Originally Posted by
I don't know who the original "he" referenced in this post is, but it is quite on spot.
Oh I changed his avatar *teehee* lets see if I can get a reponse.........
Yea I mean it's ridiculous that they can seriously be so disassociated from their Reality, that they could believe that transparency could be in the wrong.
They're 3 years old. But then if I had a 3 year old that couldn't think in terms that weren't horrifying pious when the problem was started by them, continued by them, persisted by them and as black and white as not wanting to act within the restrictions of transparency....I would get a vasectomy.
What are they waiting for? They have no leg to stand on. No position to forward. No argument to make.
They just don't like it OKAY!?
3 years old. Literally, 3 year old dimwits who imagine they even want to be 'above' the rules. Rules which were brought in for them as as much as for the screamers who couldn't help themselves. Is that is what is going on here? Are they as insane as Jewdonk / Mike? Compulsively motivated by internal trauma.
Too stupid to think 2 chess moves at a time.