can u also please update us on any recent online slots play?
Haven't been playing for two years. Had computer problems.
Originally Posted by nextlevelshit
Well crickets from scooter. Question isn't worthy. IMO Christmas transcends christianity and even though I detest the commercialization of it all, I'm still up for being all happy holidays in your face.. even giving a gift or 2 to keep up appearances.
Everything about the holiday is designed to fuck children's minds. First you have the lying, the breach of trust; for many children, it will be the first major traumatic instance where their parents' insanity is made to be apparent and they will face the terrifying implications and default into Inshallah because they have no other options.
Then there's the rewards which is so fucked up. Good v Bad, Naughty v Nice. So filthy. Children should not be incentivised to act in their own best interest; that's a pretty good way to get them not to act in their own interests when there is no treat for being sane. It screws up motive, perception, fundamental core values for life.
Then there's the insane horror of forcing children to wait for no reason for a gift. Children should not be given toys they have to wait to open. "Look, but don't touch." Why?
Then there's the nature of the toys which is just horrifying. They're not functional or productive; they're mind-sapping time-wasting slave-conditioning gender-bending (if you're a boy who wore blue and played with "boy toys" constantly, your gender was bent) junk which serve no purpose for the most part. I'm not anti-toy but they should be educational, or active or something. Playing with a doll (whether a boy doll or a girl doll) is just so creepy..
The games this creepy world makes...this girl I'm seeing has these games on her Facebook which she plays all the time.
Not one of them is educational. They're mind-numbing brain-destroying repetitive noose. Horrifying shit. It should be against the law in a sane world to make games like this, but then in a sane world there wouldn't be any patronising laws.
It results in this. Instructional Sign for the elevators in Bumrungrad Hospital. This is the Patron System at work. Dumbing everyone down because that's what patronage does.
The conditioning is out of control. People are made to be retarded by everyone who wants to exploit them. This is a horrifying world and I'm disgusted to share the same DNA with this...vermin species that that is almost exclusively preoccupied with raping its own.
They're making kawaii dumber and dumber now. They're literally breathing, sweating, sex dolls that would lie a lot more except there's hardly anything inside them to lie about so they must protect their Secrets very fiercely.
You just can't talk to them. Getting questions answered is pulling teeth. They never reveal anything but they're so shrewd and also because guys are horrifying little snivelling creeps who use information in very disturbing ways, but they cannot control a conversation or probe - it's all demented small talk.