as well. So you're effectively rallying the exploited nigger troops by alluding to the Known Threat shared by niggers who Know.

*taps nose*

I know they will know. But how will you know if they know, you know? Wrong question. Right answer. You're not interested in communicating or you'd communicate. The vague is the point of the alluding, without the vague you'd just be talking like a human being. Your interest is limited to validation; and for that you are compelled to allude for a host of reasons, each as pathetic as the last and not one of which is sane. How could you even pretend to such a lofty ideal when you lack the capacity to say what you mean or mean what you say?

That's fucking pathetic. We don't do speak that (non)language here.

Sane people say what they mean; they have that capacity. They also mean what they say because they refuse to be reduced to an emotional dependant who scratches at the source of their imagined pain whilst sucking on the teat of their rapists who poison them insane. You're a pathetic victim of domestic violence fighting those who are trying to remonstrate with the owner who is indignant because he hits the property that he owns because he owns what belongs to him. I've literally been forced to apologise in that spot; I'd mistakenly assumed incorrectly. But it's pretty hard to argue with a screaming bitch that wants to be abused so badly she will attack those who couldn't give a fuck about her even if she was attractive (she was not, but then this is a running hazard and your future interests are getting beat bad, most will never make it to the age of interest; those who are BEATING you in the queue for exclusive Use are getting in the way. It would be hilarious I imagine, if only it were less horrifying. Like a lot less. So so so much less horrifying than this world of filth which cannot say what it means because it knows it has no position but it wants to communicate its screaming regardless.

You laugh at things not half as embarrassing as what you've just done when one of your fellow insect humans embarrasses himself with his mother's exploitation; not half as pathetic as your compulsive instinct to rally the exploited troops by alluding to what you lack the capacity to describe (not in so many words).

This all...what? What is this all that is ostensibly avoidable in the hindsight that disturbs you? You seem a little disturbed. But I base on only on your babbling incapacity to make a logical or coherent argument for why you feel the way you feel. Um. Dogs can correctly diagnose your malady and communicate their prognosis more intelligibly that you can manage to express your imagined feelings. It would only take one bark or two. Here's a crazy idea. Take it on board.

Open your filthy mouth or shut the filthy thing. Make up your filthy fucking mind. You cannot run your filthy coy down the gauntlet of your incapacity to make a logical argument on one side and your desire to lash out at the source of your discomfit on the other. It's fucking indecent, that's why?! Not to mention embarrassing. Whatever corrupted consideration twists your corrupted perception. Just quieten the inane screaming. Screaming is defined by this sort of manic Needy impulse. There's no logic or reason (just desire, corrupted instincts); so you allude to what you lack the capacity to describe (not in so many words).

I can communicate. Your illiteracy precludes your capacity to either Understand writing that has value or be understood by those who do not have unfortunate experience in dealing with the kind of girl that you are. Some humans who aren't screaming little banshees value intelligent discussion over (non)expressed feelings of impossibly vague determination, known to be non-existent outside the imaginations of the emotionally abused. I don't need to allude. I don't need innuendo. I don't need Toddler support for my positions because they're not invalid. And what this means is your dumb exploited shit is redundant. You're not my filthy whore mother. Your shit is as redundant as her identical shit because I don't value the expressed positions of the emotionally insane. Not when the insane cannot justify the way they feel. And especially not when they're forced to allude to non-existent arguments.

You either address the issues raised that you believe are erroneous or you concur with their validity. Or you ignore the discussion. There is no Option D.

What are you doing trying to be a bitch? You can't choose Option D. These aren't my rules. There is no D to choose, what is this insanity. We don't do that shit here. Yes I've noticed how often you do that shit; when I say "we" I mean "people who say what they mean and mean what they say". We don't converse in harem coy, alluding to vague unmentionables as if we were filthy, prim sex slaves attempting to out-giggle each other in an attempt to stand out so that we might be Chosen by the master the next time he gets an erection.

You cannot have your cake and eat it any more than you can say something without saying it. You're not subtle when I ignore you. There is no need to do what I know you've done because my mother wasn't subtle when I ignored her alluding to her ignorance in vague terms either. You don't need to re-forward your (non)position. You haven't made a logical argument that no one is acknowledging. When you attempt to communicate your feelings, you don't say anything. I attempt to respond until I realise I'm attempting to communicate with something that cannot say what they mean or mean what they say so it's all fucking redundant is what I'm saying.

It's very hard to communicate with the insane. You're just trying to express your feelings and failing miserably because your feelings are invalid.

How can I teach basic literacy skills to those who understand perfectly well what is being said but are determined to use the pretexts of exploitation to 'rationalise' remaining enslaved to their mothers' horrifying Needy that has trapped Humanity in the gutter for 5000 years of subjugated shame?

How can I communicate to people too stupid to even want to be happy? How can I tell this sort of broken beast of burden the Truth about Happiness? How can I fucking tell the insane who create all the misery that they need to stop. I couldn't care less what they want, I no longer imagine a single one of you to be recoverable. You are damaged too violently for me. Maybe the next guy who know what to do with horror shows that Know Best how to be miserable. Here's the Truth you won't understand because you're insane.

Happiness is quite simple really. You're doing the exact opposite of what you need to do to solve the equation for Happiness. You imagine what you want is what you should need. Wrong. Dumb. Moronic. Insane. What you need is what you should want because what you need is what you require to be happy, nothing less, nothing more. Everything else is the reason you're unhappy. So from the perspective of someone who wants to be sane / happy, you really don't want all that miserable shit. It's the corruption that is X.

You + X = Happiness.

You will be the corruption that is X for as long as you don't want to be sane. You should want to be sane. I shouldn't have to point this out to you but then you are pretty batshit crazy as the above post alludes. Alluding is pure X. You are X. You want to get to the other side of the ship because X is going overboard.

Humanity is removing X from the equation. I know this for a fact because if I'm wrong there won't be an equation. Only little bitches are confused.

I think you might have confused what the old bitch was saying when she advised you to shoot yourself in the foot. I suspect you misunderstood the whore; it's an easy thing to do when they babble lies whilst Knowing Best how to exploit you. But when she said "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all", she didn't mean what you've done here. Well yes, I mean No, well you're technically following her advice and you might even be within the letter of the spirit of the law, but it's not what she meant.

She meant to shut the fuck up. You're in a really unfortunate position. A victim of misogyny without the upside. You're certainly not in the position to be alluding to what you cannot articulate.

Not in so many words! Here's two that will remain incomprehensible to you until you learn how to read Truth without imagining it could bother you.

You = Happiness.

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Old 11-22-2012, 09:11 AM   #15
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that does all seem to make sense
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Old 11-22-2012, 09:15 AM   #16
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jonny lee miller in my signature is having a tough time of reading that however
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Old 11-22-2012, 09:17 AM   #17
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or he just smelled one of his own rank farts

  not classy
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Old 11-22-2012, 09:17 AM   #18
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but thats elementary

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Old 11-24-2012, 08:29 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
roger that. that IST is a nigger forum anyway. it's full of niggers. they talk about nigger issues. swap nigger secrets. play nigger games like leveling me just cause i'm white and have a bigger wang than them.

most importantly I can neither rep nor generate rep there - a life without rep is a nigger life. not worth living.

i realise my vote doesn't count for much but i vote to kill it and ban all members there, except you and i. ofc.

where is a petty little napoleon when you need one ffs.

awww simpler times when vaughn and scooter had planned to be the last 2 men on earth together
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Old 11-25-2012, 11:57 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Hillbilly Jim View Post
awww simpler times when vaughn and scooter had planned to be the last 2 men on earth together

Misread old boy. Kill IST not the niggers.

But now you could kill them all for no loss of life.
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